Monthly Archives: February 2012

Who Should Be Studying ITIL Intermediate? (ITIL 2011 edition)

Most IT professionals who work within business-driven fields will readily agree that ITIL training/certification is fast becoming something that’s nearly compulsory, or expected.  The simple fact of the matter is that one’s daily duties and/or resume should reflect ITIL experience, if for no other reason than to remain competitive among those other groups utilizing it.   So, who should be studying ITIL 2011 Intermediate, specifically?  Well, in all honesty, all IT professionals who desire to excel in their career (as well as those who would like to safeguard themselves from becoming redundant) should be itching to jump head first into ITIL training and certification.

Often times, general IT personnel may fail to realize that their abilities and methodologies (both of which translate directly into overall efficiency and effectiveness on the job) play an integral role in the ability of the organization or business, which they service, to carry out its operations.  As with any other aspect of a business, IT is yet another component which must be budgeted, hence, there is a certain amount of expectation in terms of delivery of service.

For example, IT organizations which work as part of a retail sales business must be able to both deliver internal services to ensure daily operation, but will likely be asked to create systems for interfacing with potential consumers online.  Likewise, such an IT group would also responsible for the continuous operation and ongoing improvement of these same networks / systems, once again, to remain viable in the face of competition.  This of course is just one vague example, but it underscores why ITIL is important in the field.

What is ITIL?

You see, ITIL is essentially a collection, or reference of the best methodologies, strategies, and processes with regards to establishing and maintaining IT infrastructure(s).  So, given that ITIL is such an informational boon, it should come as no surprise that those who are involved in driving businesses would want to get involved.  In many respects, ITIL is merely a grouping of successful research findings and real-world applications.

The difference of course is that this information is free, no additional money needs to be spent investigating solutions; instead, funding can be applied directly to the solution.  However, in order to implement this crucial data, you need a qualified team of experts who are intimately familiar with the inner workings of ITIL.  In fact, many of today’s top employers are expecting to hire those who not only understand ITIL, but can use it as a stepping stone to further creative problem solving / building.

But before we can pick up the ITIL torch and begin running, we must learn to walk.  This more or less underscores why ITIL  2011 Intermediate Programs exist, which is to familiarize professionals with one or more components of the IT service lifecycle and then introduce them to specific ITIL solutions.  The knowledge gained from study in ITIL Intermediate can be directly applied to an ongoing career as well as in the development of additional means or creative measures.  What’s even better, a thorough grounding in ITIL via an Intermediate program is a perfect precursor to more advanced studies (like the Expert Pathway, which IT Professionals are often fixated with).

An individual ITIL Intermediate Program isn’t quite as demanding or rigid as the complete expert program.  However, this isn’t to say that ITIL intermediate is lax in any way; in fact, ITIL intermediate actually focuses more closely on activities that most IT professionals will be much more likely to engage in (as opposed to broad theoretical knowledge, which is more geared toward experts).  Another great thing about ITIL intermediate is that it can be treated as an initiation (after completing the Foundation level certificate) into further ITIL studies which can be carried out at a later date.  Meaning; ITIL intermediate is a cost effective learning solution which also leaves the door open for further advancement in a number of directions.

Most dedicated and modern IT training programs are delivered via an e-learning platform, and of the many which are available in the ITIL intermediate domain, you would be hard-pressed to find better than those found here.  The hallmarks of any great e-learning package(s) are found in not only its construction/organization, but also in its flexibility.  Great ITIL e-learning solutions should be accessible on any available device and should also prepare professionals for both current certification examinations as well as the problems they might face while on the job.

Any IT professionals who have yet to jump into the world of ITIL, or perhaps those who have been waiting for a reason to do just that, should strongly consider continuing after their Foundation with ITIL V3 Intermediate.  The idea isn’t to simply bolster one’s resume’, but rather to be introduced to the best processes, many of which have become industry standards among working professionals in the field.

Who should be studying ITIL Intermediate

Every serious IT professional who values their work and career should take the time to formally acknowledge and study ITIL; and doing so through an Intermediate program is simply one of the best starting places.


Disaster Recovery Plan Templates And Its Key Elements

In making disaster recovery plans, it is always wise to use a template to give it all the detailing and structure it would need. There are a lot of disaster recovery plan templates available especially online for differing needs and different types of organization.

However, it is important to keep in mind that there are certain elements which must be present in a good disaster recovery plan template. These elements are as follows.

1. Risk Analysis
A good disaster recovery plan template begins with a chunk of risk analysis. This part of the plan analyzes what risks would the organization be most likely to come across and what parts of it would also be mostly affected. Apart from the risk details, it also contains important details such as the probability status, impact, and the risk level.

2. Expenses
The template must also have a portion which would enable you to discuss the expenses and all costs which the disaster recovery plan would need to operate.

