Monthly Archives: March 2013

Cloud Computing for the Enterprise

How individual cloud computing services are being independently implemented by companies in a variety of ways

It is common (in today’s world of cloud computing) to find companies utilizing individual cloud services / models like IaaS or PaaS within one particular department.  Often times, the department that is utilizing these cloud services are doing so outside of the knowledge and influence of their own IT department.  This segregation of technological resources in a business is often unintentional and could be viewed as potentially harmful in many respects.

But the segregation between IT and individual departments is often not the only problem.  There is also often an extremely wide divide between the resources and knowledge of an IT department and the analytical and decision making elements of a business.  For cloud computing, this is a major problem.  However, there are two plausible outcomes that might very well lead toward a final reconciliation of sorts between these two elements.  One, the blossoming importance of cloud computing coupled with its myriad resources for businesses will push business management(s) toward reintegrating with IT elements in new / better ways.  Two, as more and more successes and savings are garnered through the use of cloud services and applications, businesses may see it fit to create a new management element that specifically interfaces with IT and tech, but is a part of the executive chain of command so to speak.  Either way, the high level of resources and possibilities offered by cloud computing provides enterprises with many new ways of conducting their operations as well as analyzing, deploying, organizing and utilizing their data.

Technical services segregation and integration
Arguably the biggest reason to push toward fully integrating, or at least making the IT department aware that individual departments are using a la carte cloud services is security.  Let’s look at this from the perspective of the IT department, they’re working toward creating a computing environment that is efficient, performance-based and secure for users to do their work in.  Suddenly, they discover that all of their hard work is going to waste due to the fact that users in one sector have allowed full access to their private network to some outside vendor or organization unbeknownst to them.  It is impossible for an IT department to make the proper preparations for daily and emergency protocols if there are rogue elements floating around that are operating outside of their knowledge.

Before any new cloud services are established it should be imperative that these plans are first approved by the IT infrastructure that’s already in place.  In doing so, you are not only avoiding potential security mishaps that might spring up, but you are also be giving the IT department the opportunity to determine if what you need is actually the best possible option.  It is extremely likely that the IT professionals working at your company might have an even better solution based on your original idea / recommendation(s).

The ability of a proposed cloud service to keep data safe is very important, but so is its ability to offer a high level of availability as well as provide these things in a cost effective manner.  Basically, the cost of the proposed added service(s) must be weighed by both the IT and business leaders to determine if it can truly offer what is being promised in a way that is better and cheaper than the resources of the current / local infrastructure.  This is yet another reason why businesses need to establish a new organizational head that is well versed in IT / technological concerns as well as business ones.  It would also be necessary to determine how to integrate these new types of services with the present infrastructure; or to determine if such a thing is even possible in the first place.

After a cloud service or service package has been decided upon, there is an additional problem to consider.  Who is going to be in charge of this integration process, and who will ensure that cloud-based services and on-site networks are working together to meet the demands/needs of the business itself?  This is yet another reason that an official position overseeing the realms of IT / business / cloud integration must be established.  As it is, a knowledgeable IT manager should be more than capable of handling the technical tasks, but would need to form a close personal relationship with a liaison that’s a member of executive management.  Having an IT manager is simply answer to or report to this person is not a good idea and is insufficient for the scope of the integration process.  They must form a partnership where a free exchange of ideas and information can take place.  Many of the ideas that will be put forth will come from the IT department; it would then be up to the business management to decide how to best implement these ideas.  If an IT manager is simply reporting their findings, the business people won’t have a clue as to best utilize the information.

Another possible outside threat of cloud computing integration is the possibility that the cloud computing service provider(s) might merge with other elements or terminate their services permanently.  If you’ve established your computing / networking infrastructures on a system that’ deployed by a company that goes out of business or drastically alters their operating procedures; well, you can see how that might be a problem.  This kind of flub could severely interrupt the flow of business operations, perhaps in extreme cases, destroying a company by means of profit losses.  How to avoid this situation?  Make sure the service contracts include reparations / actions for these types of scenarios.  But better yet, only do business with cloud vendors that are firmly established or are affiliated with larger megalithic institutions.

For businesses, cloud computing can open doors to possibilities that will make their everyday operations much easier and more efficient.  But it could also propel them forward by means of generating new ideas or through the use of additional applications that will either save or make money in as of yet, unforeseen ways.  Once cloud computing process and management has been fully reconciled with those elements that are already in power, new avenues of business expression will open up.

Brain-computer interface technology helping those suffering from paralysis

You know what they say, “If you can’t go through something directly, it’s probably best to try going around it”.  Needless to say, that’s exactly what researchers for the TOBI project (TOols for Brain-computer Interaction) have done.  Instead of trying to connect non-respondent muscles to a patient’s brain internally (via the nervous system), they have created a method where brain activity is measured and sent to a computer, which in turn, processes it and then sends commands to various electrodes which are positioned above the muscles that are to be controlled.  In short, this amazing little system actually gives a person the ability to move a paralyzed limb using only the power of their thoughts!

