Monthly Archives: October 2017

238 Information Systems Success Criteria

What is involved in Information Systems

Find out what the related areas are that Information Systems connects with, associates with, correlates with or affects, and which require thought, deliberation, analysis, review and discussion.

How far is your company on its Information Systems journey?

Take this short survey to gauge your organization’s progress toward Information Systems leadership. Learn your strongest and weakest areas, and what you can do now to create a strategy that delivers results.

To address the criteria in this checklist for your organization, extensive selected resources are provided for sources of further research and information.

Start the Checklist

Below you will find a quick checklist designed to help you think about which Information Systems related domains to cover and 238 essential critical questions to check off in that domain.

The following domains are covered:

Information Systems, Environmental Modeling Center, Physical system, Enterprise Architecture, Multi-agent system, Web science, C. West Churchman, Software development, Chief operating officer, Data processing system, Planetary system, Predictive Model Markup Language, Anatol Rapoport, Work system, Systems art, Sensory system, Global information system, International Conference on Information Systems, National Diet Library, Chief information officer, Data modeling, Electronic commerce, Transaction processing system, Ludwig von Bertalanffy, Mihajlo D. Mesarovic, Conceptual system, Decision support systems, Information management, Management Science, Australasian Conference on Information Systems, Faina Mihajlovna Kirillova, Data systems, Energy system, Systems thinking, Béla H. Bánáthy, Association for Computing Machinery, Data processing, Management Information System, Formal language, Enterprise systems, Börje Langefors, Qian Xuesen, Computer Science, Learning management system, Information Systems Journal, Operating system, Expert system, Systems neuroscience, Systems biology, Complex systems, Social system, Writing system, M. Lynne Markus, Database management system, Sociotechnical system, Living systems, Complex system, Principia Cybernetica, Systems ecology, Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, Political system, Dynamical system, Data warehouses, Data architect, Semantic translation, Information processor:

Information Systems Critical Criteria:

#Have we developed a continuous monitoring strategy for the information systems (including monitoring of security control effectiveness for system-specific, hybrid, and common controls) that reflects the organizational Risk Management strategy and organizational commitment to protecting critical missions and business functions?

#On what terms should a manager of information systems evolution and maintenance provide service and support to the customers of information systems evolution and maintenance?

#Consider your own Information System project. what types of organizational problems do you think might be causing or affecting your problem, based on the work done so far?

#Has your organization conducted a cyber risk or vulnerability assessment of its information systems, control systems, and other networked systems?

#Are information security events and weaknesses associated with information systems communicated in a manner to allow timely corrective action to be taken?

#Would an information systems (is) group with more knowledge about a data production process produce better quality data for data consumers?

#Are information systems and the services of information systems things of value that have suppliers and customers?

#What does the customer get from the information systems performance, and on what does that depend, and when?

#Why Learn About Security, Privacy, and Ethical Issues in Information Systems and the Internet?

#What are information systems, and who are the stakeholders in the information systems game?

#Meeting the challenge: are missed Information System opportunities costing us money?

#How secure -well protected against potential risks is the information system ?

#Is unauthorized access to information held in information systems prevented?

#Is authorized user access to information systems ensured?

#Do we all define Information System in the same way?

#Is security an integral part of information systems?

Environmental Modeling Center Critical Criteria:

#What is the purpose of Information System in relation to the mission?

#What are the long-term Information System goals?

#What are current Information System Paradigms?

Physical system Critical Criteria:

#Does Information System analysis show the relationships among important Information System factors?

#How can the value of Information System be defined?

#How do we maintain Information Systems Integrity?

Enterprise Architecture Critical Criteria:

#With the increasing adoption of cloud computing do you think enterprise architecture as a discipline will become more or less important to us and why?

#Enterprise architecture planning. how does it align with to the to be architecture?

#How does the standard fit into the Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA)?

#Are Enterprise JavaBeans still relevant for enterprise architectures?

#Are software assets aligned with the agency enterprise architecture?

#Are the levels and focus right for TOGAF enterprise architecture?

#Are software assets aligned with the organizations enterprise architecture?

#Who will provide the final approval of Information System deliverables?

#What are the usability implications of Information System actions?

#Is There a Role for Patterns in Enterprise Architecture?

#What is the value of mature Enterprise Architecture?

#Why Should we Consider Enterprise Architecture?

