Monthly Archives: November 2012

Are we looking at a Brighter Future for BIG data practitioners?

Are we looking at a Brighter Future for BIG data practitioners?


Depending on whom you talk to, around 1.5 – 6 million (or more) new careers will be created in BIG data over the next 3 years. It is estimated that nearly 2 million of these jobs will be added in the United States, while the other 3.5 – 4 million will be dispersed around the globe.

According to Peter Sondergaard, Senior VP at Gartner:  

“By 2015, 4.4 million IT jobs globally will be created to support big data, generating 1.9 million IT jobs in the United States,”


Currently, worldwide IT spending for 2012 is on track to meet or exceed the $3.5 trillion mark. As if that wasn’t amazing enough, this figure is being projected to increase to by as much as 3%-4% next year! The point is, this is a great time to be in IT, particularly BIG data. However, it seems that there might be a slight problem; we’re facing something of a “shortfall” when it comes to qualified / certified personnel in this area.

If you’re already “knee-deep” in an IT career, you should strongly consider moving toward BIG data. Why, you ask?  Given the complex nature of BIG data management, it makes more sense for those who already have some experience with databases, storage and cloud technologies to simply “shift” to BIG data. Simply put, BIG data offers more stringent challenges than other current career paths (and perhaps bigger rewards as well). To put it another way, bringing fresh faces to the field of IT tends to be much easier than that of BIG data.  

Because we’re talking about a relatively new field here (BIG data), there are many knowledge gaps and unanswered questions. For example, technologies like Hadoop are helping us to break down analytical walls and begin extracting value from BIG data pools, but even this technology isn’t fully developed / explored (as of yet). Naturally, as we add more active careerists in the BIG data field, so will the list of potential solutions and approaches expand. But that’s a future concern; right now, we need to concentrate on making sure that we are meeting the growing demands of BIG data itself.


Before your BIG data career can begin, you’re going to need to get certified


For those with strong technical skills, creative vision and a knack for intense problem solving, BIG data should actually be considered a godsend. Without a doubt, some individuals and organizations are going to benefit greatly from the growing importance of BIG data. Currently, large corporations are looking at data pools with big dollar signs in their eyes, extremely eager to tap into the hidden value in what is quickly becoming known as new “natural resource”. Why the term natural resource? Well, the fact of the matter is that data aggregation is increasing on an exponential scale. Likewise, in accordance with Moore’s Law, the overall abilities of hardware (and perhaps even applying to software now as well) are increasing at a breakneck pace.

In other words, the tools required to handle extremely large pools of data are being developed and will eventually become more affordable. So, while the data stream continues to flow and expand, the costs associated with managing and analyzing it are shrinking; naturally, this is going to have a direct effect on the value of BIG data careers. The truth it seems is that the value of human labor in this equation might very well spike to new highs, especially given the tendency for competition in hardware manufacturing to drive down prices.

Additionally, as newer, more advanced types of analytical technologies are developed which would allow us to extract even more value from BIG data, more and more large businesses are going to jump on board. This translates directly into increased demand for skilled workers and larger salary increases for those who actually possess some degree of skill in BIG data.


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At this particular point in time it’s not necessarily a question of whether or not there will be BIG data jobs; more like, how many people are going to be first in line to take them? All of the forces and elements are in place to propel this exciting new sector of IT into the limelight. Those that are interested in BIG data are still in good shape though, because we haven’t seen a massive increase yet (so there’s still time to get in on the big “feeding frenzy”).

What function does Enterprise Architecture play for most businesses?

What function does Enterprise Architecture play for most businesses?


If you look at any problem or process from a vantage point (big picture), it’s often possible to arrive at solutions which are able to make things run much more smoothly and efficiently. When it comes to business strategy, Enterprise Architecture is something that’s created to address all concerns while simultaneously facilitating change which will improve operations on all fronts. In other words, EA (Enterprise Architecture) practitioners look at all elements of a business and then design strategies and goals that seek to improve stability, and / or spur growth.

There are 4 main components to Enterprise Architecture:

  • Effectiveness

  • Efficiency

  • Agility

  • Durability


Improvement and constancy is often needed in each of these areas for a business to take advantage of its true capabilities.  

