Every month we check where our students live – it is a wonderful game and we learn something new each month! (who would have known that ‘Wallis and Futuna’ is considered to be a country??!?)
This month we have students online participating in our on demand IT training courses from the following countries:
Afghanistan | India | Saudi Arabia |
Albania | Indonesia | Senegal |
Algernia | Ireland | Serbia |
Argentina | Islamic Republic of Iran | Singapore |
Armenia | Israel | Slovenia |
Australia | Italy | South Africa |
Austria | Jamaica | Spain |
Bahamas | Japan | Sri Lanka |
Bahrain | Jersey | Suriname |
Banbados | Jordan | Sweden |
Bangladesh | Kazakhstan | Switzerland |
Belgium | Kenya | Syrian Arab Rebuplic |
Bermuda | Kuwait | Taiwan |
Bosnia And herzegovina | Latvia | Tanzania |
Botswana | Lebanon | Thailand |
Brazil | Lithuania | Thailand |
Brunei Darussalam | Luxembourg | Timor-Leste |
Bulgaria | Macao | Trinidad and Tobago |
Cambodia | Macodonia | Turkey |
Cameroon | Malawi | Turkmenistan |
Canada | Malaysia | Uganda |
Cayman Islands | Maldives | UK |
Chile | Malta | United Arab Emirates |
China | Mayotte | Uruguay |
Colombia | Mexico | USA |
Congo | Morocco | Venezuela |
Costa Rica | Myanmar | Venezuela |
Cote D’Ivoire | Namibia | Vietnam |
Croatia | Netherlands | Wallis and Futuna |
Cuba | New Zealand | Yemen |
Czech Republic | Nicaragua | Zimbabwe |
Denmark | Nigeria | |
Dominical Republic | Norway | |
Ecuador | Oman | |
Egypt | Pakistan | |
El Salvador | Palau | |
Estonia | Palestinian Territory, Occupied | |
Ethiopia | Panama | |
Fiji | Paraguay | |
Finland | Peru | |
France | Philippines | |
Georgia | Poland | |
Germany | Portugal | |
Ghana | Puerto Rico | |
Gibraltar | Qatar | |
Greece | Republic of Korea | |
Honduras | Romania | |
Hong Kong | Russian federation | |
Hungary | Saint Lucia | |
Iceland | Zambia | |
Is your country represented in our on demand online IT training system?
We would love to have students in as many countries as possible, because it helps us achieve our BHAG to become the educator of choice for at least 25% of employers of career driven IT Professionals worldwide.