Monthly Archives: February 2015

Thirty-Nine Things You Did Not Know Concerning klog That’ll Blow Your Mind

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A linklog is a blog that is a collection of URLs (hyperlinks) that the blog’s maintainer considers interesting enough to collect.


Tumblelogs are similar to linklogs but with more media and post types.


Some Linklog software, like Linkwalla, can also be used for creating a conventional blog.

Scrum – Backlog refinement (grooming)

Backlog refinement is the ongoing process of reviewing product backlog items and checking that they are appropriately prioritised and prepared in a way that makes them clear and executable for teams once they enter sprints via the sprint planning activity. Product backlog items may be broken into multiple smaller ones, acceptance criteria may be clarified, or new preparatory work such as clarification on client needs or technical spikes may be identified.

Scrum – Backlog refinement (grooming)

Backlog refinement is not a core scrum practice but has been adopted as a way of managing the quality of backlog items entering a sprint.

Scrum – Backlog refinement (grooming)

(1st four hours) Entire team: dialog for prioritizing the Product Backlog

Scrum – Backlog refinement (grooming)

(2nd four hours) Development Team: hashing out a plan for the Sprint, resulting in the Sprint Backlog

Scrum – Product backlog

Those estimates help the Product Owner to gauge the timeline and may influence ordering of backlog items

Scrum – Product backlog

The Product Backlog and business value of each listed item is the responsibility of the Product Owner. The estimated effort to complete each backlog item is, however, determined by the Development Team. The team contributes by estimating Items and User-Stories, either in Story-points or in estimated hours.

Scrum – Sprint backlog

This is done by the Development Team asking “Can we also do this?” and adding product backlog items to the sprint backlog

Scrum – Sprint backlog

The product backlog items are broken down into tasks by the Development Team. Tasks on the sprint backlog are never assigned; rather, tasks are signed up for by the team members as needed according to the set priority and the Development Team member skills. This promotes self-organization of the Development Team, and developer buy-in.

Scrum – Sprint backlog

The sprint backlog is the property of the Development Team, and all included estimates are provided by the Development Team. Often an accompanying task board is used to see and change the state of the tasks of the current sprint, like “to do”, “in progress” and “done”.

Scrum – Sprint backlog

Once a Sprint’s Product Backlog is committed, no additional functionality can be added to the Sprint except by the team. Once a Sprint has been delivered, the Product Backlog is analyzed and reprioritized, if necessary, and the next set of functionality is selected for the next Sprint.

Backlog of unexamined patent applications

Alone, the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) is reported to have, as of 2009, a backlog of more than 700,000 patent applications.Amy Schatz, [ New Chief of Patent Office Takes Aim at a Massive Backlog], The Wall Street Journal (Online), October 10, 2009

Backlog of unexamined patent applications

According to a 2010 study by London Economics, the cost to the global economy of the delay in processing patent applications may be as much as £7.65 billion each year.[ UK and US announce action plan to reduce global patent backlogs], UKIPO, Press releases 2010, 10 March 2010

Backlog of unexamined patent applications

Since 2006, a number of collaborations, known as Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH), have been set up between various patent offices, in order to avoid the duplication of search and examination work and ultimately reducing the patent backlog.

Backlog of unexamined patent applications

While politicians are keen to reduce patent backlogs, those applying for patents can often prefer a lengthy ‘patent pending’ period.[ Patent Backlogs] UK Intellectual Property Office

MarkLogic Server

‘MarkLogic’ is an United States|American software business that makes a NoSQL database. The company has its headquarters in Silicon Valley with field offices in Washington D.C., New York, London, Frankfurt, Tokyo, and Utrecht.

MarkLogic Server – History

MarkLogic is privately held with investments from Sequoia Capital, Tenaya Capital and Northgate Capital.

MarkLogic Server – History

In 2012, MarkLogic was the vendor with the largest revenue for Hadoop/NoSQL Software or Services, with 13% of total marketshare.

MarkLogic Server – History

For the 2012 London Olympics, the BBC used MarkLogic to power its Olympic Data Services, an application that had to be built in 12 months. Given the timescales, this project would not have been achievable using a SQL database, which would have pushed the design towards more complete modeling of the data. BBC broke all traffic records during the 2-week games, 2.8 Petabytes on peak day, including more than 100m video requests.

