Category Archives: Emerging Trends and Technologies
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Updated And Upgraded Effectiveness
Sales Effectiveness
Sales effectiveness refers to the ability of a company’s sales professionals to “win” at each stage of the customer’s buying process, and ultimately earn the business on the right terms and in the right timeframe.
Sales Effectiveness
Improving sales effectiveness is not just a sales function issue; it’s a company issue, as it requires deep collaboration between sales and marketing to understand what’s working and not working, and continuous improvement of the knowledge, messages, skills, and strategies that sales people apply as they work sales opportunities.
Sales Effectiveness
Sales effectiveness has historically been used to describe a category of technologies and consulting services aimed at helping companies improve their sales results.
Sales Effectiveness
Many companies are creating sales effectiveness functions and have even given people titles such as VP of Sales Effectiveness.
Sales Effectiveness
“By analyzing sales force performance, managers can make changes to optimize sales going forward. Toward that end, there are many ways to gauge the performance of individual salespeople and of the sales force as a whole, in addition to total annual sales.” In a survey of nearly 200 senior marketing managers, 54 percent responded that they found the “sales force effectiveness” metric very useful.
Sales Effectiveness Purpose
The purpose of sales force effectiveness metrics is “to measure the performance of a sales force and of individual salespeople.” “When analyzing the performance of a salesperson, a number of metrics can be compared. These can reveal more about the salesperson than can be gauged by his or her total sales.”
Sales Effectiveness Construction
An authoritative source lists the following ratios as useful in assessing the relative effectiveness of sales personnel.
Sales Effectiveness Construction
Sales ($) / Potential Accounts (#)
Sales Effectiveness Construction
Sales ($) / Active Accounts (#)
Sales Effectiveness Construction
Sales ($) / Buying Power ($)
Sales Effectiveness Construction
The sales per active account metric provides a useful indicator of a salesperson’s effectiveness in maximizing the value of existing customers
Sales Effectiveness Methodologies
Benchmarking is a methodology used to evaluate the sales effectiveness of an organization. A comprehensive survey of 6,800 frontline sales people was conducted in the past by The Blackdot which identified that a well defined organizational sales process is the key driver for sales performance.
Sales Effectiveness Methodologies
The benchmark study also identified 5 distinctive groups of people existing in every organization:
Sales Effectiveness Methodologies
True believers – Has great adherence towards the sales process and believes its enabling powers
Sales Effectiveness Methodologies
Compliants – Follows the sales process but do not believe it as enabling
Sales Effectiveness Methodologies
Mavericks – Recognizes that a well defined sales process exists, but choose to follow their own processes
Sales Effectiveness Methodologies
Self Reliants – Does not know that a defined sales process exists and needs to work it out themselves
Sales Effectiveness Methodologies
Clueless – The remaining group who confesses that they do not know of any sales process and do not believe it as enabling.
Sales Effectiveness Methodologies
No sales force effectiveness methodologies have been independently audited by the Marketing Accountability Standards Board (MASB) according to MMAP (Marketing Metric Audit Protocol).
Clinical governance Clinical effectiveness
In the modern health service, clinical practice needs to be refined in the light of emerging evidence of effectiveness but also has to consider aspects of efficiency and safety from the perspective of the individual patient and carers in the wider community.
Astroturfing – Effectiveness
A study published in the Journal of Business Ethics examined the effects of websites operated by front groups on students
Branded content – Effectiveness
Producing branded content has become an extremely effective tool for advertisers in this day and age
Branded content – Effectiveness
In 2003, the Branded Content Marketing Association was formed in order to endorse branded content to a wider, international audience
Branded content – Effectiveness
Online Publishers Association’s President Pam Horan concluded, “In nearly every category measured, ad effectiveness scores on branded content sites were numerically higher than on the web in general, on portals or on ad networks
Branded content – Effectiveness
Overall, branded content has the power to help enrich a company’s ability in incorporating product placement in their entertainment, which results in an enhanced company and product image, an improved retail presence, better consumer relationship, and boost sales.
Attack ad – Effectiveness
Studies claim that 82% of Americans dislike attack ads, and 53% believe that the “ethics and values” of election campaigns have worsened since 1985
Attack ad – Effectiveness
Political operatives, however, have found attack ads to be useful, and social psychologists claim that negative information has a tendency “to be more influential than equally extreme or equally likely positive information.” University of Toronto professor Scott Hawkins “suggests that even a mention in the media that a candidate or party is planning to run negative advertisements can be beneficial, since it plants seeds of doubt in the voter’s mind, especially early in the campaign when voters tend to be less involved
Attack ad – Effectiveness
In the United States, researchers have consistently found that negative advertising has positive effects
Do Not Track – Effectiveness
There are no legal or technological requirements for its use
Publicity – Effectiveness of Publicity
The theory, Any press is good press, has been coined to describe situations where bad behaviour by people involved with an organization or brand has actually resulted in positive results, due to the fame and press coverage accrued by such events.
Publicity – Effectiveness of Publicity
One example would be the Australian Tourism Board’s “So where the bloody hell are you?” advertising campaign that was initially banned in the UK, but the amount of publicity this generated resulted in the official website for the campaign being swamped with requests to see the banned ad.
Publicity – Effectiveness of Publicity
The popular sitcom, Married… with Children, achieved skyrocketing ratings after activist Terry Rakolta petitioned sponsors to withdraw their support from the program.
Product placement – The effectiveness of product placements
It has been found that product placements are effective in getting people to buy or choose products. As mentioned previously, a group of children watched a clip of the movie Home Alone, which featured Pepsi. After watching the movie, the children were given the choice of Pepsi or Coke. 67% of children who had just watched the movie chose Pepsi whereas only 42% of the children who did not see a clip with Pepsi chose Pepsi.
Product placement – The effectiveness of product placements
Product placements may be so effective because viewers and consumers are all trying to reach an ideal self and while trying to achieve this ideal self they indulge into the stories that the product placements tell
Product placement – The effectiveness of product placements
Brand placements can be more effective than advertisements. It has been indicated that people like brand placements on the radio more than regular radio commercials. They also thought that brand placements on the radio were more legitimate than commercials. Although this study was done with radio, it is likely that these findings may also apply to film.
Product placement – Measuring effectiveness
Quantification methods track brand integrations, with both basic quantitative and more demonstrative qualitative systems used to determine the cost and effective media value of a placement
Aerial advertising – Effectiveness
Modern proponents of aerial advertising hold the position that it is an extremely cost-effective method to reach otherwise isolated pockets of consumers (such as people stuck in rush-hour traffic, or at the beach, where advertising tends to be limited)
Aerial advertising – Effectiveness
Detractors of aerial advertising maintain it has a highly limited and ineffective scope in the age of the internet
Aerial advertising – Effectiveness
Studies by advertisers have shown that mobile billboards carried by aircraft have a limited local exposure but a high consumer recall and retention rate— in other words, customers who see the ad tend to recall the message or product being displayed at a higher rate than with most other forms of advertising, but the region where the advertisement is displayed is limited to the flight path of the aircraft
Industrial and organizational psychology – Team effectiveness
Organizations support the use of teams, because teams can accomplish a much greater amount of work in a short period of time than can be accomplished by an individual contributor, and because the collective results of a group of contributors can produce higher quality deliverables. Five elements that are contributors to team effectiveness include: (1) team composition, (2) task design, (3) organizational resources, (4) team rewards, and (5) team goals.
Mobile billboard – Effectiveness
Industry analysts, researchers and trade representatives have researched the effectiveness of mobile billboards
Infomercial – Research on effectiveness
Consumer age and product type also influenced perceived effectiveness.
ISO 9000 – Effectiveness
The debate on the effectiveness of ISO 9000 commonly centers on the following questions:
ISO 9000 – Effectiveness
Are the quality principles in ISO 9001:2000 of value? (Note that the version date is important; in the 2000 version ISO attempted to address many concerns and criticisms of ISO 9000:1994).
ISO 9000 – Effectiveness
Does it help to implement an ISO 9001:2000-compliant quality management system?
ISO 9000 – Effectiveness
Effectiveness of the ISO system being implemented depends on a number of factors, the most significant of which are:
ISO 9000 – Effectiveness
Commitment of senior management to monitor, control, and improve quality. Organizations that implement an ISO system without this desire and commitment often take the cheapest road to get a certificate on the wall and ignore problem areas uncovered in the audits.
ISO 9000 – Effectiveness
How well the ISO system integrates into current business practices. Many organizations that implement ISO try to make their system fit into a cookie-cutter quality manual instead of creating a manual that documents existing practices and only adds new processes to meet the ISO standard when necessary.
ISO 9000 – Effectiveness
How well the ISO system focuses on improving the customer experience
ISO 9000 – Effectiveness
How well the auditor finds and communicates areas of improvement
Effectiveness is the capability of producing a desired result. When something is deemed effective, it means it has an intended or expected outcome, or produces a deep, vivid impression.
Effectiveness – Etymology
The origin of the word “effective” stems from the Latin word effect?vus, which means creative, productive or effective. It surfaced in Middle English between 1300-1400 A.D.
Effectiveness – Usage
In mathematics, effective is sometimes used as a synonym of algorithmically computable.
Effectiveness – Usage
In physics, an effective theory is, similar to a phenomenological theory, a framework intended to explain certain (observed) effects without the claim that the theory correctly models the underlying (unobserved) processes.
Effectiveness – Usage
In heat transfer, effectiveness is a measure of the performance of a heat exchanger when using the NTU method.
Effectiveness – Usage
In medicine, effectiveness relates to how well a treatment works in practice, as opposed to efficacy, which measures how well it works in clinical trials or laboratory studies.
Effectiveness – Usage
In management, effectiveness relates to getting the right things done. Peter Drucker reminds us that “effectiveness can and must be learned.”.
Effectiveness – Usage
In human–computer interaction, effectiveness is defined as “the accuracy and completeness of users’ tasks while using a system”.
Effectiveness – Related terms
However, neither effectiveness, nor effectively, inform about the direction (positive or negative) and the comparison to a standard of the given effect
Effectiveness – Related terms
Other synonyms for effectiveness include: clout, capability, success, weight, performance. Antonyms for effectiveness include: uselessness, ineffectiveness.
Effectiveness – Related terms
Another source of confusion regarding the term effectiveness is its relationship with the term affectiveness. Due to the similarity in the way these two words are spelled, they are often confused with each other and used incorrectly. The term affectiveness (noun) is derived from the root word affective (adjective) meaning concerned with arousing emotions or affection or relating to moods, attitudes or feelings. Simply stated, effective means outcome and efficiency means output.
Competitive advantage – Operational Effectiveness Strategy
The goal of Operational Effectiveness as a strategy is to perform internal business activities better than competitors, making the company easier or more pleasurable to do business with than other market choices. It improves the characteristics of the company while lowering the time it takes to get the products on the market with a great start. State Farm Insurance pursues this strategy by promoting their agents as “good neighbors” who actively help customers.
Marketing effectiveness
What Sticks was named the #1 Book in Marketing by Ad Age and is required reading at leading Universities including Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and Harvard., suggesting that the Marketing Effectiveness continues to be an important business topic.
Marketing effectiveness – Dimensions of marketing effectiveness
Corporate – Each company operates within different bounds
Marketing effectiveness – Dimensions of marketing effectiveness
Exogenous Factors – There are many factors outside of our immediate control that can impact the effectiveness of our marketing activities. These can include the weather, interest rates, government regulations and many others. Understanding the impact these factors can have on our consumers can help us to design programs that can take advantage of these factors or mitigate the risk of these factors if they take place in the middle of our marketing campaigns.
Marketing effectiveness – Factors driving marketing effectiveness
Marketing Strategy – Improving marketing effectiveness can be achieved by employing a superior marketing strategy. By positioning the product or brand correctly, the product/brand will be more successful in the market than competitors’ products/brands. Even with the best strategy, marketers must execute their programs properly to achieve extraordinary results.
Marketing effectiveness – Factors driving marketing effectiveness
Marketing Creative – Even without a change in strategy, better creative can improve results. Without a change in strategy, AFLAC was able to achieve stunning results with its introduction of the Duck (AFLAC) campaign. With the introduction of this new creative concept, the company growth rate soared from 12% prior to the campaign to 28% following it. (See references below, Bang)
Marketing effectiveness – Factors driving marketing effectiveness
Additional examples would be improving direct mail through a better call-to-action or editing web site content to improve its organic search results, marketers can improve their marketing effectiveness for each type of program
Marketing effectiveness – Factors driving marketing effectiveness
Marketing Infrastructure (also known as Marketing Management) – Improving the business of marketing can lead to significant gains for the company. Management of agencies, budgeting, motivation and coordination of marketing activities can lead to improved competitiveness and improved results. The overall accountability for brand leadership and business results is often reflected in an organization under a title within a (Brand management) department.
Marketing effectiveness – Factors driving marketing effectiveness
Exogenous Factors – Generally out of the control of marketers, external or exogenous factors also influence how marketers can improve their results. Taking advantage of seasonality, interests or the regulatory environment can help marketers improve their marketing effectiveness.
In-game advertising – Effectiveness
The effectiveness of such advertising is debated by several scholars
Comparative advertising – Effectiveness
The contributing factors to the effectiveness of comparative advertising include believability, which refers to the extent a consumer can rely on the information provided in comparative advertisements, the level of involvement, and the convenience in evaluation, provided by spoon feeding the consumer with information that does not require extra effort in recall.
Comparative advertising – Effectiveness
Comparative advertising is generally coupled with negativity, as evidenced by early industry condemnation
United States Department of Homeland Security – Excess, waste, and ineffectiveness
The Department of Homeland Security has been dogged by persistent criticism over excessive bureaucracy, waste, ineffectiveness and lack of transparency
Shared leadership – Team effectiveness/performance
Similarly, other studies have explored the extent to which shared leadership can predict a team’s effectiveness or performance, and have found it to be a significant predictor, and often a better predictor than vertical leadership.
Shared leadership – Team effectiveness/performance
Thus, they theorized, having more leaders is not the only factor that matters to team performance; rather, leaders must recognize other leaders as such in order for them to contribute positively to team effectiveness.
Rapid application development – Relative effectiveness
The shift from traditional session-based client/server development to open sessionless and collaborative development like Web 2.0 has increased the need for faster iterations through the phases of the software development process. This, coupled with the growing use of open source frameworks and products in core commercial development, has, for many developers, rekindled interest in finding a silver bullet RAD methodology.
Rapid application development – Relative effectiveness
Rapid Application Development (RAD) can be considered as a type of Agile technique or vice-a-versa. Some may, however, choose to separate these two based on the fact that RAD focuses on developing what is interesting instead of what is needed, as in conventional Agile. But it can be argued that end users are eventually going to need what interests them, thus making it hard to differentiate between the two methodologies.
Rapid application development – Relative effectiveness
Although most RAD methodologies foster software re-use, small team structure and distributed system development, most RAD practitioners recognize that, ultimately, no one “rapid” methodology can provide an order of magnitude improvement over any other development methodology.
Rapid application development – Relative effectiveness
All types of RAD have the potential for providing a good framework for faster product development with improved software quality, but successful implementation and benefits often hinge on project type, schedule, software release cycle and corporate culture
Rapid application development – Relative effectiveness
This table contains a high-level summary of some of approaches that can be thought to have their roots in RAD:
Rapid application development – Relative effectiveness
Agile Minimizes feature creep by developing in short intervals resulting in miniature software projects and releasing the product in mini-increments. Short iteration may add too little functionality, leading to significant delays in final iterations
Rapid application development – Relative effectiveness
Extreme Lowers the cost of changes through quick spirals of new requirements. Most design activity occurs incrementally and on the fly. Programmers must work in pairs, which is difficult for some people. No up-front “detailed design” occurs, which can result in more redesign effort in the long term. The business champion attached to the project full-time can potentially become a single point of failure for the project and a major source of stress for a team.
Rapid application development – Relative effectiveness
Joint application Captures the voice of the customer by involving them in the design and development of the application through a series of collaborative workshops called JAD sessions. The client may create an unrealistic product vision and request extensive gold-plating, leading a team to over- or underdevelop functionality.
Rapid application development – Relative effectiveness
Lean Creates minimalist solutions (i.e., needs determine technology) and delivers less functionality earlier; per the policy that 80% today is better than 100% tomorrow. Product may lose its competitive edge because of insufficient core functionality and may exhibit poor overall quality.
Rapid application development – Relative effectiveness
RAD Promotes strong collaborative atmosphere and dynamic gathering of requirements. Business owner actively participates in prototyping, writing test cases and performing unit testing. Dependence on strong cohesive teams and individual commitment to the project. Decision-making relies on the feature functionality team and a communal decision-making process with lesser degree of centralized project management and engineering authority.
Rapid application development – Relative effectiveness
Scrum Agile framework
Statement on Auditing Standards No. 70: Service Organizations – Report on controls placed in operation and tests of operating effectiveness
A report on controls placed in operation and tests of operating effectiveness, or Type 2 report, opines on controls that were in place over a period of time, which is typically a period of six months or more
Get a Mac – Effectiveness
Prior to the release of this campaign, in March 2006, Apple had a downward spike of sales for the 2005-2006 period. One month after the start of the ‘Get a Mac’ campaign, Apple saw an increase of 200,000 Macs sold, and at the end of July 2006, Mac announced that it had sold 1.3 million Macs. Apple had an overall increase in sales of 39% for the fiscal year ending September 2006.
Antivirus software – Effectiveness
Studies in December 2007 showed that the effectiveness of antivirus software had decreased in the previous year, particularly against unknown or zero day attacks. The computer magazine c’t found that detection rates for these threats had dropped from 40-50% in 2006 to 20-30% in 2007. At that time, the only exception was the NOD32 antivirus, which managed a detection rate of 68 percent.
Antivirus software – Effectiveness
The problem is magnified by the changing intent of virus authors. Some years ago it was obvious when a virus infection was present. The viruses of the day, written by amateurs, exhibited destructive behavior or pop-ups. Modern viruses are often written by professionals, financed by criminal organizations.
Antivirus software – Effectiveness
Independent testing on all the major virus scanners consistently shows that none provide 100% virus detection. The best ones provided as high as 99.6% detection, while the lowest provided only 81.8% in tests conducted in February 2010. All virus scanners produce false positive results as well, identifying benign files as malware.
Antivirus software – Effectiveness
Although methodologies may differ, some notable independent quality testing agencies include AV-Comparatives, ICSA Labs, West Coast Labs, Virus Bulletin, AV-TEST and other members of the Anti-Malware Testing Standards Organization.
Idle scan – Effectiveness
Although many Operating Systems are now immune from being used in this attack, Some popular systems are still vulnerable; making the idle scan still very effective. Once a successful scan is completed there is no trace of the attacker’s IP address on the target’s firewall or Intrusion-detection system log. Another useful possibility is the chance of by-passing a firewall because you are scanning the target from the zombie’s computer, which might have extra rights than the attacker’s.
Mnemonic – Effectiveness
Academic study of the use of mnemonics has shown their effectiveness. In one such experiment, subjects of different ages who applied mnemonic techniques to learn novel vocabulary outperformed control groups that applied contextual learning and free-learning styles.
Mnemonic – Effectiveness
Mnemonics vary in effectiveness for several groups ranging from young children to the elderly. Mnemonic learning strategies require time and resources by educators to develop creative and effective devices. The most simple and creative mnemonic devices usually are the most effective for teaching. In the classroom, mnemonic devices must be used at the appropriate time in the instructional sequence to achieve their maximum effectiveness.
Mnemonic – Effectiveness
Mnemonics were seen to be more effective for groups of people who struggled with or had weak long-term memory, like the elderly
Mnemonic – Effectiveness
Studies (notably “The Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two”) have suggested that the short-term memory of adult humans can hold only a limited number of items; grouping items into larger chunks such as in a mnemonic might be part of what permits the brain to hold a larger total amount of information in short-term memory, which in turn can aid the creation of long-term memories.
Crime prevention through environmental design – Effectiveness and criticism
CPTED strategies are most successful when they inconvenience the end user the least and when the CPTED design process relies upon the combined efforts of environmental designers, land managers, community activists, and law enforcement professionals
Crime prevention through environmental design – Effectiveness and criticism
In terms of effectiveness, a more accurate title for the strategy would be crime deterrence through environmental design. Research demonstrates that offenders cannot be literally prevented from committing crimes by using CPTED. CPTED relies upon changes to the physical environment that will cause an offender to make certain behavioral decisions. Those changes are crafted so as to encourage behavior, and thus they deter rather than conclusively “prevent” behavior.
Crime prevention through environmental design – Effectiveness and criticism
Beyond the attraction of being cost effective in lowering the incidence of crime, CPTED typically reduces the overall costs of preventing crime
Facial recognition system – Effectiveness
Critics of the technology complain that the London Borough of Newham scheme has, , never recognized a single criminal, despite several criminals in the system’s database living in the Borough and the system having been running for several years
Facial recognition system – Effectiveness
An experiment by the local police department in Tampa, Florida|Tampa, Florida, had similarly disappointing results.
Facial recognition system – Effectiveness
A system at Boston’s Logan International Airport|Logan Airport was shut down after failing to make any matches during a two-year test period.
Targeted advertising – Effectiveness
The Network Advertising Initiative conducted a in 2009 measuring the pricing and effectiveness of targeted advertising. It revealed that targeted advertising:
Targeted advertising – Effectiveness
*Secured an average of 2.7 times as much revenue per ad as non-targeted run of network advertising.
Targeted advertising – Effectiveness
*Twice as effective at converting users who click on the ads into buyers
Targeted advertising – Effectiveness
One of the major difficulties in measuring the economic efficiency of targeting, however, is being able to observe what would have happened in the absence of targeting since the users targeted by advertisers are more likely to convert than the general population
Targeted advertising – Effectiveness
*The marginal cost of a brand-related search resulting from ads is $15.65 per search, but is only $1.69 per search from a targeted campaign.
Targeted advertising – Effectiveness
*The marginal cost of a click is 72 cents, but only 13 cents from a targeted campaign.
Physical therapy – Effectiveness
A 2012 systematic review found evidence to support the efficacy of spinal manipulation administered by physical therapists to patients. A 2012 systematic review found physical therapy spinal manipulation seems to be safe and improves the outcome for individuals with low back pain.
Open access mandate – Mandate effectiveness
For the four institutions with the oldest self-archiving mandates, the averaged percentage of green open access self-archiving has been compared to the percentage for control articles from other institutions published in the same journals (for years 2002–2009, measured in 2011)
Astrology – Effectiveness
Astrology has not demonstrated its effectiveness in Empiricism|controlled studies and has no scientific validity, and as such, is regarded as pseudoscience
Astrology – Effectiveness
…a perfectly convincing and lasting demonstration
Astrology – Effectiveness
In 1955, astrologer and psychologist Michel Gauquelin stated that although he had failed to find evidence to support such indicators as the Astrological signs|zodiacal signs and Astrological aspects|planetary aspects in astrology, he had found positive correlations between the Diurnal motion|diurnal positions of some of the Planets in astrology|planets and success in some professions which astrology traditionally associates with those planets
Astrology – Effectiveness
Geoffrey Dean has suggested that the effect may be caused by self-reporting of birth dates by parents rather than any issue with the study by Gauquelin
Astrology – Effectiveness
Dean, a scientist and former astrologer, and psychologist Ivan Kelly conducted a large scale scientific test, involving more than one hundred cognitive, behavioural, physiological|physical and other variables, but found no support for astrology
Thrust reversal – Effectiveness
For maximum effectiveness, it should be applied quickly after touchdown
Thrust reversal – Effectiveness
Penalties are significant but necessary since it provides stopping force for added safety margins, directional control during landing rolls, and aids in rejected take-offs and ground operations on contaminated runways where normal braking effectiveness is diminished
Operant conditioning – Factors that alter the effectiveness of consequences
When using consequences to modify a response, the effectiveness of a consequence can be increased or decreased by various factors. These factors can apply to either reinforcing or punishing consequences.
