Category Archives: IT Program Management
Delay in HIPAA Audit Program Doesn’t Mean You Can Take a Wait and See Approach to Risk Management
31 Legitimate Program Management Life Hacks That Have Been Explained By Experts
Program Management
Program Management Professional
Program Management Professional (PgMP) is a credential offered by Project Management Institute (PMI) As of 24 December 2009 to certify individuals as having requisite experience in program management. As of 12 September 2013, there were 973 PgMP certified individuals distributed globally.
Program Management Professional – Eligibility Requirements
The credential is obtained by documenting several years of work experience in project and program management. The eligibility requirements vary by the educational background of the applicant.
Program Management Professional – Eligibility Requirements
Document 4 years (6,000 hours) of project management and 7 years (10,500 hours) of program management experience.
Program Management Professional – Examination process
PMI will evaluate the application to determine if the applicant meets the necessary requirements for a program management professional.
Program management
:In the software industry, program management is an aspect of software product management.
Program management
‘Program management’ or ‘programme management’ is the process of managing several related projects, often with the intention of improving an organization’s performance. In practice and in its aims it is often closely related to systems engineering and industrial engineering.
Program management
According to the view that programs deliver outcomes but projects deliver outputs, program management is concerned with doing the right projects
Program management
According to Project Management Institute (PMI), The Standard for Program Management, 2nd Ed., A Program is a group of related projects managed in a coordinated manner to obtain benefits and control NOT available from managing them individually. Programs may include elements of related work outside of the scope of the discreet projects in the program… Some projects within a program can deliver useful incremental benefits to the organization before the program itself has completed.
Program management
Program management also emphasizes the coordinating and prioritizing of resources across projects, managing links between the projects and the overall costs and risks of the program.
Program management
Program management may provide a layer above the management of projects and focuses on selecting the best group of projects, defining them in terms of their objectives and providing an environment where projects can be run successfully. Program managers should not micromanage, but should leave project management to the project managers.
Program management
In public sector work in Europe, the term normally refers to multiple change projects: projects that are designed to deliver benefits to the host organization. For example, the Office of Government Commerce for the Her Majesty’s Government|UK government. An alternative to the Office of Government Commerce’s methodology for program management is that of the private sector Project Management Institute.
Program management
Many organizations only run one program at a time, a program containing all their projects. In Project Management Institute terminology, this is more likely to be a project portfolio than a program. Some larger organizations may have multiple programs each designed to deliver a range of improvements. Some organizations use the concept of Systems Engineering where others use program management.
Program management – Differences from project management
# Program management includes management of projects which, together, improve the performance of the organization. A program’s success will be measured in terms of benefits.
Program management – Differences from project management
Another view and another successful way of managing does not see any of the factors listed above as distinguishing projects from programs, but rather sees the program as being about portfolio management. On this view, program management is about selecting projects, adjusting the speed at which they run, and adjusting their scope, in order to maximize the value of the portfolio as a whole, and as economic or other external conditions change.
Program management – Differences from project management
Yet another view is that a program management is nothing more than a large, complex project, where the integration aspect of project management is more important than in smaller projects. Integration management is a key feature of the Project Management Institute’s approach to project management.
Affiliate marketing – Affiliate management and program management outsourcing
Meacham (July/August 2006), [ Going Out Is In], Revenue Magazine, published by Montgomery Research Inc, Issue 12., Page 36 OPM companies perform affiliate program management for the merchants as a service, similar to ad agency|advertising agencies promoting a brand or product as done in offline marketing.
Affiliate program – Affiliate management and program management outsourcing
Meacham (July/August 2006), [ Going Out Is In], Revenue Magazine, published by Montgomery Research Inc, Issue 12., Page 36 OPM companies perform affiliate program management for the merchants as a service, similar to the roll an ad agency|advertising agencies serves in offline marketing.
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ITIL Foundation : 05 ITIL Foundation Service Management Practices Program A 3 day….

ITIL Foundation : 05 ITIL Foundation Service Management Practices Program A 3 day….
Student Folder ITIL V3 Foundations Program V3.05 ITIL Foundation Service Management Practices Program A 3 day Introductory program for IT Service Management best practice 1 Copyright Notes: The Art of Service,, 2008 The program has been developed and accredited in accordance with guidelines provided by EXIN. Copyright The Art of Service Pty Ltd 2008 This documentation is part of the standard program material of The Art of Service Pty Ltd 1 Student Folder ITIL V3 Foundations Program Lesson 1 – Managing Expectations Your presenter — ITIL Diploma Managing Across the Lifecycle SS SD ST SO CSI Lifecycle Modules OSA PPO RCV SOA Capability Modules ITIL v2 ITIL v2 Managers Practitioner Certificate Certificate ITIL v3 Foundation Certificate in IT Service Management V3 Foundation Bridge ITIL v2 Foundation Certificate 13 OSA – Operational Support & Analysis PPO – Planning, Protection & Optimization RCV – Release, Control & Validation SOA – Service Offerings & Agreements V1/V2 Certification V2 ITIL Foundation V2-V3 Foundation Bridge V2 ITIL Practitioner Clusters: Plan & Improve Agree & Define Support & Restore Release & Control Single Practitioner programs 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 2 Credit 1.5 0.5 Holders of 12 credits or more are eligible for the V3 Managers Bridge and Managing Across the Lifecycle, leading to ITIL Diploma Certification.
