Monthly Archives: January 2011

Sun’s SCJP 1.4 Assertion feature

The SCJP 1.4 exam covers the topics on (1) Assertions, (2) Collections, (3) Wrapper Classes and (4) Equals and Hash Code.   An assertion is a new topic or area of study that is new from the SCJP version 1.4.  The assertion is a facility that provides a mechanism for adding optional sanity checks to code. These are control mechanism used during the development and testing phases and is turned off when the software is deployed.

The assertion in java programming language enables a programmer to test assumptions of the program. It contains a  boolean expression believed to be true as assertion is executed. If not true, an error in the system will be thrown. As the boolean expression is verified to be true, the assertion confirms the program’s behavior increasing the program to be free of errors.

Assertion writing is one of the fastest and effective ways in detecting and correcting bugs.  It also serves to document the inner workings of the program and enhancing its maintainability. An assertion is to prove correctness in terms of the system’s compliance to specification.  It complements reliability attribute, robustness that relates to the ability of the system to handle abnormal conditions. An assertion adds to the ability to provide optional pre- and post-condition validation as a method for improved testing. Assertions can be disabled during run time and be enabled, as errors are check as to error conditions.   The SCJP 1.3 assertion is one of Sun’s Certified new release and is considered as a facility for exception handling.

Data Mashups: Emerging Potential Applications To Various Social Network Systems, Educational and Sch

Everyone may not know but the concept of Mushups has actually been around for many years now. But it was only recently that they grabbed and fostered interest and imagination of various users and audience. Facebook and Myspace among others are excellent illustrations of Mashups’ capabilities once integrated into social network systems online. Mushups’ potentials however prove to go beyond, thus constantly evolving from the basics.

Mushups are defined as web applications that are capable to integrate data from multiple and/or various sources through a single, unifying tool. Although mushups may have been initially designed particularly for data visualization, eventually they have been proven useful in enhancing different kinds of creative products. The term “mashup” was derived from the music industry—different pieces of music and film clips assembled into distinguished satire productions. Specifically, data mashups function as powerful tools in visualizing and navigating different datasets—of which the entire process involve understanding connections between and among interrelated factors, such as distance, time, and location; contrasting multiple sourced data to uncover new relationships; and other functionalities.

In addition, mashups have been useful in creating tools and/or applications that are capable to grab, organize, and display online data similar to the author’s preferences (e,g., Google’s Mashup Editor). Also, Yahoo! Pipes is another mashup authoring tool that enables users to combine RSS content, filter and display them over the Internet. Eventually, finished “pipes” can be readily published, shared, and used for other purposes and placed in different web pages.

Lastly, Mashups have also established relevance in learning, teaching, and creative expression. They have enabled access and use of different web-based applications—such as videos, interactive graphs and charts—that innovate educational and learning systems.

ECM: The Modern Solutions Provider

Every organization is faced with business issues.  These business issues are more often regarded with extra care usually with a carefully planned solution or a mechanism on how to combat the occurrence of the same issue.  Depending on the gravity and impact of the issue, the solutions can also vary in terms of how wide range and impacting they can be.

Several years back when the method to attack an organizational issue is being done using concepts and processes, these issues are normally being resolved after a specific period of time.  The end-product of the carefully thought resolution to the issue is felt not immediately but after a given time frame.  Now, as things become more modernized, the approach towards resolving company issues is being made and done using a concept as facilitated by a tool or a technology.  

These days, the manner that company leaders are resolving issues that affect a company is more technology-based.  One of the technological tools being used to address company issues is the Enterprise Content Management or the ECM.  This set of technological tools adheres towards attaining the best and most expeditious solutions where end-result is easily determined after the technological tool is applied to the issue.

The ECM may be something new to generally of the company leaders however, it is admitted that the use of the Enterprise Content Management as a solution has really been recorded very effective and substantially efficient.  Much more to say, this technological solution to company issues is relatively inexpensive and very much practical.

Risk Management Courses: Advantages of Getting On Hand Trainings

All businesses engage with risks everyday. For you to control the risks, you should
analyze carefully the risks that involve your project. Risk management has various
disciplinary fields. There is indeed a great need for schools that provide courses that
concentrates on risk management. Most of these schools work with other specialist
institutes and associations and they signify different set of stakeholders. Risk
management course identifies and plans the strategy needed for the implementation of
these projects.

There is a market need for this position in industries such as consultancy, commerce and
the public sector. Today, more diverse members in the industry are in need of this
service. Bankers, health care professionals, surveyors, project managers, layers and
engineers are just some of the few members in the industry who requires this kind of
There are schools that provide comprehensive training in risk management. They give
opportunity to achieve international qualification. This will let students improve their
skills. It also includes technical practice and partnership training that enables them to
work well with people.

Advantages of taking this course:

1.Translating risks and identifying the cost effect using analysis tools will help you
respond well on risks. This course will help you do that.
2.You will learn to create steps on techniques to design your own strategy response
to risks.
3.You will meet stake holder’s needs by managing your risks effectively; this will
bring more successful projects in the future.
4.Learn how to monitor and control risks.
5.Risk exercises and other case studies are discussed in these courses. So getting on
hand training will definitely prepare you on handling real projects.

These schools emphasize techniques on how to effectively facilitate decision making.
Applying the management principles and techniques with risk management will let you
develop strategies that will benefit your project.


Project Manager’s Project Management For Senior Management

Project managers have the challenging task of always optimizing best practices in
terms of cost, schedules and quality as defined in the Project Management Body of
Knowledge (PMBOK) of the Project Management Institute (PMI).  Throughout the
project’s term, he will have to contend with tracking, monitoring, organizing, and
communicating everything from the financial side, to the deliverables, to the human
resources.  He will also have to report to the senior management regularly to update
them on costs and schedules versus the original plan.  Keeping the senior management
informed and up-to-date is one of the major requirements of good project

It would be ideal if the senior management is directly involved in the resourcing,
implementing and monitoring of all projects.  However, a good project manager will
be able to keep senior management up to speed on the status of the project from its
inception to completion.

The initiation process will naturally include brainstorming and through project
charters.  The project charter is a part of project management and senior managers
who are directly involved will be looking for this. A project manager’s ability to link
random thoughts of ideas into an understandable project charter will help senior
management in the evaluation of the plan of what specifically the team wants to
accomplish in its project management.

Project managers also have to constantly collect information on their deliverables and
submit it to senior management to control and monitoring.  This is important because
a good project management implementation will require senior management to track
down and have a deeper look into key issues, concerns, risks, overdue tasks, and
many more that could hinder the project’s completion.

Once the project management has come to its completion however, there are still tasks
that need to be done like archiving and documentation of the many experiences
encountered during the project’s term.  A project manager has to submit this to the
senior management with a detailed analysis.