In essence, this technology is created a new set of neural pathways between the brain and various muscle groups.  In other words (and as previously stated), it’s a bit like created an external nervous system / grid which is used to control specific groups of otherwise paralyzed muscles.

How does it work?  First, the patient is fitted with a mesh helmet that can read EEG waves.  That device is connected directly to a computer that basically identifies specific patterns which are related to controlling those muscles in question.  Through a little bit of concentration, the patient is able to once again move their once paralyzed limb.  However, what’s perhaps even more astonishing than the technology itself is the supplemental effect it has on the user.  You see, some patients are actually able to retain some of this perceived “reconnection”, even after the machine has been disconnected!  In other words, this technology is being heralded as perhaps the first step toward developing a universal method which might allow patients to forge new connections between their paralyzed muscles and brain.

How is this possible, you ask?  During some of the experiments in question, it was discovered that patients were able to re-grow or regenerate some nerves.  Yes, by simply undergoing some fairly intense concentration exercises, some people in the very near future might be able to recover from degenerative conditions which were once thought to be incurable and/or repair damaged nerve connections amassed during an accident.  While it’s still largely unclear and speculative at this point, it seems that there is definitive hope for those who might be suffering from conditions like ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease) or perhaps even neurodegenerative illnesses like Alzheimer’s.

Similarly, through the increased study in this field, it’s entirely possible that we might see entirely new segments of consumer devices spring forth.  For example, this same EEG – computer interface technology has also been utilized in tandem with robotic devices.  The same results were recorded in those tests as well; patients were able to physically control small robots using only the power of their thoughts to do so.  Needless to say, the potential range of applications for such a technology is staggering.  Just imagine being able to send in advanced human-thought-controlled robots to burning buildings or contaminated sites.  The increased power of the robot “avatars”, if you will, would allow this new breed of firefighter or technician to not only save more lives, but do so without risking their own in the process.  Of course that’s only the tip of the iceberg; (hint, hint) imagine what astronauts could do with this technology in space!   Furthermore, will we see a time where planetary exploration missions are manned by humans controlling robots from right here on Earth?

The fun doesn’t end there though, if this technology becomes extremely refined you might see it applied in ways that no one ever expected.  For instance, perhaps the movers and heavy lifters of the future will rely on robotics to do the hard work instead of the strength of their own backs?  Maybe we’ll see a new class of sporting events emerge with humans controlling robotic drones in a competitive fashion?  Heck, maybe this technology will eventually be assimilated with basic automobile control; meaning, your car would respond directly to your thoughts?  It could be a “Brave New World” indeed.

If you’re an IT professional, or perhaps heavily involved or interested in the tech world, this is certainly an area that’s worth pursuing opportunities in (both now and in the future).  Quite simply, it’s fairly likely that we’ll see this industry explode in terms of its popularity over the course of the coming years; this is due to the fact that there are an almost infinite number of potential applications for the technology itself.  In order to get in on “the ground floor” of this momentous opportunity, it is highly recommended that you enhance your knowledge base of the subject matter.  Arguably, one of the best ways to accomplish this is through certification and/or training.  Likewise, those who consider themselves to be burgeoning entrepreneurs should strongly consider pursuing professional development in this field, if only to super-charge their creativity in terms of potential future business prospects.

Why you should be interested in a Cloud Computing career

Sure, we’re still living in a world that’s largely controlled by what many might call “old school” technologies; like the personal computer and grid-based networking, for instance.  But we’re slowly seeing these things being replaced by their “cousins” in the cloud computing world.  You might be wondering why this might be the case; simply put, there are some really great and obvious things that cloud technology is capable of which goes far beyond what most people are even aware of.

For starters, cloud computing can be applied to nearly any situation you can think of, from the individual user to the IT needs of a giant corporation.  Secondly, the cloud can function as a sort of “quick deployment platform” for all manner of software; greatly enhancing the speed, efficiency and access to it as well.  Similarly, it is possible to save quite a lot of energy through the use of cloud computing, this is especially true of situations where there might be dozens or even hundreds of machines plugged into a network.  Moreover, there’s also the immense power that’s wielded by the cloud, its scalability being a primary contributor to its ability to tap into vast resources at a moment’s notice.

Perhaps one of the better examples of the cloud’s ability to achieve amazing things comes from the notion of how it can revolutionize business processes.  Normally when we think about IT in the workplace we’re only dealing with a bank of resources which are largely internal, on-site and completely controlled.  With the birth of cloud computing however, it is now possible for companies to get their IT resources from a 3rd party provider, even across long distances.  Similarly, it is also possible for companies to set-up or “create” their own clouds and / or use a service that allows them to manage 3rd party tools.  In short, a business can do a lot of stuff through the use of cloud computing, and it’s only going to become more obvious as the technology improves.

In a similar fashion, the cloud is also being used by businesses to find new ways to connect with and serve consumers.  Sometimes this is done by way of uniquely designed cloud apps, other times through services (free or not) which bring some specific function to users (like,etc…for example).  In terms of what cloud computing can do to improve a company’s internal operations, well, as they say “the sky’s the limit”.  In other words, the cloud can drastically improve the way you do business, regardless of what field or market you’re in.

