Ready to use prioritized ESG requirements, to:

Warrant that your design monitors ESG regulations, trends, best practices and competitors initiatives to inform ongoing ESG data management and disclosure processes and supports GHG inventory and climate risk analysis. .


    • See the future of ESG risk management unfolding in the near future.
    • Incorporate ESG matters into your risk management framework and investment process.
    • Contribute to portfolio companies management of ESG-related risks and opportunities.
    • Identify and manage material ESG-related risks and use ESG factors to create value.
    • Incorporate ESG factors into your strategy and as a part of your risk analysis.
    • Plan on integrating ESG factors and scenario analysis into your investment decision making process.
    • Contribute to taking ESG issues into account, in terms of risks and opportunities, in the companies in your portfolio.
    • Incorporate ESG issues into your own internal decision making.
    • Define value chains and production networks.
    • Approach the due diligence process with respect to ESG issues.

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