Monthly Archives: February 2012

ITIL Intermediate is Perfect for IT Professionals Interested in PMP Certification (Project Management Professional)

Of the many advanced certification options out there for professionals within the IT sector, PMP and ITIL should be high on your list.  Those who are already in management positions or hope / expect to attain such a rank will undoubtedly benefit the most from PMP certification.  However, while your average IT worker might not immediately see a benefit from a seemingly esoteric area of certification, like Project Management Professional, they can gain a much greater understanding of how to become a better team member through it.

This is to say that once a larger percentage of a workforce or team become aware of the concerns, duties and processes that project leaders and managers face on a regular basis, they will (not only perhaps become more sympathetic, but also) learn how they might be able to better perform their duties as well.  In other words, PMP certification for non-project leaders and managers can be very valuable for fostering department-wide understanding (which is in many ways, fundamental to long-term success).

ITIL certification on the other hand, is becoming an intrinsic facet of modern IT work, and is also something that businesses are becoming increasingly aware of and are demanding from new and current employees.  Why the push for ITIL certification you ask?  Let’s try to think of this from the businesses’ point-of-view.   If you knew a comprehensive collection of proven processes existed which your IT department could use to deliver more stable results, forge new solutions, and generate long-term stability / security, wouldn’t you be interested too?

Additionally, it just makes logical sense that IT workers utilize the best methodologies available to establish, maintain, improve, and secure the infrastructure of their parent organization.

  WHY does business promote ITIL certification?

If you knew a comprehensive collection of proven processes existed which your IT department could use to deliver more stable results, forge new solutions, and generate long-term stability / security, wouldn’t you be interested too?

ITIL the golden ticket to career enhancement?

ITIL certification is not only a perfect companion for business interests however, it is also a “golden ticket” of sorts for IT professionals who want to create some form of upward mobility for themselves and their career.    Many companies are now purchasing multiple ITIL training / certification licenses for their employees as part of a contingency to boost productivity and securities related to their respective IT assets.

PMP certification isn’t particularly centered on IT however; in fact, it isn’t associated with any particular field at all (aside from management that is).   When you combine PMP certification with ITIL training / certification however, you gain not only a more comprehensive understanding of real-world IT Infrastructure dynamics, but also how to use / implement them with a real team of individuals.   It could be argued that only with an advanced knowledge of both ITIL and PMP fundamentals is it possible to truly take advantage of one’s resources; this would include personnel, infrastructure, and methodology.  But simply possessing the knowledge might not be enough to attract, or rather foster confidence in customers; this is of course where specific certifications can help to further emphasize ability and trustworthiness.

ITIL Intermediate and PMP make an excellent team

So, what makes ITIL Intermediate eLearning such a perfect companion for PMP certification?  Many of the available expert-level e-leaning programs for ITIL incorporate some form of advanced training for Infrastructure management (already), so it makes little sense to spend additional funds to study materials and concepts already covered (during PMP certification).  Since ITIL Intermediate principally deals with the study of solutions for specific elements of the IT service lifecycle, it doesn’t interfere with managerial concepts / training.  So, one would essentially study ITIL Intermediate to gain an understanding of the IT lifecycle, ITIL in general, and methodology; while certification in PMP would give the same person the wherewithal to more masterfully utilize the knowledge gained (from ITIL training / certification).

OK, so now that we’ve established why an ITIL Intermediate program and PMP certification make an excellent team, the question is; what are your options as far as ITIL Intermediate training and certification are concerned?  These days, the IT careerists that are “in the know” rely on ITIL e-learning to better themselves.  Why?  Because ITIL e-learning programs are extremely affordable, digitally-delivered, comprehensive, and feature top-notch course design.

The bottom line is that (with a dedicated e-learning program), you not only get more “bang for your buck”, but you also end up retaining much more of the information you study as well.  In addition to a more stream-lined approach to IT education, an ITIL Intermediate e-learning program will also more fully prepare you for eventual certification (most Art of Service e-learning certification programs for ITIL tout a pass rate of well over 80%).  The salary benefits of ITIL training have also been fully explored, with most individuals seeing their pay grades increase substantially over an extended period of time.

