I truly am grateful that The Art of Service created these courses! You truly offer a fantastic opportunities for professional development and advancement for those of us who must pay for our own work-related education!
Here are the key elements that made you folks the top choice in ITIL® V3 training:
1. You have excellent PRE-SALES interaction. Ivanka was absolutely amazing in answering all of my questions… I had dozens. She was answering in them at o’dark-thirty in Australia. I was amazed that I would receive emails and telephonic responses from the other side of the world during times convenient for me. ABSOLUTELY OUTSTANDING PRESALES INTERACTION!
2. Once I got started, I interacted with Claire. She is truly amazing. The only time that there ever was a minimal delay in her answers was when you folks experienced a 7+ earthquake. And still, Claire responded still within your service level agreements! Claire was usually so fast that I imagined that she was constantly awake and monitoring her email.
Overall, you folks are amazing. You truly exemplify the Service in The Art of Service. Please feel free to any portion of this email on your website as a promotion for your training!
Thank you!
Joanne Boucher