Operant conditioning – Factors that alter the effectiveness of consequences
Inversely, the effectiveness of a consequence will increase as the individual becomes deprived of that stimulus
Operant conditioning – Factors that alter the effectiveness of consequences
# ‘Immediacy:’ After a response, how immediately a consequence is then felt determines the effectiveness of the consequence
Operant conditioning – Factors that alter the effectiveness of consequences
# ‘Contingency:’ If a consequence does not contingently (reliably, or consistently) follow the target response, its effectiveness upon the response is reduced
Operant conditioning – Factors that alter the effectiveness of consequences
# ‘Size:’ This is a cost-benefit determinant of whether a consequence will be effective
Operant conditioning – Factors that alter the effectiveness of consequences
Most of these factors exist for biological reasons. The biological purpose of the Principle of Satiation is to maintain the organism’s homeostasis. When an organism has been deprived of sugar, for example, the effectiveness of the taste of sugar as a reinforcer is high. However, as the organism reaches or exceeds their optimum blood-sugar levels, the taste of sugar becomes less effective, perhaps even aversive.
Operant conditioning – Factors that alter the effectiveness of consequences
The Principles of Immediacy and Contingency exist for neurochemical reasons
Earth tubes – Effectiveness
Implementations of earth-air heat exchangers for either partial or full cooling and/or heating of facility ventilation air have had mixed success. The literature is, unfortunately, well populated with over-generalizations about the applicability of these systems– both supportive and unsupportive. A key aspect of earth-air heat exchangers is the passive nature of operation and consideration of the wide variability of conditions in natural systems.
Earth tubes – Effectiveness
Earth-air heat exchangers can be very cost effective in both up-front/capital costs as well as long-term operation and maintenance costs
Earth tubes – Effectiveness
Earth cooling tubes are much less effective in hot humid climates (like Florida) where the ambient temperature of the earth approaches human comfort temperature
Earth tubes – Effectiveness
Not all regions and sites are suitable for earth-air heat exchangers
Earth tubes – Effectiveness
Renata Limited, a prominent pharmaceutical company in Bangladesh, tried out a pilot project trying to find out whether they could use the Earth Air Tunnel technology to complement the conventional air conditioning system
Carbon offset – Effectiveness of tree-planting offsets
Some environmentalists have questioned the effectiveness of Treeplanting|tree-planting projects for carbon offset purposes. Critics point to the following issues with tree planting projects:
Carbon offset – Effectiveness of tree-planting offsets
* ‘Timing.’ Trees reach maturity over a course of many decades. Project developers and offset retailers typically pay for the project and sell the promised reductions up-front, a practice known as forward selling.
Carbon offset – Effectiveness of tree-planting offsets
* ‘Permanence.’ It is difficult to guarantee the permanence of the forests, which may be susceptible to clearing, burning, or mismanagement
Carbon offset – Effectiveness of tree-planting offsets
* ‘Monocultures and invasive species.’ In an effort to cut costs, some tree-planting projects introduce fast-growing invasive species that end up damaging native forests and reducing biodiversity
Carbon offset – Effectiveness of tree-planting offsets
* ‘Methane.’ A recent study has claimed that plants are a significant source of methane, a potent greenhouse gas, raising the possibility that trees and other terrestrial plants may be significant contributors to global methane levels in the atmosphere. However, this claim has been disputed recently by findings in another study.
Carbon offset – Effectiveness of tree-planting offsets
* ‘Albedo|The albedo effect.’ Another study suggested that high latitude forests probably have a net warming effect on the Earth’s climate, because their absorption of sunlight creates a warming effect that balances out their absorption of carbon dioxide.[ Climate Effects of Global Land Cover Change]
Carbon offset – Effectiveness of tree-planting offsets
* ‘Necessity.’ Corporate tree-planting is not a new idea; farming operations have been used by companies making paper from trees for a long time
Pesticide – Effectiveness
Some evidence shows that alternatives to pesticides can be equally effective as the use of chemicals
Pesticide – Effectiveness
However, pesticide resistance is increasing. In the 1940s, U.S. farmers lost only 7% of their crops to pests. Since the 1980s, loss has increased to 13%, even though more pesticides are being used. Between 500 and 1,000 insect and weed species have developed pesticide resistance since
Air quality law – Effectiveness
Studies by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Governmental imposition of clean air standards has contributed to an improvement in human health and longer life spans
Air quality law – Effectiveness
Several lawsuits raised against power plants for controlling emissions and the EPA for not fulfilling their regulatory duties have cited data on increased respiratory illnesses in the region. Diné CARE sued the EPA for not implementing regulations and penalties towards the Four Corners Generating Station, located on the Navajo Indian Reservation in New Mexico, display that the number one reason for admittance at the Shiprock Indian Hospital are respiratory complications.
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation – Effectiveness
CPR serves as the foundation of successful cardiopulmonary resuscitation, preserving the body for defibrillation and advanced life support. Even in the case of a non-shockable rhythm, such as Pulseless electrical activity|Pulseless Electrical Activity (PEA) where defibrillation is not indicated, effective CPR is no less important. Used alone, CPR will result in few complete recoveries, though survival without is almost uniformly fatal.
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation – Effectiveness
Studies have shown that immediate CPR followed by defibrillation within 3–5 minutes of sudden ventricular fibrillation|VF cardiac arrest dramatically improves survival
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation – Effectiveness
Compression-only CPR may be less effective in children than in adults, as cardiac arrest in children is more likely to have a Cardiac arrest#Non-cardiac|non-cardiac cause
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation – Effectiveness
More patients achieve a Return of Spontaneous Circulation (ROSC) whereby their heart spontaneously restarts than ultimately survive to be discharged from hospital (see table above) because of other co-morbidities or medical staff’s being unable to address the cause of the cardiac arrest. Ultimately, only 5–10% of patients in cardiac arrest will survive after an attempted resuscitation.
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation – Portrayed effectiveness
CPR is often severely misrepresented in movies and television as being highly effective in resuscitating a person who is not breathing and has no circulation.
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation – Portrayed effectiveness
A 1996 study published in the New England Journal of Medicine showed that CPR success rates in television shows was 75% for immediate circulation, and 67% survival to discharge. This gives the general public an unrealistic expectation of a successful outcome. When educated on the actual survival rates, the proportion of patients over 60 years of age desiring CPR should they suffer a cardiac arrest drops from 41% to 22%.
Spacecraft propulsion – Effectiveness
When in space, the purpose of a propulsion system is to change the velocity, or v, of a spacecraft. Because this is more difficult for more massive spacecraft, designers generally discuss momentum, mv. The amount of change in momentum is called Impulse (physics)|impulse. So the goal of a propulsion method in space is to create an impulse.
Spacecraft propulsion – Effectiveness
When launching a spacecraft from the Earth, a propulsion method must overcome a higher gravity drag|gravitational pull to provide a positive net acceleration.
Spacecraft propulsion – Effectiveness
In orbit, any additional impulse, even very tiny, will result in a change in the orbit path.
Spacecraft propulsion – Effectiveness
The rate of change of velocity is called acceleration, and the rate of change of momentum is called force
Spacecraft propulsion – Effectiveness
The Earth’s surface is situated fairly deep in a gravity well
Spacecraft propulsion – Effectiveness
The law of conservation of momentum means that in order for a propulsion method to change the momentum of a space craft it must change the momentum of something else as well. A few designs take advantage of things like magnetic fields or light pressure in order to change the spacecraft’s momentum, but in free space the rocket must bring along some mass to accelerate away in order to push itself forward. Such mass is called reaction mass.
Spacecraft propulsion – Effectiveness
In order for a rocket to work, it needs two things: reaction mass and energy
Spacecraft propulsion – Effectiveness
When discussing the efficiency of a propulsion system, designers often focus on effectively using the reaction mass
Spacecraft propulsion – Effectiveness
A rocket with a high exhaust velocity can achieve the same impulse with less reaction mass
Electronic stability control – Effectiveness
of ESC effectiveness
Electronic stability control – Effectiveness
ESC is described as the most important advance in auto safety by many experts, including Nicole Nason, Administrator of the NHTSA, Jim Guest and David Champion of Consumers Union of the Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile (FIA), E-Safety Aware, Csaba Csere, editor of Car and Driver, and Jim Gill, long time ESC proponent of Continental Automotive Systems. The European New Car Assessment Program (EuroNCAP) strongly recommends that people buy cars fitted with stability control.
Electronic stability control – Effectiveness
The IIHS requires that a vehicle must have ESC as an available option in order for it to qualify for their Top Safety Pick award for occupant protection and accident avoidance.
Methadone – Research on effectiveness of methadone maintenance
The Cochrane review of 2009 comparing patients in methadone treatment against drug users not in treatment states that Methadone appeared statistically significantly more effective than non-pharmacological approaches in retaining patients in treatment and in the suppression of heroin use as measured by self report and urine/hair analysis (6 RCTs, RR = 0.66 95% CI 0.56-0.78), but not statistically different in criminal activity (3 RCTs, RR=0.39; 95%CI: 0.12-1.25) or mortality (4 RCTs, RR=0.48; 95%CI: 0.10-2.39).
Speed limit – Effectiveness
A 1998 US Federal Highway administration report cited a number of studies regarding the effects of reductions in speed limits and the observed changes in speeding, fatalities, injuries and property damage which followed:Table 3, J. Stuster and Z. Coffman, Synthesis of Safety Research Related to Speed and Speed Management , FHWA-RD-98-154, July 1998
Speed limit – Effectiveness
Annual surveys of speed on South Dakota Interstate roads show that from 2000 to 2011, the average speed rose from 71 to 74mph; South Dakota increased its maximum speed limit from 65 to 75mph (120km/h) in 1996.
Speed limit – Effectiveness
The Synthesis of Safety Research Related to Speed and Speed Limits report sponsored by the Federal Highway Administration published in 1998 found that changing speed limits on low and moderate speed roads appeared to have no significant effect on traffic speed or the number of crashes, whilst on high-speed roads such as freeways, increased speed limits generally resulted in higher traffic speeds and more crashes
Speed limit – Effectiveness
Research in 1998 showed that the reduction of some United Kingdom speed limits to had achieved only a 1mph drop in speeds and no discernible reduction in accidents; ’20mph speed limit zones’ which use self enforcing traffic calming achieved average speed reductions of 10mph, child pedestrian accidents were reduced by 70% and child cyclist accidents by 48%.
Speed limit – Effectiveness
Zones where speeds are set at 20 mph zone|30 km/h (or 20mph) are gaining as they are found to be effective at reducing crashes and increasing community
Speed limit – Effectiveness
Studies undertaken in conjunction with Australia’s move from speed limits to in built-up areas and found that the measure was effective in reducing speed and also the frequency and severity of crashes.
Speed limit – Effectiveness
A study of the impact of the replacement of with speed limits in New South Wales, Australia showed only a 0.5km/h drop in urban areas and a 0.7km/h drop in rural areas. The report noted that widespread community compliance would require a combination of strategies including traffic calming treatments.
Speed limit – Effectiveness
Information campaigns are also used by authorities to support speed limits, for example the Speeding. No one thinks big of you. campaign in Australia 2007.
Vaccines – Effectiveness
Vaccines do not guarantee complete protection from a disease. Sometimes, this is because the host’s immune system simply does not respond adequately or at all. This may be due to a lowered immunity in general (diabetes, steroid use, HIV infection, age) or because the host’s immune system does not have a B cell capable of generating Antibody|antibodies to that antigen.
Vaccines – Effectiveness
Even if the host develops antibodies, the human immune system is not perfect and in any case the immune system might still not be able to defeat the infection immediately. In this case, the infection will be less severe and heal faster.
Vaccines – Effectiveness
Immunologic adjuvant|Adjuvants are typically used to boost immune response. Most often, aluminium adjuvants are used, but adjuvants like squalene are also used in some vaccines, and more vaccines with squalene and phosphate adjuvants are being tested. Larger doses are used in some cases for older people (50–75 years and up), whose immune response to a given vaccine is not as strong.
Vaccines – Effectiveness
The vaccine efficacy|efficacy or performance of the vaccine is dependent on a number of factors:
Vaccines – Effectiveness
* whether one kept to the timetable for the vaccinations (see Vaccination schedule)
Vaccines – Effectiveness
* some individuals are non-responders to certain vaccines, meaning that they do not generate antibodies even after being vaccinated correctly
Vaccines – Effectiveness
* other factors such as ethnicity, age, or genetic predisposition.
Vaccines – Effectiveness
When a vaccinated individual does develop the disease vaccinated against, the disease is likely to be milder than without vaccination.
Vaccines – Effectiveness
# careful modelling to anticipate the impact that an immunization campaign will have on the epidemiology of the disease in the medium to long term
Vaccines – Effectiveness
# ongoing surveillance for the relevant disease following introduction of a new vaccine
Vaccines – Effectiveness
# maintaining high immunization rates, even when a disease has become rare.
Vaccines – Effectiveness
In 1958, there were 763,094 cases of measles and 552 deaths in the United States
Nerve block – Effectiveness
The effectiveness of a nerve block is tested by checking the skin for loss of sensation
Nerve block – Effectiveness
*not enough anesthetic injected for the size of the nerve
Nerve block – Effectiveness
Most commonly used local anesthetic drugs take 10–15 minutes to desensitize a nerve. The block may last 1–2 hours depending on the product used and volume injected.King Equine Lameness p. 36.
Randomized controlled trial – By outcome of interest (efficacy vs. effectiveness)
RCTs can be classified as explanatory or pragmatic. Explanatory RCTs test Efficacy#Medicine|efficacy in a research setting with highly selected participants and under highly controlled conditions. In contrast, pragmatic RCTs test Effectiveness#Usage|effectiveness in everyday practice with relatively unselected participants and under flexible conditions; in this way, pragmatic RCTs can inform decisions about practice.
Deinterlacing – Concerns over effectiveness
The European Broadcasting Union has argued against the use of interlaced video in production and broadcasting, recommending 720p 50 frame rate|fps (frames per second) as current production format and working with the industry to introduce 1080p50 as a future-proof production standard which offers higher vertical resolution, better quality at lower bitrates, and easier conversion to other formats such as 720p50 and 1080i50
Deinterlacing – Concerns over effectiveness
Yves Faroudja, the founder of Faroudja|Faroudja Labs and Technology Engineering Emmy Award|Emmy Award winner for his achievements in deinterlacing technology, has stated that interlace to progressive does not work and advised against using interlaced signal.
Hyperthermia therapy – Effectiveness
Monotherapy|By itself, hyperthermia is generally ineffective, with only small numbers of patients receiving lasting benefit. However, it may significantly increase the effectiveness of other treatments.
Hyperthermia therapy – Effectiveness
When combined with radiation, hyperthermia is particularly effective at increasing the damage to acidic, poorly oxygenated parts of a tumor, and cells that are preparing to divide. Hyperthermia treatment is most effective when provided at the same time, or within an hour, of the radiation.
Hyperthermia therapy – Effectiveness
Irradiation alone produces a complete response in about 30% of patients
Hyperthermia therapy – Effectiveness
Whole-body hyperthermia cannot safely reach the temperatures necessary to improve the effectiveness of radiation, and thus is not used with radiation, but it may be useful for chemotherapy and immunotherapy.
Hyperthermia therapy – Effectiveness
The purpose of overheating the tumor cells is to create a lack of oxygen so that the heated tumor cells become overacidified, which leads to a lack of nutrients in the tumor
Hyperthermia therapy – Effectiveness
Research in Russia has shown interesting results with extreme hyperthermia (body temperatures of 43,5°C to 44°C) where hyperthermia is used in cancer therapy, HIV therapy and Virus and Immune system illnesses
Glioma – Relative effectiveness
A 2007 meta-analysis compared surgical resection and biopsy as the initial surgical management option. Results show that there is insufficient evidence to make a reliable decision.
Glioma – Relative effectiveness
For high-grade gliomas, a 2003 meta-analysis compared radiotherapy with radiotherapy and chemotherapy
DDT – Effectiveness of DDT against malaria
When it was first introduced in World War II, DDT was very effective in reducing malaria morbidity and mortality rate|mortality
DDT – Effectiveness of DDT against malaria
Today, DDT remains on the WHO’s list of insecticides recommended for IRS. Since the appointment of Arata Kochi as head of its anti-malaria division, WHO’s policy has shifted from recommending IRS only in areas of seasonal or episodic transmission of malaria, to also advocating it in areas of continuous, intense transmission.
DDT – Effectiveness of DDT against malaria
[ WHO |WHO gives indoor use of DDT a clean bill of health for controlling malaria] The WHO has reaffirmed its commitment to eventually phasing out DDT, aiming to achieve a 30% cut in the application of DDT world-wide by 2014 and its total phase-out by the early 2020s if not sooner while simultaneously combating malaria
DDT – Effectiveness of DDT against malaria
South Africa is one country that continues to use DDT under WHO guidelines
Power usage effectiveness
‘Power usage effectiveness’ (‘PUE’) is a measure of how efficiently a computer data center uses energy; specifically, how much energy is used by the computing equipment (in contrast to cooling and other overhead).
Power usage effectiveness
PUE is the ratio of total amount of energy used by a computer data center facility [,,sid80_gci1307933,00.html – power usage effectiveness (PUE)]Digital Realty Trust- [ PUE Data Center Efficiency Metric][ Engineered Systems – Optimizing Power Usage Effectiveness In Data Centers][ The Green Grid – The Green Grid Data Center Power Efficiency Metrics: PUE and DCiE]Google – Efficient Computing – [ Data Center Efficiency Measurements]Dell – [ Best Practices for Increasing Data Center Energy Efficiency]Cisco Systems – [ Cisco Energywise] to the Electric energy|energy delivered to computing equipment.
Power usage effectiveness
PUE was developed by a consortium called The Green Grid. PUE is the multiplicative inverse|inverse of data center infrastructure efficiency (DCIE). An ideal PUE is 1.0. Anything that isn’t considered a computing device in a data center (i.e. lighting, cooling, etc.) falls into the category of facility energy consumption.
Power usage effectiveness
: \mathrm = \over \mbox IT Equipment Energy
Comparative advertising – Effectiveness
The contributing factors to the effectiveness of comparative advertising include believability,T.E Barry R.L Tremblay, “Comparative Advertising: Perspectives and Issues”, Journal of Advertising, Vol
Comparative advertising – Effectiveness
Comparative advertising is generally coupled with negativity, as evidenced by early industry condemnation.F
Sex in advertising – Effectiveness
Gallup Robinson, an advertising and marketing research firm, has reported that in more than 50 years of testing advertising effectiveness, it has found the use of the Eroticism|erotic to be a significantly above-average technique in communicating with the marketplace, …although one of the more dangerous for the advertiser
Sex in advertising – Effectiveness
In contemporary mainstream consumer advertising (e.g., magazines, network and cable television), sex is present in promotional messages for a wide range of branded goods
Sex in advertising – Effectiveness
As many consumers and professionals think, sex is used to grab a viewer’s attention but this is a short-term success. Whether using sex in advertising is effective depends on the product. About three-quarters of advertisements using sex to sell the product are communicating a product-related benefit, such as the product making its users more sexually attractive.
Sex in advertising – Effectiveness
Nonetheless, there are some studies that contradict the theory that sex is an effective tool for improving finances and gathering attention
Sex in advertising – Effectiveness
In another experimental study conducted on 324 undergraduate college students, Bushman examined brand recall for neutral, sexual or violent commercials embedded in neutral, sexual or violent TV programs. He found that found brand recall was higher for participants who saw neutral TV programs and neutral commercials versus those who saw sexual or violent commercials embedded in sexual or violent TV programs.
Sex in advertising – Effectiveness
Some sexually oriented advertisements provoke a backlash against the product
Sex in advertising – Effectiveness
Using sex may attract one market demographic while repelling another. The overt use of sexuality to promote breast cancer awareness, through fundraising campaigns like I Love Boobies and Save the Ta-tas, is effective at reaching young women , who are at low risk of developing breast cancer, but angers and offends breast cancer survivors and older women, who are at higher risk of developing breast cancer.
Direct mail – Cost-effectiveness
To the non-professional direct mail may seem wasteful, yet the medium can be one of the most cost-effective. Database targeting combined with an effective pricing, creative and list strategy can reduce waste and maximize profitable results for the mailer. Testing is accomplished in a variety of ways including A/B split testing of new mailings versus a control, testing lists through Nth name selects.
Disinfection – Measurements of effectiveness
One way to compare disinfectants is to compare how well they do against a known disinfectant and rate them accordingly. Phenol is the standard, and the corresponding rating system is called the Phenol coefficient. The disinfectant to be tested is compared with phenol on a standard microbe (usually Salmonella typhi or Staphylococcus aureus). Disinfectants that are more effective than phenol have a coefficient gt; 1. Those that are less effective have a coefficient lt; 1.
Disinfection – Measurements of effectiveness
The standard European approach for disinfectant validation consists of a basic suspension test, a quantitative suspension test (with low and high levels of organic material added to act as ‘interfering substances’) and a two part simulated-use surface test.
Disinfection – Measurements of effectiveness
A less specific measurement of effectiveness is the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) classification into either high, intermediate or low levels of disinfection
Disinfection – Measurements of effectiveness
An alternative assessment is to measure the Minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) of disinfectants against selected (and representative) microbial species, such as through the use of microbroth dilution testing.
Bus lane – Effectiveness
Bus lanes give priority to buses and cut down on journey times where roads are congested with other traffic.
Bus lane – Effectiveness
The busiest bus lane in the United States is the Lincoln Tunnel XBL (exclusive bus lane) along the Lincoln Tunnel Approach and Helix in Hudson County, New Jersey which carries approximately 700 buses per hour during morning peak times an average of one bus every 5.1
Bus lane – Effectiveness
In contrast the Cross Habour Tunnel in Hong Kong carries 14,500 buses per day, or an average of about 605 an hour all day (not just peak times), but the bus lane must give-way to all the other road-users resulting in long queues of buses.
Bus lane – Effectiveness
The introduction of bus lanes can significantly assist in the reduction of
Cognitive-behaviour therapy – Evaluation of effectiveness
In adults, CBT has been shown to have effectiveness and a role in the treatment plans for anxiety disorders, depression (mood)|depression, eating disorders, chronic low back pain, personality disorders, psychosis, schizophrenia, substance use disorders, in the adjustment, depression, and anxiety associated with fibromyalgia, and with post-spinal cord injury|spinal cord injuries
Cognitive-behaviour therapy – Evaluation of effectiveness
In children or adolescents, CBT is an effective part of treatment plans for anxiety disorders, body dysmorphic disorder, depression and Suicidal ideation|suicidality, eating disorders and obesity, obsessive–compulsive disorder, and posttraumatic stress disorder, as well as tic disorders, trichotillomania, and other repetitive behavior disorders.
Cognitive-behaviour therapy – Evaluation of effectiveness
Cochrane Collaboration|Cochrane reviews have found no evidence that CBT is effective for tinnitus, although there appears to be an effect on management of associated depression and quality of life in this condition. Other recent Cochrane Reviews found no convincing evidence that CBT training helps foster care providers manage difficult behaviors in the youth under their care, nor was it helpful in treating men who Domestic violence|abuse their intimate partners.
Cognitive-behaviour therapy – Evaluation of effectiveness
According to a 2004 review by INSERM of three methods, cognitive behavioral therapy was either proven or presumed to be an effective therapy on several specific mental disorders. According to the study, CBT was effective at treating schizophrenia, Depression (mood)|depression, bipolar disorder, panic disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder|post-traumatic stress, anxiety disorders, bulimia, anorexia nervosa|anorexia, personality disorders and alcoholism|alcohol dependency.
