service management toolkit comprises of proven software systems, templates,
guidelines and suggestions all of which help IT companies to improve the
efficiency of their existing business processes and reduce operational costs.
Such toolkits are easily available on many Internet websites. Some of these are
also available in the form of free downloadable versions. However, the free
version is not always useful because in most cases the free version is just a
limited version of a paid product. Depending on a limited version of IT service
management toolkit will mean comprising with the efficiency of the
organizational business processes and as such should be avoided. Since the
operations of the organization can get affected, it is necessary to be prudent
even while selecting a paid version of IT service management toolkit. The
purchase decision should not be based on costs because it is very much possible
that a low cost toolkit offers more benefits whereas a high cost toolkit offers
limited benefits. The best available IT service management toolkit will be
applicable to all the related aspects such as change management, service
process re-engineering, cultural change programs, project/program management,
interim management, tool selection, implementation and integration. A toolkit
that can be applied to all the above stated objectives and can be purchased at
reasonable prices should be selected.
The benefits of purchasing a complete ITIL ® certification kit…
When a person goes shopping for a home appliance or automobile they expect to receive an entire functioning unit upon receipt of sale. Who wants to arrive back home only to find that their purchase is missing components which are required for its operation? If we extend this thinking to something like an ITIL certification kit, this same train of thought should apply as well. After all, the purpose of a package such as this is to completely prepare one for the eventual examination, right?So what should be in a comprehensive and balanced ITIL certification kit anyway? A solid ITIL certification package should contain at least two items, some kind of written guide that you can physically tote around, as well as an online component (which should be available 24/7 – 365 as well). (You can find a great, complete system here, which contains both of the aforementioned elements, as well as a few other perks.)
A really top-flight and advanced ITIL certification program should also be able to deliver online components to a wide range of devices as well. For example, it’s a given that online elements of an ITIL certification kit should be compatible with standard PC’s, Mac’s and even Linux-based computers and operating systems. However, the really forward thinking certification packages are distributing to other devices like the iPad, iPhone, as well as tablets and of course, smartphones. The benefit here is that students can literally study anywhere, at any time. In fact, if a person is viewing their course materials via a smartphone (or smaller-sized device), they have virtually everything they need to study for a certification examination (and in an interactive format; what more could you possibly ask for?).
Alright, back to the benefits. Let’s say you’re an extremely busy individual, maybe you’re already entrenched in your career and simply don’t have the time to devote toward attending offline classes. A complete ITIL certification kit will not only contain all the information you need to ace an exam, it will also do it in a manner that will most likely allow you to retain a greater portion of it (compared with those courses requiring physical attendance). The simple fact of the matter is that the serious professional doesn’t need to be “spoon-fed” information; in fact, having to physically attend classes would destroy a lot of the focus, energy, and enthusiasm for most careerists. A much better plan of action for experienced (and busy) individuals would be to simply buy a complete kit and study at your own leisure; in this way, you will retain much more of what you actually study and you won’t have to deal with overly hectic scheduling either.
The most obvious and resounding benefit of purchasing a complete kit for ITIL certification however, has to be preparedness. The truth of the matter is that most quality online programs devoted to ITIL have been developed by extremely knowledgeable and experienced individuals. It’s not necessarily that teachers aren’t capable of conveying the needed information, only that they’re most likely not as familiar with the materials as the company/organization which delivers online study materials. Whereas most instructors spend their days and years in the classroom, the individual that compiles a study course for ITIL is probably someone that’s been a member/leader of an actual IT department/organization for a number of years. In the real world, knowledge certainly matters, but experience is what really counts in the end.
So, why would anyone want to choose a more comprehensive ITIL certification kit over one that might be lacking in one or more areas? The answer is fairly obvious; a truly great program will prepare you for what you will face in an examination better than lesser programs. This is especially important too, as every year (maybe even bi-annually) you can expect to see a new version of the ITIL. Arguably, the most attractive thing about studying for ITIL via an online source is probably ease of use. Remaining competitive in the world of IT is going to require you to stay up-to-date in your methods and practices; this of course applies to all levels of employee as well as those that are new or highly experienced. A comprehensive ITIL certification kit gives you the most clear-cut, affordable, and convenient way to gain additional knowledge and pass your examination upon your very first outing.
The Computing Technology Industry Association or CompTIA is the worlds largest certification giving body in the world. With over 22,000 members in more than 100 countries, it has given out more than 900,000 certifications worldwide. Having a CompTIA certification can give you a wide variety of choices on the options available for you in the IT industry. Because CompTIA is vendor-neutral and offers a variety of certification choices, you can combine your lessons of CompTIA with other vendor specific courses like Java, Cisco, and Microsoft certifications.
If you are planning on getting multiple certifications in the IT industry, getting the option of studying different courses in one class may be a good idea. There are already various schools that offer both online and on-site courses on combo certification lessons that will prepare you for combination certification exams. For example, if you want to prepare yourself for the CompTIA and the Cisco certification, then you should be getting a CCNA and CompTIA option. If you are planning on Java with your CompTIA, then the option of getting those combo courses should be considered. Same goes with the Microsoft/CompTIA option.