Regardless of whether you personally deem ITIL training to be of personal value, chances are, your employers (including future employers) certainly are.  Given this information, ITIL training is fast becoming less of an option and more of an expectation.  As previously stated, ITIL intermediate is an excellent and comprehensive companion for those IT specialists who are seeking PMP certification.  If you have yet to begin formalized study of ITIL, an ITIL Intermediate e-learning program is a great place to start (especially if PMP certification is a future likelihood).

What is Information Processing Systems

Management Information System (MIS) is a vital part of every business. Information processing systems provide companies with the needed technical support especially in financial services area. Information processing systems or information processor is a mechanical, electrical or a biological system that receives particular information and processes it into a different form. One good example of this is statistics by using algorithmic process. The information processing systems usually consist of four different basic parts: The processor, storage, output and input. These fundamental parts are also called sub-systems. Information processing systems takes information from a different object and changes that information before transmitting or passing it on to another object.

This cycle or process can be compared to what is happening in the universe. A falling rock is one good example of information processing systems. The gravitational force from our planet works as “input” in the “system” we identify as the rock. As the rock travels in a particular speed with a certain distance from the ground, the speed properties and distance are considered as a type of information that is “stored” inside the rock. While the rock falls, its distance from the earth has also changed because of its movement and the gravity of earth. Now the new position of the rock increases its speed as it falls on earth. This process and change in properties of the rock is called “output”.

This illustration, the earth and the rock are considered as the information processing system because these two objects are both changing the compositions of each other as they move. In information, if it is not processed, change will not take place at all. That is why in MIS, information processing systems is important to help companies and organizations in performing various calculations automatically.

IT Professionals Benefit from The Art of Service Cloud Computing eLearning

IT Professionals Benefit from The Art of Service Cloud Computing eLearning

The Art of Service has expanded its cloud computing educational programs, now offering eLearning modules that are perfect for the busy IT professionals. Many companies are in the process of outsourcing their cloud computing efforts, often to multiple IT professionals to handle different facets of the strategy. Because of this, it’s more important than ever that IT professionals become and stay well-educated on the latest aspects of both ITIL and cloud computing.

Cloud computing pioneer and The Art of Service CEO Ivanka Menken

IT professionals who understand that changing demands require creative solutions that are delivered on a subscription basis will benefit from the current trends.

San Jose, Calif. (PRWEB) February 09, 2012

The Art of Service has expanded its cloud computing educational programs, now offering eLearning modules that are perfect for the busy IT professionals.

Many companies are in the process of outsourcing their cloud computing efforts, often to multiple IT professionals to handle different facets of the strategy. Because of this, it’s more important than ever that IT professionals become and stay well-educated on the latest aspects of both ITILand cloud computing.

This will only increase in 2012 now that cloud computing has proven its worth to business of all sizes, and the technology is now available to make cloud computing a viable option.

IT service providers are delivering services through collaborative exchanges, which is part of the reason for the current trend in IT job growth.

The Art of Service founder and CEO Ivanka Menken says that it’s not enough for businesses to recognize the importance of cloud computing as part of their business model and plan for cloud computing deployment—they need the valuable human resources to actually implement the strategy for months and years to come.

“IT professionals who understand that changing demands require creative solutions that are delivered on a subscription basis will benefit from the current trends,” said Menken. “Because of this, they must have a broad scope of knowledge to apply to new applications and implementation.”

The world is changing. With globalization and IT advancement, the best jobs will require professionals to have the best education. U.S. unemployment rates reflect this. The latest unemployment rates from the Bureau of Labor Statistics for Americans over 25 years old: those with less than a high school degree, 13.8 percent; those with a high school degree and no college, 8.7 percent; those with some college or associate degree, 7.7 percent; and those with bachelor’s degree or higher, 4.1 percent.