Cognitive-behaviour therapy – Evaluation of effectiveness
Some meta-analyses find CBT more effective than psychodynamic therapy and equal to other therapies in treating anxiety and depression. However, psychodynamic therapy may provide better long-term outcomes.
Cognitive-behaviour therapy – Evaluation of effectiveness
Some research has found similar effectiveness to an intervention of informational websites and weekly telephone CCBT was found to be equally effective as face-to-face CBT in adolescent anxiety and insomnia.
Cognitive-behaviour therapy – Evaluation of effectiveness
Criticism of CBT sometimes focuses on implementations (such as the UK Improving Access to Psychological Therapies|IAPT) which may result initially in low quality therapy being offered by poorly trained practitioners. However evidence supports the effectiveness of CBT for anxiety and depression.
Cognitive-behaviour therapy – Evaluation of effectiveness
Mounting evidence suggests that the addition of hypnotherapy as an adjunct to CBT improves treatment efficacy for a variety of clinical issues.
Environmental regulation – Effectiveness
Environmental interests will often criticize environmental regulation as inadequately protective of the environment. Furthermore, strong environmental laws do not guarantee strong enforcement. Nonetheless; the cost benefit analysis for society at large, between having laws that protect citizens from toxic or dangerous living and work conditions (such as those that existed in the early industrial 1900’s) clearly comes down on the side of regulation.
Product key – Effectiveness
The overall effectiveness of product keys in enforcing software copyrights requires further study
Product key – Effectiveness
Because of this, software publishers are increasingly turning to alternative methods of verifying that keys are both valid and uncompromised
Car alarm – Effectiveness
Since most car alarms are triggered accidentally (frequently because of high sensitivity settings), people often ignore alarms. The New York City Police Department claims that car alarms are actually making the crime problem worse because false alarms are so common that people simply ignore them.
Car alarm – Effectiveness
Because of the large number of false alarms with car alarms, many vehicle manufacturers no longer factory-fit simple noise-making alarms, instead offering silentmdash;but effectivemdash;immobilizers.[ Alarmingly Useless: The Case for Banning Car Alarms in New York City] Alternatively, an aftermarket vehicle tracking system can enable the police to trace stolen vehicles
Car alarm – Effectiveness
Frequently, false alarms occur because car alarm owners use high sensitivity settings. This may be the main reason why loud bass frequency sound (loud music, other cars or motorcycles with loud exhaust systems, thunderstorms, etc.) can set off car alarms. The second possible reason is that some parts of the alarm system may be improperly installed.
Car alarm – Effectiveness
Yet another class of security covers Aftermarket (automotive)|aftermarket car alarms that include 2-way paging controllers. Some 2-way systems have an Liquid crystal display|LCD Icon (computing)|icon display that can pinpoint the part of the vehicle being threatened, and many alert the user with beeps or silent vibration.
Organizational effectiveness
The idea of organizational effectiveness is especially important for non-profit organizations as most people who donate money to nonprofit organizations and charities are interested in knowing whether the organization is effective in accomplishing its goals
Organizational effectiveness For example, while most nonprofit leaders define organizational effectiveness as ‘outcome accountability,’ or the extent to which an organization achieves specified levels of progress toward its own goals, a minority of nonprofit leaders define effectiveness as ‘overhead minimization,’ or the minimization of fundraising and administrative costs
Organizational effectiveness
(2009) organizational effectiveness captures organizational performance plus the myriad internal performance outcomes normally associated with more efficient or effective operations and other external measures that relate to considerations that are broader than those simply associated with economic valuation (either by shareholders, managers, or customers), such as corporate social responsibility.Richard et al
Organizational effectiveness
An organization’s effectiveness is also dependent on its communicative competence and ethics. The relationship between these three are simultaneous. Ethics is a foundation found within organizational effectiveness. An organization must exemplify respect, honesty, integrity and equity to allow communicative competence with the participating members. Along with ethics and communicative competence, members in that particular group can finally achieve their intended goals.
Organizational effectiveness
foundation (charity)|Foundations and other sources of grant (money)|grants and other types of funds are interested in organizational effectiveness of those people who seek funds from the foundations. Foundations always have more requests for funds or funding proposal (business)|proposals and treat funding as an investment using the same care as a venture capitalist would in picking a company in which to invest.
Organizational effectiveness
Organizational effectiveness is an abstract concept and is difficult for many organizations to directly measure. Instead of measuring organizational effectiveness directly, the organization selects proxy measures to represent effectiveness. Proxy measures may include such things as number of people served, types and sizes of population segments served, and the demand within those segments for the services the organization supplies.
Organizational effectiveness
Since the organization has as its goal the preparation of meals and the delivery of those meals to house bound people, it measures its organizational effectiveness by trying to determine what actual activities the people in the organization do in order to generate the outcomes the organization wants to create.
Organizational effectiveness
Organizational effectiveness is typically evaluated within nonprofit organizations using logic models
Organizational effectiveness
Activities such as administration, fundraising, and volunteer training are important inputs into organizational effectiveness because although they do not directly result in programmatic results, they provide the essential support functions needed for the organization to successfully finance and administer its programs. These other activities are overhead activities that indirectly assist the organization in achieving its desired outcomes.
Organizational effectiveness
Getting What We Pay For: Low Overhead Limits Nonprofit Effectiveness Nonprofit Overhead Cost Project: Urban Institute Center on Nonprofits and Philanthropy and Indiana University Center on Philanthropy
Organizational effectiveness
The term Organizational Effectiveness is often used interchangeably with Organization Development, especially when used as the name of a department or a part of the Human Resources function within an organization.
Anti-lock braking system – Effectiveness
A 2004 Australian study by Monash University Accident Research Centre found that ABS:
Anti-lock braking system – Effectiveness
* Reduced the risk of Multiple-vehicle collision|multiple vehicle crashes by 18 percent,
Anti-lock braking system – Effectiveness
* Increased the risk of Run-off-road collision|run-off-road crashes by 35 percent.
Anti-lock braking system – Effectiveness
On high-traction surfaces such as bitumen, or concrete, many (though not all) ABS-equipped cars are able to attain braking distances better (i.e
Anti-lock braking system – Effectiveness
In gravel, sand and deep snow, ABS tends to increase braking distances
Anti-lock braking system – Effectiveness
A June 1999 National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) study found that ABS increased stopping distances on loose gravel by an average of 27.2 percent.[ NHTSA Light Vehicle Antilock Brake System Research Program Task 4: A Test Track Study of Light Vehicle ABS Performance Over a Broad Range of Surfaces and Maneuvers, Jan 1999] PDF
Anti-lock braking system – Effectiveness
ABS works with your regular braking system by automatically pumping them. In vehicles not equipped with ABS, the driver has to manually pump the brakes to prevent wheel lockup. In vehicles equipped with ABS, your foot should remain firmly planted on the brake pedal, while ABS pumps the brakes for you so you can concentrate on steering to safety.
Anti-lock braking system – Effectiveness
When activated, some earlier ABS systems caused the brake pedal to pulse noticeably
Anti-lock braking system – Effectiveness
Anti-lock brakes are the subject of some experiments centred around risk compensation theory, which asserts that drivers adapt to the safety benefit of ABS by driving more aggressively
Anti-lock braking system – Effectiveness
The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety released a study in 2010 that found motorcycles with ABS 37% less likely to be involved in a fatal crash than models without ABS.
Anti-virus – Effectiveness
Independent testing on all the major virus scanners consistently shows that none provide 100% virus detection. The best ones provided as high as 99.9% detection for simulated real-world situations, while the lowest provided 91.1% in tests conducted in August 2013. Many virus scanners produce false positive results as well, identifying benign files as malware.
Economic sanctions – Effectiveness of economic sanctions
page 67 There is controversy over the effectiveness of economic sanctions in their ability to achieve the stated purpose
Economic sanctions – Effectiveness of economic sanctions
It also affects the economy of the imposing country to some degree
Plug-in electric vehicles in the UK – Cost-effectiveness of carbon reductions
A study by Element Energy commissioned by BP and published in September 2013, concluded that the use of advanced biofuels in the UK, and particularly E20 fuel|E20 cellulosic ethanol, is a more cost-effective way of reducing emissions than using plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) in the timeframe to 2030
Plug-in electric vehicles in the UK – Cost-effectiveness of carbon reductions
emissions than using BEVs in the timeframe to 2030, as an E20 blend in a HEV can achieve a 10% emission savings compared to an HEV running on E5, for an annual fuel cost premium of compared to an annual cost of for an all-electric car. The study also concluded that advanced biofuels address emissions of both new and existing vehicles, thus reducing emissions earlier than new powertrains and abating the risk of relying solely on longer term deployment of new technology.
Injury prevention – Measuring effectiveness
Research in is challenging, because the usual outcome of interest is deaths or injuries prevented, and it is nearly impossible to measure how many people did not get hurt who otherwise would have. Education efforts can be measured by changes in knowledge, attitudes, beliefs and behaviors, before and after the intervention, however tying these changes back into reductions in morbidity and Mortality rate|mortality is often problematic.
Injury prevention – Measuring effectiveness
Examining trends in morbidity and mortality in the population is usually not difficult and may provide some indication of the effectiveness of injury prevention interventions. However, this approach suffers from the potential of ecological fallacy, where the data shows an association between an intervention and a change in the outcome, but there is actually no causal relationship.
Global health – Aid effectiveness
In year 2005, over 100 donors and developing countries agreed to the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness.Aid Effectiveness 2005-10: Progress in Implementing the Paris Declaration. OECD 2011 Among the distinguishing features was a commitment to hold each other to account for implementing its principles at the country level, and to achieve joint progress by 2010 and beyond, through attention to the following elements:
Global health – Aid effectiveness
Ownership – Developing countries set their own strategies for poverty reduction, improve their institutions and tackle corruption.
Global health – Aid effectiveness
Alignment – Donor countries align behind these objectives and use local systems.
Global health – Aid effectiveness
Harmonization – Donor countries coordinate, simplify procedures and share information to avoid duplication.
Global health – Aid effectiveness
Results – Developing countries and donors shift focus to development results and results get measured.
Global health – Aid effectiveness
Mutual Accountability – Donors and partners are accountable for development results.
Global health – Aid effectiveness
Furthermore, the type of aid given to improve global health is often associated with short term goals. For example, increasing the amount of people receiving specific treatment, decreasing pregnant women with HIV (aids), or increasing the number of bed nets. Few donors realize that it will take up to at least one full generation or more to substantially improve the public health, and that the focus should be less on particular diseases and more on populations general well-being.
Weight Watchers – Effectiveness
Specifically, the results of the study were that the mean weight loss of Weight Watchers participants was 2.3 times more than (3.3 times as much as) the self-help group at one year, and essentially undefined at two years
Weight Watchers – Effectiveness
A clinical study involving Atkins Nutritional Approach|Atkins, Dean Ornish|Ornish, Weight Watchers and Zone diet|The Zone diets, published in 2005, reported that among the Weight Watchers participants the average net weight loss in a one-year period was
Hand washing – Effectiveness
This hygienic behavior has been shown to cut the number of child deaths from diarrhea (the second leading cause of child deaths) by almost half and from pneumonia (the leading cause of child deaths) by one-quarter.[ World Health Organization
Hand washing – Effectiveness
For control of Staphylococcus|staphylococcal infections in hospitals, it has been found that the greatest benefit from hand-cleansing came from the first 20% of washing, and that very little additional benefit was gained when hand cleansing frequency was increased beyond 35%
V-1 flying bomb – Operation and effectiveness
The first complete V-1 airframe was delivered 30 August 1942, and after the first complete Argus As 014|As.109-014 was delivered in September, the first glide test flight was 28 October 1942 at Peenemünde, from under a Focke-Wulf Fw 200. The first powered trial was 10 December, launched from beneath an He-111.
V-1 flying bomb – Operation and effectiveness
A myth arose that early guidance and stabilisation problems were resolved by a daring test flight by Hanna Reitsch in a V-1 modified for manned operation. The myth entered popular consciousness from Reitsch’s fictional exploits in the film Operation Crossbow (film)|Operation Crossbow.
V-1 flying bomb – Operation and effectiveness
The conventional launch sites could theoretically launch about 15 V-1s per day, but this rate was difficult to achieve on a consistent basis; the maximum rate achieved was 18
V-1 flying bomb – Operation and effectiveness
The intended operational altitude was originally set at . However, repeated failures of a barometric fuel-pressure regulator led to it being changed in May 1944, halving the operational height, thereby bringing V-1s into range of the Bofors 40 mm|Bofors guns commonly used by Allied Anti-aircraft|AA units.
V-1 flying bomb – Operation and effectiveness
The trial versions of the V-1 were air-launched
High-occupancy vehicle lane – Effectiveness
According to 2009 data from the U.S. Census 76% drive to work alone and only 10% rideshare; for suburban commuters working in a city the solo-driving rate is 82%.
High-occupancy vehicle lane – Effectiveness
Some underutilized HOV lanes in several states have been converted to high occupancy toll lanes (HOT), which offer solo drivers access to HOV lanes after paying a toll.
High-occupancy vehicle lane – Effectiveness
HOV lanes are also an effective way to manage traffic after natural disasters as seen in New York City after the October 2012 storm Hurricane Sandy. At the time Mayor Bloomberg banned passenger cars entering Manhattan with less than three occupants. The restrictions impacted all bridges and tunnels entering the city except on the George Washington Bridge.
Spinal Cord Stimulator – Cost effectiveness
See for list of such studies on cost effectiveness in various applications of SCS.
National Institute of Drug Abuse – Effectiveness of anti-marijuana ad campaigns
In February 2005, Westat, a research company hired by NIDA and funded by The White House Office of National Drug Control Policy, reported on its five-year study of the government ad campaigns aimed at dissuading teens from using marijuana, campaigns that cost more than $1 billion between 1998 and 2004
Operations management – Metrics: efficiency and effectiveness
‘Operations strategy’ concerns policies and plans of use of the firm productive resources with the aim of supporting long term competitive strategy. Metrics in operations management can be broadly classified into efficiency metrics and effectiveness metrics. Effectiveness metrics involve:
Operations management – Metrics: efficiency and effectiveness
# Price (actually fixed by marketing, but lower bounded by production cost): purchase price, use costs, maintenance costs, upgrade costs, disposal costs
Operations management – Metrics: efficiency and effectiveness
# Quality (business)|Quality: specification and compliance
Operations management – Metrics: efficiency and effectiveness
# Time: productive lead time, information lead time, punctuality
Operations management – Metrics: efficiency and effectiveness
# Flexibility (engineering)|Flexibility: mix, volume, gamma
Operations management – Metrics: efficiency and effectiveness
A more recent approach, introduced by Terry Hill,T
Operations management – Metrics: efficiency and effectiveness
‘Productivity’ is a standard efficiency metric for evaluation of production systems, broadly speaking a ratio between outputs and inputs, and can assume many specific forms, for example: machine productivity, workforce productivity, raw material productivity, warehouse productivity (=inventory turnover)
Operations management – Metrics: efficiency and effectiveness
ABC analysis is a method for analyzing inventory based on Pareto distribution, it posits that since revenue from items on inventory will be power law distributed then it makes sense to manage items differently based on their position on a revenue-inventory level matrix, 3 classes are constructed (A,B and C) from cumulative item revenues, so in a matrix each item will have a letter (A,B or C) assigned for revenue and inventory
Operations management – Metrics: efficiency and effectiveness
‘Throughput (business)|Throughput’ is a variable which quantifies the number of parts produced in the unit of time
Operations management – Metrics: efficiency and effectiveness
Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) is defined as the product between system availability, cycle time efficiency and quality rate. OEE is typically used as key performance indicator (KPI) in conjunction with the lean manufacturing approach.
Traffic enforcement camera – Effectiveness
*The town of Swindon abandoned the use of fixed cameras in 2009, questioning their cost effectiveness with the cameras being replaced by vehicle activated warning signs and enforcement by police using mobile speed cameras: in the nine months following the switch-off there was a small reduction in accident rates which had changed slightly in similar periods before and after the switch off (Before: 1 fatal, 1 serious and 13 slight accidents
Traffic enforcement camera – Effectiveness
*The 2010 Cochrane Review of speed cameras for the prevention of road traffic injuries and deaths reported that all 28 studies accepted by the authors found the effect of speed cameras to be a reduction in all crashes, injury crashes, and death or severe injury crashes
Traffic enforcement camera – Effectiveness
*In January 2011 Edmonton, Alberta cancelled all 100,000 Speed On Green tickets issued in the previous 14 months due to concerns about camera
Traffic enforcement camera – Effectiveness
*According to the 2003 NCHRP Synthesis 310, RLR automated enforcement can be an effective safety countermeasure….[I]t appears from the findings of several studies that, in general, RLR cameras can bring about a reduction in the more severe angle crashes with, at worst, a slight increase in less severe rear-end crashes. However it noted that there is not enough empirical evidence based on proper experimental design procedures to state this conclusively.
Traffic enforcement camera – Effectiveness
* The 2010 report [ The Effectiveness of Speed Cameras A review of evidence] by Richard Allsop concludes The findings of this review for the RAC Foundation, though reached independently, are essentially consistent with the Cochrane Review conclusions
Stress management – Effectiveness
Stress management has physiological and immune benefits.
Stress management – Effectiveness
Positive outcomes are observed using a combination of non-drug interventions:
Stress management – Effectiveness
* autogenic training
Stress management – Effectiveness
* talking therapy (around relationship or existential issues)
Stop Online Piracy Act – Potential effectiveness
Edward J. Black, president and CEO of the Computer Communications Industry Association, wrote in the Huffington Post that Ironically, it would do little to stop actual pirate websites, which could simply reappear hours later under a different name, if their numeric web addresses aren’t public even sooner. Anyone who knows or has that web address would still be able to reach the offending website.
Stop Online Piracy Act – Potential effectiveness
An editorial in the San Jose Mercury-News stated, Imagine the resources required to parse through the millions of Google and Facebook offerings every day looking for pirates who, if found, can just toss up another site in no time.
Stop Online Piracy Act – Potential effectiveness
John Palfrey of the Berkman Center for Internet Society commented, DNS filtering is by necessity either overbroad or underbroad; it either blocks too much or too little. Content on the Internet changes its place and nature rapidly, and DNS filtering is ineffective when it comes to keeping up with it.
Stop Online Piracy Act – Potential effectiveness
SOPA has largely and understandably been declared unconstitutional by the majority of Internet users
Bomb damage assessment – Munitions Effectiveness Assessment (MEA)
The determination of the proper function of the bomb or weapon. MEA asks/answers the question of Did the munition function properly/as designed?
Satellite Sentinel Project – Limits to effectiveness
Patrick Meier, a noted scholar in the field of crisis mapping has observed that the deterrent value of any surveillance is diminished in the absence of consequences for the perpetrators of violence
Department of Homeland Security – Excess, waste, and ineffectiveness
The Department of Homeland Security has been dogged by persistent criticism over excessive bureaucracy, waste, ineffectiveness and lack of transparency. A United States House Homeland Security Subcommittee on Oversight, Investigations, and Management|House of Representatives subcommittee estimated that as of September 2008 the department has wasted roughly $15 billion in failed contracts.
The Blitz – Effectiveness of bombing
The military effectiveness of bombing varied
The Blitz – Effectiveness of bombing
The air offensive against the RAF and British industry failed to have the desired effect
Litz wire – Effectiveness
provides an expression for the ratio of resistance to alternating current to resistance to direct current for an isolated litz wire.Terman cites It does not apply to windings with multiple turns. An expression for the resistance ratio in windings is given by at Eqn 2 and Appendix A (page 289).
Litz wire – Effectiveness
Litz wire is very effective below 500kHz; it is rarely used above 2MHz as it is much less effective there.
Litz wire – Effectiveness
Litz wire has a higher impedance per unit cross-sectional area but litz wires can be used at thicker cable sizes, hence reducing or maintaining cable impedance at higher frequencies.[ Skindepth, Litz wire, braided conductors and resistance, W8JI.]
Combined Action Program – Effectiveness
Of all our innovations in Vietnam none was as successful, as lasting in effect, or as useful for the future as the Combined Action Program [CAP].
Combined Action Program – Effectiveness
Combined Action was at least in some areas a successful program in both military and civic action terms – perhaps one of the few successful programs of that war
Combined Action Program – Effectiveness
They were often popular in the villages they worked in, and succeeded in denying them to the VC
Combined Action Program – Effectiveness
Harold P
Combined Action Program – Effectiveness
GEN William C. Westmoreland, commanding general, Military Assistance Command Vietnam was not an advocate of pacification programs. He believed in large unit land warfare, and was trying to stage a full-scale land battle with the NVA that would ostensibly break them for once and all. Nonetheless, he wrote in his memoirs that the Combined Action Program was one of the more ingenious innovations developed in South Vietnam
Combined Action Program – Effectiveness
, Civic action had promise. Had it been adopted on a wide scale the war would have been different, but it is a matter of speculation as to whether it would have ultimately affected the outcome.
Combined Action Program – Effectiveness
Other writers including MAJ Edward Palm, who was once a CAP Marine, thought otherwise. I would like to believe, with some, that combined action was the best thing we did… …In my experience, combined action was merely one more untenable article of faith. The truth, I suspect, is that where it seemed to work, combined action wasn’t really needed, and where it was, combined action could never work. .
Electric toothbrush – Effectiveness
— Meta-analysis of studies of the effectiveness of electric toothbrushes The rotation-oscillation-models have been found to be marginally better than manual ones
Electric toothbrush – Effectiveness
The effectiveness of an electric toothbrush depends not only on its type of action and on correct use, but also on the condition of the brush head. Most manufacturers recommend that heads be changed every three to six months at minimum, or as soon as the brush head has visibly deteriorated.
Iron Dome – Effectiveness
Prior to its deployment, the Iron Dome was criticized as ineffective in countering the Qassam threat for the southern city of Sderot, given the short distance and flight time between the much-attacked city and the rocket launching pads in the Gaza Strip
Iron Dome – Effectiveness
Skyguard would use laser beams to intercept rockets, with each beam discharge costing an estimated $1,000–$2,000. With an investment of $180million, Northrop Grumman claimed it could possibly deploy the system within 18months. Israeli defense officials rejected the proposal, citing the extended timeline and additional costs. Officials also insisted that with recent improvements to Iron Dome, the system was fully able to intercept Qassams.
Iron Dome – Effectiveness
Following the system’s deployment in April 2011, it was used to successfully intercept Katyusha rocket launcher|Katyusha rockets fired by Palestinian militants. In August that year, Iron Dome intercepted 20 missiles and rockets fired into Israel. However, in one instance the system destroyed four out of five rockets fired at the city of Beersheba but failed to stop the fifth which killed one man and injured several others.
Iron Dome – Effectiveness
In November 2012, during Operation Pillar of Defense, the Iron Dome’s effectiveness was estimated by Israeli officials at between 75 and 95 percent
Iron Dome – Effectiveness
In comparison with other air defense systems, the effectiveness rate of Iron Dome is very high. Defense consultant Steven Zaloga stated that Iron Dome’s destruction of 90 percent of missiles it targeted is an extremely high level, above that usually expected for air defense systems. Slate reported that the effectiveness rate is unprecedented in comparison with earlier systems such as the MIM-104 Patriot|Patriot missile defence system.