3. Duration
This part of a disaster recovery template gives people an insight on how long would the plan take before it gets fully accomplished. This part also gives the recovery team a way to be able to plan their responsibilities efficiently.

4. Writers and Managers
This part would give the plan readers the ability to evaluate if credible people are behind the recovery plan. This part also gives the details regarding the plan’s recovery team.

So if you want to have a good template for your disaster recovery plan, make sure that all of these important elements would be included in the template you choose.


What Does The Study of ITIL Intermediate Entail, And How Does This Serve ITSM in General?

ITIL and ITSM are not the same

One of the more common misnomers that people often confront is the disparity between ITIL and ITSM; this is to say that the two items are often confused for one another in a sense.   Let’s clarify, shall we?  ITIL stands for Information Technology Infrastructure Library; it is a collection of the best practices, processes, and methodologies for instituting, maintaining, or improving IT infrastructure(s).  ITSM on the other hand, stands for Information Technology Service management.  ITSM is the actual practice of establishing and delivering critical services to organizations, which is centrally focused on specific benefit to customers, for example.  Likewise, ITSM is something that actually takes advantage of, and / or uses ITIL.  So in other words, ITIL is essentially the reference and ITSM is the action(s).

Now that we’ve cleared that up, let’s examine how ITIL Intermediate training works to further reinforce ITSM (overall).  First off, one of the distinguishing characteristics of ITIL Intermediate training is its focus on the IT service lifecycle.  Incidentally, ITSM just so happens to be an amalgamation of the various processes involved in carrying out the IT service lifecycle.  In other words, through the study of ITIL Intermediate with its predisposition toward the IT service lifecycle, one can institute ITSM practices which are not only more in line with what’s proven to work well, but also meet or exceed the desires of the consumer base (in which they serve).

If we take a closer look at any ITIL Intermediate program we’ll see that it is actually broken up into various sections, with each one corresponding to certain element (or elements) of managing and/or maintaining the IT service lifecycle model:

  • SO – Service Operation
  • ST – Service Transition
  • CSI – Continual Service Improvement
  • SD – Service Design
  • SS – Service Strategy
  • PPO – Planning, Protection & Optimization
  • OSA – Operational Support & Analysis
  • RCV – Release, Control & Validation
  • SOA – Service Offerings & Agreements
  • MALC – Managing Across the Lifecycle (Comprehensive)


Areas like Service Operation, Service Transition, CSI, and Service Design are essentially focused on individual elements of ITSM and perfectly correspond with the concepts of establishing, maintaining, improving and integrating new ideas.  Components like Service Strategy, PPO, OSA, and RCV however are more practical in nature.  This is to say that these areas deal more with uncertainty than some other areas, the way in which these elements are used will depend largely upon the setup, nature, and demands of the organization which is being serviced.  SOA touches upon more specialized issues as well as the finer points of service agreements, which are becoming increasingly important.  Lastly, we have MALC, or managing across the lifecycle.  MALC is essentially a compendium of all the various points inherent to ITIL Intermediate and service management with regards to the IT lifecycle.  More often than not, those seeking training and/or certification in MALC are higher level employees with experience or initiative.

It’s also important to note that those who might be seeking expert training / certification will actually be studying a great number of areas laid out in the aforementioned bulleted list.  These components serve as a bulk cross-section of various Expert or Manager Programs in ITIL, with extra areas of study being added to round out the training level.  Given that a lot of the same materials can be found and are used in both Intermediate as well as Managing Across the Lifecycle programs; students should be aware that any Intermediate training / certification that they endure can be utilized to build up eligibility to enrol in a higher level program (should they choose to seek it at a later date, for example).


Are there any other reasons why an IT professional should take up study of ITIL Intermediate?  Rest assured, there are plenty of reasons as to why IT careerists across the board should strongly consider ITIL Intermediate training. One of the most compelling is the immediate benefits that one can expect to reap in their current career.  Remember, ITIL is merely a collection of the best proven processes; if you want to impress corporate leadership; ITIL Intermediate is a good place to start.  What you learn throughout the course of an ITIL Intermediate e-learning program will allow you to positively impact your fellow employees as well as make more informed decisions and offer up better solutions.

So, what’s so great about ITIL Intermediate with regards to ITSM?  ITIL Intermediate allows IT professionals to choose specific areas to specialize in, which gives them the freedom to not only learn how to do their job better, but also makes room for future expansion and better on-the-job problem solving.  Employers also generally love the prospect of having their IT workers educated in ITIL, this alone can lead to better employment opportunities and future promotions within existing organizations.

Choose or create your own custom ITIL Intermediate e-learning package here.


All About CCNP 642 901

If you wanted to take your IT career up a notch higher, you should definitely consider getting certified with the CCNP 642 901. This particular type of certification is all about how Cisco Internetworks which are scalable in nature can be built. Only those with advanced expertise in Cisco are usually opting to take the CCNP 642 901. This certification is also closely related with the CCDP as well as the CCIP.

