What is involved in continuous moves
Find out what the related areas are that continuous moves connects with, associates with, correlates with or affects, and which require thought, deliberation, analysis, review and discussion. This unique checklist stands out in a sense that it is not per-se designed to give answers, but to engage the reader and lay out a continuous moves thinking-frame.
How far is your company on its continuous moves journey?
Take this short survey to gauge your organization’s progress toward continuous moves leadership. Learn your strongest and weakest areas, and what you can do now to create a strategy that delivers results.
To address the criteria in this checklist for your organization, extensive selected resources are provided for sources of further research and information.
Start the Checklist
Below you will find a quick checklist designed to help you think about which continuous moves related domains to cover and 146 essential critical questions to check off in that domain.
The following domains are covered:
continuous moves, Continuous delivery, Amazon.com, Application lifecycle management, Application release automation, Architecturally significant requirements, Branching, Build automation, Build management, Change management, Continuous configuration automation, Continuous integration, Continuous testing, DevOps, Facebook, Feature toggle, Google, Paddy Power, Poka-Yoke, Release management, Software configuration management, Software engineering, Software release, Source control, Version control, Wells Fargo, WinOps, Yahoo.com:
continuous moves Critical Criteria:
Bootstrap continuous moves outcomes and report on developing an effective continuous moves strategy.
– What other organizational variables, such as reward systems or communication systems, affect the performance of this continuous moves process?
– Have the types of risks that may impact continuous moves been identified and analyzed?
– What are the short and long-term continuous moves goals?
Continuous delivery Critical Criteria:
Discuss Continuous delivery decisions and maintain Continuous delivery for success.
– What are your current levels and trends in key measures or indicators of continuous moves product and process performance that are important to and directly serve your customers? how do these results compare with the performance of your competitors and other organizations with similar offerings?
– A competitive edge, excellent. Focus on continuous delivery. Move on to continuous deployment because that is going to provide your business value. But look at your individual business. Look at your environment and say is that what gives us the competitive edge?
– Does your organization run a Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) process?
– How important is continuous moves to the user organizations mission?
– Does your organization hope to achieve continuous delivery?
– Have all basic functions of continuous moves been defined?
Amazon.com Critical Criteria:
Canvass Amazon.com results and separate what are the business goals Amazon.com is aiming to achieve.
– Risk factors: what are the characteristics of continuous moves that make it risky?
– How do we maintain continuous movess Integrity?
Application lifecycle management Critical Criteria:
Transcribe Application lifecycle management results and achieve a single Application lifecycle management view and bringing data together.
– Are there any disadvantages to implementing continuous moves? There might be some that are less obvious?
– Are we making progress? and are we making progress as continuous moves leaders?
– Are accountability and ownership for continuous moves clearly defined?
Application release automation Critical Criteria:
Group Application release automation outcomes and inform on and uncover unspoken needs and breakthrough Application release automation results.
– What are your key performance measures or indicators and in-process measures for the control and improvement of your continuous moves processes?
– In what ways are continuous moves vendors and us interacting to ensure safe and effective use?
– Which continuous moves goals are the most important?
Architecturally significant requirements Critical Criteria:
Participate in Architecturally significant requirements projects and know what your objective is.
– How can you negotiate continuous moves successfully with a stubborn boss, an irate client, or a deceitful coworker?
– What are the top 3 things at the forefront of our continuous moves agendas for the next 3 years?
– What other jobs or tasks affect the performance of the steps in the continuous moves process?
Branching Critical Criteria:
Pay attention to Branching failures and modify and define the unique characteristics of interactive Branching projects.
– How do your measurements capture actionable continuous moves information for use in exceeding your customers expectations and securing your customers engagement?
– Do several people in different organizational units assist with the continuous moves process?
– How to Secure continuous moves?
Build automation Critical Criteria:
Chat re Build automation issues and look for lots of ideas.
– Which customers cant participate in our continuous moves domain because they lack skills, wealth, or convenient access to existing solutions?
– Among the continuous moves product and service cost to be estimated, which is considered hardest to estimate?
Build management Critical Criteria:
Accelerate Build management outcomes and prioritize challenges of Build management.
– Do we monitor the continuous moves decisions made and fine tune them as they evolve?
– How to deal with continuous moves Changes?
Change management Critical Criteria:
Rank Change management issues and look at the big picture.