Iron Dome – Effectiveness
Although Postol had earlier lauded Iron Dome’s effectiveness, after studying videos of the alleged warhead interceptions as well as police reports and other data, he argued that Iron Dome’s intercept rate, defined as destruction of the rocket’s warhead was relatively low, perhaps as low as 5%, but could well be lower
Trainer Evaluation – Criticism of course evaluations as measures of teaching effectiveness
[ Return to academic standards: a critique of student evaluations of teaching effectiveness.] Quality Assurance in Education, 11(1), 37–46
Trainer Evaluation – Criticism of course evaluations as measures of teaching effectiveness
However, the authors conclude that it may not be possible to determine if attractiveness increases the effectiveness of an instructor, possibly resulting in better learning outcomes
Trainer Evaluation – Criticism of course evaluations as measures of teaching effectiveness
The empirical economics literature is in sharp contrast to the educational psychology literature which generally argues that teaching evaluations are a legitimate method of evaluating instructors and are unrelated to grade inflation
Trainer Evaluation – Criticism of course evaluations as measures of teaching effectiveness
Another criticism of these assessment instruments is that largely the data they produce are difficult to interpret for purposes of self- or course-improvement, given the number of variables that can effect evaluation scores.Marks, P
Trainer Evaluation – Criticism of course evaluations as measures of teaching effectiveness
Another concern that has been raised by instructors is that response rates to online course evaluations are lower (and therefore the results may be less valid) than paper-based in class evaluations. The situation is more complex that response rates alone would indicate.Anderson, J., Brown, G., Spaeth, S. (Aug/Sept 2006). [ Online student evaluations and response rates reconsidered.],
Trainer Evaluation – Criticism of course evaluations as measures of teaching effectiveness
Innovate (Fischler School of Education and Human Services, Nova Southeastern University), 2(6). Retrieved 2011-06-16. Student-faculty engagement is offered as an explanation, where course level, instructor rank, and other variables lacked explanatory power.
Cloud seeding – Effectiveness
Cloud seeding is no longer considered a fringe science, and is considered a mainstream tool to improve rain precipitation and snow. New technology and research have produced reliable results that make cloud seeding a dependable and affordable water-supply practice for many regions.
Cloud seeding – Effectiveness
Referring to the 1903, 1915, 1919, 1944, and 1947 and weather modification experiments, the Australian Federation of Meteorology discounted rain making
Cloud seeding – Effectiveness
Cloud seeding has been shown to be effective in altering cloud structure and size and in converting supercooled liquid water to ice particles. The amount of precipitation due to seeding is difficult to quantify.
Cloud seeding – Effectiveness
A key challenge is in discerning how much precipitation would have occurred had clouds not been seeded
Cloud seeding – Effectiveness
Clouds were seeded during the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing using rockets,[ The rocket that stops the rain] so that there would be no rain during the 2008 Summer Olympics opening ceremony|opening and 2008 Summer Olympics closing ceremony|closing ceremonies.Beijing to keep skies clear on Games’ opening day, BOCOG, 2007-04-26
Cloud seeding – Effectiveness
A 2010 Israel University study revealed that the common practice of cloud seeding to improve or induce rainfall, with materials such as silver iodide and frozen carbon dioxide, were not as effective as was hoped.[ ‘Cloud Seeding’ Not Effective at Producing Rain as Once Thought] A 2011 study suggested that airplanes may produce ice particles by freezing cloud droplets that cool as they flow around the tips of propellers, over wings or over jet aircraft, and thereby unintentionally seed clouds
Subliminal stimuli – Effectiveness
The effectiveness of subliminal messaging has been demonstrated to prime individual responses and stimulate mild emotional activity. Applications, however, often base themselves on the persuasiveness of the message. Importantly, research on action priming has shown that subliminal stimuli can trigger only those actions that one plans to perform anyway: an action can be triggered subliminally only if the person already has the specific intention to perform this specific action.
Subliminal stimuli – Effectiveness
The following sections have more information on specific studies in which the effectiveness of subliminal stimuli are
Total productive maintenance – Measuring effectiveness of Total Productive maintenance
A tool for measuring and evaluating the effectiveness of TPM can be found in Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE). Measuring the effectiveness of TPM is a crucial activity in TPM, but also a very time consuming and costly process. The mathematical formula is as follows:
Total productive maintenance – Measuring effectiveness of Total Productive maintenance
The possible benefits -or costs- of TPM are tested by a statistical analyses. OEE is used as a parameter of TPM effectiveness:
Total productive maintenance – Measuring effectiveness of Total Productive maintenance
H0: There is no significant difference in the percentage of defectives produced
Total productive maintenance – Measuring effectiveness of Total Productive maintenance
Ha: There is a significant difference in the percentage of defectives produced
Total productive maintenance – Measuring effectiveness of Total Productive maintenance
This test resulted in a rejection of the null hypothesis. So, it may be concluded TPM brings positive changes to the process development (Prabhuswamy et al., 2013). Reliable proof, could help convince people of the benefits TPM brings, and on what scale these benefits will operate. It could also be used as an argument criticasters cant disprove. Before being able to use TPM, additional theory should be consulted.
ISO 9002 – Effectiveness
#Are the quality principles in ISO 9001:2000 of value? (Note that the version date is important; in the 2000 version ISO attempted to address many concerns and criticisms of ISO 9000:1994).
ISO 9002 – Effectiveness
#Does it help to implement an ISO 9001:2000-compliant quality management system?
ISO 9002 – Effectiveness
#Commitment of senior management to monitor, control, and improve quality. Organizations that implement an ISO system without this desire and commitment often take the cheapest road to get a certificate on the wall and ignore problem areas uncovered in the audits.
ISO 9002 – Effectiveness
#How well the ISO system integrates into current business practices. Many organizations that implement ISO try to make their system fit into a cookie-cutter quality manual instead of creating a manual that documents existing practices and only adds new processes to meet the ISO standard when necessary.
ISO 9002 – Effectiveness
#How well the ISO system focuses on improving the customer experience
ISO 9002 – Effectiveness
#How well the auditor finds and communicates areas of improvement
Child maintenance – Effectiveness
A possible side effect from a capitalistic economy such as the United States, the child support system has become a good source of revenue for civil courts, attorneys and parents
Child maintenance – Effectiveness
Attorneys and judges may not want to forfeit the revenues from such a lucrative business and there is a pejorative label given to non-custodial parents who resist the child support. They’re labeled as dead beat parents.
Child maintenance – Effectiveness
Trends from within the United States today are pushing for an adjusted system. Many groups are demanding a more hands-off approach where government does not micromanage the family. These trends may encourage change in local and Federal
Overall equipment effectiveness
‘Overall equipment effectiveness’ (OEE) is a hierarchy of metrics developed by Seiichi Nakajima in the 1960s to evaluate how effectively a manufacturing operation is utilized
Overall equipment effectiveness
OEE measurement is also commonly used as a key performance indicator (KPI) in conjunction with lean manufacturing efforts to provide an indicator of success. OEE can be illustrated by a brief discussion of the six metrics that comprise the system. The hierarchy consists of two top-level measures and four underlying measures.
Overall equipment effectiveness – The top-level metrics
Overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) and ‘total effective equipment performance’ (TEEP) are two closely related measurements that report the overall utilization of facilities, time and material for manufacturing operations. These top view metrics directly indicate the gap between actual and ideal performance.
Overall equipment effectiveness – The top-level metrics
* Overall equipment effectiveness quantifies how well a manufacturing unit performs relative to its designed capacity, during the periods when it is scheduled to run.
Overall equipment effectiveness – The top-level metrics
* Total effective equipment performance (TEEP) measures OEE against calendar hours, i.e.: 24 hours per day, 365 days per year.
Overall equipment effectiveness – The underlying metrics
In addition to the above measures, there are four underlying metrics that provide understanding as to why and where the OEE and TEEP gaps exist.
Overall equipment effectiveness – The underlying metrics
The measurements are described below:
Overall equipment effectiveness – The underlying metrics
*’ Loading:’ The portion of the TEEP Metric that represents the percentage of total calendar time that is actually scheduled for operation.
Overall equipment effectiveness – The underlying metrics
*’ Availability:’ The portion of the OEE Metric that represents the percentage of scheduled time that the operation is available to operate. Often referred to as Uptime.
Overall equipment effectiveness – The underlying metrics
*’ Performance:’ The portion of the OEE Metric that represents the speed at which the Work Center runs as a percentage of its designed speed.
Overall equipment effectiveness – The underlying metrics
*’ Quality:’ The portion of the OEE Metric that represents the Good Units produced as a percentage of the Total Units Started. Commonly referred to as First Pass Yield FPY.
Overall equipment effectiveness – Calculations for OEE and TEEP
What follows is a detailed presentation of each of the six OEE / TEEP Metrics and examples of how to perform calculations. The calculations are not particularly complicated, but care must be taken as to standards that are used as the basis. Additionally, these calculations are valid at the work center or part number level but become more complicated if rolling up to aggregate levels.
Overall equipment effectiveness – Overall equipment effectiveness
OEE breaks the performance of a manufacturing unit into three separate but measurable components: Availability, Performance, and Quality. Each component points to an aspect of the process that can be targeted for improvement. OEE may be applied to any individual Work Center, or rolled up to Department or Plant levels. This tool also allows for drilling down for very specific analysis, such as a particular Part Number, Shift, or any of several other parameters.
Overall equipment effectiveness – Overall equipment effectiveness
It is unlikely that any manufacturing process can run at 100% OEE. Many manufacturers benchmark their industry to set a challenging target; 85% is not uncommon.
Overall equipment effectiveness – Overall equipment effectiveness
*OEE is calculated with the formula (Availability)*(Performance)*(Quality)
Overall equipment effectiveness – Overall equipment effectiveness
*Using the examples given below:
Overall equipment effectiveness – Overall equipment effectiveness
*(Availability= 86.6%)*(Performance=93%)*(Quality=91.3%)= (OEE=73.6%)
Overall equipment effectiveness – Overall equipment effectiveness
Alternatively, and often easier, OEE is calculated by dividing the minimum time needed to produce the parts under optimal conditions by the actual time needed to produce the parts. For example:
Overall equipment effectiveness – Overall equipment effectiveness
*Total Time: 8 hour shift or 28.800 seconds, producing 14.400 parts, or one part every 2 seconds.
Overall equipment effectiveness – Overall equipment effectiveness
*Fastest possible cycle time is 1,5 seconds, hence only 21.600 seconds would have been needed to produce the 14.400 parts. The remaining 7.200 seconds or 2 hours were lost.
Overall equipment effectiveness – Overall equipment effectiveness
*The OEE is now the 21.600 seconds divided by 28.800 seconds (same as maximal 1,5 seconds per part divided by 2 actual seconds per part), or 75%.
Overall equipment effectiveness – Total effective equipment performance
Where OEE measures effectiveness based on scheduled hours, TEEP measures effectiveness against calendar hours, i.e.: 24 hours per day, 365 days per year.
Overall equipment effectiveness – Total effective equipment performance
TEEP, therefore, reports the ‘bottom line’ utilization of assets.
Overall equipment effectiveness – Loading
The Loading portion of the TEEP Metric represents the percentage of time that an operation is scheduled to operate compared to the total Calendar Time that is available. The Loading Metric is a pure measurement of Schedule Effectiveness and is designed to exclude the effects how well that operation may perform.
Overall equipment effectiveness – Loading
‘Calculation: Loading = Scheduled Time / Calendar Time’
Overall equipment effectiveness – Loading
A given Work Center is scheduled to run 5 Days per Week, 24 Hours per Day.
Overall equipment effectiveness – Loading
For a given week, the Total Calendar Time is 7 Days at 24 Hours.
Overall equipment effectiveness – Availability
The Availability portion of the OEE Metric represents the percentage of scheduled time that the operation is available to operate. The Availability Metric is a pure measurement of Uptime that is designed to exclude the effects of Quality, Performance, and Scheduled Downtime Events. The losses due to wasted availability are called availability losses.
Overall equipment effectiveness – Availability
A given Work Center is scheduled to run for an 8-hour (480 minute) shift with a 30-minute scheduled break.
Overall equipment effectiveness – Availability
Operating Time = 450 Min Sched – 60 Min Unsched Downtime = 390 Minutes
Overall equipment effectiveness – Availability
‘Calculation: Availability = uptime/ available time’
Overall equipment effectiveness – Performance
The Performance portion of the OEE Metric represents the speed at which the Work Center runs as a percentage of its designed speed. The Performance Metric is a pure measurement of speed that is designed to exclude the effects of Quality and Availability. The losses due to wasted performance are also often called speed losses. In practice it is often difficult to determine speed losses, and a common approach is to merely assign the remaining unknown losses as speed looses.
Overall equipment effectiveness – Performance
‘Calculation: Performance = (Parts Produced * Ideal Cycle Time) / Operating time’
Overall equipment effectiveness – Performance
The Standard Rate for the part being produced is 40 Units/Hour or 1.5 Minutes/Unit
Overall equipment effectiveness – Performance
The Work Center produces 242 Total Units during the shift. Note: The basis is Total Units, not Good Units. The Performance metric does not penalize for Quality.
Overall equipment effectiveness – Performance
Time to Produce Parts = 242 Units * 1.5 Minutes/Unit = 363 Minutes
Overall equipment effectiveness – Performance
Performance = 363 Minutes / 390 Minutes = 93.0%
Overall equipment effectiveness – Quality
The Quality portion of the OEE Metric represents the Good Units produced as a percentage of the Total Units Started. The Quality Metric is a pure measurement of Process Yield that is designed to exclude the effects of Availability and Performance. The losses due to defects and rework are called quality losses.
Overall equipment effectiveness – Quality
‘Calculation: Quality = (Units produced – defective units) / (Units produced)’
Overall equipment effectiveness – Quality
242 Units are produced. 21 are defective.
Overall equipment effectiveness – Quality
221 good units / 242 total units produced = 91.32%
Overall equipment effectiveness – OEE as a heuristic
OEE is useful as a heuristic, but can break down in several circumstances. For example, it may be far more costly to
Overall equipment effectiveness – OEE as a heuristic
run a facility at certain times. Performance and quality may not be independent of each other or of availability and loading.
Overall equipment effectiveness – OEE as a heuristic
Experience may develop over time. Since the performance of shop floor managers is at least sometimes compared to the OEE, these numbers are often not reliable, and there are numerous ways to fudge these numbers.
Overall equipment effectiveness – OEE as a heuristic
OEE has properties of a geometric mean. As such it punishes variability among its subcomponents. For example 20% * 80% = 16%,
Overall equipment effectiveness – OEE as a heuristic
Consider a system where the cost of error is exceptionally high. In such a condition, higher quality may be far more important
Overall equipment effectiveness – OEE as a heuristic
in a proper evaluation of effectiveness than performance or availability. OEE also to some extent assumes a closed system and a potentially static one. If one can bring in additional resources (or lease out unused
Overall equipment effectiveness – OEE as a heuristic
resources to other projects or business units) then it may be more appropriate for example to use an expected net present value
Overall equipment effectiveness – OEE as a heuristic
Variability in flow also can introduce important costs and risks that may merit further modeling. Sensitivity analysis and
Overall equipment effectiveness – Automated OEE Systems
Although OEE can be manually calculated based on collected Data warehouse|production data, the standardization of Plant floor communication|plant floor networks and OLE for process control|OPC technology has led many industrial vendors to introduce automated OEE systems, ranging in complexity from a single sensor to complex integrated Manufacturing Execution Systems|MES, Enterprise resource planning|ERP or CMMS systems. Notable industrial OEE vendors include:
Overall equipment effectiveness – Automated OEE Systems
Recently there have developments in integrating autocoding systems [ Alan France on the benefits of integrating Autocoding and OEE] Engineering Maintenance 25 July 2013 with OEE software, whereby OEE values can be displayed on operator screens.
Spare parts management – Measures of effectiveness
The effectiveness of spares inventory can be measured by Metric system|metrics such as Service_level#.CE.B2_service_level_.28type_2.2C_also_known_as_.22fill_rate.22.29|fill rate and availability of the end item.
Pie chart – Use, effectiveness and visual perception
An obvious flaw exhibited by pie charts is that they cannot show more than a few values without separating the visual encoding (the “slices”) from the data they represent (typically percentages)
Pie chart – Use, effectiveness and visual perception
Statisticians generally regard pie charts as a poor method of displaying information, and they are uncommon in scientific literature. One reason is that it is more difficult for comparisons to be made between the size of items in a chart when area is used instead of length and when different items are shown as different shapes.
Pie chart – Use, effectiveness and visual perception
Further, in research performed at ATT Bell Laboratories, it was shown that comparison by angle was less accurate than comparison by length
Trackback submitter – Effectiveness
Once Trackback Submitter was covered on Search Engine Journal and other popular SEO blogs, its popularity increased dramatically and some blog owners were forced to disable trackback feature or moderate each comment to prevent this software from hacking their spam protection plugins like Spam Karma and others.
Extended validation certificate – Effectiveness against phishing attacks
In 2006, researchers at Stanford University and Microsoft Research conducted a usability study of the EV display in Internet Explorer 7. Their paper concluded that participants who received no training in browser security features did not notice the extended validation indicator and did not outperform the control group, whereas participants who were asked to read the Internet Explorer help file were more likely to classify both real and fake sites as legitimate.
Loss of tail-rotor effectiveness
‘Loss of tail-rotor effectiveness (LTE)’Rotorcraft Flying Handbook Section 11-12, Federal Aviation Administration, Skyhorse Publishing (July 2007) ISBN 978-1-60239-060-7 (LTE) occurs when the tail rotor of a helicopter is exposed to wind forces that prevent it from carrying out its function—that of cancelling the torque of the engine and transmission. Any low-airspeed high-power environment provides an opportunity for it to occur.
Loss of tail-rotor effectiveness – Causes
Environmental factors which can lead to LTE include higher operating-density altitudes or temperatures, and high winds. A high gross weight can also create an LTE-conducive situation. Causative wind-directions may include:
Loss of tail-rotor effectiveness – Causes
# Main-rotor vortexes pushed into the tail rotor by wind. This can occur with wind coming from 10 o’clock on North American (counter-clockwise) rotors and from 2 o’clock on clockwise rotors. The wind pushes the dirty air and vortexes generated from the main-rotor into the tail-rotor, preventing the tail rotor from having clean air to propel.
Loss of tail-rotor effectiveness – Causes
# Wind from the tail (6 o’clock) can cause the helicopter to attempt to weathervane into the wind. The winds passing on both sides of the tail rotor make it teeter between being effective (providing thrust) and ineffective (not providing thrust). This creates a lot of pedal work for the pilot to eliminate unintended Yaw angle|yaw.
Loss of tail-rotor effectiveness – Causes
# Wind moving in the same direction as the tail rotor moves air
Loss of tail-rotor effectiveness – Indications of onset
Many factors affect the onset of LTE, but no matter which way it occurs, the clues are present:
Loss of tail-rotor effectiveness – Indications of onset
* An unintended yaw that may even be opposite to pedal input.
Loss of tail-rotor effectiveness – Recovery
Recovery is initiated by increasing airspeed, using the vertical stabilizer to reduce Yaw angle|yaw or, if uncorrectable by application of speed or tail-rotor thrust, entry into autorotation
NICE – Cost–effectiveness
By comparing the cost–effectiveness in terms of health quality gained for the money spent.Methods for the Economic Evaluation of Health Care Programmes, Drummond et al (2005) By choosing to spend the finite NHS budget upon those treatment options that provide the most efficient results, society can ensure it does not lose out on possible health gains through spending on inefficient treatments and neglecting those that are more efficient.
NICE – Cost–effectiveness
NICE attempts to assess the cost–effectiveness of potential expenditures within the NHS to assess whether or not they represent ‘better value’ for money than treatments that would be neglected if the expenditure took place. It assesses the cost–effectiveness of new treatments by analysing the cost and benefit of the proposed treatment relative to the next best treatment that is currently in use.NICE guidance, 2008
Incremental cost-effectiveness ratio
It is typically used in cost-effectiveness analysis
Incremental cost-effectiveness ratio
Costs are usually described in monetary units while benefits/effect in health status is measured in terms of quality-adjusted life years (QALYs) gained or lost.Primer on Cost-Effectiveness Analysis
Incremental cost-effectiveness ratio – Benefits
[ Good research practices for cost-effectiveness analysis alongside clinical trials: The ISPOR RCT-CEA task force report]
Incremental cost-effectiveness ratio – Controversies
[ Use of cost-effectiveness analysis in health-care resource allocation decision-making: How are cost-effectiveness thresholds expected to emerge]? Value in Health, 2004; 7(5):518-528
Incremental cost-effectiveness ratio – Controversies
[ PCORI head vows not to do cost-effectiveness studies, but notes gray areas]
Incremental cost-effectiveness ratio – Example
If a fictional treatment costs a total of £45,000 at today’s value and increases a person’s quality of life (QoL) from 0.5 to 0.6 for the remainder of their life from age 70 and onwards, and their expected lifespan increases from 73 to 75.
Incremental cost-effectiveness ratio – Example
The total QALYs without the treatment are: 3 years * 0.5 = 1.5 QALYs
Mnemonic technique – Effectiveness
This greatly contrasts with a study where the results showed from surveys of medical students that approximately only 20% frequently used mnemonic acronyms.Brotle, D.Charles [ The role of mnemonic acronyms in clinical emergency medicine: A grounded theory study], 2011 Although the majority of a certain age group can benefit from the use of mnemonics, not everyone can learn best using them.
Mnemonic technique – Effectiveness
Studies (notably The Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two) have suggested that the short-term memory of adult humans can hold only a limited number of items; grouping items into larger chunks such as in a mnemonic might be part of what permits the brain to hold a larger total amount of information in short-term memory, which in turn can aid the creation of long-term memories.
Eye contact – The effectiveness of eye contact
When two or more individuals talk, the person that talks is used to being looked at. Therefore, making eye contact is making other people expect conversation.
Mediation – Measuring effectiveness
Mediation recognized that in addition to the fact of reaching a settlement, party satisfaction and mediator competence could be measured. Surveys of mediation parties reveal strong levels of satisfaction with the process. Of course, if parties are generally satisfied post-settlement, then such measures may not be particularly explanatory.
Cognitive interview – Effectiveness
Several studies of the cognitive interview have provided results that support the effectiveness of this relatively new method of interviewing
Audit committee – Role in monitoring the effectiveness of the internal control process and of the internal audit
Internal control includes the policies and practices used to control the operations, accounting, and regulatory compliance of the entity. Management and both the internal auditing function and external auditors provide reporting to the audit committee regarding the effectiveness and efficiency of internal control.
Audit committee – Role in monitoring the effectiveness of the internal control process and of the internal audit
*Institute of Internal Auditors|IIA Practice Advisory: Cf. PA1110-1 paragraphs 2 and 3 (where the “board” means “an organization’s governing body, such as a board of directors, supervisory board, (…) any other designated body of the organization, including the audit committee to whom the chief audit executive may functionally report)
Audit committee – Role in monitoring the effectiveness of the internal control process and of the internal audit
* European best practice for the role of the Audit Committee in overseeing internal audit: cf.
Psychotherapy – Criticisms and questions regarding effectiveness
Within the psychotherapeutic community there has been some discussion of empirically based psychotherapy.
Psychotherapy – Criticisms and questions regarding effectiveness
The effectiveness, suitability and sufficiency of the therapies were compared also with that of psychoanalysis (5 years), within a quasi-experimental design
Psychotherapy – Criticisms and questions regarding effectiveness
There is considerable controversy about which form of psychotherapy is most effective, and more specifically, which types of therapy are optimal for treating which sorts of problems
Psychotherapy – Criticisms and questions regarding effectiveness
The dropout level is quite high; one meta-analysis of 125 studies concluded that the mean dropout rate was 46.86%.
Psychotherapy – Criticisms and questions regarding effectiveness
The high level of dropout has raised some criticism about the relevance and efficacy of psychotherapy. There are different drop out rates depending on how drop-out is defined. Another large meta-analysis reports drop-out rates not larger than 20 to 25%.
Psychotherapy – Criticisms and questions regarding effectiveness
Psychotherapy outcome research—in which the effectiveness of psychotherapy is measured by questionnaires given to patients before, during, and after treatment—has had difficulty distinguishing between the success or failure of the different approaches to therapy
Psychotherapy – Criticisms and questions regarding effectiveness
As early as 1952, in one of the earliest studies of psychotherapy treatment, Hans Eysenck reported that two thirds of therapy patients improved significantly or recovered on their own within two years, whether or not they received psychotherapy.