MarkLogic Server – History

Since 1 October 2013, MarkLogic has been used to help power the U.S. government [] site.

MarkLogic Server – Technology

MarkLogic is a Document-oriented database|NoSQL document database that has evolved from its XML database roots to embrace the enterprise NoSQL label

MarkLogic Server – Technology

MarkLogic features include replication, rollback, automated failover, point-in-time recovery, backup/restore, backup to Amazon S3, JSON, can run directly on Hadoop Distributed File System, parallelized ingest, role-based security, full text search, location services, geospatial alerting, RDF triple store and SPARQL query support.

MarkLogic Server – Technology

MarkLogic Server is available under various licensing and delivery models. These were announced in October 2013:

MarkLogic Server – Technology

‘MarkLogic Developer:’ Free, full-featured version. Included API’s extend to all versions of MarkLogic. Not for production use.

MarkLogic Server – Technology

‘MarkLogic Essential Enterprise’: Full-featured Enterprise NoSQL database that includes search engine, replication, backup, high availability, recovery, fine-grained security, location services, and alerting. Semantics and advanced language packs are options. Available as perpetual license, term/yearly license or hourly on AWS.

MarkLogic Server – Technology

‘MarkLogic Global Enterprise:’ Version designed for use for large, globally distributed applications. Semantics, tiered storage, geospatial alerting and advanced language packs are options.

MarkLogic Server – Sample applications

MarkLogic’s Enterprise NoSQL database platform is widely used in publishing, government, finance and other sectors, with some hundreds of large-scale systems in production. Below are some of the organizations using MarkLogic.

MarkLogic Server – Sample applications

* Library of Congress—The largest library in the world and responsible for making its contents available for Congress and the American public uses MarkLogic to search, retrieve and display video, data and digitized documents from the Library’s collections.

MarkLogic Server – US Affordable Care Act

The Centers for Medicaid and Medicare, responsible for implementation of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) uses MarkLogic to power its database, including the Federal Data Services Hub and parts of Federally Facilitated Marketplace.

MarkLogic Server – US Affordable Care Act

The Times story did not say that MarkLogic’s software is bad but stated, CGI officials argued that it would slow work because it was too unfamiliar.[ NYT: Project Chaos Due Partly To Unorthodox Database Choice], Posted by timothy, Slashdot, 24 November 2013

MarkLogic Server – Further reading

* Zhang, Andy. Beginning Mark Logic with XQuery and MarkLogic Server. Champion Writers, Inc. 24 June 2009. ISBN 1608300153.

Scrum (management) – Product backlog

The product backlog is an ordered list of requirements that is maintained for a New product development|product. It consists of Software feature|features, Patch (computing)|bug fixes, non-functional requirements, etc.—whatever needs to be done in order to successfully deliver a viable product. The product backlog items (PBIs) are ordered by the Product Owner based on considerations like risk, business value, dependencies, date needed, etc.

Scrum (management) – Product backlog

The items added to the backlog are commonly written in story format. The product backlog is ‘What’ will be delivered, ordered into the sequence in which it should be delivered. It is open and editable by anyone, but the Product Owner is ultimately responsible for ordering the items on the backlog for the Development Team to choose.

Scrum (management) – Product backlog

These estimates help the Product Owner to gauge the timeline and may influence ordering of backlog items; for example, if the add spellcheck and add table support features have the same business value, the Product Owner may schedule earlier delivery of the one with the lower development effort (because the return on investment|ROI (Return on Investment) is higher) or the one with higher development effort (because it is more complex or riskier, and they want to retire that risk earlier)

Scrum (management) – Product backlog

The product backlog and the business value of each backlog item is the responsibility of the Product Owner. The size (i.e. estimated complexity or effort) of each backlog item is, however, determined by the Development Team, who contributes by sizing items, either in story points or in estimated hours.