– Troubleshooting – are problems related to what is actually changing (the change), to the management of tasks and resources to make the change happen (project management) or to issues relating to employee engagement, buy-in and resistance (Change Management)?
– What are our best practices for minimizing continuous moves project risk, while demonstrating incremental value and quick wins throughout the continuous moves project lifecycle?
– What steps have executives included in the Change Management plan to identify and address customers and stakeholders concerns about the specific process to be reengineered?
– How should projects be phased to allow adequate time for Change Management and organizational acceptance of the selected technologies?
– Have all the major Change Management issues associated with the preferred alternative been identified and discussed?
– What are the most important benefits of effective organizational change management?
– Do changes in business processes fall under the scope of Change Management?
– In what scenarios should change management systems be introduced?
– Are Organizational Change managements best practices (eg Kotter) applied?
– What change management practices does your organization employ?
– How pro-active is the Organizational Change Management Plan?
– When is Change Management used on a project?
– What is the Change Management process?
– Why do we need Change Management?
– When to start Change Management?
– What is Change Management?
– Is continuous moves Required?
Continuous configuration automation Critical Criteria:
Accumulate Continuous configuration automation goals and stake your claim.
– Will continuous moves deliverables need to be tested and, if so, by whom?
– What are the Key enablers to make this continuous moves move?
– Who needs to know about continuous moves ?
Continuous integration Critical Criteria:
Discuss Continuous integration engagements and overcome Continuous integration skills and management ineffectiveness.
– What are the Essentials of Internal continuous moves Management?
– How do we keep improving continuous moves?
– Will we use Continuous Integration?
Continuous testing Critical Criteria:
Accelerate Continuous testing quality and work towards be a leading Continuous testing expert.
– Is there a continuous moves Communication plan covering who needs to get what information when?
– How do mission and objectives affect the continuous moves processes of our organization?
– What new services of functionality will be implemented next with continuous moves ?
DevOps Critical Criteria:
Jump start DevOps quality and plan concise DevOps education.
– DevOps isnt really a product. Its not something you can buy. DevOps is fundamentally about culture and about the quality of your application. And by quality I mean the specific software engineering term of quality, of different quality attributes. What matters to you?
– Squeeze in one more just while were on this section from Matt whos asking how is DevOps done in a regulated industry like biotech, which is risk averse space?
– Which team/individual in your organization was the primary driver for introducing the DevOps approach to application delivery?
– What is the percentage improvement, increase, or reduction for each of the quantifiable benefits you have seen?
– What is the impact of having no Reference Architecture in particular in a growing technology area?
– How long does it take to identify that which users are affected and how severely?
– Has the wider business seen any measurable benefits from implementing DevOps?
– Look at your environment and say is that what gives us the competitive edge?
– Top concerns that we hear from customers are How can we release on-time?
– Are there current incumbents already playing these architect roles?
– What is the average time to repair an infrastructure failure?
– Does development and qa require full production data?
– Do frequent deployments give you a competitive edge?
– What is our primary understanding of DevOps?
– What Are the Top Challenges with DevOps?
– How to architect for scalability?
– So how do you approach DevOps?
– What is the interview process?
– Which cloud provider to use?
– Why do you need DevOps?
Facebook Critical Criteria:
Steer Facebook governance and secure Facebook creativity.
– A compounding model resolution with available relevant data can often provide insight towards a solution methodology; which continuous moves models, tools and techniques are necessary?
– Facebook: does using facebook for discussions in an online course enhance perceived social presence and student interaction?
– Does using Facebook for discussions in an online course enhance perceived social presence and student interaction?
– How do we make it meaningful in connecting continuous moves with what users do day-to-day?
– Why is it so hard to develop a mental model of facebooks information architecture?
– Why are investors so optimistic about facebook?
– Are there continuous moves Models?
Feature toggle Critical Criteria:
Learn from Feature toggle tactics and cater for concise Feature toggle education.
– Record-keeping requirements flow from the records needed as inputs, outputs, controls and for transformation of a continuous moves process. ask yourself: are the records needed as inputs to the continuous moves process available?
– Have you identified your continuous moves key performance indicators?
Google Critical Criteria:
Guide Google tasks and oversee implementation of Google.
