Outsourcing BPO services

If you don’t have the resources to do all the back office processes internally, you can always choose to outsource these tasks.

In the past we have used a number of ways to outsource some of our backoffice processes – depending on how much additional resources we needed.

We have used Odesk and eLance for project based resources. These two companies are now merged into Upwork. ( https://www.upwork.com/)

For more permanent resources requirements we used a BPO service in manila: Microsourcing. ( http://www.microsourcing.com/ ) which has been aquired by Salmat.


A Google search shows a few other examples of outsourcing BPO services:



Back Office Pro takes a creative approach with its back office outsourcing services and delivers a range of services to its clients from across the globe.


It looks like this company used local offices in Manila to perform the backoffice activities


Another example of a company that targets US companies for Manila based backoffice outsourcing. This company seems to be mainly focusing on voice services.


Whether BPO is suited for your business really depends on what you want to achieve. What are your goals and how important is it to you and your clients that your resources are employed locally or not.