#What is an Enterprise Architecture?

#What Is Enterprise Architecture?

#Why Enterprise Architecture?

Multi-agent system Critical Criteria:

#A compounding model resolution with available relevant data can often provide insight towards a solution methodology; which Information System models, tools and techniques are necessary?

#Does Information System systematically track and analyze outcomes for accountability and quality improvement?

#How do we keep improving Information System?

Web science Critical Criteria:

#Are accountability and ownership for Information System clearly defined?

#How can you measure Information System in a systematic way?

#Are we Assessing Information System and Risk?

C. West Churchman Critical Criteria:

#Marketing budgets are tighter, consumers are more skeptical, and social media has changed forever the way we talk about Information System. How do we gain traction?

#How to Secure Information System?

Software development Critical Criteria:

#What if your business needs are still emerging and certain aspects of the system are rapidly changing or cannot be defined yet?

#How can we fix actual and perceived problems uncovered in ethnographic investigations of Agile software development teams?

#How do agile methods support the principles of Agile Manifesto when using in-house software development methods?

#Does the organization have a distinct quality program that support continuous process improvement?

#Is our organization clear about the relationship between agile software development and DevOps?

#Can agile project management be adopted by industries other than software development?

#Should you have a strict project sequence, or should you be flexible?

#What scaling factors should we consider when tailoring our approach?

#What software development and data management tools been selected?

#How do you develop requirements for agile software development?

#How can Trello be used as an Agile project management tool?

#How could principles be more precisely measured or valued?

#Do we use kanban, and know how it compares to scrum?

#So what do your developers do differently in agile?

#How could a more enhanced framework be developed?

#How do Web Operators communicate with Developers?

#What challenges do teams face when scaling agile?

#How large is the system that is being developed?

#Does your team use Agile Methodology?

#What is Agility ?

Chief operating officer Critical Criteria:

#Have the types of risks that may impact Information System been identified and analyzed?

#Have all basic functions of Information System been defined?

Data processing system Critical Criteria:

#How do you incorporate cycle time, productivity, cost control, and other efficiency and effectiveness factors into these Information System processes?

#What are the Key enablers to make this Information System move?

#Do we have past Information System Successes?

Planetary system Critical Criteria:

#What about Information System Analysis of results?

#What threat is Information System addressing?

#Is the scope of Information System defined?

Predictive Model Markup Language Critical Criteria:

#Record-keeping requirements flow from the records needed as inputs, outputs, controls and for transformation of a Information System process. ask yourself: are the records needed as inputs to the Information System process available?

#Where do ideas that reach policy makers and planners as proposals for Information System strengthening and reform actually originate?

#Are we making progress? and are we making progress as Information System leaders?

Anatol Rapoport Critical Criteria:

#What are the success criteria that will indicate that Information System objectives have been met and the benefits delivered?

#How do we ensure that implementations of Information System products are done in a way that ensures safety?

#Do you monitor the effectiveness of your Information System activities?

Work system Critical Criteria:

#How do you ensure work system and workplace preparedness for disasters or emergencies? how does your disaster and emergency preparedness system consider prevention, management, continuity of operations, and recovery?

#How do you measure the Operational performance of your key work systems and processes, including productivity, cycle time, and other appropriate measures of process effectiveness, efficiency, and innovation?

#How do you decide which processes within your overall work systems will be internal to your organization (your key work processes) and which will use external resources?

#Who is responsible for ensuring appropriate resources (time, people and money) are allocated to Information System?

#What are your most important goals for the strategic Information System objectives?

#What is our Information System Strategy?

Systems art Critical Criteria:

#Think about the functions involved in your Information System project. what processes flow from these functions?

#How can we improve Information System?

Sensory system Critical Criteria:

#Does Information System create potential expectations in other areas that need to be recognized and considered?

#Who is the main stakeholder, with ultimate responsibility for driving Information System forward?

#How does the organization define, manage, and improve its Information System processes?

Global information system Critical Criteria:

#What is our formula for success in Information System ?

International Conference on Information Systems Critical Criteria:

#How do we Identify specific Information System investment and emerging trends?

#How would one define Information System leadership?

#Is a Information System Team Work effort in place?

National Diet Library Critical Criteria:

#At what point will vulnerability assessments be performed once Information System is put into production (e.g., ongoing Risk Management after implementation)?