ITIL Service Manager V1 ITIL Service Manager V2 ITIL Service Manager V3 ITIL Manager Bridge 17 17 5 Copyright The Art of Service Pty Ltd 2008 This documentation is part of the standard program material of The Art of Service Pty Ltd 13 Student Folder ITIL V3 Foundations Program Training & Certification ITIL v2 EXIN Certification Pathway Foundation Certificate in IT Service Management – – 3 Day Course 1 Hour Multiple Choice Exam — What Underpinning Contracts (UCs) are required with external providers in order to support the SLAs? (Maintained by Supplier Management) What Operational Level Agreements (OLAs) are required within your organization in order to support the SLAs? -3- Student Folder ITIL V3 Foundations Program V3.05 ITIL Foundation Service Management Practices Program Day 2: 1 Welcome to Day 2 “ITIL Foundation Program”. Copyright The Art of Service Pty Ltd 2008 This documentation is part of the standard program material of The Art of Service Pty Ltd 1 Student Folder ITIL V3 Foundations Program V3.05 Service Design 2 Service Design’s ultimate concern is the design of new or modified services for introduction into a production (live) environment.
It is also concerned with the design of new and modified processes required to deliver and support these services. Copyright The Art of Service Pty Ltd 2008 This documentation is part of the standard program material of The Art of Service Pty Ltd — Service Validation and Testing How would you ensure that new services meet the functional and technical requirements of your customers? -5- Student Handout ITIL V3 Foundations Program V3.05 ITIL Foundation Service Management Practices Program Day 3 1 Welcome to Day 3 “ITIL Foundation Program”.
Any questions or issues from yesterday??? Copyright The Art of Service Pty Ltd 2008 This documentation is part of the standard program material of The Art of Service Pty Ltd 1 Student Handout ITIL V3 Foundations Program V3.05 Service Operation 2 Copyright The Art of Service Pty Ltd 2008 This documentation is part of the standard program material of The Art of Service Pty Ltd — Evaluate: Improve: (SIP) Reflection: Why do you think the most practices from the ITIL framework can be applied to non-IT businesses? -7- Student Handout ITIL V3 Foundations Program ITIL Foundation Exam – 1 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 40 questions The correct answer is one of the four Only one answer per question 1 hour 26 out of 40 is a pass (65%) Closed book No notes 87 Copyright The Art of Service Pty Ltd 2008 This documentation is part of the standard program material of The Art of Service Pty Ltd 87 Student Handout ITIL V3 Foundations Program ITIL Foundation Exam – 2 ? ? Read the question CAREFULLY At this level of exam the obvious answer is often the correct answer (if you have read the question carefully!!) Beware of being mislead by the preliminary text for the question If you think there should be another choice that would be the right answer, then you have to choose the “most right” 88 ? ? Copyright The Art of Service Pty Ltd 2008 This documentation is part of the standard program material of The Art of Service Pty Ltd 88 Student Handout ITIL V3 Foundations Program
Read more about ITIL Foundation : 05 ITIL Foundation Service Management Practices Program A 3 day….:
Accredited ITIL Foundation, Intermediate and Expert Certifications
Accredited ITIL Foundation, Intermediate and Expert Certifications, Learn more about ITIL HERE:
ITIL : Perhaps the most widely known Service Management program of learning….
ITIL : Perhaps the most widely known Service Management program of learning….
Distance Education is often a mid-career initiative for many people in the workforce as they seek an elusive sea-change.
Having developed from traditional paper based correspondence course, to sophisticated delivery utilizing the internet – distance education is here to stay.
Distance education – Is it for me? Some people simply don’t learn well using the internet or electronic delivery.
These people must weigh up these benefits against the typical savings that can be realized from an electronic course.
Distance education – so much to choose from There are a growing number of vendors offering an ever increasing number of courses.
My advice is to do your homework before selecting a vendor and a program.
Look in the industry for people that have taken the program, via Distance Education and the qualification they received.
One of the most rapidly expanding areas involves Management training.
Of particular interest is Service Management.
Perhaps the most widely known Service Management program of learning is based around a framework known as ITIL.
If the area of Service Management is of interest to you, then one of the best places to start is the itilcollege ( HYPERLINK “”
Itilcollege offers a variety of programs in the Service Management and ITIL area.
Read more about ITIL:
Accredited ITIL Foundation, Intermediate and Expert Certifications