Scrum (management) – Product backlog

There is a common misunderstanding that only User story|user stories are allowed in a Product Backlog. By contrast, Scrum is neutral on requirement techniques. As the Scrum Primer states,

Scrum (management) – Product backlog

Product Backlog items are articulated in any way that is clear and sustainable. Contrary to popular misunderstanding, the Product Backlog does not contain user stories; it simply contains items. Those items can be expressed as user stories, use cases, or any other requirements approach that the group finds useful. But whatever the approach, most items should focus on delivering value to customers.

Scrum (management) – Sprint backlog

Once a Sprint Backlog is committed, no additional functionality can be added to the Sprint backlog except by the team. Once a Sprint has been delivered, the Product Backlog is analyzed and reprioritized if necessary, and the next set of functionality is selected for the next Sprint.

Psion Teklogix

‘Psion Teklogix Inc.’ is the operational business of Psion, which is listed on the London Stock Exchange.

Psion Teklogix

Psion Teklogix is a global provider of solutions for mobile computing and wireless data collection. Psion Teklogix’ products and services include rugged mobile hardware, secure wireless networks, software, professional services and support programs.

Psion Teklogix

Psion Teklogix was formed in September 2000 as a result of the merger between U.K.-based Psion Enterprise division of Psion PLC, and Canadian-based Teklogix Inc.

Psion Teklogix

Psion Teklogix is headquartered in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada with additional corporate offices located in Europe, the United States, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East.

Psion Teklogix

Psion Teklogix is an ISO 9001:2000 registered company, and holds a certificate of registration from the British Standards Institution.

Psion Teklogix

In 2012 Motorola Solutions purchased Psion Teklogix for $200million []

Psion Teklogix – History

Teklogix was created in 1967 by Rod Coutts, a 1964 bachelor of applied science in electrical engineering,. together with a small group of young Canadian engineers. The company grew to specialize in empowering mobile workers with wireless data transmission and real-time data management within the logistics industry.

Psion Teklogix – History

In 2000 Psion acquired Teklogix in Canada for £240 million, and merged its business-to-business division, Psion Enterprise, with the newly acquired company. Teklogix was re-branded Psion Teklogix. This division now forms the core of Psion Plc’s business.

Psion Teklogix – History

In 2002 Psion Teklogix created a new division called Psion Software. This business developed push email solutions for Symbian smartphones, Microsoft Exchange and Lotus Notes. This business was sold to Visto (USA) in 2003.

Psion Teklogix – History

In 2004, Psion Teklogix announced its intention to dispose of the company’s remaining Symbian shareholding to Nokia, as they no longer regarded it as a core part of their strategy.

Psion Teklogix – History

Having closed or disposed of all its previous operations, Psion today comprises one operating division, Psion Teklogix.

Psion Teklogix – Psion Teklogix and Linux

In 2003–4, Psion Teklogix and its founder David Potter expressed interest in Linux as the operating system for its devices as it divested from Symbian.

Psion Teklogix – Psion Teklogix and the term Netbook

They used this trademark[ Psion netbook news release] for the Psion netBook product (discontinued in November 2003[ Psion Discontinued Products]) and more recently the NETBOOK PRO, from October 2003 onwards.[ NETBOOK PRO announcement]

Psion Teklogix – Psion Teklogix and the term Netbook

In response to the growing use of this term, on 23 December 2008 Psion Teklogix sent cease and desist letters[ Psion Cease and Desist Letter] to various parties including enthusiast website(s) demanding they no longer use the term netbook.[ jkOnTheRun][ Psion threatens netbook sites over trademarks]

Psion Teklogix – Psion Teklogix and the term Netbook

In early 2009 Intel sued Psion Teklogix (US Canada) and Psion (UK) in the Federal Court, seeking a cancellation of the trademark and an order enjoining Psion from asserting any trademark rights in the term netbook, a declarative judgement regarding their use of the term, attorneys’ fees, costs and disbursements and such other and further relief as the Court deems just and proper.[ Complaint for Injunctive Relief, Declaratory Judgment Cancellation of Federal Trademark][ Intel Wants ‘Netbook’ Trademark Canceled] The suit was settled out of court, and on June 2, 2009 Psion announced that the company was withdrawing all of its trademark registrations for the term Netbook and that Psion agreed to waive all its rights against third parties in respect of past, current or future use of the term.[ Psion, Intel settle ‘Netbook’ trademark dispute]

DNA Analysis Backlog Elimination Act

The ‘DNA Analysis Backlog Elimination Act of 2000’ (H.R. 4640, 42 U.S.C. 14135 et seq.) is a United States Act of Congress that primarily allows US states to carry out DNA analyses for use in the FBI’s Combined DNA Index System and to collect and analyse DNA samples.