What makes Enterprise Architecture so unique is its omniscient focus; this is to say that it isn’t simply concerned with business processes or IT resources, but everything that entails the business itself. In fact, a great deal of attention is usually paid in EA toward integrating the goals of business with that of IT; this is why many people who go devote themselves to this area usually come from an IT background. After all, as one might expect, it’s generally much easier for an IT / tech-minded individual to accumulate business knowledge than it might be for a business-minded individual to comprehend the finer points of a complex IT operation.


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Your typical Enterprise Architect will perform a variety of analysis procedures carried out on multiple fronts (as previously mentioned), both on the business side of things as well as in the more technical areas. The goal is to paint a picture of what each individual area is capable of in terms of abilities and production and then determine what their true output is (as well as how they might be affecting / influencing other sectors). To say that this is a very complex and serious task is an understatement, often times certain groups within any business are completely unaware of how their actions might be inhibiting or influencing work in other areas.

The ultimate goal is to bring a greater sense of order and purpose to the organization in any case; aligning goals and strategies. At the end of the process, the Enterprise Architect will arrive at some conclusions which will indicate any and all changes which might need to be made both inside and outside of the institution.

EA is becoming more important on a global scale as well, due to the fact that new technologies, concepts and ideas keep rolling in which businesses are eager to take advantage of. Naturally, whenever you add new components to a machine (in this case the business is the machine) you run the risk of creating malfunction or disturbances. However, if an organization has a great Enterprise Architecture program in place, they can easily and painlessly integrate new items into their overall business strategy without jeopardizing their operation(s). This ability to provide a “first contact buffer” against anything new is arguably, EA’s greatest asset from an overall business standpoint.


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If you’re looking for examples of institutions which have already implemented solid, successful Enterprise Architecture programs, then look no further than the US federal government. However, they’re not alone, many healthcare organizations as well as automobile manufacturers have also derived quite a bit of value from Enterprise Architecture. But this is just the tip of the iceberg of course, nearly any business can use employees with EA training and certification to help improve production and general efficiency. Even small to mid-sized organizations can greatly benefit from implementing even a short-term Enterprise Architecture strategy and analysis.  

Change is considered to be a constant by most businesses, and for good reason; it’s more-or-less impossible to accurately predict what’s going to happen in the short and long-term when it comes to nearly any individual component of any operation. In this way, the purpose of having an Enterprise Architecture solution on hand isn’t to react; it is to anticipate these forthcoming changes with a suitable set of strategies. As the business, tech and IT landscapes continue to become more and more volatile and complex, it’s vitally important that institutions have an EA solution available which can help to circumvent potential threats (both internal and external).

What are Brain Computer interface devices really capable of?

What are Brain – Computer interface devices really capable of ?


With mind-machine interface devices hitting the market (which are capable of astounding things that would have seemed like complete science fiction just 10 years ago) it’s hard not to wonder just what direction this technology might take. Some people fear some type of dystopian nightmare scenario where things like mind control and “thought crime” is real. While this is a valid concern, it’s really taking the best potential of the technology and attempting to creatively apply it in the most nefarious way. Simply put, we must not let our paranoid fantasies run wild; instilling unfounded fears and preventing the technology to be used for virtuous purposes is definitely not the direction we want to (collectively) take this.

For example, just imagine the potential applications for people with severe disabilities. Those who are paralyzed, suffering from ALS, or perhaps some other debilitating condition might finally be able to regain their sense of mobility. How is this possible you ask? Well, there’s already a project underway called TELESAR V, being conducted by Tachi Lab, which effectively allows a person to move and receive tactile data through a robot. The human subject is not only able to control the machine however, they are also able to receive sensory data (sensitivity to heat and touch, for example).

Basically, this technology would allow a person to live or work through their assigned “robotic avatar’, if you will. Imagine being able to deploy these types of human-controlled bots in dangerous situations (space missions, nuclear disasters, deep sea exploration, geological study of dangerous terrain, the list of potential applications is endless).

However, perhaps the most stunning use for this technology is in helping those who are severely paralyzed / immobilized to experience the world again in a natural way. This would apply to both assuming control over a robot as well as simply enabling a person to make full use of a computer, but only through the power of their mind. Going back to the “mind control” concept; if a breakthrough occurs in this realm, we might even see new approaches to treating neurological conditions and cognitive decline emerge. In other words, as researchers uncover more details about how the brain actually functions, perhaps they will be able to “reverse engineer” treatments for these types of conditions.