Psychotherapy – Criticisms and questions regarding effectiveness
In 1994 the late Frank Pittman published A Buyer’s Guide To Psychotherapy, calling psychotherapy a decision about whose wisdom to buy while questioning the value of a profession he had practiced for more than three decades:
Psychotherapy – Criticisms and questions regarding effectiveness
Many psychotherapists believe that the nuances of psychotherapy cannot be captured by questionnaire-style observation, and prefer to rely on their own clinical experiences and conceptual arguments to support the type of treatment they practice.
Psychotherapy – Criticisms and questions regarding effectiveness
In 2001, Bruce Wampold of the University of Wisconsin published the book The Great Psychotherapy Debate. In it Wampold, who has a degree in mathematics and who went on to train as a counseling psychologist, reported that:
Psychotherapy – Criticisms and questions regarding effectiveness
# The theoretical bases of the techniques used, and the strictness of adherence to those techniques are both not factors
Psychotherapy – Criticisms and questions regarding effectiveness
# The therapist’s strength of belief in the efficacy of the technique is a factor
Psychotherapy – Criticisms and questions regarding effectiveness
# The alliance between the patient(s) and the therapist (meaning affectionate and trusting feelings toward the therapist, motivation and collaboration of the client, and empathic response of the therapist) is a key factor
Psychotherapy – Criticisms and questions regarding effectiveness
Although the Great Psychotherapy Debate dealt primarily with data on depressed patients, subsequent articles have made similar findings for post-traumatic stress disorder and youth disorders. There have also been studies of Panic Disorder, where treatment effectiveness is measured in the abatement of panic attacks. Psychoanalytic psychotherapy has been found to be as effective as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for immediate relief and more effective over the long term.
Psychotherapy – Criticisms and questions regarding effectiveness
Some report that by attempting to program or manualize treatment, psychotherapists may be reducing efficacy, although the unstructured approach of many psychotherapists cannot appeal to those patients motivated to solve their difficulties through the application of specific techniques different from their past mistakes.
Psychotherapy – Criticisms and questions regarding effectiveness
Critics of psychotherapy are skeptical of the healing power of a psychotherapeutic relationship. Because any intervention takes time, critics note that the passage of time alone, without therapeutic intervention, often results in psycho-social healing. Social contact with others is universally seen as beneficial for all humans and regularly scheduled visits with anyone would be likely to diminish both mild and severe emotional difficulty.
Psychotherapy – Criticisms and questions regarding effectiveness
Yet a large part of effectiveness studies include waiting-list control groups. This type of study design proves psychotherapy to be significantly more effective than passage of time alone.
Psychotherapy – Criticisms and questions regarding effectiveness
Many resources available to a person experiencing emotional distress—the friendly support of friends, peers, family members, clergy contacts, personal reading, healthy exercise, research, and independent coping—all present considerable value
Psychotherapy – Criticisms and questions regarding effectiveness
Further critiques have emerged from feminist, constructionist and discursive sources
Conciliation – Effectiveness
Recent studies in the processes of negotiation have indicated the effectiveness of a technique that deserves mention here
Conciliation – Effectiveness
Most successful conciliators are highly skilled negotiators. Some conciliators operate under the auspices of any one of several non-governmental entities, and for governmental agencies such as the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (United States)|Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service in the United States.
Behavior modification – Some areas of effectiveness
Functional analysis (psychology)|Functional behavior assessment forms the core of applied behavior analysis. Many techniques in this therapy are specific techniques aimed at specific issues. Interventions based on behavior analytic/modification principles have been extremely effective in developing evidence-based treatments.O’Donohue, W.; Ferguson, K.E. (2006). Evidence-Based Practice in Psychology and Behavior Analysis. The Behavior Analyst Today, 7(3), pp. 335–52 []
Behavior modification – Some areas of effectiveness
In addition to the above, a growing list of research-based interventions from the behavioral paradigm exist
Behavior modification – Some areas of effectiveness
Behavior modification programs form the core of many residential Behavior Modification Facility|treatment facility programs
Behavior modification – Some areas of effectiveness
One area that has repeatedly shown effectiveness has been the work of behaviorists working in the area of community reinforcement for addictions.Milford, J.L.; Austin, J.L.; Smith, J.E
Behavior modification – Some areas of effectiveness
681–72.[ BAO] In addition, parent management training programs, sometimes referred to as behavioral parent training programs, have shown relative cost effectiveness for their effortsOlchowski, A.E.; Foster, E.M.; Webster-Stratton, C.H
Industrial psychology – Team effectiveness
# organizational resources
Industrial psychology – Team effectiveness
I/O research has looked at the negative impacts of workplace aggression on team performance and particularly team effectiveness as was evidenced in a recent study by Aube and Rousseau. Rousseau, V. Aube, C. (2011). Interpersonal aggression and team effectiveness: The mediating role of team goal commitment Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 84(3)., 565-580
Civil resistance – Effectiveness of civil resistance
It is not easy to devise a method of proving the relative success of different methods of struggle
Anti-globalization movement – Lack of effectiveness
One argument often made by the opponents of the anti-globalization movement (especially by The Economist), is that one of the major causes of poverty amongst third-world farmers are the trade barriers put up by rich nations and poor nations alike
Anti-globalization movement – Lack of effectiveness
Many supporters of globalization think that policies different from those of today should be pursued, although not necessarily those advocated by the anti-globalization movement
Aggression in healthcare – Evaluating the effectiveness of training
It remains that training is not universally or consistently offered to healthcare workers (Beech and Leather 2006)
Aggression in healthcare – Evaluating the effectiveness of training
The study by Beale et al. (1998) therefore provides the following advice as to good practice (Beech and Leather 2006):
Aggression in healthcare – Evaluating the effectiveness of training
* Training should emphasise prevention, calming and negotiation skills as opposed to confrontation
Aggression in healthcare – Evaluating the effectiveness of training
* Training should be offered in modules, ranging initially from basic customer care and handling difficult patients to full control and restraint of patients.
Aggression in healthcare – Evaluating the effectiveness of training
* Material relating to the causes of aggression, how to reduce risks, anticipation of violence, resolving conflict and dealing with post-incident circumstances should be provided to staff.
Aggression in healthcare – Evaluating the effectiveness of training
* Physical breakaway skills should be taught–however an understanding as to situations in which such skills should be practiced must be appreciated.
Aggression in healthcare – Evaluating the effectiveness of training
* Staff should be taught to control their own feelings
Aggression in healthcare – Evaluating the effectiveness of training
* An understanding of normal/abnormal post-trauma reactions should be reached
Aggression in healthcare – Evaluating the effectiveness of training
* Staff should be familiar with local arrangements and policies
Independent director – Effectiveness
management, while still technically independent according to regulatory definitions.[ Hiring Cheerleaders: Board Appointments of Independent Directors] Lauren Cohen, Andrea Frazzini
Independent director – Effectiveness
One complaint against the independence regulations is that CEOs may find loopholes to influence directors
Air medical services – Cost-effectiveness
The cost and effectiveness of the London Helicopter Emergency Medical Service
Resuscitation – Effectiveness
More patients achieve a return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC), whereby their heart spontaneously restarts, than ultimately survive to be discharged from hospital (see table above) because of other comorbidities or medical staff’s inability to address the cause of the cardiac arrest. Ultimately, only 5–10% of patients in cardiac arrest will survive after an attempted resuscitation.
Osteopathic manipulative medicine – Effectiveness
A 2013 Cochrane collaboration|Cochrane Review reviewed six randomized controlled trials which investigated the effect of four types of chest physiotherapy (including OMT) as adjunctive treatments for pneumonia in adults and concluded that based on current limited evidence, chest physiotherapy might not be recommended as routine additional treatment for pneumonia in adults.
Osteopathic manipulative medicine – Effectiveness
A 2013 systematic review of the use of OMT for treating pediatric conditions concluded that its effectiveness was unproven.
Osteopathic manipulative medicine – Effectiveness
A 2011 systematic review found no compelling evidence that osteopathic manipulation was effective for the treatment of musculoskeletal pain. A 2013 systematic review found insufficient evidence to rate osteopathic manipulation for chronic non-specific low back pain.
Chiropractors – Effectiveness
Opinions differ as to the efficacy of chiropractic treatment
Chiropractors – Effectiveness
There is a wide range of ways to measure treatment outcomes. Chiropractic care, like all medical treatment, benefits from the placebo response. It is difficult to construct a trustworthy placebo for clinical trials of spinal manipulative therapy (SMT), as experts often disagree about whether a proposed placebo actually has no effect. The efficacy of maintenance care in chiropractic is unknown.
Chiropractors – Effectiveness
* ‘Low back pain’
Chiropractors – Effectiveness
* ‘Radiculopathy’
Chiropractors – Effectiveness
There is no consensus on the effectiveness of manual therapies for neck pain
Chiropractors – Effectiveness
* ‘Headache’
Chiropractors – Effectiveness
* ‘Extremity conditions’
Chiropractors – Effectiveness
* ‘Other’
Chiropractors – Effectiveness
bedwetting, carpal tunnel syndrome, fibromyalgia,Fibromyalgia:
Chiropractors – Effectiveness
gastrointestinal disorders, kinetic imbalance due to Suboccipital muscles|suboccipital strain (KISS) in infants, menstrual cramps, or pelvic girdle pain|pelvic and back pain during pregnancy.
Chiropractors – Cost-effectiveness
A 2011 systematic review found evidence supporting the cost-effectiveness of using spinal manipulation for the treatment of sub-acute or chronic low back pain; the results for acute low back pain were inconsistent
Chiropractors – Cost-effectiveness
The cost-effectiveness of maintenance chiropractic care is unknown.
Chiropractors – Cost-effectiveness
Analysis of a clinical and cost utilization data from the years 2003 to 2005 by an integrative medicine independent physician association (IPA) which looked the chiropractic services utilization found that the clinical and cost utilization of chiropractic services based on 70,274 member-months over a 7-year period decreased patient costs associate with the following use of services by 60.2% for in-hospital admissions, 59.0% for hospital days, 62.0% for outpatient surgeries and procedures, and 85% forpharmaceutical costs when compared with conventional medicine (visit to a medical doctor primary care provider) IPA performance for the same health maintenance organization product in the same geography and time frame.
Chiropractors – Cost-effectiveness
Gleberzon et al. identify deliberate fraud as a notably harmful element of the chiropractic profession, finding that dubious practice techniques can translate into outlandish billing and utilization rates. Those at the fringe of ethical behavior present the profession with a challenge, they believe, and must be weeded out.
Intraosseous – Effectiveness
This American Heart Association guideline cited two randomized controlled trials, one of 60 children and one of electively cannulated hematology/oncology patients. In addition, uncontrolled studies have been performed, one of which reported 72% to 87% rates of successful insertion.
Nebulized – Effectiveness
Recent evidence show that nebulizers are no more effective than metered-dose inhalers (MDIs) with spacers and that MDIs may offer advantages in children with acute asthma. Those findings refer specifically to the treatment of asthma and not to the efficacy of nebulisers generally, as for COPD for example.
Nebulized – Effectiveness
European Respiratory Society highlighted a risk relating to dosage reproducibility caused by selling nebulizer devices separately from nebulized solution. They found this practice could vary dosages 10-fold or more by changing from an inefficient nebulizer system to a highly efficient one.
Nebulized – Effectiveness
Two advantages attributed to nebulizers, compared to MDIs with spacers(inhalers), were their ability to deliver larger dosages at a faster rate, especially in acute asthma; however, recent data suggests actual lung deposition rates are the same. In addition, another trial found that a MDI (with spacer) — had a lower required dose for clinical result — compared to a nebulizer (see Clark, et al. other references).
Physical examination – Possible Ineffectiveness
A meta-study performed for the Nordic Cochrane Centre found that general health checks did not reduce the risk of death from cancer, heart disease, or any other cause, and could not be proved to affect the patient’s likelihood of being admitted to the hospital, becoming disabled, missing work, or needing additional office visits
Chiropractic treatment techniques – Cost-effectiveness
Spinal manipulation is generally regarded as cost-effective treatment of musculoskeletal conditions when used alone or in combination with other treatment approaches. Evidence supports the cost-effectiveness of using spinal manipulation for the treatment of sub-acute or chronic low back pain whereas the results for acute low back pain were inconsistent.
Democratic structuring – Domination and effectiveness
Some middle ground between domination and ineffectiveness can and must be found.Joreen (Jo Freeman), The Tyranny of Structurelessness, in Radical Feminism, edited by Anne Koedt, Ellen Levine, and Anita Rapone (New York: Quadrangle Books, 1973), p
Emergency contraception – Effectiveness of ECPs
Using an example of 75% effective, an article in American Family Physician explains the effectiveness calculation thus: ..
Emergency contraception – Effectiveness of ECPs
The progestin-only regimen (using levonorgestrel) is reported by the U.S. FDA to have an 89% effectiveness. , the labeling on the U.S. brand Plan B explained this effectiveness rate by stating, Seven out of every eight women who would have gotten pregnant will not become pregnant.
Emergency contraception – Effectiveness of ECPs
In 1999, a meta-analysis of eight studies of the combined (Yuzpe) regimen concluded that the best point estimate of effectiveness was 74%. A 2003 analysis of two of the largest combined (Yuzpe) regimen studies, using a different calculation method, found effectiveness estimates of 47% and 53%.
Emergency contraception – Effectiveness of ECPs
For both the progestin-only and Yuzpe regimens, the effectiveness of emergency contraception is highest when taken within 12 hours of intercourse and declines over time.
Emergency contraception – Effectiveness of ECPs
While most studies of emergency contraception have only enrolled women within 72 hours of unprotected intercourse, a 2002 study by the World Health Organization (WHO) suggested that reasonable effectiveness may continue for up to 120 hours (5 days) after intercourse.
Emergency contraception – Effectiveness of ECPs
For 10mg of mifepristone taken up to 120 hours (5 days) after intercourse, the combined estimate from three trials was an effectiveness of 83%. A review found that many trials found a regimen of 25–50mg of mifepristone to have higher effectiveness. However, when reviewers looked at only high-quality trials, the difference in effectiveness was not statistically significant.
Emergency contraception – Effectiveness of ECPs
HRA Pharma changed its packaging information for Norlevo (which has dosage and chemical makeup identical to many other EHCs) in November 2013 warning that the drug loses effectiveness in women who weigh more than 165 pounds and is completely ineffective for women who weigh over 176
Duluth Domestic Abuse Intervention Project – Effectiveness
A US study published in 2002 sponsored by the federal government found that batterers who complete programs based on the Duluth Model, are less likely to repeat acts of domestic violence than those who do not complete any batterers intervention program.
Duluth Domestic Abuse Intervention Project – Effectiveness
A 2005 study led by Larry Bennett, a professor of social work at the University of Illinois at Chicago and an expert on batterer intervention programs, found that of the 30 batterer intervention programs in Cook County, Illinois|Cook County, Illinois, 15 percent of batterers who completed the programs were rearrested for domestic violence, compared with 37 percent of those who dropped out of the programs
Disease prevention – Effectiveness
There is no general consensus as to whether or not preventive healthcare measures are cost-effective and worth long-term investment
Disease prevention – Effectiveness
A 2010 study showed that in the United States, vaccinating children, cessation of smoking, daily prophylactic use of aspirin, and Screening (medicine)|Screening of breast and colorectal cancers had the most potential to prevent premature death
Disease prevention – Effectiveness
The 10-Year Cost-Effectiveness of Lifestyle Intervention or Metformin for Diabetes Prevention
Psychoanalysis – Evaluation of effectiveness
Meta-analyses in 2012 and 2013 come to the conclusion that there is support or evidence for the efficacy of psychoanalytic therapy, thus further research is Other meta-analyses published in the recent years showed psychoanalysis and psychodynamic psychotherapy|psychodynamic therapy to be effective, with outcomes comparable or greater than other kinds of psychotherapy or antidepressant drugs, but these arguments have also been subjected to various criticisms
Psychoanalysis – Evaluation of effectiveness
In 2011, the American Psychological Association made 103 comparisons between psychodynamic treatment and a non-dynamic competitor and found that 6 were superior, 5 were inferior, 28 had no difference and 63 were adequate
Psychoanalysis – Evaluation of effectiveness
Meta-analyses of Short Term Psychodynamic Psychotherapy (STPP) have found effect sizes ranging from .34-.71 compared to no treatment and was found to be slightly better than other therapies in follow up.Edward M
Psychoanalysis – Evaluation of effectiveness
A system review of Long Term Psychodynamic Psychotherapy in 2009 found an overall effect size of .33. Others have found effect sizes of .44-.68.
Psychoanalysis – Evaluation of effectiveness
According to a 2004 French review conducted by INSERM, psychoanalysis was presumed or proven effective at treating panic disorder, post-traumatic stress and personality disorders.
Psychoanalysis – Evaluation of effectiveness
The world’s largest randomized controlled trial on therapy with anorexia outpatients, the ANTOP-Study, published 2013 in The Lancet, proved modified psychodynamic therapy to be more effective than cognitive behavioral therapy in the long term.
Psychoanalysis – Evaluation of effectiveness
The Schizophrenia Patient Outcomes Research Team advises against the use of Psychodynamic psychotherapy|psychodynamic therapy in cases of schizophrenia, arguing that more trials are necessary to verify its effectiveness.[ Initial Results from the Schizophrenia Patient Outcomes Research Team (PORT) Client Survey] 2001[ The Schizophrenia Patient Outcomes Research Team (PORT) Treatment (continued)] 1998
Myofascial release – Effectiveness
In 2011, the UK Advertising Standards Authority (UK)|Advertising Standards Authority ruled that there was inadequate scientific evidence that myofascial release was effective for any
Transportation Security Administration – Screening effectiveness
Undercover operations to test the effectiveness of airport screening processes are routinely carried out by the TSA’s Office of Investigations and the Department of Homeland Security Inspector General’s office.
Transportation Security Administration – Screening effectiveness
A report by the Department of Homeland Security Office of Inspector General found that TSA officials had collaborated with Covenant Aviation Security (CAS) at San Francisco International Airport to alert screeners to undercover tests
Transportation Security Administration – Screening effectiveness
A report on undercover operations conducted in October 2006 at Newark Liberty International Airport was leaked to the press
Transportation Security Administration – Screening effectiveness
In July 2007, the Times Union (Albany)|Times Union of Albany, New York reported that TSA screeners at Albany International Airport failed multiple covert security tests conducted by the TSA. Among them was a failure to detect a fake bomb.
Transportation Security Administration – Screening effectiveness
In December 2010, ABC News Houston reported in an article about a man who accidentally took a forgotten gun through airport security, that the failure rate approaches 70 percent at some major airports.
Transportation Security Administration – Screening effectiveness
In June 2011 TSA fired 36 screeners at the Honolulu International Airport|Honolulu airport for regularly allowing bags through without being inspected.Poole, Robert (2011-09-19) [ Massive firing at HNL Honolulu Airport], CNN
Transportation Security Administration – Screening effectiveness
In May 2012, a report from the Department of Homeland Security Office of Inspector General stated that the TSA does not have a complete understanding of breaches at the nation’s airports, with some hubs doing very little to fix or report security breaches. These findings will be presented to Congress.[] Report: TSA Security Breaches Mishandled
Transportation Security Administration – Screening effectiveness
John Mica, chairman of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, has had several joint hearings concerning the cost and benefits of the various safety programs including full body scanners, the Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC), and the behavior detection program, among others.[ Joint house hearing]- Retrieved 2012-08-19
Transportation Security Administration – Screening effectiveness
Some measures employed by the TSA have been accused of being ineffective and fostering a false sense of safety. This led security expert Bruce Schneier to coin the term security theater to describe those measures.
Enhanced interrogation – Effectiveness and reliability
Experts advising the Bush administration on new interrogation rules warn that harsh techniques used since 2001 terrorist attacks are outmoded, amateurish and unreliable.
Enhanced interrogation – Effectiveness and reliability
There is almost no scientific evidence to back up the U.S
Enhanced interrogation – Effectiveness and reliability
The so-called ticking time bomb scenario is frequently used to try to justify extreme interrogation
Enhanced interrogation – Effectiveness and reliability
#The claim that the waterboarding of Khalid Shaikh Mohammed helped prevent a planned attack on Los Angeles in 2002, but he was not captured until 2003.
Enhanced interrogation – Effectiveness and reliability
#Ibn al-Shaykh al-Libi’s confession that Iraq had trained al Qaeda in the use of weapons of mass destruction, which was used as justification for the subsequent Iraq War|invasion of Iraq
Enhanced interrogation – Effectiveness and reliability
Professor Shane O’Mara of the Trinity College, Dublin|Trinity College [ Institute of Neuroscience] concluded from a study that Prolonged stress from the CIA’s harsh interrogations could have impaired the memories of terrorist suspects, diminishing their ability to recall and provide the detailed information the spy agency sought.[ Report: CIA interrogations informed by bad science] by Pamela Hess, Associated Press, September 21, 2009[ You can’t trust a tortured brain: Neuroscience discredits coercive interrogation], September 21, 2009
Enhanced interrogation – Effectiveness and reliability
Former Washington Post writer Peter Carlson notes that, when it became known U.S. troops were waterboarding Filipino guerrilla fighters in 1898, author Mark Twain remarked,
Enhanced interrogation – Effectiveness and reliability
To make him confess what? Truth? Or lies? How can one know which it is they are telling? For under unendurable pain a man confesses anything that is required of him, true or false, and his evidence is worthless.Peter Carlson, Mark Twains’ Guide to Our Most Tumultuous Century, American Historian magazine, April 2010, pg 37
Enhanced interrogation – Effectiveness and reliability
Former CIA operative John Kiriakou in 2007 told CNN’s American Morning that the torture of Al Qaeda’s Abu Zubayda indirectly lead to the arrest of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed:
Enhanced interrogation – Effectiveness and reliability
:The former agent, who said he participated in the Abu Zubayda interrogation but not his waterboarding, said the CIA decided to waterboard the al Qaeda operative only after he was wholly uncooperative for weeks and refused to answer questions.
Enhanced interrogation – Effectiveness and reliability
:All that changed– and Zubayda reportedly had a divine revelation– after 30 to 35 seconds of waterboarding, Kiriakou said he learned from the CIA agents who performed the technique.
Enhanced interrogation – Effectiveness and reliability
:The terror suspect, who is being held at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, reportedly gave up information that indirectly led to the 2003 raid in Pakistan yielding the arrest of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, an alleged planner of the September 11, 2001, attacks, Kiriakou said.
Enhanced interrogation – Effectiveness and reliability
:The CIA was unaware of Mohammed’s stature before the Abu Zubayda interrogation, the former agent said.[ Ex-CIA agent: Waterboarding ‘saved lives’], CNN, December 11, 2007
Enhanced interrogation – Effectiveness and reliability
After Death of Osama bin Laden|the killing of Osama bin Laden, a Washington Post report, quoting U.S
Enhanced interrogation – Effectiveness and reliability
But Mohammed was not the first to provide this information: U.S
Enhanced interrogation – Effectiveness and reliability
Military interrogators with knowledge of the sources of the information deny that enhanced interrogation led to finding and killing Osama Bin LadenAlexander, Matthew, [ Tortured Logic: The United States Didn’t Need to Waterboard Anyone to Get Osama Bin Laden], Foreign Policy, May 8, 2011
Enhanced interrogation – Effectiveness and reliability
Columnist Marc Thiessen calls this view ignorance of how CIA interrogations worked
Enhanced interrogation – Effectiveness and reliability
Senator John McCain, citing CIA Director Leon Panetta, said that the assertion that waterboarding produced information that found Osama Bin Laden is false; all the useful leads were obtained through standard, noncoercive means.McCain, John, [ Bin Laden’s death and the debate over torture] Washington Post, May 11, 2011
Enhanced interrogation – Effectiveness and reliability
quote|we first learned about the facilitator/courier’s nom de guerre from a detainee not in CIA custody in 2002
Physical therapist – Effectiveness
A 2012 systematic review found evidence to support the efficacy of spinal manipulation administered by physical therapists to patients. The same review found that physical therapy spinal manipulation seems to be safe and improves the outcome for individuals with low back pain.