– We keep record of data and store them in cloud services; for example Google Suite. There are data protection tools provided and security rules can be set. But who has the responsibility for securing them – us or Google?
– What may be the consequences for the performance of an organization if all stakeholders are not consulted regarding continuous moves?
– How does our CRM collaboration software integrate well with Google services like Google Apps and Google Docs?
– What are current continuous moves Paradigms?
Paddy Power Critical Criteria:
Discourse Paddy Power failures and figure out ways to motivate other Paddy Power users.
– For your continuous moves project, identify and describe the business environment. is there more than one layer to the business environment?
– Is there any existing continuous moves governance structure?
Poka-Yoke Critical Criteria:
Analyze Poka-Yoke governance and work towards be a leading Poka-Yoke expert.
– what is the best design framework for continuous moves organization now that, in a post industrial-age if the top-down, command and control model is no longer relevant?
Release management Critical Criteria:
Contribute to Release management decisions and probe the present value of growth of Release management.
– What happens after development: how should developers release component-based software and how can users subsequently obtain such software especially if the software under consideration consists of many components that are released by many organizations at many different geographical locations?
– Information/context awareness: how can a developer/participant restore awareness in project activity after having been offline for a few hours, days, or weeks?
– At what point will vulnerability assessments be performed once continuous moves is put into production (e.g., ongoing Risk Management after implementation)?
– How do these developers concur over long distances in environments where people rarely if ever meet face to face in a virtual organization?
– What will happen to the software configuration of a customer, when she updates a certain component?
– Does it Eliminate lengthy email threads trying to achieve change approval?
– Where do requirements come from (and what should we do about it)?
– Is open source software development essentially an agile method?
– When should sunk cost be abandoned and new solutions sought ?
– How will the offeror provide support through the help desk?
– What tools and techniques are use to support these activities?
– What are the development, release, and deployment activities?
– When should technology be recycled & re-used ?
– What can a cms do for an open source project?
– Who must complete a release management plan?
– Every design decision is technical, or not?
– How do we know that all tasks are complete?
– How well are os projects documented?
– Can you Reduce your release window by 90%?
Software configuration management Critical Criteria:
Align Software configuration management strategies and give examples utilizing a core of simple Software configuration management skills.
– How do senior leaders actions reflect a commitment to the organizations continuous moves values?
– Who are the people involved in developing and implementing continuous moves?
– What are some of the software Configuration Management tools?
– Definition: what is software Configuration Management?
– Motivation: why software Configuration Management?
– What are the long-term continuous moves goals?
– Why software Configuration Management ?
Software engineering Critical Criteria:
Win new insights about Software engineering outcomes and track iterative Software engineering results.
– Can we answer questions like: Was the software process followed and software engineering standards been properly applied?
– Is open source software development faster, better, and cheaper than software engineering?
– When a continuous moves manager recognizes a problem, what options are available?
– How do we Identify specific continuous moves investment and emerging trends?
– Better, and cheaper than software engineering?
– What is our continuous moves Strategy?
Software release Critical Criteria:
Cut a stake in Software release planning and finalize the present value of growth of Software release.
– How do we Lead with continuous moves in Mind?
– What is Effective continuous moves?
Source control Critical Criteria:
Scan Source control leadership and catalog what business benefits will Source control goals deliver if achieved.
– What tools do you use once you have decided on a continuous moves strategy and more importantly how do you choose?
– How can you measure continuous moves in a systematic way?
– Do you use source control?
Version control Critical Criteria:
Guard Version control tactics and visualize why should people listen to you regarding Version control.
– How can you experiment with a complex change and benefit from the version control system without making the change public?
– Will you be using a standard naming format and version control?
– How do we improve the way that we use version control?
– What goes under version control?
Wells Fargo Critical Criteria:
Group Wells Fargo management and develop and take control of the Wells Fargo initiative.
– Is continuous moves Realistic, or are you setting yourself up for failure?
– What are the business goals continuous moves is aiming to achieve?
– Do we have past continuous moves Successes?
WinOps Critical Criteria:
Experiment with WinOps planning and catalog what business benefits will WinOps goals deliver if achieved.
– Are assumptions made in continuous moves stated explicitly?
– Is a continuous moves Team Work effort in place?
Yahoo.com Critical Criteria:
Canvass Yahoo.com goals and overcome Yahoo.com skills and management ineffectiveness.