The CCNP 642 901 is also a series of examinations, corroborating in detail the Cisco internetwork processes and capabilities. As such, it runs approximately 90 minutes in all. The exam is currently being offered in the English language, although some translations are known to cater to wider test taker nationalities. The exam is rather a very in depth look into one s capability when it comes to handling IP addresses and assessing routers related to making the Cisco network function.

Since it is highly technical in nature, test takers often submit themselves into various forms of exam preparations as it relates to the CCNP 642 901. Even if only IT professionals with advanced knowledge on IP addresses are expected to take such certification, the vast scope of the exams is enough to drive anybody nuts if not properly prepared for. The networks and access points related to making IP addresses fully functional are very technical and may not be used as often in the field of information technology. It is usually for this reason that boot camps catering to such certification are often very popular because of the test s difficulty.

All The Best (Customized) Training Options For ITIL Intermediate Are Right At Your Fingertips!

The benefits and perks of engaging in ITIL training and/or certification are many and have been widely explored by many involved in the IT career field.  ITIL training programs might be offered in standardized format(s), which more or less limits the options available to IT careerists who might be seeking this form of specialized training.  This is not to say that all ITIL e-learning programs are in accordance with this type of established pattern though.  For example, the Intermediate ITIL programs offered through a dedicated e-learning solutions provider like the Art of Service often give prospective students many options.  Many of these same ITIL intermediate programs will be centrally focused on specific areas of the IT lifecycle; giving IT professionals who are already employed the ability to choose options that will immediately benefit them in their daily duties.

Employers look for ITIL Intermediate training

But as we all know, ITIL training isn’t just about preparation for short-term or immediate challenges, it is also oriented toward long-term development and strategic career planning.  Because businesses across the globe are tightening and toning up their respective IT assets, greater emphasis is being placed on practices that have been shown to assist in profit generation (and security).  In other words, ITIL is one of the most useful and comprehensive collections of the best practices and methods for establishing, maintaining and improving IT infrastructure.   From the point of view of many employers, training in ITIL is a good sign that not only can certain expectations be met, but also that particular technologies can potentially be implemented (by an IT department with an intimate knowledge of ITIL).   

What is it that makes ITIL such a powerhouse resource?  Is it the way that the ITIL system itself collects, analyzes, monitors and institutes its solutions and policies?  In a word: yes.

Unlike other training / learning / reference compendiums, ITIL is not heavily bogged down with unnecessary bureaucratic means of distributing or collecting information.   In fact, anyone that can offer up information or findings to ITIL which has been proven useful and/or beneficial is free to do so.  This is to say that those responsible for deciding what goes into the ITIL make no distinction between proven methodologies based on whether they originate from academic, public, or private sources.  In ITIL, if it works, then it will likely be included in the next edition, end of story.  It is this shedding of overtly bureaucratic pathways which enable IT –centric lexicons like the ITIL to not only include any and all pertinent information, but to do so at a much faster pace.

However, this faster rate of inclusion / change in ITIL-related experimentation / research / methodology also creates the need for IT professionals to put forth a greater effort toward maintaining their knowledge base.  Most career IT workers for example might elect to explore new developments on an annual basis, while others who are more proactive might elect to seek out new findings as they become immediately available.  Once again, this is where ITIL e-learning is not only beneficial, but preferable over other forms as it often allows for the study of specific areas via specialized programs.  The end result of customized ITIL study, which is delivered digitally, is that you learn / retain more information and end up spending less capital in the process as well to do so.

 For today’s IT professional, who is more or less “on-the-go”, most of the time, there might not be a lot of time available to devote toward continuing professional development programs like ITIL; all of that changes with the introduction of e-learning to the picture.  Because quality ITIL e-learning is delivered via a digital platform and is viewable on virtually any and all devices (including PC’s, Mac’s, laptops, smartphones, and tablets) you don’t have to set aside specific times to study, you can basically study anywhere, at any time.

But ITIL e-learning isn’t just about convenience, according to many, it is actually preferable over all other forms because it creatively, thoroughly and concisely delivers the information needed in a manner that greatly assists in the learning process.  This is to say that ITIL e-learning bends to meet the student (in many ways) as opposed to the student having to change direction to meet the requirements of a secondary program which might not only be more expensive, but also create an abundance of inherent scheduling conflicts.

So, what’s the bottom line?  If you are an IT professional who has an eye on your present and future career challenges, ITIL training (and certification) should be of great importance to you.  New technologies and continuous improvements to existing ones are always emerging, anyone who might be employed within the IT sector is undoubtedly already aware of this fact.  The real question is; how many IT professionals who are aware of the inherent power of ITIL will act upon it and use it to their advantage in a career setting this year?  Will you be among them?


To see the options which are available in ITIL Intermediate e-learning, click here.