DNA Analysis Backlog Elimination Act

Accordingly, Congress passed the DNA Analysis Backlog Elimination Act of 2000 (DNA Act), 42 U.S.C

Product owner – Product backlog

Items added to a backlog are commonly written in story format. The product backlog is what will be delivered, ordered into the sequence in which it should be delivered. It is open and editable by anyone, but the Product Owner is ultimately responsible for ordering the items on the backlog for the Development Team to choose.

Product owner – Product backlog

Scrum advocates that the role of Product Owner be assigned. The Product Owner is responsible for maximizing the value of the product and the work of the Development Team. The Product Owner gathers input, takes feedback and is lobbied by many people, but it will ultimately make the call on what gets built. They are also solely responsible for the management of the backlog.

Product owner – Product backlog

Typically, the product owner and the SCRUM team come together and write down everything that needs to be prioritized and this becomes content for the first sprint, which is a block of time meant for focused work on selected items that can be accommodated within a timeframe. The SCRUM product backlog is permitted to evolve as new information surfaces about the product and its customers, and so new work are tackled for next sprints.

Product owner – Product backlog

An example of knowledge acquisition could be a scrum backlog item about researching WordPress plugin libraries and making a selection.

Product owner – Managing the product backlog between product owner and scrum team

A backlog, in its simplest form, is merely a list of items to be worked on. Having well established rules about how work is added, removed and ordered helps the whole team make better decisions about how to change the product.

Product owner – Managing the product backlog between product owner and scrum team

On the SCRUM board, the team moves items from the product backlog to the sprint backlog, which is the list of items they will build

Product owner – Managing the product backlog between product owner and scrum team

Items at the top of the backlog, the items that are going to be worked on first, should be broken down into stories that are suitable for the delivery team to work on. The further down the backlog goes, the less refined the items should be. As Schwaber and Beedle put it “The lower the priority, the less detail, until you can barely make out the backlog item.”

Product owner – Managing the product backlog between product owner and scrum team

The world changes, the backlog is never finished.Pichler, Roman

Gaston Lagaffe – The mail backlog

This often builds up to a mountain-like backlog, which Gaston often attempts to dispose of in creative ways, for instance stuffing a homemade sofa with it

Delhi High Court – Backlog

As per the report released on 2006-08, Delhi High court has a long list of pending cases.The backlog is such that it would take 466 years to resolve them.In a bid to restore public trust and confidence, Delhi court spent 5 minutes per case and disposed of 94,000 cases in 2008-10.

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Which LANE Job Do You Belong In?

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Economies of scale Crew size and other operating costs for ships, trains and airplanes

Operating crew size for ships, airplanes, trains, etc., does not increase in direct proportion to capacity. (Operating crew consists of pilots, co-pilots, navigators, etc. and does not include passenger service personnel.) Many aircraft models were significantly lengthened or “stretched” to increase payload.

Economies of scale Crew size and other operating costs for ships, trains and airplanes

Many manufacturing facilities, especially those making bulk materials like chemicals, refined petroleum products, cement and paper, have labor requirements that are not greatly influenced by changes in plant capacity. This is because labor requirements of automated processes tend to be based on the complexity of the operation rather than production, and many manufacturing facilities have nearly the same basic number of processing steps and pieces of equipment, regardless of production.

AT&T Miscellaneous

AT&T (SEPTA station) – Public Transportation Station in Philadelphia, PA

JavaScript Miscellaneous

JavaScript typically relies on a run-time environment (e.g. a web browser) to provide objects and methods by which scripts can interact with the environment (e.g. a webpage DOM). It also relies on the run-time environment to provide the ability to include/import scripts (e.g. HTML