The Art of Service is delivering cloud computing eLearning for IT professionals who are serious about their ongoing education and want to be part of a convenient way of gaining new knowledge to help them to stay relevant in their professional career for years to come.

The Art of Service has a comprehensive offering of education solutions geared toward the busy IT professional. AOS instructors are experienced in classroom-style delivery, boardroom-style executive coaching, on-the-job training and online virtual support for remote students.


How ITIL Intermediate Helps to Produce Experts

Experts in any field are not produced quickly.  Creating a league of proficient individuals is a concerted effort on the part of many others.  Gradual progression, in terms of difficulty of learning materials presented, is arguably the best way to set up a system of aggregated learning which is capable of feeding higher levels of accomplishment.

To put things simply; let’s imagine that all ITIL knowledge is representative of a pyramid.  The lower levels closest to the ground would be the foundation (obviously), with the middle sections comprising the various Intermediate options available for study.  Lastly, the pinnacle of the pyramid would be the expert level, which very few will embrace.  However, we must also keep in mind that the largest percentage of the “structure” as it were, in the ITIL pyramid, is owned by the Intermediate cross-section.  So, in other words, ITIL Intermediate is one of the largest and most important facets of ITIL certification itself, and it is also an integral part of the expert level training as well.

ITIL Intermediate is very different from that of ITIL Foundation in that it tends more toward reputed service management and lifecycle solutions.  Foundation training on the other hand, while critical to one’s understanding of ITIL, is more about familiarizing individuals with components and fundamental aspects (of ITIL).  In turn, ITIL Expert and Manager training programs will utilize all previous ITIL levels in order to train people for certification in this area.  Once again however, ITIL Intermediate plays a critical role in preparing students for further understanding and integration of expert level concepts.

If you have already decided to treat yourself and your career to the study of ITIL, you should be aware of the fact that many e-learning programs actually allow you use your training and certification from previously accredited areas.  What this means is that students who successfully complete an ITIL Intermediate program (and/or certification) will be able to apply their qualifications and knowledge to the pursuit of a higher level expert program at a later date.  This is an especially important feature of ITIL learning as it cuts down on redundancies, not to mention absorbing costs of various upper level programs.

But ITIL Intermediate is helping to produce experts in the field in other ways as well.  For example, as more and more professional IT personnel continue to study and implement ITIL across the board, it is quickly becoming an almost standardized feature.  This in turn, creates a drive from interested businesses and employers to seek out more IT employees who are steeped in ITIL training.

Whenever you have a population of people / workers who are essentially garnering incentives for participation in something you create a bigger demand for it, no surprise there.  In ITIL, this can manifest itself in the form of more IT managers and workers seeking out expert training.

The general idea is that the more people you have in one level of training, the higher the likelihood that greater numbers of people will seek out more advanced options.  So, in effect, modern businesses along with the “ITIL pyramid” are in fact helping to push the idea that advanced learning in the field is a great idea (if only because of the increased competition between IT personnel who might be vying for better positions within their respective organizations).

If you’re one of the many IT professionals who are currently considering ITIL training at the intermediate level (or perhaps updating your knowledge base), you should strongly consider e-learning as a solution (in lieu of any other).

Why e-learning for ITIL? 
First off, e-learning programs by their very nature are designed to accommodate the student in a number of ways.  For instance, the manner in which material is presented in a top-notche-learning program for ITIL Intermediate will greatly facilitate retention of data.

Likewise, many of these same Intermediate programs come standard with certification preparation measures which help to ensure that you are very well prepared (first time passes are very common with e-learning programs).  In addition to the educational benefits offered through e-learning, there is also the cost factor(s); the simple truth is that e-learning costs less and gives you “more bang for your buck”, so to speak.

Suffice it to say that you can’t really go wrong with an ITIL Intermediate e-learning program; not only do they prepare you for certification, they also are the most cost-effective solutions for this type of training.  Furthermore, studying ITIL Intermediate is often just the beginning, this is because Intermediate is an excellent stepping stone to expertise.  Interested?  Click here.