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Economies of scale Crew size and other operating costs for ships, trains and airplanes

Operating crew size for ships, airplanes, trains, etc., does not increase in direct proportion to capacity. (Operating crew consists of pilots, co-pilots, navigators, etc. and does not include passenger service personnel.) Many aircraft models were significantly lengthened or “stretched” to increase payload.

Economies of scale Crew size and other operating costs for ships, trains and airplanes

Many manufacturing facilities, especially those making bulk materials like chemicals, refined petroleum products, cement and paper, have labor requirements that are not greatly influenced by changes in plant capacity. This is because labor requirements of automated processes tend to be based on the complexity of the operation rather than production, and many manufacturing facilities have nearly the same basic number of processing steps and pieces of equipment, regardless of production.

AT&T Miscellaneous

AT&T (SEPTA station) – Public Transportation Station in Philadelphia, PA

JavaScript Miscellaneous

JavaScript typically relies on a run-time environment (e.g. a web browser) to provide objects and methods by which scripts can interact with the environment (e.g. a webpage DOM). It also relies on the run-time environment to provide the ability to include/import scripts (e.g. HTML