Chief information officer Critical Criteria:

#Will new equipment/products be required to facilitate Information System delivery for example is new software needed?

#Is the Information System organization completing tasks effectively and efficiently?

Data modeling Critical Criteria:

#Will Information System have an impact on current business continuity, disaster recovery processes and/or infrastructure?

#Do several people in different organizational units assist with the Information System process?

Electronic commerce Critical Criteria:

#How can you negotiate Information System successfully with a stubborn boss, an irate client, or a deceitful coworker?

#What sources do you use to gather information for a Information System study?

#Is the security of electronic commerce services and their secure use ensured?

#Does our organization need more Information System education?

Transaction processing system Critical Criteria:

#What tools do you use once you have decided on a Information System strategy and more importantly how do you choose?

#How do we know that any Information System analysis is complete and comprehensive?

Ludwig von Bertalanffy Critical Criteria:

#What potential environmental factors impact the Information System effort?

Mihajlo D. Mesarovic Critical Criteria:

#What prevents me from making the changes I know will make me a more effective Information System leader?

#How important is Information System to the user organizations mission?

Conceptual system Critical Criteria:

#Are there any disadvantages to implementing Information System? There might be some that are less obvious?

Decision support systems Critical Criteria:

#Among the Information System product and service cost to be estimated, which is considered hardest to estimate?

#How much does Information System help?

Information management Critical Criteria:

#What is the difference between Enterprise Information Management and Data Warehousing?

#How do we measure improved Information System service perception, and satisfaction?

#Is Information System Realistic, or are you setting yourself up for failure?

#How is Business Intelligence and Information Management related?

Management Science Critical Criteria:

#How to deal with Information System Changes?

Australasian Conference on Information Systems Critical Criteria:

#In a project to restructure Information System outcomes, which stakeholders would you involve?

#What are the barriers to increased Information System production?

Faina Mihajlovna Kirillova Critical Criteria:

#Is Information System dependent on the successful delivery of a current project?

Data systems Critical Criteria:

#Do we aggressively reward and promote the people who have the biggest impact on creating excellent Information System services/products?

#Who can provide us with information about our current data systems and data elements?

#How can we leverage technology advances from other data systems?

#Is there any existing Information System governance structure?

#How do we manage Information System Knowledge Management (KM)?

Energy system Critical Criteria:

#What are your current levels and trends in key measures or indicators of Information System product and process performance that are important to and directly serve your customers? how do these results compare with the performance of your competitors and other organizations with similar offerings?

#Are assumptions made in Information System stated explicitly?

Systems thinking Critical Criteria:

#Using systems thinking effectively requires that we have a spirit of inquiry and keep asking the questions: why is this happening or, more simply, why?

#So, how do you avoid getting wrapped up in the complexities and use systems thinking to guide change and continuous improvement?

#Heres a riddle on which to test systems thinkers: which comes first, structure or process?

#Why are the natures or behaviours of systems similar or dissimilar?

#How do you know that your coworkers hold the same perspective?

#What self development activities are you currently engaged in?

#How do you want to influence the system(s) and parts of the system(s)?

#What are the values that guide my decisions and actions?

#Does It Fit With Our Culture, Capability And Desires?

#How can we link our efforts to work more efficiently?

#Do you understand the work -and are you improving it?

#What is our typical way of dealing with conflict?

#What are the core principles of systems thinking?

#What are the Benefits of a Formal Charter?

#Why Are Other Solutions Not Desirable?

#What is the AIM (goal) of the system?

#Will systems thinking be rethought?

#What made your communication work?

#Are there holes in our systems ?

Béla H. Bánáthy Critical Criteria:

#Who will be responsible for deciding whether Information System goes ahead or not after the initial investigations?

Association for Computing Machinery Critical Criteria:

#Why is Information System important for you now?

Data processing Critical Criteria:

#Traditional data protection principles include fair and lawful data processing; data collection for specified, explicit, and legitimate purposes; accurate and kept up-to-date data; data retention for no longer than necessary. Are additional principles and requirements necessary for IoT applications?

#Think about the people you identified for your Information System project and the project responsibilities you would assign to them. what kind of training do you think they would need to perform these responsibilities effectively?

#What are some strategies for capacity planning for big data processing and cloud computing?

