User Profiles

The Business Process Management Toolkit: Practical Guidelines to … guidelines-to-successful-implementations.html The elaborate Business Process Management toolkit endeavors to help you organize your business and maximize its financial, market coverage and strategic …   Like patterns of business activity (PBA), User profiles should be identified and analyzed for their relationship to the patterns of demand generated in the Read more…

Activity-based Demand Management

ITIL® Service Offerings and Agreements (SOA) Full Certification … certification-online-learning-and-study-book-course-the-itil-interme… Service Portfolio Management; Service Catalog Management; Service Level Management; Demand Management; Supplier Management; Financial Management for IT … The primary source of demand for IT services comes from the execution of business process within the organization(s) being served. With any business process, Read more…

Demand Management

Demand Management was previously an activity found within Capacity Management, and now within Version 3 of ITIL®® it has been made a separate process found within the Service Strategy phase. The reasoning behind this is that before we decide how to design for capacity, decisions must be made regarding why Read more…

Financial Management

GOAL: The goal of Financial Management is to provide cost effective stewardship of the IT assets and the financial resources used in providing IT services. Primarily this is to enable an organization to account fully for the financial resources consumed by the IT service provider and to attribute these costs Read more…