Monthly Archives: December 2011

Do I qualify as a call center help desk agent?

The staff of a call center help desk is made up of a group of very
technically skilled people whose duty is to help callers who are
stuck with service- or product-related problems. The call center help
desk is considered a type of support group formed by a company to
manage problems related to their products and/or service. Callers
help provide much-needed user-based information to the help desk,
which also handles inquiries.
You must meet certain qualifications if you apply to become a call
center help desk agent. One of them is the willingness to work with
flexible schedules, such as assuming the graveyard shift and work
during holidays. Your potential salary must match your level of
experience and training. All calls you receive must be dealt with as
a professional, which means you need to be friendly, observe good
manners, and adhere to high standards for customer satisfaction.
It is essential that a call center help desk agent be responsible for
securing accurate identification of callers. They are also required
to reach their quotas – specified number of calls to be reached – at
the end of their shifts while following company procedures and
policies. With a given talk-time, agents must follow regulations on
how long or how short the call should be so that problems are
identified and solved within that time frame.
Good communication skills, technical knowledge about computers,
honesty, dependability, and good touch typing skills are always a
plus when you are aiming for a career in call center.
If you are hired, you can expect benefits like health insurance,
dental insurance and perhaps even life insurance to be offered by
your employer. Paid sick leave, and vacation leaves are also offered
provided you meet standards for agent performance. Considering that
you exist in a working environment that focuses on helping people,
being a call center help desk agent is a very admirable profession.

Security management and Cloud Computing Education Program: More Businesses Exploring Cloud Computing Strategies

There is an increasing need to manage security in the cloud and IT professionals who support small- and medium-sized businesses need to continue to expand their skillsets to stay relevant.

Cloud computing pioneer and The Art of Service CEO Ivanka Menken

San Jose, Calif. (PRWEB) November 14, 2011

There is an increasing need to manage security in the cloud and IT professionals who support small- and medium-sized businesses need to continue to expand their skillsets to stay relevant.

Because cloud computing strategies can improve capital utilization and reduce IT labor costs, more businesses are moving into the cloud, according to cloud computing pioneer and The Art of Service CEO Ivanka Menken.

The Art of Service, a premier global IT education company, has expanded its cloud computing program to help IT professionals and businesses become knowledgeable about cloud computing and its applications in the business world.

“Companies will be in a position to grow by adapting a solid, well-informed cloud strategy,” Menken said. “IBM estimates that the cloud can cut IT labor costs 50 percent and can improve capital utilization by 75 percent, an assessment with which I agree.”

Menken said this will allow small and medium-sized businesses take advantage of the cloud computing growth. Companies seeking to reap the benefits of cloud computing will require trained and educated IT professionals to navigate and successfully deploy cloud platforms. Due to this need, The Art of Service developed the Cloud Computing Foundation Program, which is the leading certification for IT professionals seeking to become successful cloud computing managers.

Any business seeking to expand responsibly in a tough economic time must control its expenses and the exploding popularity of cloud computing offers such controls.

“One key factor is the cost of storage, as well as recovery of information,” said Menken. “Can your own in-house technology grow and expand affordably, keeping up with the ever-increasing demands of data storage? If not, the cloud is a viable solution.”

Menken encourages businesses considering cloud computing to ask:

  • Is the business’ own information technology enough to beat the competition?
  • Can IT drive revenues or increase savings to achieve desired profit margins?
  • Can a business access new markets through the growth and expansion of existing partnerships?
  • Can the company’s information technology be commoditized?

“While those are critical factors, there are many other considerations,” said Menken, adding that cloud security is always a concern with computing platforms, and that a business must determine whether or not its existing hardware can be leveraged for cloud computing, or if a hardware upgrade might be needed.

The Art of Service has a comprehensive offering of education solutions geared toward the busy IT professional. AOS instructors are experienced in classroom-style delivery, boardroom-style executive coaching, on-the-job training and online virtual support for remote students.

About The Art of Service 
As a cutting-edge IT service framework company, The Art of Service is leading the way in providing high end, client-focused books, toolkits and online and classroom education programs. The company is one of the most trusted sources globally for the career-driven IT professional. For more information, visit

About the Founder
Ivnka Menken is the founder and CEO of The Art of Service. Menken has spearheaded the company’s Cloud Computing Certification Scheme that is becoming the industry benchmark.


Call Center Career: Clerical, Typing And Word Processing Skills A Must!

Call centers are in great need of call center agents and professionals. The extraordinary growth of call centers has increased the demand for this job. With this, more and more people are now into what we label as call center bandwagon because of the huge number of professionals grabbing this opportunity.

In applying for any job, it is essential to research what the job requirements are. In case of call centers, there are various responsibilities that come along with this job. Most people apply for this job simply because it does not require a specific degree on education to be able to land on this profession. Some call center agencies does not even require college degree. But what are the requirements to be a call center professional.

Basic Call center professional job requirement:

Although call centers today does not require extensive education, professionals need to have clerical skills to be qualified. Clerical task are often included in this job. Knowledge in typing and word processing are just some of the tasks that are need in this profession. Clerical jobs such as typing and word processing are very important in any call center job.

To manage the calls, answer customer inquiries and find information or data in the computer; you need the knowledge and capabilities in handling computer programs. Being fluent in a particular language, typing and word processing expertise are the basic clerical requirements of call centers. Without these it is impossible to successfully manage the tasks. If you want to successfully secure a job in call centers, you have to be ready and make sure you have the necessary skills for this job.

Podcasting Technology: Making Things Easier for You

On every classroom, where the teacher asks for items that are developments on technology, the students would always give out items that have helped them or the people around them into doing things as easy as possible. Of course, the sole intention of technology is to help out and make things easier for men, and when the time comes it become, not just the alternative, but also the mainstream way of doing things.

From this output, the Internet is one of these, while it was envisioned as a communicating tool, it soon became one of the mainstream items that replaced the old communicating tools.

One output of Internet use is podcasting, which is just a mere audio recording about all the things that make a sound, either speeches, songs, or even sounds, and what makes it different from tape recordings is its Internet use. Of course, podcasts can be shared easier to other than tape recordings, and this makes it far more superior than it.

With podcasting, people can now listen to songs or speeches on their own available time, whenever and wherever they want to, and they could easily put the downloaded audio recordings on their computers or ipods. This is the ultimate selling point of podcasting, and it is convenient on the highest scale, which something is sought for by the people with the means getting it, and in most cases, these are the people with tons of work to finish so the convenience is appreciated.

To wit, there’s really no reason why podcasting can’t be considered as the end-result of using technology to make things easier.