Monthly Archives: May 2015

Pedro Martinez Says Manny Ramirez Gave Red Sox Players Viagra During 2004 Playoffs

Pedro Martinez Says Manny Ramirez Gave Red Sox Players Viagra During 2004 Playoffs

…Last night on Late Night With Seth Meyers, Red Sox legend and upcoming Hall of Fame inductee Pedro Martinez told a few stories about the Manny Ramirez era that he included in his new book.

…In 2004, the Red Sox were down 3–0 to the Yankees in the ALCS. The team began taking “shots” before the game, and Pedro describes the “concoction” as the following:

…So, according to Pedro, the guys recruited Ellis Burks, who was in the last season of his career and not in the day’s lineup, to test the liquor and Viagra cocktail:

“It seemed like it worked,” Pedro said, and the rest of the dudes joined in on drinking Manny’s uplifting cocktail.

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…Lindsey Adler is a sports reporter for BuzzFeed News and is based in New York.

…Tagged:pedro martinez, boston red sox, manny ramirez, viagra

…Pamela Geller Planning More Events Like The One In Texas That Got Attacked

Building Online Presence – a Guide for Authors

As social media continues to evolve and new platforms are introduced, it can be daunting to identify which social networks an author should use to promote their brand and how best to engage with the community active on those channels.

By taking the time to identify, build, and engage with a community through blogging and social media, authors can discover where the conversation is happening, become an integral part of the conversation, and generate a loyal and engaged following all their own.

…As the hub of an author’s online presence, a blog should include original and timely content to establish their expertise, highlight links to all social media channels, feature prominently a way for readers to subscribe to a feed or newsletter, and include a call to action welcoming comments and opinions for each post.

…Once an author has established their blog as content hub and has been blogging consistently, it’s time to get the wheel moving with social media.

…Once an author has identified which social networks they should utilize to reach their core audience, it’s time to build more momentum in the wheel by optimizing profiles, connecting with relevant influencers, and starting to share content.

…At this point, an author should have a firm grasp of where their core audience is engaging, how to establish a robust and consistent presence on those networks, and how to be comfortable sharing content.

…By establishing a consistent and content-rich blog as your hub and giving that content and messaging momentum through the spokes of thoughtfully selected social media networks, you’ll be able to take your brand where you want to go.

…Posted by on April 6, 2015 in All, Business, Entrepreneur, Finance, Market, Marketing and Sales, Money, Small Business, Start-up, Uncategorized

…Tags: A Dog’s Purpose, Apple, apple 6, assembly, Business, CDC, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Chrome gaming, Chrome OS tablet, Chrome remote desktop, Customer, data infrastructure, definition of marketing, desalinization, developing, dia, dog heartrate, Droughts, ebol More stats, Ebola, Ebola outbreak, emails, Employment, Entrepreneur, eshoo, facebook app, facebook fan, Finance, fitness API, floating retail, fracking, Game, Game console, Gaming, Google, google ad, google ad words, Google Glass, Google Home, google keyword, google keyword tool, Google Maps, Google Play, Google Robots, Green News, Home automation, How much blood is there on your ring finger?, international marketing, IOS, IOS 8.1, isis, islamic, John Boehner, key word, key word search, keyword, keyword search, labs, lane guidance, Lawsuit, linked, LinkedIn, Market, Marketing, Marketing and Sales, marketing plans, martins beach, Money, networking, Nexus Q, Obama, Project Ara, promote, prospect, prospects, self driving car, Self-driving cars, Small business, Smartphones, Social network, solar, Start-up, Studio, terrorist, Uncategorized All Business, Uncategorized Android, Uncategorized Android runtime, Uncategorized Anti-aging research, Uncategorized Background audio and a subscription music service, Uncategorized Business, Uncategorized camera API, Uncategorized Chrome, Uncategorized Twitter, United States, Video, Video game console, Water, Wearable computing, web 2.0, West Coast Drought, Wine

… 4 Questions Experts Can Answer Without Thinking by Scott James, Greenleaf Book Group May 7, 2015This spring, I spent a lot of time at happy hours during SXSW Interactive, and while the venues changed, many things stayed the same: Smart people wearing clunky lanyards, sipping free drinks and talking about the future.

Looks like Vivo have confirmed Retina Scanner on the Vivo X5Pro

Xiaomi Mi 4 now available in Malaysia, but it doesn’t look like a great buy

… Looks like Vivo have confirmed Retina Scanner on the Vivo X5Pro

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Looks like Vivo have confirmed Retina Scanner on the Vivo X5Pro

…There have been rumours that the Vivo X5Pro will come with a fingerprint scanner under a glowing logo, and rumours of retina recognition.

…They were also one of the first companies to use a fingerprint scanner, and they were ahead of the pack with the 2K display on the Xplay 3S back in 2013 (yet it was that long ago).

…It had been rumoured that Vivo might use a retina scanner for locking the X5Pro and certain applications, and now it looks as though they have confirmed that rumour with the above image.

…In the post on their Facebook, Vivo tell us to “forget fingerprints” and that the X5Pro will let us “Enjoy the safest access to your app anytime with a glance!”.

It hasn’t been confirmed with technology Vivo will be using as there are currently a couple of options to choose from.

… Looks like Vivo have confirmed Retina Scanner on the Vivo X5Pro