Group therapy – Research on effectiveness
International Journal of Group Psychotherapy, 54 (4): 491–519 and there is also good evidence for effectiveness with chronic Posttraumatic stress disorder|traumatic stress in war veterans.Kanas, N (2005) Group Therapy for Patients with Chronic Trauma-Related Stress Disorders
Group therapy – Research on effectiveness
Group Therapy has been shown to be as or more effective than individual therapy for Global Assessment of Functioning|higher functioning adults (Gardenswartz, 2009, Los Angeles, CA). Clinical cases has shown that the combination of both individual and group therapy is most beneficial for such clients. (the multiplicative effect).
EpiPen – Effectiveness
None of these devices prevent future episodes of anaphylaxis
Deterrence (legal) – Effectiveness
Research has shown that increasing the severity of a punishment does not have much effect on crime, while increasing the certainty of punishment does have a deterrent effect. Clearly, enhancing the severity of punishment will have little impact on people who do not believe they will be apprehended for their actions..
Deterrence (legal) – Effectiveness
The use of ‘heavy’ punishment has been described as the least effective and least fair principle of sentencing.Martin, Jacqueline (2005)
Deterrence (legal) – Effectiveness
A 2000 study by Uri Gneezy and Aldo Rustichini, A Fine Is a Price, has shown that introducing a fine for a previously unfined behavior may increase, rather than decrease, the unwanted behavior
Frozen Food – Effectiveness
Freezing is an effective form of food preservation because the pathogens that cause food spoilage are killed or do not grow very rapidly at reduced temperatures
Frozen Food – Effectiveness
Foods may be preserved for several months by freezing. Long-term frozen storage requires a constant temperature of -18 °C (0 °F) or less.Tressler, Evers, Evers. Into the Freezer – and Out. Pg 56-82
Rotman School of Management – Clarkson Centre for Business Ethics Board Effectiveness
The Centre monitors Canadian corporate governance trends and provides guidance to firms looking to improve their board effectiveness and disclosure
Rotman School of Management – Clarkson Centre for Business Ethics Board Effectiveness
Since 2002, CCBE’s annual Board Shareholder Confidence Index has become the standard by which Canadian governance best practices are measured.
Self-medication – Effectiveness
Self-medicating excessively for prolonged periods of time with benzodiazepines or alcohol often makes the symptoms of anxiety or depression worse. This is believed to occur as a result of the changes in brain chemistry from long-term use. Of those who seek help from mental health services for conditions including anxiety disorders such as panic disorder or social anxiety disorder|social phobia, approximately half have alcohol or benzodiazepine dependence issues.
Self-medication – Effectiveness
Sometimes anxiety precedes alcohol or benzodiazepine dependence but the alcohol or benzodiazepine dependence acts to keep the anxiety disorders going, often progressively making them worse
Guest worker program – Effectiveness
The effectiveness of guest worker programs has been a source of disagreement among scholars
Guest worker program – Effectiveness
The success of the current migrant worker system has yet to be completely evaluated. Those who have attempted to calculate and predict the success of guest worker programs have found the process to be very speculative. In an analysis of the United States’ guest worker program, legal expert Aili Palmunen wrote, “it is difficult if not impossible to give a concrete estimate of who will participate in this program.”
Human Rights Committee – Effectiveness of the State reporting system
The effectiveness of the use of state reporting has been questioned and as a result, a further mechanism for review was created in 2007; the UPR
Healthcare in the United Kingdom – Best practice and cost effectiveness
In England and Wales, the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) sets guidelines for medical practitioners as to how various conditions should be treated and whether or not a particular treatment should be funded. These guidelines are established by panels of medical experts who specialize in the area being reviewed.
Healthcare in the United Kingdom – Best practice and cost effectiveness
In Scotland, the Scottish Medicines Consortium advises NHS Boards there about all newly licensed medicines and formulations of existing medicines as well as the use of antimicrobiotics but does not assess vaccines, branded generics, non-prescription-only medicines (POMs), blood products and substitutes or diagnostic drugs
Effective altruism – Cost-effectiveness
Applied to charitable interventions, cost-effectiveness analysis|cost-effectiveness refers to the amount of good achieved per dollar spent. For example, the cost-effectiveness of health interventions can be measured in quality-adjusted life years.
Effective altruism – Cost-effectiveness
Effective giving is an important component of effective altruism because some charities are far more effective than others. Some charities simply fail to achieve their goals. Of those that do succeed, some achieve far greater results with less money. Toby Ord has calculated that some charities are hundreds or thousands of times more effective than others.
Effective altruism – Cost-effectiveness
Though cost-effectiveness is a newer concept in charity, it is commonly used by economists. Many effective altruists have backgrounds in philosophy, economics, or mathematics, fields that involve rational and quantitative thinking.
Effective altruism – Cost-effectiveness
Effective altruists have also rallied behind the idea of room for more funding: the idea that selecting a cause to donate to should be based on the marginal value that future donations to that would accomplish at the margin, rather than based on what has already been accomplished.
Tutor – Effectiveness
In many countries, individuals can become tutors without training, and the effectiveness of some forms of tutoring is doubtful. In some countries, including Cambodia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Lao PDR, and Tajikistan, the pattern of classroom teachers supplementing their incomes by tutoring students after school hours is more a necessity than a choice, as many teachers’ salaries hover close to the poverty line.
Tutor – Effectiveness
In the Republic of Korea, the number of private tutors expanded roughly 7.1% annually on average from 2001 to 2006, and by 2009 the sector was the largest employer of graduates from the humanities and social sciences.[],Kim, Kyung-Min Daekwon Park. 2012. “Impacts of Urban Economic Factors on Private Tutoring Industry.” Asia Pacific Education Review 13 (20), p.273.
Tutor – Effectiveness
Private tutoring is not always effective in raising academic achievement; and in some schools students commonly skip classes or sleep through lessons because they are tired after excessive external study. This means that the shadow system can make regular schooling less efficient.
Tutor – Effectiveness
Teachers who spend more time focusing on private lessons than regular classes can cause greater inefficiencies in the mainstream school system
Cost-effectiveness analyses are often visualized on a cost-effectiveness plane consisting of four-quadrants
Cost-effectiveness – CEA in pharmacoeconomics
In the context of pharmacoeconomics, the cost-effectiveness of a therapeutic or preventive intervention is the ratio of the cost of the intervention to a relevant measure of its effect
Cost-effectiveness – CEA in pharmacoeconomics
A complete compilation of cost-utility analyses in the peer reviewed medical literature is available from the Cost-Effectiveness Analysis Registry website.
Cost-effectiveness – CEA in pharmacoeconomics
A 1995 study of the cost-effectiveness of over 500 life-saving medical interventions found that the median cost per intervention was $42,000 per life-year saved
Montana Meth Project – Effectiveness of the ads
A new study was published in the Journal of Marketing Research validating the effectiveness of the Meth Project’s advertising in deterring substance abuse. The study was authored by researchers at the W. P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University.[ How Disgust Enhances the Effectiveness of Fear Appeals], Journal of Marketing Research, March, 2012
Montana Meth Project – Effectiveness of the ads
The researchers tested the effectiveness of several advertisements—including the Meth Project’s—and found that ads that relied on fear alone to convey their message did not lead to immediate changes in attitudes or behavior. However, according to the study, the Meth Project ads that incorporated an element of “disgust,” such as rotting teeth, skin sores or infections, did compel viewers to “undertake distancing behaviors,” such as deciding not to use illegal drugs.
Montana Meth Project – Effectiveness of the ads
The study concludes that, notably, the disgust and fear appeal condition in this study used an actual advertisement from the Montana Meth Project, a nationally recognized, award-winning program that uses high-impact advertising to reduce methamphetamine use . . . It was only the disgust-inducing fear appeal [the Meth Project ad] that significantly reduced future drug use, making it more effective in terms of persuasion and compliance.”
Montana Meth Project – Effectiveness of the ads
While the effectiveness of the campaign at reducing methamphetamine use is disputed,[ Success Of Anti-meth Ads Questioned By Study], ScienceDaily, December 11, 2008[ Benefits of graphic anti-meth ads questioned], Reuters, December 19, 2008 in 2010, the Meth Project was named the third most effective philanthropy in the world,[ The 25 Best Givers], Barron’s 2010, December 4, 2010 up from #5 in 2009 on Barron’s yearly rankings.[ The Top 25 Best Philanthropists], Barron’s 2009, November 28, 2009[ Meth Project Foundation gets high Barron’s rank], Billings Gazette, November 30, 2009 In its efforts to effectively reach teens and change attitudes and behaviors toward meth, the MMP regularly conducts focus group research to refine its messaging and better understand how to connect with the state’s youth.[ Don’t Allow Methamphetamine to Ruin Your Life], Psychology Today, September 2, 2009 HBO has also partnered with the MMP on a documentary as part of its Addiction series.[ Montana Meth]
Montana Meth Project – Effectiveness of the ads
Two surveys have been conducted that have investigated methamphetamine use amongst teenagers in Montana before and after the launch of the Meth Project’s ads.[ Statement of David Erceg-Hurn to Governor Schweitzer and Montana Legislature regarding funding of Montana Meth Project in 2009 budget], February 09, 2009 The first survey is the CDC’s youth risk behavior survey (YBRS)
Montana Meth Project – Effectiveness of the ads
The YRBS data indicates that teenage meth use in Montana has declined since the Meth Project’s ad campaign was launched in 2005. The absolute drop in meth use since the ad campaign was introduced in 2005 is 5.2% – larger than any prior four-year period.[ 2009 Youth Risk Behavior Survey], Montana Office of Public Instruction However, the YRBS data also shows that meth use was dropping for at least 6 years prior to the launch of the ad campaign.
Montana Meth Project – Effectiveness of the ads
The other survey of teen meth use has been conducted by the Meth Project. The data from the Meth Project’s survey are listed below.
Montana Meth Project – Effectiveness of the ads
According to the MMP’s figures, before the ad campaign (2005), only 2% of teenagers had ever used meth
Montana Meth Project – Effectiveness of the ads
In press materials, the Meth Project commonly cites YRBS figure of a 45% decrease in meth use between 2005 and 2007. However the absolute drop for the period was 3.7%. In contrast, the Meth Project’s own data for the same period show a 2% absolute increase in meth use, or a 100% relative increase. The 2009 YRBS results for Montana showed meth use declining an additional 32% to 3.1%, or a total reduction of 62%.
Montana Meth Project – Effectiveness of the ads
According to a 2007 Montana State Office of Public Instruction Report,[ Montana State Office of Public Instruction Report] since the inception of the program in 2005, there has also been a 72% relative decrease in adult methamphetamine use, and a 62% relative decline in methamphetamine-related crimes.[ The Meth Project Fact Sheet] Additionally, the percentage of teenagers who are aware of meth’s dangers increased from 25% to 93%, and Montana’s ranking among U.S
Head Start Program – Effectiveness
In a study by Lee, data were collected across sixty Head Start classrooms in 2007 and 2008
Jury – Jury effectiveness
ISBN 0-534-36822-0 This seemingly stark realization raises the question: Is the effectiveness of jury decision-making compromised by individuals’ tendencies to conform to the normative transmissions of a group?
Jury – Jury effectiveness
Since a clear archetype for determining guilt does not exist, the criminal justice system must rely on rulings handed down by juries. Even after a decision has been made, it is virtually impossible to know whether a jury has been correct or incorrect in freeing or accusing a defendant of a crime. Although establishing the effectiveness of juries is an arduous task, contemporary research has provided partial support for the proficiency of juries as decision makers.
Solitary confinement – Ineffectiveness
In 2002, the Commission on Safety and Abuse in America, chaired by John Joseph Gibbons and Nicholas Katzenbach found that: The increasing use of high-security segregation is counter-productive, often causing violence inside facilities and contributing to recidivism after release..
Solitary confinement – Ineffectiveness
Solitary confinement has been traditionally used as a behavioral reform of isolating prisoners physically, emotionally and mentally in order to control and change inmate behavior. Recently arrived inmates are more likely to violate prison rules than their inmate counterparts and thus are more likely to be put in solitary confinement. Additionally, individual attributes and environmental factors combine to increase an inmate’s likelihood of being put into solitary confinement.
Damp (structural) – Effectiveness of rising damp treatments
The author, Ralph Burkinshaw, has developed his own test method which he has published under the title, The rising damp tests of Camberwell Pier: Potential height of moisture rise in brickwork and the effectiveness of a modern chemical injection cream damp coursing application.
Damp (structural) – Effectiveness of rising damp treatments
In his book, Dampness in Buildings, Alan Oliver refers to research carried out in Belgium regarding the effectiveness of different types of rising damp treatments:
Damp (structural) – Effectiveness of rising damp treatments
In Belgium, at the Centre Scientifique et Technique de la Construction (CTSC, 1985), research was carried out on the effectiveness of the main retrofit DPCs found in Europe. It was generally found that physical DPCs performed best, followed by the various chemical DPCs, with electro osmosis and atmospheric syphons being the least effective.
Performance rating (work measurement) – Effectiveness of performance rating
The purpose of performance rating is to provide Systematic|systematic evaluation of the employees’ contribution to the organization. Globally, the combination of indicators and Performance management|performance management, combined with intensifying work, transforms the work of employees and of the managers. On the managerial level, the will of hierarchy to fulfill performance indicators are dependent on task prioritizing; which are not shared amongst everyone.
Performance rating (work measurement) – Effectiveness of performance rating
Performance Rating intensifies the environment of the organization but provides structure for production. Performance satisfaction is founded to be directly related to both affective commitment and intention of employee. If motivated more likely to meet goals.
Quantitative easing – Effectiveness
According to the International Monetary Fund|IMF, the quantitative easing policies undertaken by the central banks of the major developed countries since the beginning of the late-2000s financial crisis have contributed to the reduction in systemic risks following the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers. The IMF states that the policies also contributed to the improvements in market confidence and the bottoming out of the recession in the G7 economies in the second half of 2009.
Quantitative easing – Effectiveness
Economist Martin Feldstein argues that QE2 led to a rise in the stock market in the second half of 2010, which in turn contributed to increasing consumption and the strong performance of the US economy in late 2010
Price floor – Effectiveness of price floors
A price floor can be set below the Free market|free-market equilibrium price. In the first graph at right, the dashed green line represents a price floor set below the free-market price. In this case, the floor has no practical effect. The government has mandated a minimum price, but the market already bears a higher price.
Price floor – Effectiveness of price floors
By contrast, in the second graph, the dashed green line represents a price floor set above the free-market price. In this case, the price floor has a measurable impact on the market. It ensures prices stay high so that product can continue to be made.
Executive pay in the United States – Market ineffectiveness
Bebchuk et al
Executive pay in the United States – Market ineffectiveness
*in part because golden goodbyes (i.e. the severance/buyout/retirement compensation mentioned above) protect the executive from the pain of being fired,
Executive pay in the United States – Market ineffectiveness
*in part because hostile takeover defenses such as staggered boards (which stagger elections and terms of office for directors of corporate boards so that a hostile acquirer cannot gain control for at least a yearBebchuk and Fried, Pay Without Performance (2004), p.55) have protected management from hostile takeovers in recent years, and
Executive pay in the United States – Market ineffectiveness
*in part because the value of the shares and options owned by the average CEO (about 1 percent of the stock market capitalization of their firm’s equity) is too low to significantly impact executive behavior
Crystal Meth Anonymous – Effectiveness
A self-selected study limited to men who had sex with other men, used meth, and attended CMA,, summarizing showed that, after three months of participation in CMA, members reported their number of sexual partners had dropped from seven to less than one and self-reports of unprotected anal intercourse when using methamphetamine dropped by two-thirds. In a six month follow up, 64% had remained abstinent from methamphetamine while an additional 20% had used only once.
Health care in the United States – Overall system effectiveness compared to other countries
The U.S. stands 50th in the world with a life expectancy of The CIA World Factbook ranked the United States 174th worst (out of 222) – meaning 48th best – in the world for infant mortality rate (5.98/1,000 live births)
Health care in the United States – Overall system effectiveness compared to other countries
A study found that between 1997 and 2003, preventable deaths declined more slowly in the United States than in 18 other industrialized nations.Ellen Nolte and C
Health care in the United States – Overall system effectiveness compared to other countries
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) found that the U.S. ranked poorly in terms of years of potential life lost (YPLL), a statistical measure of years of life lost under the age of 70 that were amenable to being saved by health care. Among OECD nations for which data are available, the United States ranked third last for the health care of women (after Mexico and Hungary) and fifth last for men (Slovakia and Poland also ranked worse).
Health care in the United States – Overall system effectiveness compared to other countries
Recent studies find growing gaps in life expectancy based on income and geography
Health care in the United States – Overall system effectiveness compared to other countries
The debate about U.S
Health care in the United States – Overall system effectiveness compared to other countries
A report released in April 2008 by the Foundation for Child Development, which studied the period from 1994 through 2006, found mixed results for the health of children in the U.S
Deprogramming – Effectiveness and harm
Alan W. Gomes (chairman of the department of theology at Talbot School of Theology, Biola University) in his 2009 book Unmasking the Cults reports:
Deprogramming – Effectiveness and harm
:While advocates of the deprogramming position have claimed high rates of success, studies show that natural attrition rates actually are higher than the success rate achieved through deprogramming.Gomes, Alan W., Unmasking the Cults,
Deprogramming – Effectiveness and harm
Zondervan Guide to Cults and Religious Movements, Zondervan, 2009
Deprogramming – Effectiveness and harm
The Dialog Center International (DCI) a major Christian countercult movement|Christian counter-cult organization founded in 1973 by a Denmark|Danish professor of missiology and ecumenism|ecumenical theology, Dr
Deprogramming – Effectiveness and harm
Professor of psychiatry Saul Levine suggests that it is doubtful that deprogramming helps many people and goes on to say that it actually causes harm to the victim by very nature of the deprogramming
Fall of the Western Roman Empire – Financial, military, and political ineffectiveness: the process of failure
The ineffectiveness of Roman military responses from Stilicho onwards has been described as shocking, with little evidence of indigenous Field Force|field forces or of adequate training, discipline, pay, or supply for the barbarians who formed most of the available troops
Open Philanthropy – Organizational Effectiveness
Programming is designed to be both sustainable and scalable using models other organizations can emulate and adopt or proving new concepts. Fundraising efforts match anticipated programming needs. Program efforts demonstrate high numbers of beneficiaries served with programs, which are sustainable for years and decades. Post-program monitoring and research designed to test impact, value, sustainability, and scalability of solutions. Measures of success are meaningful, accurate, and complete.
Industrial/organizational psychology – Team effectiveness
I/O research has looked at the negative impacts of workplace aggression on team performance and particularly team effectiveness as was evidenced in a recent study by Aube and Rousseau. Rousseau, V. Aube, C. (2011). Interpersonal aggression and team effectiveness: The mediating role of team goal commitment Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 84(3)., 565-580
Academic doping – Effectiveness
“Although they currently offer modest improvements in cognitive performance at best, it is thought that future nootropics will encompass a wide array of drugs that enhance memory, attention, alertness, motivation, executive function, creativity or the need for sleep.”
Habitat for Humanity – Cost-effectiveness
To estimate cost effectiveness, all costs associated with building a Habitat home must be used, including the cost of volunteer time and training
Habitat for Humanity – Cost-effectiveness
Habitat has been criticized for its slow and inefficient rebuilding efforts along the Gulf Coast after Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. After 18months, Habitat had completed under 500homes. A major factor was Habitat’s reliance on working through local affiliates, who are not equipped to undertake large-scale rebuilding efforts.
Cognitive-behavioral therapist – Effectiveness
Some research has found similar effectiveness to an intervention of informational websites and weekly telephone CCBT was found to be equally effective as face-to-face CBT in adolescent anxiety and insomnia.
Aquatic therapy – Applications and effectiveness
Applications of aquatic therapy include neurological disorders,Morris DM
Aquatic therapy – Applications and effectiveness
A 2006 systematic review of effects of aquatic interventions in children with neuromotor impairments found substantial lack of evidence-based research evaluating the specific effects of aquatic interventions in this population.
Facilitated communication – Effectiveness
FC is not recommended for use with autistic people as there is no good evidence of its effectiveness.
Facilitated communication – Effectiveness
In March 2007, Scott Lilienfeld included facilitated communication on a list of treatments that have the potential to cause harm in clients, published in the Association for Psychological Science|APS journal Perspectives on Psychological Science.
Facilitated communication – Effectiveness
Mark Mostert (2001) says: Previous reviews of Facilitated Communication (FC) studies have clearly established that proponents’ claims are largely unsubstantiated and that using FC as an intervention for communicatively impaired or noncommunicative individuals is not recommended.
Facilitated communication – Effectiveness
A 1998 research review for the Department for Education and Employment concluded that, apart from some anecdotal and ethnographical reports, all research found that the effect disappeared once the facilitators were controlled, and [i]t would be hard to justify further research on this, given the many areas where there is insufficient, or no, research..
Anti-phishing software – Anti-phishing effectiveness
A study conducted by 3Sharp released on September 27, 2006 tested the ability of eight anti-phishing solutions to block known phishing sites, warn about phishing sites, and allow good sites. The study, which was commissioned by Microsoft and titled Gone Phishing: Evaluating Anti-Phishing Tools for Windows, concluded that Internet Explorer 7|Internet Explorer and Netcraft Toolbar were the most effective anti-phishing tools.
Anti-phishing software – Anti-phishing effectiveness
A later independent study, conducted by Carnegie Mellon University CyLab titled Phinding Phish: An Evaluation of Anti-Phishing Toolbars, released November 13, 2006, tested the ability of ten anti-phishing solutions to block known or warn about phishing sites, not block or warn about legitimate sites, as well as usability testing of each solution
Anti-phishing software – Anti-phishing effectiveness
Google Safe Browsing (which has since been built into Firefox) and Internet Explorer 7|Internet Explorer both performed well, but when testing ability to detect fresh phishes Netcraft Toolbar scored as high 96%, while Google Safe Browsing scored as low as 0%, possibly due to technical problems with Google Safe Browsing.
Anti-phishing software – Anti-phishing effectiveness
The testing was performed using phishing data obtained from Anti-Phishing Working Group, PhishTank and an unnamed email filtering vendor.
Anti-phishing software – Anti-phishing effectiveness
The latest study, conducted by SmartWare for Mozilla, released November 14, 2006, concluded that the anti-phishing filter in Firefox was more effective than Internet Explorer 7|Internet Explorer by more than 10%
Anti-phishing software – Anti-phishing effectiveness
While the two later reports were released only one day apart, Asa Dotzler, Director of Community Development at Mozilla, has responded to the criticism of the Mozilla-commissioned report by saying you’re agreeing that the most recent legitimate data puts Firefox ahead. Good enough for me.
Anti-phishing software – Anti-phishing effectiveness
Since these studies were conducted, both Microsoft and Opera Software have started licensing Netcraft’s anti-phishing data, bringing the effectiveness of their browser’s built-in anti-phishing on par with Netcraft Toolbar and beyond.
Birth control pill – Effectiveness
According to James Trussell’s Contraceptive Efficacy chapter in the current (2011) edition of Contraceptive Technology, the estimated probability of pregnancy during the first year of perfect use of pill is 0.3%, and the estimated probability of pregnancy during the first year of typical use of the pill is 9%
Birth control pill – Effectiveness
Several factors account for typical use effectiveness being lower than perfect use effectiveness:
Birth control pill – Effectiveness
* mistakes on the part of those providing instructions on how to use the method
Birth control pill – Effectiveness
* conscious user non-compliance with instructions.