Aside from the potential medical and humanitarian applications for brain-computer interface technology, there is the notion of enhanced communication. That’s right; these types of devices might eventually lead to a new standard means of communicating taking hold, electronically-assisted telepathy. Essentially, you just “think” about what actions you want to take, or what your message is and your device would receive the data and respond accordingly. Imagine being able to “text” back and forth with a friend at an insane speed relying solely on commands coming straight from your brain, or perhaps having an audible conversation with someone else despite the fact that you’re not physically speaking.

Many experts and trend analysts are already predicting that this technology (if/when it ever becomes available on a consumer level) will eventually replace traditional voice command and control of devices. Soon we might find ourselves living in a futuristic society where people hardly speak at all.

On the realistic side of things, it is entirely feasible that this technology will create a new type of relationship between man and machine, however. The line between what is considered human consciousness and machine seems to be somewhat blurred (as we march toward the fabled “singularity” event). For instance, if this type of tech were to take hold, people would likely begin using their devices as if they were extensions of their own physical mind.


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While this might be a terrifying concept for some, for others, it might lead to truly incredible developments. Imagine a computing guru assuming control over an entire cloud network with all its resources, but using only the power of their mind for direction. Such an approach might allow this person to effectively enhance their overall intelligence or ability to understand complex problems. On the lighter side of things, an experienced IT professional who is adept at using this type of technology might even be able to perform their job (perhaps monitoring a very large network for functionality and security) using only the interface connection made between their mind and the network.

Regardless of how you might feel about mind – computer interface technology, you cannot deny that there are some incredible potential uses for it. Individuals with serious maladies and situations might gain a new lease on life; likewise, we might see our society develop into something truly otherworldly.

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Are we about to see a Gamification explosion?

Are we about to see a Gamification explosion?

Some really big organizations are tapping into what Gamification has to offer.  We’re not just talking about moves made to draw in customers; Gamification is actively being used to engage employees as well.

In addition to mammoth companies like Samsung, there are a number of very large businesses who are tapping into the power of their employees through Gamification. However, it’s not just large organizations with a tech focus that are applying this new approach; for example, governments (state and federal) are also jumping in and applying Gamification practices in order to boost productivity. It makes sense; after all, with the increase in terms of technical capabilities which are now available (cloud computing, big data, etc…) it’s much easier to deploy/set-up a program than ever before. While it might startle some to hear that governments are approaching their duties in a business-like fashion, it’s actually quite refreshing to know that they’re putting forth an effort to not only remove some burdens from taxpayers/citizens, but also ensuring that they’re working on becoming more efficient.

Even banks and financial institutions are jumping in with gamified offers. For instance, some credit unions are actively seeking to embolden savers by offering prizes and giveaways based on how much capital their clients are able to store away. This kind of approach not only provides a net benefit to the entire establishment, but it also helps to bring more customers through the door. Moreover, more savings and deposits in any bank means that its customers are better protected over the long-term as well and the organization itself remains solvent.    


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The Forrester Research group (which is a leading IT research and analysis organization) has also recently found new ways to approach Gamification, this time with their Blog postings. In this case, the goal is to read a number of postings in order to gain access to a gift card offer; all-in-all it’s a brilliant way to attract new audiences in the short term (and because we’re talking about an activity that cannot be completed in one sitting, they’ll likely keep on coming back).   

Small businesses are also jumping into the fray with their own Gamification projects which are mostly being deployed through social media. Virtually any sized business can engage customers through Facebook (or other sites) these days; whether it’s to simply comment and/or get involved. Gamification can also be more easily established via social media, which is great for those that don’t have an extensive background in programming or IT. There are great examples of dentists, general practitioners, and plastic surgeons (on Facebook) who are using Gamification techniques in this manner to not only engage customers with weekly questionnaires, but to also draw them in with special prizes and offers.

How does Gamification actually help in the workplace, you ask?  Well, it’s certainly no secret that “psychological factors” play an enormous role when it comes to employee productivity. The challenge lies in maintaining a certain balance in the workplace (yield vs. fun). Anyone who has worked at an organization that employs a great number of individuals in an office setting will tell you that it’s not easy to keep everyone focused and moving in the right direction on a day-to-day basis. Gamification allows one to remove the negative associations with “work”, replacing them with a looser form of interoffice camaraderie and competition.