The best advantage of getting a CompTIA option is that CompTIA is a vendor-neutral certification program and is recognized, accredited and approved worldwide. Your options of getting a better IT career path with your CompTIA certificate are assured. CompTIA already offers the basics of all the other certification exams offered by vendor specific programs and is therefore an excellent partner for any combination course.
Why ITIL training will put you ahead of the competition
Is ITIL certification all about learning a doctrine? Or more appropriately – the establishment of knowledge around methods and guidances? In any field of endeavor there are established methods and doctrines, the purpose of which is to provide you with the best solution(s), as quickly as possible. So what is an established doctrine or industry standard, anyway? Most would simply say that an established doctrine is the way things are done, or perhaps something akin to a best method(s) compendium. This is obviously true, but industry standards are much more than a proposed method for performing a task.
We should always try to keep in mind that industry standards are often the end result of hours of tedious research and/or trial and error exploration. ITIL (or, information technology infrastructure library) has often been called, “a best practices and methods guide for IT”, and while this is certainly true, it’s actually much more than that. ITIL is in many ways, a determining characteristic or badge which employers and customers will likely be expecting to see.
For many, ITIL certification is basically a qualifier which means they can trust you to do quality work. What makes ITIL so powerful is the fact that it isn’t simply a governmentally / organizationally sanctioned entity, it also draws its wealth of knowledge from previous and ongoing developments / discoveries from public IT as well. In other words, ITIL is the most comprehensive standards and framework(s) reference for IT in existence.
It doesn’t matter whether you are an experienced IT guru, or are just getting started in the field; the truth is that ITIL is a necessary component to your (continued) success. A ITIL certification program isn’t great for just giving you something to add to your resume’ however; it’s also going to help you hone your skills and add new abilities. It should also be noted that ITIL is continuously updated on a regular basis, with a new edition being released on an annual basis.
What makes trying to establish a comprehensive set of enduring best practices for IT impossible is the simple fact that everything is constantly changing, or rather; new technologies are always being developed. Add to this the reality that certain existing technologies may be adapted for any number of additional uses and it’s pretty clear that it might very well be impossible to establish an ageless version of something like the ITIL. Not to worry though, the current system employed by ITIL (whereby new and old concepts and ideas are integrated and reintegrated continuously) is more than capable of addressing technical issues as they are presented in real-time (from year to year).
So, how exactly can ITIL certification help you impress employers and put you ahead of all the other individuals competing for your position? Let’s imagine for a second that you are the one performing the job interview for an esteemed IT position. You interview a bevy of potential candidates which all have similar or nearly the same qualifications. Perhaps only a handful of those interviewed have ITIL training and/or certification; and out of those maybe one or two have certification in an up-to-date annual version of the ITIL. Who do you think is going to get the job? Certainly not those on the lower end of the spectrum, that’s for sure.
Aside from protecting one’s career interests however, there are also additional reasons as to why someone might want to entrench themselves in study of ITIL. For example, if you are truly meticulous about adapting the best strategies and related knowledge for IT work you can begin to offer up your own findings and suggestions. Those that are able to pinpoint issues before they arise and/or offer up suggested solutions, are not only highly sought after in the IT industry, but are also frequently highly paid. In this way, ITIL is like a doorway which allows dedicated and serious professionals to achieve even greater things than they had previously considered. All of this adds up to a number of potential benefits for your future employers as well; wouldn’t you rather have a position with responsibilities and rewards?
There are a number of excellent ITIL training programs out there, but few as comprehensive, convenient, or affordable as what is offered here.
Cloud Computing Foundation as a solid investment in your career
Perhaps you’ve heard the news about how cloud computing is being adopted by a great number of US governmental agencies? Or maybe you’ve taken notice of all the cloud-driven businesses popping up in advertisements on TV and web? All signs point toward cloud computing becoming much more visible in the coming years, and on a number of different fronts (most of them being entertainment-related or driven). It has been suggested that the emergence of tablet-like devices, coupled with the increasing speeds and prevalence of broadband are creating perfect conditions for the widespread assimilation of cloud computing technologies. While that may be mere speculation, one thing remains true and clear however, cloud computing is now officially on the table, and is being explored and used (to great benefit) by a significant number of individuals, groups and organizations.
Arguably, the most compelling reason for familiarizing one’s self with a cloud computing foundation has to be assimilating important (and necessary) skills for competing in tomorrow’s job market. It should go without saying that the person that’s most prepared for a job is not only the most qualified, but also most likely to actually get hired. The high level of interest in cloud technology by companies like Microsoft, google and Amazon should be evidence enough that there is credence to “the cloud phenomenon”. Additionally, there is demonstrable growth in cloud computing use and technology, which also tells us that interest in it is not waning in any way.
This of course leads us to the main point; which pertains to your career, and why devoting your self to a cloud computing foundation program is really an investment in it. Cloud computing is currently on a steady path of growth and acceptance, nearly every single day there seem to some major or minor advancement in the field, be it software, hardware or implemental in nature. However, the core concepts and elements of cloud computing remain largely unchanged, which is great because it allows individuals to (in effect) accumulate the necessary tools needed to quickly jump into the field.