Birth control pill – Effectiveness
For instance, someone using oral forms of hormonal birth control might be given incorrect information by a health care provider as to the frequency of intake, or by mistake not take the pill one day, or simply not go to the pharmacy on time to renew the prescription.
Birth control pill – Effectiveness
COCPs provide effective contraception from the very first pill if started within five days of the beginning of the menstrual cycle (within five days of the first day of menstruation). If started at any other time in the menstrual cycle, COCPs provide effective contraception only after 7 consecutive days use of active pills, so a backup method of contraception must be used until active pills have been taken for 7 consecutive days. COCPs should be taken at approximately the same time every day.
Birth control pill – Effectiveness
Contraceptive efficacy may be impaired by: 1) missing more than one active pill in a packet, 2) delay in starting the next packet of active pills (i.e., extending the pill-free, inactive or placebo pill period beyond 7 days), 3) intestine|intestinal malabsorption of active pills due to vomiting or diarrhea, 4) drug interactions with active pills that decrease contraceptive estrogen or progestogen levels.
FreeRice – Effectiveness
In its first ten months of operation, Freerice donated over 42 billion grains of rice
Flame-retardant – Effectiveness
The effectiveness of flame retardant chemicals at reducing the flammability of consumer products in house fires is disputed
Flame-retardant – Effectiveness
Several studies in the 1980s tested ignition in whole pieces of furniture with different upholstery and filling types, including different flame retardant formulations
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Decentralization Perfectionists Were Made To Teach Their Colleagues Due To Their Extensive Understanding Of Decentralization – See What They Know
Network topology – Decentralization
This decentralization is often used to compensate for the single-point-failure disadvantage that is present when using a single device as a central node (e.g., in star and tree networks)
Network topology – Decentralization
A fully connected network, complete topology, or is a network topology in which there is a direct link between all pairs of nodes. In a fully connected network with n nodes, there are n(n-1)/2 direct links. Networks designed with this topology are usually very expensive to set up, but provide a high degree of reliability due to the multiple paths for data that are provided by the large number of redundant links between nodes. This topology is mostly seen in military applications.
Concepts of decentralization have been applied to group dynamics and management science in private businesses and organizations, political science, law and public administration, economics and technology.
Decentralization – History
In the mid-1800s Alexis de Tocqueville wrote that the French Revolution began with “a push towards decentralization…[but became,]in the end, an extension of centralization.” In 1863 retired French bureaucrat Maurice Block wrote an article called “Decentralization” for a French journal which reviewed the dynamics of government and bureaucratic centralization and recent French efforts at decentralization of government functions.
Decentralization – History
All my political ideas boil down to a similar formula: political federation or decentralization.”
Decentralization – History
In early twentieth century America a response to the centralization of economic wealth and political power was a decentralist movement
Decentralization – History
Naisbitt’s book outlines 10 “megatrends”, the fifth of which is from centralization to decentralization
Decentralization – History
Bennett’s Decentralization, Intergovernmental Relations and Markets: Towards a Post-Welfare Agenda describes how after World War II governments pursued a centralized “welfarist” policy of entitlements which now has become a “post-welfare” policy of intergovernmental and market-based decentralization.
Decentralization – History
According to a 1999 United Nations Development Programme report:
Decentralization – History
This trend is coupled with a growing interest in the role of civil society and the private sector as partners to governments in seeking new ways of service delivery…Decentralization of governance and the strengthening of local governing capacity is in part also a function of broader societal trends
Decentralization – Systems approach
The United Nations Development Programme report applies to the topic of decentralization “a whole systems perspective, including levels, spheres, sectors and functions and seeing the community level as the entry point at which holistic definitions of development goals are most likely to emerge from the people themselves and where it is most practical to support them
Decentralization – Systems approach
However, decentralization itself has been seen as part of a systems approach
Decentralization – Systems approach
University of California, Irvine’s Institute for Software Research’s “PACE” project is creating an “architectural style for trust management in decentralized applications.” It adopted Rohit Khare’s definition of decentralization: “A decentralized system is one which requires multiple parties to make their own independent decisions” and applies it to Peer-to-peer software creation, writing:
Decentralization – Systems approach
…In such a decentralized system, there is no single centralized authority that makes decisions on behalf of all the parties
Decentralization – Goals
The following four goals or objectives are frequently stated in various analyses of decentralization.
Decentralization – Goals
According to one definition: “Decentralization, or decentralizing governance, refers to the restructuring or reorganization of authority so that there is a system of co-responsibility between institutions of governance at the central, regional and local levels according to the principle of subsidiarity, thus increasing the overall quality and effectiveness of the system of governance, while increasing the authority and capacities of sub-national levels.”
Decentralization – Goals
Theorists believe that local representative authorities with actual discretionary powers are the basis of decentralisation that can lead to local efficiency, equity and development.” Columbia University’s Earth Institute identified one of three major trends relating to decentralization as: “increased involvement of local jurisdictions and civil society in the management of their affairs, with new forms of participation, consultation, and partnerships.”
Decentralization – Goals
Decentralization has been described as a “counterpoint to globalization” which removes decisions from the local and national stage to the global sphere of multi-national or non-national interests. Decentralization brings decision-making back to the sub-national levels. Decentralization strategies must the interrelations of the global, regional, national, sub-national, local levels.
Decentralization – Goals
Decentralized is defined as a property of a system where the agents have some ability to operate “locally.” Both decentralization and diversity are necessary attributes to achieve the self-organizing properties of interest.”
Decentralization – Goals
Advocates of political decentralization hold that greater participation by better informed diverse interests in society will lead to more relevant decisions than those made only by authorities on the national level. Decentralization has been described as a response to demands for diversity.
Decentralization – Goals
In business decentralization leads to a “Management by Results” philosophy which focuses on definite objectives to be achieved by unit results. Decentralization of government programs is said to increase efficiency – and effectivness – due to reduction of congestion in communications, quicker reaction to unanticipated problems, improved ability to deliver of services, improved information about local conditions, and more support from beneficiaries of programs.
Decentralization – Goals
Firms may prefer decentralization because it ensures efficiency by making sure that managers closest to the local information make decisions and in a more timely fashion; that their taking responsibility frees upper management for long term strategizing rather than day-to-day decision-making; that managers have hands on training to prepare them to move up the management hierarchy; that managers are motivated by having the freedom to exercise their own initiative and creativity; that managers and divisions are encouraged to prove that they are profitable, instead of allowing their failures to be masked by the overall profitability of the company.
Decentralization – Goals
The same principles can be applied to government. Decentralization promises to enhance efficiency through both inter-governmental competition with market features and fiscal discipline which assigns tax and expenditure authority to the lowest level of government possible. It works best where members of subnational government have strong traditions of democracy, accountability and professionalism.
Decentralization – Goals
Brancati holds that decentralization can promote peace if it encourages statewide parties to incorporate regional demands and limit the power of regional parties.
Decentralization – Processes
According to the United Nations Development Programme it is “more than a process, it is a way of life and a state of mind.” The report provides a chart-formatted framework for defining the application of the concept ‘decentralization’ describing and elaborating on the “who, what, when, where, why and how” factors in any process of decentralization.
Decentralization – Processes
Some hold that decentralization should not be imposed, but done in a respectful manner.
Decentralization – Processes
The appropriate balance of centralization and decentralization should be studied
Decentralization – Processes
Gauging the appropriate size or scale of decentralized units has been studied in relation to the size of sub-units of hospitals and schools, road networks, administrative units in business and public administration, and especially town and city governmental areas and decision making bodies.
Decentralization – Processes
In creating planned communities (“new towns”), it is important to determine the appropriate population and geographical size. While in earlier years small towns were considered appropriate, by the 1960s, 60,000 inhabitants was considered the size necessary to support a diversified job market and an adequate shopping center and array of services and entertainment. Appropriate size of governmental units for revenue raising also is a consideration.
Decentralization – Processes
Even in bioregionalism, which seeks to reorder many functions and even the boundaries of governments according to physical and environmental features, including watershed boundaries and soil and terrain characteristics, appropriate size must be considered. The unit may be larger than many decentralist bioregionalists prefer.
Decentralization – Processes
There is no one blueprint for decentralization since it depends on the initial state of a country and the power and views of political interests and whether they support or oppose decentralization.
Decentralization – Processes
A variation on this is “inadvertent decentralization”, when other policy innovations produce an unintended decentralization of power and resources
Decentralization – Processes
Decentralization of responsibilities to provinces may be limited only to those provinces or states which want or are capable of handling responsibility
Decentralization – Processes
Measuring the amount of decentralization, especially politically, is difficult because different studies of it use different definitions and measurements. Chanchal Kumar Sharma writes: “a true assessment of the degree of decentralization in a country can be made only if a comprehensive approach is adopted and rather than trying to simplify the syndrome of characteristics into the single dimension of autonomy, interrelationships of various dimensions of decentralization are taken into account.”
Decentralization – Government decentralization
Hall review other works that detail these cycles, including works which analyze the concept of core elites which compete with state accumulation of wealth and how their “intra-ruling-class competition accounts for the rise and fall of states” and of their phases of centralization and decentralization.
Decentralization – Government decentralization
Rising government expenditures, poor economic performance and the rise of free market-influenced ideas have convinced governments to decentralize their operations, to induce competition within their services, to contract out to private firms operating in the market, and to privatize some functions and services entirely.
Decentralization – Government decentralization
It has been called the “new public management” which has been described as decentralization, management by objectives, contracting out, competition within government and consumer orientation.
Decentralization – Political
Political decentralization aims to give citizens or their elected representatives more power
Decentralization – Administrative
Four major forms of administrative decentralization have been described.
Decentralization – Administrative
Deconcentration, the weakest form of decentralization, shifts responsibility for decision-making, finance and implementation of certain public functions from officials of central governments to those in existing districts or, if necessary, new ones under direct control of the central government.
Decentralization – Administrative
Delegation passes down responsibility for decision-making, finance and implementation of certain public functions to semi-autonomous organizations not wholly controlled by the central government, but ultimately accountable to it
Decentralization – Administrative
Devolution transfers all responsibility for decision-making, finance and implementation of certain public functions to the sub-national level, such as a regional, local, or state government.
Decentralization – Administrative
Divestment, also called privatization, may mean merely contracting out services to private companies
Decentralization – Fiscal
Fiscal decentralization means decentralizing revenue raising and/or expenditure of monies to a lower level of government while maintaining financial responsibility
Decentralization – Fiscal
Fiscal decentralization can be achieved through user fees, user participation through monetary or labor contributions, expansion of local property or sales taxes, intergovernmental transfers of central government tax monies to local governments through transfer payments or grants, and authorization of municipal borrowing with national government loan guarantees. Transfers of money may be given conditionally with instructions or unconditionally without them.
Decentralization – Economic or market
Economic decentralization can be done through privatization of public owned functions and businesses, as described briefly above
Decentralization – Economic or market
Since the 1970s there has been deregulation of some industries, like banking, trucking, airlines and telecommunications which resulted generally in more competition and lower prices
Decentralization – Economic or market
Emmanuelle Auriol and Michel Benaim write about the “comparative benefits” of decentralization versus government regulation in the setting of standards
Decentralization – Environmental
Such decentralization has happened in India and other third world nations.
Decentralization – Libertarian socialist decentralization
Libertarian socialism is a group of political philosophies that promote a non-hierarchical, non-bureaucratic society without private property in the means of production
Decentralization – Libertarian socialist decentralization
Adherents propose achieving this through decentralization of political and economic power, usually involving the socialization of most large-scale private property and enterprise (while retaining respect for personal property)
Decentralization – Libertarian socialist decentralization
Political philosophies commonly described as libertarian socialist include most varieties of anarchism (especially anarchist communism, anarchist collectivism, anarcho-syndicalism, and mutualism) as well as autonomism, Communalism, participism, libertarian Marxist philosophies such as council communism and Luxemburgism, and some versions of “utopian socialism” and individualist anarchism
Decentralization – Libertarian socialist decentralization
For Proudhon, mutualism involved creating “industrial democracy,” a system where workplaces would be “handed over to democratically organised workers’ associations
Decentralization – Free market decentralization
Free market ideas popular in the 19th century, such as those of Adam Smith returned to prominence in the 1970s and 1980s
Decentralization – Free market decentralization
There would be no difficulty about efficient control or planning were conditions so simple that a single person or board could effectively survey all the relevant facts. It is only as the factors which have to be taken into account become so numerous that it is impossible to gain a synoptic view of them that decentralization becomes imperative.
Decentralization – Free market decentralization
According to Bruce M
Decentralization – Free market decentralization
This also was true in banking and finance, which saw decentralization as leading to instability as state and local banks competed with the big New York City firms
Decentralization – Free market decentralization
Her 1984 book Cities and the Wealth of Nations proposed a solution to the various ills plaguing cities whose economies were being ruined by centralized national governments: decentralization through the “multiplication of sovereignties”, i.e., acceptance of the right of cities to secede from the larger nation states that were squelching their ability to produce wealth.
Decentralization – Technological decentralization
Technology includes tools, materials, skills, techniques and processes by which goals are accomplished in the public and private spheres. Concepts of decentralization of technology are used throughout all types of technology, including especially information technology and appropriate technology.
Decentralization – Technological decentralization
Technologies often mentioned as best implemented in a decentralized manner, include: water purification, delivery and waste water disposal, agricultural technology and energy technology
Decentralization – Appropriate technology
“Appropriate technology”, originally described as “intermediate technology” by economist E
Decentralization – Critiques
If there is a loss of economies of scale in procurement of labor or resources, the expense of decentralization can rise, even as central governments lose control over financial resources.
Decentralization – Critiques
Other challenges, and even dangers, include the possibility that corrupt local elites can capture regional or local power centers, while constituents lose representation; patronage politics will become rampant and civil servants feel compromised; further necessary decentralization can be stymied; incomplete information and hidden decision-making can occur up and down the hierarchies; centralized power centers can find reasons to frustrate decentralization and bring power back to themselves.
Decentralization – Critiques
It has been noted that while decentralization may increase “productive efficiency” it may undermine “allocative efficiency” by making redistribution of wealth more difficult. Decentralization will cause greater disparities between rich and poor regions, especially during times of crisis when the national government may not be able to help regions needing it.
Decentralization – Further reading
Furniss, Norman (1974). “The Practical Significance of Decentralization”. The Journal of Politics 36 (4): 958–82. doi:10.2307/2129402. ISSN 0022-3816.
Decentralization – Further reading
Merilee Serrill Grindle, Going Local: Decentralization, Democratization, And The Promise of Good Governance, Princeton University Press, 2007, ISBN 069112907X, 9780691129075
Decentralization – Further reading
Daniel Treisman, The Architecture of Government: Rethinking Political Decentralization, Cambridge University Press, 2007, ISBN 0521872294, 9780521872294
Decentralization – Further reading
Richard M. Burton, Børge Obel, Design Models for Hierarchical Organizations: Computation, Information, and Decentralization, Springer, 1995, ISBN 079239609X, 9780792396093
Decentralization – Further reading
Dubois, H.F.W. & Fattore, G. (2009), Definitions and typologies in public administration research: the case of decentralization’, International Journal of Public Administration, 32(8): pp. 704–727.
Decentralization – Further reading
Miller, Michelle Ann & Tim Bunnell. (2012), guest editors. ‘Asian Cities in an Era of Decentralisation’, Space and Polity, Vol.16, No.1.
Decentralization – Further reading
Sharma, Chanchal Kumar (2006), Decentralization Dilemma: Measuring the Degree and Evaluating the Outcomes, The Indian Journal of Political Science, Vol.67, No.1, pp. 49–64.
Decentralization – Further reading
Sharma, Chanchal Kumar (2008), Emerging Dimensions of Decentralization Debate in the Age of Glocalization, MPRA Paper 6734, University Library of Munich, Germany; revised version Published as “Emerging Dimensions of Decentralization Debate in the Age of Globalization” in Indian Journal of Federal Studies Vol. 19 No.1 pp 47–65( year 2009).
Decentralization – Further reading
Schakel, Arjan H. (2008), Validation of the Regional Authority Index], Regional and Federal Studies, Routlege, Vol. 18 (2).
Decentralization – Further reading
Decentralization, article at the “Restructuring local government project” of Dr. Mildred Warner, Cornell University includes a number of articles on decentralization trends and theories.
Decentralization – Further reading
Peter Aucoin, Herman Bakvis, The Centralization-Decentralization Conundrum: Organization and Management in the Canadian Government, IRPP, 1988, ISBN 0886450705, 9780886450700
Decentralization – Further reading
Jean-Paul Faguet, Decentralization and Popular Democracy: Governance from Below in Bolivia, University of Michigan Press, 2012, ISBN 0472118196, 9780472118199
Decentralization – Further reading
Harvey S. Rosen, Editor, Fiscal Federalism: Quantitative Studies National Bureau of Economic Research Project Report, NBER-Project Report, University of Chicago Press, 2008, ISBN 0226726231, 9780226726236
Decentralization – Further reading
Tim Campbell, Quiet Revolution: Decentralization and the Rise of Political Participation in Latin American Cities, University of Pittsburgh Press, 2003, ISBN 0822957965, 9780822957966
Decentralization – Further reading
Fisman, Raymond and Roberta Gatti (2002), Decentralization and Corruption: Evidence Across Countries, Journal of Public Economics, Vol.83, No.3, pp. 325–45.
Decentralization – Further reading
Frischmann, Eva (2010), Decentralization and Corruption. A Cross-Country Analysis, Grin Verlag, 978-3640710959.
Decentralization – Further reading
Miller, Michelle Ann, ed. (2012). Autonomy and Armed Separatism in South and Southeast Asia (Singapore: ISEAS).
XMPP – Decentralization and addressing
The XMPP network uses a Client–server model|client–server architecture (clients do not talk directly to one another). However, it is decentralized—by design, there is no central authoritative server, as there is with services such as AOL Instant Messenger or Windows Live Messenger. Some confusion often arises on this point as there is a public XMPP server being run at, to which a large number of users subscribe. However, anyone may run their own XMPP server on their own domain.
XMPP – Decentralization and addressing
Every user on the network has a unique Jabber ID (usually abbreviated as JID). To avoid requiring a central server to maintain a list of IDs, the JID is structured like an email address with a username and a domain name (or IP addressRFC 6122) for the server where that user resides, separated by an at sign (@), such as
XMPP – Decentralization and addressing
Since a user may wish to log in from multiple locations, they may specify a ‘resource’. A resource identifies a particular client belonging to the user (for example home, work, or mobile). This may be included in the JID by appending a slash followed by the name of the resource. For example, the full JID of a user’s mobile account would be
XMPP – Decentralization and addressing
Each resource may have specified a numerical value called ‘priority’. Messages simply sent to will go to the client with highest priority, but those sent to will go only to the mobile client. The highest priority is the one with largest numerical value.
XMPP – Decentralization and addressing
JIDs without a username part are also valid, and may be used for system messages and control of special features on the server. A resource remains optional for these JIDs as well.
XMPP – Decentralization and addressing
The means to route messages based on a logical endpoint identifier – the JID, instead of by an explicit IP Address present opportunities to use XMPP as an Overlay network implementation on top of different underlay networks.
Concepts of decentralization have been applied to group dynamics and management science in private businesses and organizations, political science, law and public administration, economics and technology.
Decentralization – History
Schmidt, Democratizing France: The Political and Administrative History of Decentralization, Cambridge University Press, 2007, [ p
Decentralization – History
In 1863 retired French bureaucrat Maurice Block wrote an article called “Decentralization” for a French journal which reviewed the dynamics of government and bureaucratic centralization and recent French efforts at decentralization of government functions.Robert Leroux, French Liberalism in the 19th Century: An Anthology, Chapter 6: Maurice Block on Decentralization, Routledge, 2012, [ p
Decentralization – History
And from the accumulation of these local, active, persnickety freedoms, is born the most efficient counterweight against the claims of the central government, even if it were supported by an impersonal, collective will.[ A History of Decentralization], Earth Institute of Columbia University website, accessed February 4, 2013
Decentralization – History
* wrote: All my economic ideas as developed over twenty-five years can be summed up in the words: agricultural-industrial federation. All my political ideas boil down to a similar formula: political federation or decentralization.Du principe Fédératif (Principle of Federation), 1863.
Decentralization – History
In early twentieth century America a response to the centralization of economic wealth and political power was a decentralist movement
Decentralization – History
Naisbitt’s book outlines 10 “megatrends”, the fifth of which is from centralization to decentralization.Sam Inkinen, Mediapolis: Aspects of Texts, Hypertexts and Multimedial Communication, Volume 25 of Research in Text Theory, Walter de Gruyter, 1999, [ p
Decentralization – History
Bennett’s Decentralization, Intergovernmental Relations and Markets: Towards a Post-Welfare Agenda describes how after World War II governments pursued a centralized welfarist policy of entitlements which now has become a post-welfare policy of intergovernmental and market-based decentralization.
Decentralization – Systems approach
It involves seeing multi-level frameworks and continuous, synergistic processes of interaction and iteration of cycles as critical for achieving wholeness in a decentralized system and for sustaining its development.””Decentralization: A Sampling of Definitions”,1999, p
Decentralization – Systems approach
However, decentralization itself has been seen as part of a systems approach
Decentralization – Systems approach
Los Alamos National Laboratory, for University of California Los Angeles 1999 conference Decentralization Two.
Decentralization – Systems approach
University of California, Irvine’s Institute for Software Research’s PACE project is creating an architectural style for trust management in decentralized applications. It adopted Rohit Khare’s definition of decentralization: A decentralized system is one which requires multiple parties to make their own independent decisions and applies it to Peer-to-peer software creation, writing:
Decentralization – Goals
ISBN 1402047002, 9781402047008 The following four goals or objectives are frequently stated in various analyses of decentralization.
Decentralization – Goals
According to one definition: Decentralization, or decentralizing governance, refers to the restructuring or reorganization of authority so that there is a system of co-responsibility between institutions of governance at the central, regional and local levels according to the principle of subsidiarity, thus increasing the overall quality and effectiveness of the system of governance, while increasing the authority and capacities of sub-national levels.”Decentralization: A Sampling of Definitions”, 1999, p
Decentralization – Goals
Theorists believe that local representative authorities with actual discretionary powers are the basis of decentralisation that can lead to local efficiency, equity and development.” Columbia University’s Earth Institute identified one of three major trends relating to decentralization as: increased involvement of local jurisdictions and civil society in the management of their affairs, with new forms of participation, consultation, and partnerships.
Decentralization – Goals
Decentralization has been described as a counterpoint to globalization which removes decisions from the local and national stage to the global sphere of multi-national or non-national interests. Decentralization brings decision-making back to the sub-national levels. Decentralization strategies must the interrelations of the global, regional, national, sub-national, local levels.”Decentralization: A Sampling of Definitions”, 1999, p. 12-13.
Decentralization – Goals
Norman L. Johnson writes that diversity plays an important role in decentralized systems like ecosystems, social groups, large organizations, political systems. Diversity is defined to be unique properties of entities, agents, or individuals that are not shared by the larger group, population, structure. Decentralized is defined as a property of a system where the agents have some ability to operate locally.” Both
Decentralization – Goals
Quote: …if demographic diversity promotes greater decentralization, the size of the public
Decentralization – Goals
sector is not affected 10 consequently.