Likewise, if there are additional incentives at stake there will always be certain employees who will go above and beyond the call of duty in order to “win” or come out on top. This approach should also motivate those on the lower end of the spectrum who are perhaps not as easily swayed. Over time, the idea of achieving more or winning the contest might become so important that it actually takes precedence over the concept of “work”. In other words, your employees might actually begin to enjoy what they’re doing and who they are working with because there is a certain level of positive reinforcement present with clear incentives.


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In many ways, Gamification has entered the picture at a time when the IT and technology sectors are literally exploding with potential. Given that there are a number of in-house Gamification apps/services on the market right now which can help virtually any business to boost employee morale and motivations, one can accurately state that there’s never been a better time to begin thinking about implementing a program. Likewise, with technologies like cloud computing available and pricing for those services falling with each passing day, it’s becoming extremely easy to execute a Gamification solution.

The 4 types of Enterprise Architecture

The 4 types of Enterprise Architecture


Wherever there is a business, some form of Enterprise Architecture exists. Sure, it might not be a formal type of idealized EA, but it is likely trying to fulfill that same role. This is because all businesses / enterprises require organization and careful planning in order to execute their goals and strategies; it’s really just common sense. However, a formalized approach to Enterprise Architecture is anything but simple, in fact, there are individuals who devote their entire careers to this end and pride themselves in their abilities to transform virtually any company into an efficient one.

What defines Enterprise Architecture, you ask?  If you can imagine that there is a business (solid, but not very well organized) with a very specific set of short and long-term goals to reach, not to mention capabilities; EA seeks to align all these elements in a way so that they can function together in an optimal manner. Needless to say, this is a very complex subject that require a lot of careful though and planning (not to mention study and knowledge of many different fields), it’s a bit like playing an involved game of chess, where each move will influence other potential strategies down the line in ways one might not expect or even readily understand. Nevertheless, there are some very solid approaches to Enterprise Architecture which are currently in use by many companies.

Here are the 4 main types of EA that are in widespread use:

The Gartner Methodology

The Open Group Architectural Framework

The Federal Enterprise Architecture

The Zachman Framework for Enterprise Architectures

The Gartner approach is radically different when compared with the other examples. It takes more of an inclusive and active approach to EA (whatever works in practice).  Bringing together the right people are the right time who have expertise in the right fields is what the Gartner methodology is really all about.

The Open Group Architectural Framework incorporates 4 individual components into its approach to EA; Application, Business, Technical and Data architectures to be precise. Each one of these individual areas helps to paint a picture of the architectural landscape so that more informed decision-making can take place.

If you were to ask many in the field of EA what the most solid approach is, they might mention our third example, the Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA).  In terms of exhibiting the widest set of considerations, the FEA is widely seen as the most comprehensive of all the methodologies.  This is because it takes advantage of the knowledge of all other approaches.

Lastly, we have the Zachman Framework for Enterprise Architectures.  What makes the Zachman Framework so special is its “catalog-like” approach to EA.  In other words, the Zachman Framework is more interested in applying its approach to each situation, organizing items according to classifications to suit the interests of all involved parties.

Each one of these approaches has its unique advantages and disadvantages, and might be applied to certain types of situations. However, there are certain issues that all businesses face that are more-or-less universal.  For example, most problems tend to emerge in the relationship that a business has with its IT department. Often times those who are in control of business operations tend to not communicate with those employed on the technical side (and vice-versa). Naturally, this is a problem because modern business is becoming increasingly reliant on technology and IT services; so if your business heads and IT gurus aren’t on speaking terms / level ground, there’s going to be some big problems. An Enterprise Architect will find ways to bridge the divide between these two groups.

However, this can be severely complicated when the IT elements of a business are failing to meet their expectations. Often times this is not due to the fault of the IT personnel, but perhaps their out-of-date equipment, software, or systems.  Likewise, it is not uncommon to find that certain IT departments are grossly under-funded when compared with other sectors of an organization. This is a problem that only EA can solve because business-minded individuals don’t often grasp how important and intricate an IT operation truly is, ergo, this is part of the reason why they often remain under-funded.    

On the other side of the coin, sometimes an IT group builds an operation that is so vast and complex that it simply cannot function in any standardized capacity. This is a bad situation because there may very well be components of more advanced systems in use that are vital, but are incapable of being separated from the costlier system that contains them. For situations like this involving specific components, an approach involving cloud computing is arguably the way to go.  

If you’re considering a career in Enterprise Architecture, you’re going to need Certification, right?  Click here for more information.