For those who are looking to enter the IT field with a concentration in cloud computing, you should know that you’re making a very wise decision.  In fact, hiring in the area of cloud computing is on the rise, as are salaries (see this Forbes article for specific information about where the highest paying cloud salaries are).   As expected, the biggest hiring sectors for cloud technicians seem to be in:

  • IT for businesses
  • Manufacturing
  • Scientific fields
  • Information (specialized IT companies)

In fact, according to a CDW survey, one of the biggest and perhaps best groups of cloud users (and promoters) is home users of the technology.  This might come as a shock to those who are convinced that cloud computing is a strictly corporate thing, but there are literally millions upon millions of individuals out there who not only know how to use cloud products and services, but seem to be doing an even better job of promoting them.  Naturally, this is very interesting because it might signal additional opportunities or even a shift where smaller groups of people will gain more influence.  Big organizations will still “hold all the cards” so to speak, but it’s exciting to think that future cloud software development might become more accessible to a greater number of people (thanks to something like modularized design).  This would allow the scope of the cloud to expand in directions which no one could have anticipated, and perhaps at increasingly faster rates as well.

So, what do you need to secure a great career in cloud computing?  In all honesty, if you hold a solid certification in one or more cloud disciplines you could easily find employment within the field.  These types of certification programs are designed to be both efficient in their teaching methods as well as thorough (without needlessly wasting your time).  By the same token, an online cloud computing certification course is going to be infinitely cheaper than virtually any other alternative you can think of.   What’s more, most of these packages include either a test voucher and/or practice exams which closely mirror those you will be taking.  In other words, if you’re ready to secure a better future career outlook, cloud certification is definitely a step in the right direction (and there will be plenty of businesses eager to hire you as well).


Browse our selection of amazing cloud certification programs and packages now!  Click here!  

How does IT Governance fit into your typical corporate strategy?

Having a ‘well-stocked’ IT department, complete with a well trained staff and all the latest technological trinkets, is certainly something that most large businesses need.  Likewise, a solid IT sector needs to be under the near-constant watch of a knowledgeable and experienced management team if it is to properly function within the context of a larger business.  However, there is distinct difference between what qualifies as IT management and IT governance.

Arguably, the biggest IT failures of the past are directly related to inabilities to accurately enact an IT governance strategy that takes the goals of the parent business into consideration.  But before we examine this link any further, let’s define IT governance.

In a nutshell, IT governance is all about strategy; or rather, applying IT assets to specific situations or problems.  It’s also worth noting that true IT governance is something that requires the guidance of one or more individuals who are able to clearly visualize the “big picture” in terms of their company’s status, capabilities, goals and decision-making.  At its heart, IT governance is dedicated to bringing the abilities of the IT department into complete congruity with the complete strategy of an organization’s leadership.

IT management can perform their duties well (from inside the tech sphere) and still remain largely unaware and unconnected with the true ambitions and desires of the business they serve.  In other words, IT management is completely different from governance; once again, operational excellence provides no direction when it comes to implementing external strategies.  This doesn’t mean to imply that IT managers cannot participate in governance however; it might even be argued that they, along with those on the “inside track” on the business end of the spectrum, should be working alongside one another (where IT governance is concerned).

What does IT governance specifically entail?

  • Alignment – Aligning the overall IT strategy with that of the business itself (which they are a part of).
  • Value Delivery – Particular attention is paid to the potential ROI with regards to governance strategy, actions and purpose.  At the end of the day, the goal is to show shareholders the value of the IT department as a whole.
  • Risk Management – Given that IT is an investment, precautions must be taken to ensure that long-term functionality is possible.  Additionally, since most IT departments these days are carrying out increasingly important tasks and roles, their status and security must remain very high on any list of priorities.
  • Resource Management – IT governance isn’t just about diverting known resources to areas where they might be needed and/or ensuring proper maintenance of said assets, there should also be focus on resources which might be required in the future.
  • Performance Measurement – Through performance measurement it is possible to determine what’s working and what isn’t.  Likewise, PM allows one to spot potential problems that might be cropping up before they become systemic issues.

So, while IT management deals with simply maintaining an IT operation, governance seeks to direct the entire production toward ensuring participation in bringing corporate strategies to life.  Additionally, governance might also be used to guarantee that a business’ IT department is in alignment with any critical compliance issues (like Basel II or Sarbanes–Oxley, for example).

What’s the best way to create a powerful IT governance system or improve upon the one you already have?  Simply put, having specific employees explore certification for IT governance is a really good idea, and it’s a very affordable option as well.  If you are an IT professional with an inclination toward business (or perhaps you just have a lot of great ideas with regards to IT-business integration), seeking out training and certification in IT governance is going to be a really good move for you.

As corporate leaders continue to place increased focus on the abilities of IT, the demand for individuals who truly understand IT governance will continue to increase.  Furthermore, given that the technologies driving IT continue to grow and expand (as well as the overall influence of IT itself), often in unexpected ways, the importance of IT governance can only increase.  In other words, those who are pursuing IT governance typically understand that the role of IT within business is shifting and they’re positioning themselves as leaders within their field.