Decentralization – Goals
Silverman, Public Sector Decentralization: Economic Policy and Sector Investment Programs, Volume 188, World Bank Publications, 1992, [ p
Decentralization – Goals
Brancati holds that decentralization can promote peace if it encourages statewide parties to incorporate regional demands and limit the power of regional parties.Dawn Brancati, [ Peace by Design:Managing Intrastate Conflict through Decentralization], Oxford University Press, 2009, ISBN 0191615226, 9780191615221
Decentralization – Processes
The report provides a chart-formatted framework for defining the application of the concept ‘decentralization’ describing and elaborating on the who, what, when, where, why and how factors in any process of decentralization.”Decentralization: A Sampling of Definitions, 1999, p
Decentralization – Processes
Some hold that decentralization should not be imposed, but done in a respectful manner.”Decentralization: A Sampling of Definitions”, 1999, p
Decentralization – Processes
182], ISBN 0203219996, 9780203219997Aaron Tesfaye, Political Power and Ethnic Federalism: The Struggle for Democracy in Ethiopa, University Press of America, 2002, [ p
Decentralization – Processes
Appropriate size of governmental units for revenue raising also is a consideration.Harry Ward Richardson, Urban economics, Dryden Press, 1978, [ p
Decentralization – Processes
Even in bioregionalism, which seeks to reorder many functions and even the boundaries of governments according to physical and environmental features, including Drainage basin|watershed boundaries and soil and terrain characteristics, appropriate size must be considered
Decentralization – Processes
Fattore, [ Definitions and typologies in public administration research: the case of decentralization], International Journal of Public Administration, Volume 32, Issue 8, 2009, pp
Decentralization – Processes
A variation on this is inadvertent decentralization, when other policy innovations produce an unintended decentralization of power and resources. In both China and Russia, lower level authorities attained greater powers than intended by central authorities.”Decentralization: A Sampling of Definitions”, 1999, p. 19–20.
Decentralization – Processes
Some privatization may be more appropriate to an urban than a rural area; some types of privatization may be more appropriate for some states and provinces but not others.”Decentralization: A Sampling of Definitions”, 1999, p
Decentralization – Processes
Chanchal Kumar Sharma writes: a true assessment of the degree of decentralization in a country can be made only if a comprehensive approach is adopted and rather than trying to simplify the syndrome of characteristics into the single dimension of autonomy, interrelationships of various dimensions of decentralization are taken into account.Chanchal Kumar Sharma, [ Decentralization Dilemma: Measuring the Degree and Evaluating the Outcomes], The Indian Journal of Political Science, Vol
Decentralization – Government decentralization
Hall, Rise and Demise: Comparing World Systems, Westview Press, 1997, [ p
Decentralization – Government decentralization
Chaturvedi, Mittal Publications, 2003, [ p
Decentralization – Government decentralization
Government decentralization has both political and administrative aspects. Its decentralization may be territorial, moving power from a central city to other localities, and it may be functional, moving decision-making from the top administrator of any branch of government to lower level officials, or divesting of the function entirely through privatization.”Decentralization: A Sampling of Definitions”, 1999, p. 5-8.
Decentralization – Government decentralization
It has been called the new public management which has been described as decentralization, management by objectives, contracting out, competition within government and consumer orientation.Managing Decentralisation: A New Role for Labour Market Policy, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Local Economic and Employment Development (Program), OECD Publishing, 2003, [ p 135], ISBN 9264104704, 9789264104709
Decentralization – Political
Political decentralization aims to give citizens or their elected representatives more Power (sociology)|power
Decentralization – Administrative
Four major forms of administrative decentralization have been described.[ Different forms of decentralization], Earth Institute of Columbia University, accessed February 5, 2013.”Decentralization: A Sampling of Definitions”, 1999, p. 8.
Decentralization – Administrative
* Deconcentration, the weakest form of decentralization, shifts responsibility for decision-making, finance and implementation of certain public functions from officials of central governments to those in existing districts or, if necessary, new ones under direct control of the central government.
Decentralization – Administrative
*Delegation passes down responsibility for decision-making, finance and implementation of certain public functions to semi-autonomous organizations not wholly controlled by the central government, but ultimately accountable to it
Decentralization – Administrative
*Devolution transfers all responsibility for decision-making, finance and implementation of certain public functions to the sub-national level, such as a regional, local, or state government.
Decentralization – Administrative
*Divestment, also called privatization, may mean merely contracting out services to private companies
Decentralization – Fiscal
It actually can be a way of increasing central government control of lower levels of government, if it is not linked to other kinds of responsibilities and authority.David King, Fiscal Tiers: The Economics of Multilevel Government, George Allen and Unwin, 1984.Nico Groenendijk, Fiscal federalism Revisited paper presented at Institutions in Transition Conference organized by IMAD, Slovania Ljublijana.”Decentralization: A Sampling of Definitions”, 1999, p
Decentralization – Fiscal
Transfers of money may be given conditionally with instructions or unconditionally without Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations], Decentralization and Subnational Economies project, World Bank website, accessed February 9, 2013.
Decentralization – Economic or market
Since the 1970s there has been deregulation of some industries, like banking, trucking, airlines and telecommunications which resulted generally in more competition and lower prices
Decentralization – Economic or market
Some argue that government standardisation in areas from commodity market, inspection and standardized testing|testing Procurement|procurement bidding, Building codes, Professional degree|professional and vocational education, trade certification, safety, etc. are necessary. Emmanuelle Auriol and Michel Benaim write about the comparative
Decentralization – Economic or market
benefits of decentralization versus government regulation in the setting of standards
Decentralization – Environmental
Such decentralization has happened in IndiaI
Decentralization – Libertarian socialist decentralization
Libertarian socialism is a group of political philosophy|political philosophies that promote a non-hierarchical, non-bureaucratic society without private property in the means of production
Decentralization – Libertarian socialist decentralization
The Growth of Economic Thought Duke University Press (1991) p.446 Adherents propose achieving this through decentralization of political and economic power, usually involving the socialization of most large-scale private property and enterprise (while retaining respect for personal property)
Decentralization – Libertarian socialist decentralization
Political philosophies commonly described as libertarian socialist include most varieties of anarchism (especially anarchist communism, Collectivist anarchism|anarchist collectivism, anarcho-syndicalism, and mutualism (economic theory)|mutualism[ A Mutualist FAQ: A.4
Decentralization – Libertarian socialist decentralization
For Proudhon, Mutualism (economic theory)|mutualism involved creating industrial democracy, a system where workplaces would be handed over to democratically organised workers’ associations
Decentralization – Free market decentralization
Free market ideas popular in the 19th century, such as those of Adam Smith returned to prominence in the 1970s and 1980s
Decentralization – Free market decentralization
According to Bruce M
Decentralization – Free market decentralization
*Tibor R. Machan, Private Rights Public Illusions, Transaction Publishers, 1995, [ p. 99], ISBN 141283192X, 9781412831925
Decentralization – Free market decentralization
Taft and Woodrow Wilson passed as progressive reforms centralizing laws like The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 that gave control of the monetary system to the wealthiest bankers; the formation of monopoly public utilities that made competition with those monopolies illegal; federal inspection of meat packers biased against small companies; extending Interstate Commerce Commission to regulating telephone companies and keeping rates high to benefit ATT; and using the Sherman Anti-trust Act against companies which might combine to threaten larger or monopoly companies.Gabriel Kolko, The Triumph of Conservatism: A Reinterpretation of American History, 1900–1916, Chapter Two: Competition and Decentralization: The Failure to Rationalize Industry, Simon and Schuster, 2008, [ p
Decentralization – Free market decentralization
2], ISBN 0754674150, 9780754674153 Her 1980 book The Question of Separatism: Quebec and the Struggle over Sovereignty supported secession of Quebec from Canada.Jane Jacobs, The Question of Separatism: Quebec and the Struggle over Sovereignty, (1980 Random House and 2011 Baraka Books), ISBN 978-1-926824-06-2 Her 1984 book Cities and the Wealth of Nations proposed a solution to the various ills plaguing cities whose economies were being ruined by centralized national governments: decentralization through the multiplication of sovereignties, i.e., acceptance of the right of cities to secede from the larger nation states that were squelching their ability to produce wealth.Gopal Balakrishnan, Mapping the Nation, Verso, 1996, [ p
Decentralization – Technological decentralization
Foldvary, Daniel Bruce Klein, Editors, The Half-Life of Policy Rationales: How New Technology Affects Old Policy Issues NYU Press, 2003, [ p
Decentralization – Information technology
Information technology encompasses computers and computer networks, as well as information distribution technologies such as television and telephones. The whole computer industry of computer hardware, software, electronics, internet, telecommunications equipment, e-commerce and computer services are included.
Decentralization – Information technology
Decentralization is particularly applicable to business or management units which have a high level of independence, complicated products and customers, and technology less relevant to other units.John Baschab, Jon Piot, The Executive’s Guide to Information Technology, John Wiley Sons, 2007, [ p
Decentralization – Information technology
David Garson, Modern Public Information Technology Systems: Issues and Challenges, IGI Global, 2007, [ p
Decentralization – Information technology
316], ISBN 0596553897, 9780596553890 Wikipedia itself has been described as decentralized.Axel Bruns, Blogs, Wikipedia, Second Life, and Beyond: From Production to Produsage, Peter Lang (publishing company)|Peter Lang, 2008, [ p
Decentralization – Information technology
Decentralization continues throughout the industry, for example as the decentralized architecture of wireless routers installed in homes and offices supplement and even replace phone companies relatively centralized long-range cell towers.Adi Kamdar and Peter Eckersley, [ Can the FCC Create Public Super WiFi Networks?], Electronic Frontier Foundation, February 5, 2013.
Decentralization – Information technology
Related ideas coming out of Silicon Valley included the free software and creative commons movements which produced visions of a networked information economy.Jennifer Holt, Alisa Perren, Media Industries: History, Theory, and Method, John Wiley Sons, 2011, [ p
Decentralization – Information technology
Because human interactions in cyberspace transcend physical geography, there is a necessity for new theories in legal and other rule-making systems to deal with decentralized decision-making processes in such systems
Decentralization – Centralization and redecentralization of the Internet
The New Yorker reports that although the Internet was originally decentralized, in recent years it has become less so: a staggering percentage of communications flow through a small set of corporations—and thus, under the profound influence of those companies and other institutions […] One solution, espoused by some programmers, is to make the Internet more like it used to be—less centralized and more distributed.
Decentralization – Centralization and redecentralization of the Internet
Examples of projects that attempt to contribute to the redecentralization of the Internet include ArkOS, Diaspora (social network)|Diaspora, FreedomBox and Namecoin, as well as advocacy group, which provides support for projects that aim to make the Web less centralized.
Decentralization – Centralization and redecentralization of the Internet
In an interview with BBC Radio 5 Live one of the co-founders of explained that:
Decentralization – Appropriate technology
Appropriate technology, originally described as intermediate technology by economist E
Decentralization – Critiques
If there is a loss of economies of scale in procurement of labor or resources, the expense of decentralization can rise, even as central governments lose control over financial resources.
Decentralization – Critiques
Decentralization will cause greater disparities between rich and poor regions, especially during times of crisis when the national government may not be able to help regions needing it.Summary of Remy Prud’homme, [ The Dangers of Decentralization], World Bank Research Observer, 10(2):201, 1995, linked from [ Decentralization], article “Restructuring local government project” of Dr
Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol – Decentralization and addressing
The XMPP network uses a Client–server model|client–server architecture (clients do not talk directly to one another)
Organizing (management) – Centralization, decentralization, and formalization
*’Centralization’ – The location of decision making authority near top organizational levels.
Organizing (management) – Centralization, decentralization, and formalization
*’Decentralization’ – The location of decision making authority near lower organizational levels.
Organizing (management) – Centralization, decentralization, and formalization
*’Formalization’ – The written documentation used to direct and control employees.
Decentralisation – Libertarian socialist decentralization
For Proudhon, Mutualism (economic theory)|mutualism involved creating industrial democracy, a system where workplaces would be handed over to democratically organised workers’ associations
Decentralisation – Free market decentralization
Free market ideas popular in the 19th century, such as those of Adam Smith returned to prominence in the 1970s and 1980s
Decentralisation – Free market decentralization
2], ISBN 9780754674153 Her 1980 book The Question of Separatism: Quebec and the Struggle over Sovereignty supported secession of Quebec from Canada.Jane Jacobs, The Question of Separatism: Quebec and the Struggle over Sovereignty, (1980 Random House and 2011 Baraka Books), ISBN 978-1-926824-06-2 Her 1984 book Cities and the Wealth of Nations proposed a solution to the various ills plaguing cities whose economies were being ruined by centralized national governments: decentralization through the multiplication of sovereignties, i.e., acceptance of the right of cities to secede from the larger nation states that were squelching their ability to produce wealth.Gopal Balakrishnan, Mapping the Nation, Verso, 1996, [ p
Decentralisation – Technological decentralization
Foldvary, Daniel Bruce Klein, Editors, The Half-Life of Policy Rationales: How New Technology Affects Old Policy Issues NYU Press, 2003, [ p
International Brotherhood of Teamsters – Decentralization, deregulation and drift
Under General President Frank Fitzsimmons, authority within the Teamsters was decentralized back into the hands of regional, joint council, and local leaders
International Brotherhood of Teamsters – Decentralization, deregulation and drift
But decentralization of power within the union led several Teamster leaders in California to repudiate this agreement without Fitzsimmons’ permission and organize large numbers of field workers
International Brotherhood of Teamsters – Decentralization, deregulation and drift
In October 1973, Fitzsimmons ended the long-running jurisdictional dispute with the International Union of United Brewery, Flour, Cereal, Soft Drink and Distillery Workers|United Brewery Workers, and the Brewery Workers merged with the Teamsters.Brewery Workers Merger With Teamsters Is Backed. New York Times. October 24, 1973.
International Brotherhood of Teamsters – Decentralization, deregulation and drift
In 1979 Congress passed legislation that deregulated the freight industry, removing the Interstate Commerce Commission’s power to impose detailed regulatory tariffs on interstate carriers
International Brotherhood of Teamsters – Decentralization, deregulation and drift
Deregulation had catastrophic effects on the Teamsters, opening up the industry to competition from non-union companies who sought to cut costs by avoiding unionization and curbing wages. Nearly 200 unionized carriers went out of business in the first few years of deregulation, leaving thirty percent of Teamsters in the freight division unemployed. The remaining unionized carriers demanded concessions in wages, work rules, and hours.
International Brotherhood of Teamsters – Decentralization, deregulation and drift
Williams’ successor, Jackie Presser, was prepared to grant most of these concessions in the form of a special freight “relief rider” that would cut wages by up to 35 percent and establish two-tier wages. Teamsters for a Democratic Union, which had grown out of efforts to reject the 1976 freight agreement, launched a successful national campaign to defeat the relief rider, which was defeated by a vote of 94,086 to 13,082.
International Brotherhood of Teamsters – Decentralization, deregulation and drift
The pressure on the freight industry and the national freight agreement continued, however. By the end of the 1990s the National Master Freight Agreement, which had covered 500,000 drivers in the late 1970s, dropped to less than 200,000, with numerous local riders weakening it further in some areas.
Criticism of libertarianism – Government decentralization
John Donahue argues that if political power were radically shifted to local authorities, parochial local interests would predominate at the expense of the whole, and that this would exacerbate current problems with collective action.Donahue, John. (1 May 1997). [ The Devil in Devolution.] American Prospect. 8 (32).
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools – Decentralization
Regional offices known as learning communities, each with an area superintendent, were implemented in the 2007-2008 school year.[ Decentralization]
Point-to-point (network topology) – Decentralization
This decentralization is often used to compensate for the single-point-failure disadvantage that is present when using a single device as a central node (e.g., in star and tree networks)
Point-to-point (network topology) – Decentralization
This is similar in some ways to a ‘grid network’, where a linear or ring topology is used to connect systems in multiple directions. A multidimensional ring has a torus|toroidal topology, for instance.
Point-to-point (network topology) – Decentralization
A ‘fully connected network’, ‘complete topology’, or ‘#Full mesh|full mesh topology’ is a network topology in which there is a direct link between all pairs of nodes
Alejandro Toledo – Decentralization
Under Toledo’s predecessor, Fujimori, the governing authority in Peru was condensed and centralized. A Fujimori-dominated congress passed a new constitution in 1993, which consolidated the Bicameralism|bicameral legislature into a Unicameralism|unicameral legislature with a single national district. Under Fujimori local governments retained minimal legal authority including fees for utilities, basic civil registries, and management of public spaces and markets.
Alejandro Toledo – Decentralization
ISBN 978-0-271-03790-5 However, when Peru Possible’s rival political party APRA made significant gains in regional elections, the Toledo administration halted its decentralization program by withholding power in the areas of revenue and expenditure
Alejandro Toledo – Decentralization
Toledo’s plan for decentralization enjoyed widespread popular support. Most of the opposition to his program came from, and most of the difficulty in implementing his proposals was owing to, politicians and bureaucratic agencies who were accustomed to a centralized form of government.
History of Somalia – Decentralization
Following the outbreak of the civil war and the ensuing collapse of the central government, Somalia’s residents reverted to local forms of conflict resolution, either secular, traditional or Islamic law, with a provision for appeal of all sentences. The legal structure in Somalia is thus divided along three lines: Civil law (legal system)|civil law, religious law and Custom (law)|customary law.
Hans Kelsen – Centralization and decentralization
In Kelsen’s general assessments, centralization was to often be associated with more modern and highly developed forms of enhancements and improvements to sociological and cultural norms, while the presence of decentralization was a measure of more primitive and less sophisticated observations concerning sociological and cultural norms.
Boulder City, Nevada – Trendsetter for decentralization
The nearby city of Henderson, founded in 1943 and based around the magnesium industry was another early example of decentralization before Clark County had a significant population: “…the region began to decentralize and regroup as a multi-centered area early in its history.”Gottdiener, Collins Dickens, p 26 The independent governments of Henderson, Nevada|Henderson, North Las Vegas, Las Vegas, and Boulder City have perpetuated the fragmented nature of the region, giving each city its individual character, as well as generally stymieing the outward growth of these cities.Gottdiener, Collins Dickens, p 28
Water supply and sanitation in Rwanda – Decentralization and public-private partnerships
In 2000 the government began a process of decentralization, giving the country’s 30 Districts of Rwanda|districts more revenues and decision-making authority. Districts, which were already nominally the owners of rural water infrastructure, now began to develop their capacity to plan and execute infrastructure projects.
Water supply and sanitation in Rwanda – Decentralization and public-private partnerships
In 2002 local government in the Northern Byumba Province, inspired by similar experiences in neighboring Uganda, contracted out service provision to the local private sector in a form of public-private partnership.
Water supply and sanitation in Rwanda – Decentralization and public-private partnerships
Following that local experience, the government eventually abandoned its policy of community management and decided in 2004 to promote local public-private partnerships following the Byumba model. With the backing up of the national government, districts thus competitively bid out and signed contracts with private service providers throughout the country. In 2007, 140 rural piped water systems (25% of the total) were managed through public-private partnerships.
Water supply and sanitation in Rwanda – Decentralization and public-private partnerships
Investments in rural water supply increased substantially since 2002, leading to a significant increase in access to water supply in rural areas from 57% in 2005 to 71% in 2007 according to government figures.
Administrative divisions of the Maldives – Decentralization
On October 15, 2010, the government released a finalized list of the administrative constituencies established under the Decentralization Act. It listed 184 administrative constituencies. Out of these constituencies:
Administrative divisions of the Maldives – Decentralization
* 2 constituencies were declared “cities”, as according to the criteria for determining cities in this act. These two constituencies were Male’ and Seenu Atoll. After a referendum among the people, Seenu Atoll was renamed Addu City”. Each city would be served by a city council.
Administrative divisions of the Maldives – Decentralization
* 181 constituencies were declared “islands”, as according to the criteria for determining islands in this act. These islands are grouped together into 18 atolls. Each atoll shall be served by an atoll council, under which each island has its own island council.
Administrative divisions of the Maldives – Decentralization
* 1 constituency, Fuvahmulah, was declared an “atoll”, and was split into 8 wards at island constituency level. Each ward will have its own island council, who shall be governed by an atoll council. Fuvahmulah serves as the country’s 19th atoll.
Water supply and sanitation in Mexico – 1983-1989: Decentralization
Under President Miguel de la Madrid, municipalities were entrusted with providing water supply and sanitation services within the framework of a general decentralization process
Petro Poroshenko – Decentralization of power
In mid-June Poroshenko started the process of amending Ukraine’s constitution to achieve Ukraine’s Decentralization#Administrative|administrative decentralization
Boulder City, NV – Trendsetter for decentralization
The nearby city of Henderson, Nevada|Henderson, founded in 1943 and based around the magnesium industry, was another early example of decentralization before Clark County had a significant population: …the region began to decentralize and regroup as a multi-centered area early in its history.Gottdiener, Collins Dickens, p
International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas – Decentralization
ICARDA’s decentralization builds on and strengthens the Center’s existing organization. Staff have been relocated to Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Ethiopia, Egypt, Tunisia, and Turkey, and the Center has established temporary headquarters in Beirut, Lebanon.
International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas – Decentralization
Adoption of a more decentralized system will enhance the relevance, effectiveness, and impact of ICARDA’s research activities; better target diverse environments; and better align the Center with target areas in the CGIAR Research Programs (CRPs) in which ICARDA is involved, including the ICARDA-led CGIAR Research Program on Dryland Systems.
Health in Senegal – Decentralization
Decentralization has meant that authorities have completely failed to engage with women’s situations and concerns
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A day dedicated to ITSM and ITIL awareness
How to support new trends – such as the emerging mobile enterprise, distributed work environments, globalization, cross-platform technology deployments How to achieve integrated service management How to lower TCO How to measure, communicate, and improve the ROI on your technology investments How to integrate technologies, tools and processes How to better align your IT operations with your organization’s overall business objectives Providing excellent service is not just a matter of the technologies that have been deployed, but whether they are supporting the business as a whole so that it can run smoothly and efficiently.
Attendees of this ITIL Conference will learn how to help improve business productivity and profitability through better alignment of the IT function with the overall organization’s objectives. Another such ITIL Conference was “IT Service Management – What is it?” organized by itSMF USA and Jupitermedia.
A day dedicated to ITSM and ITIL awareness.
What exactly is IT Service Management? What does the IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL) do and how can it help my organization? Attend the Pre-Conference Day on Monday, February 2nd and got the answers to these questions and a whole lot more. Learned from experts on why they chose the ITIL framework to help their IT Service Management improvement programs, their success and lessons learned.
Came away from this day with an understanding of why the IT Infrastructure Library was created, how it was improved upon, and how it will be updated.
Many also had a better understanding of its role throughout organizations both public and private and around the world. Some of the topics which were discussed in this ITIL Conference were: ITIL – Past, Present and Future: In the second half of the 1980s, the UK government concluded that, while strong methods existed for the development of IT systems, there was little non-proprietary advice available for the management of IT services.
It therefore set about creating a body of ‘best practice’ guidance for the live running of services, which it called ‘The IT Infrastructure Library’. itSMF Executive Overview: This Executive Overview of IT Service Management, presented by the itSMF (IT Service Management Forum), provides the attendee with a high level introduction to what it takes for an IT organization to achieve business and IT alignment, repeatable processes and demonstrable IT service value.
It introduces the basic concepts of IT Service Management as described within the IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL).
It focuses on taking a holistic approach to IT Service Management through the use of processes, their respective relationships and workflows.
After attending this session attendees will understand how ITIL can improve IT operations. ITIL and Government – Lessons Learned: Presentations by the following speakers during the ITIL Conference: • Judith Alvarado, Change Coordinator, USDA National Information Technology Center • Maria Ritchie, Manager of IT Service Management, Ontario Justice Enterprise • Aaron Cheng, Director of IT Systems, Hydro One Telecom, Canada • Dr.
Akira Robinson, Computer Scientist, Department of the Navy
Read more about A day dedicated to ITSM and ITIL awareness:
Accredited ITIL Foundation, Intermediate and Expert Certifications