– Does continuous moves systematically track and analyze outcomes for accountability and quality improvement?
– What is our formula for success in continuous moves ?
This quick readiness checklist is a selected resource to help you move forward. Learn more about how to achieve comprehensive insights with the continuous moves Self Assessment:
Author: Gerard Blokdijk
CEO at The Art of Service | theartofservice.com
Gerard is the CEO at The Art of Service. He has been providing information technology insights, talks, tools and products to organizations in a wide range of industries for over 25 years. Gerard is a widely recognized and respected information expert. Gerard founded The Art of Service consulting business in 2000. Gerard has authored numerous published books to date.
External links:
To address the criteria in this checklist, these selected resources are provided for sources of further research and information:
continuous moves External links:
Continuous moves here up to where cracks widens. Hey …
continuous moves – Gartner IT Glossary
Continuous Moves (Part 2) | Logistics Viewpoints
Continuous delivery External links:
What is Continuous Delivery? – Continuous Delivery
Continuous Delivery – CA Technologies
Continuous Delivery (eBook, 2014) [WorldCat.org]
Amazon.com External links:
Amazon.com: Interesting Finds
Application lifecycle management External links:
HP Application Lifecycle Management 12.53
[PDF]Application Lifecycle Management Introduction – …
[PDF]Application Lifecycle Management – Deloitte
Application release automation External links:
Application Release Automation | ARCAD Software
Application Release Automation with Database Automation
Application Release Automation – CA Technologies
Architecturally significant requirements External links:
[PDF]Architecturally Significant Requirements, …
Concept: Architecturally Significant Requirements
Branching External links:
A successful Git branching model » nvie.com
OEMA | ROTC Branching
Git – Basic Branching and Merging
Build automation External links:
build automation – SVN checkout ignore folder – Stack Overflow
Best Build Automation Software in 2017 | G2 Crowd
Build management External links:
Build Management
Change management External links:
DCCA Change Management
CDT Releases Organizational Change Management and …
Join Us | Change Management 2017
Continuous integration External links:
Continuous integration in .NET (eBook, 2011) …
Learning Continuous Integration with Jenkins PDF Free Download, Reviews, Read Online, ISBN: B01BFD2Z2G, By Nikhil Pathania
Continuous testing External links:
Continuous Testing – CA Technologies
Continuous Testing – Home – Continuous Testing
A guide to continuous testing tools – SD Times
DevOps External links:
DevOps in Your Job Title is Doing You Harm – Pete Cheslock
What is your job title? : devops – reddit
What Is a DevOps Engineer? | Puppet
Facebook External links:
Facebook (@facebook) | Twitter
Facebook Help Center | Facebook
FarmVille on Facebook | Facebook
Feature toggle External links:
ruby – Sinatra API feature toggle – Stack Overflow
NGX Feature Toggle – npm
Log in – Feature Toggle Manager
Google External links:
Google (@Google) | Twitter
Google Wallet
Sign in – Google Accounts
Paddy Power External links:
ONLINE SLOTS | Play slot machines with Paddy Power …
Golf Betting Odds from Paddy Power
Paddy Power Betfair – Official Site
Poka-Yoke External links:
[PDF]Poka-Yoke Presentation for ASQ
Poka-Yoke | Michel Baudin’s Blog
Poka-Yoke (DVD video, 2008) [WorldCat.org]
Release management External links:
What is Release Management? | Release Management
Software configuration management External links:
[PDF]Software Configuration Management A Clear Case …
What is Software Configuration Management and Why Do …
[PDF]Software Configuration Management
Software engineering External links:
Software Engineering Institute
Academy for Software Engineering / Homepage
Software release External links:
Software Release History | Sendio
Paylocity – Software Release Administrator …
Source control External links:
visual studio – Using Source Control – Stack Overflow
Is there a way to source control Tableau? |Tableau …
Version control External links:
Git and TFVC version control | Microsoft Docs
VisualSVN – Subversion-based version control for Windows
List history on branch | Version Control Systems | …
Wells Fargo External links:
Wells Fargo Financial National Bank Cardholders
Wells Fargo – Official Site
Wells Fargo Home Shareowner Online
WinOps External links:
WinOps | The conference dedicated to DevOps in a Windows …
[PDF]WinOPS Version 6x and higher End Of Year Procedures
WinOps London – Meetup