#Who regulates/controls wording of the Consent for personal data processing document?

#Can the consent for personal data processing be granted to us over the phone?

#What business benefits will Information System goals deliver if achieved?

#Do you see a need to share data processing facilities?

Management Information System Critical Criteria:

#what is the best design framework for Information System organization now that, in a post industrial-age if the top-down, command and control model is no longer relevant?

#What are the record-keeping requirements of Information System activities?

Formal language Critical Criteria:

#What are the top 3 things at the forefront of our Information System agendas for the next 3 years?

#How do formal languages help with usability?

Enterprise systems Critical Criteria:

#How do enterprise systems help businesses achieve operational excellence?

#How do enterprise systems provide value for businesses?

Börje Langefors Critical Criteria:

#Are there recognized Information System problems?

#What is Effective Information System?

Qian Xuesen Critical Criteria:

#Who are the people involved in developing and implementing Information System?

#How do we go about Comparing Information System approaches/solutions?

Computer Science Critical Criteria:

#What are the short and long-term Information System goals?

Learning management system Critical Criteria:

#In regards to blogs/chat rooms does the vendor need to supply a built in blog/chat room tool, or simply link from the portal to an existing blog/chat room?

#In the lms section where the courses are listed do you want the vendor to configure the listed courses during the implementation?

#Data migration are there any external users accounts existing and will these user accounts need to be migrated to the new lms?

#Facebook: does using facebook for discussions in an online course enhance perceived social presence and student interaction?

#Is there a requirement for a one-time migration from/to each of these systems or a re-occurring interface?

#If we process purchase orders; what is the desired business process around supporting purchase orders?

#The Assets used to create content – jpegs, text, buttons, etc is it centralized or decentralized?

#Do we collect and manipulate source data into a mutually agreed upon flat-file specification?

#Do we expect the history of data to be migrated/uploaded in a potential new lms system?

#Are course notes provided by the instructor part of the student materials?

#What technical skills do the administrators and user individuals hold?

#How can an lms enhance the learning environment?

#What products are available how do they compare?

#When do we envision the new system to go live?

#Content Does we purchase content from 3rd party vendors?

#Is there an open source alternative to adobe captivate?

#What data fields are targeted for migration?

#How many administrators need to be trained?

#Why do we need an lms system?

#How do we choose an lms?

Information Systems Journal Critical Criteria:

#In what ways are Information System vendors and us interacting to ensure safe and effective use?

Operating system Critical Criteria:

#If the firewall runs on an individual host for which all users are not trusted system administrators, how vulnerable is it to tampering by a user logged into the operating system running on the protected hosts?

#What are your results for key measures or indicators of the accomplishment of your Information System strategy and action plans, including building and strengthening core competencies?

#In a virtualized data center, guest operating system kernels were modified to eliminate the need for binary translation. which compute virtualization technique was used?

#What should an organization consider before migrating its applications and operating system to the public cloud to prevent vendor lock-in?

#What operating systems are used for student computers, devices, laptops, etc.?

#What operating system does your computer use?

#Is unauthorized access to operating systems prevented?

#What are specific Information System Rules to follow?

Expert system Critical Criteria:

#Do Information System rules make a reasonable demand on a users capabilities?

Systems neuroscience Critical Criteria:

#How do we make it meaningful in connecting Information System with what users do day-to-day?

#How can skill-level changes improve Information System?

Systems biology Critical Criteria:

#Do those selected for the Information System team have a good general understanding of what Information System is all about?

#Does Information System analysis isolate the fundamental causes of problems?

Complex systems Critical Criteria:

#How much testing is necessary in order to expose all the potential failure modes and situations of highly integrated complex systems?

#What are all of our Information System domains and what do they do?

#Complex interventions or complex systems?

Social system Critical Criteria:

#Risk factors: what are the characteristics of Information System that make it risky?

#Does the Information System task fit the clients priorities?

Writing system Critical Criteria:

#Why should we adopt a Information System framework?

M. Lynne Markus Critical Criteria:

#Who sets the Information System standards?

Database management system Critical Criteria:

#What database management systems have been implemented?

Sociotechnical system Critical Criteria:

#What other jobs or tasks affect the performance of the steps in the Information System process?

Living systems Critical Criteria:

#What are the key elements of your Information System performance improvement system, including your evaluation, organizational learning, and innovation processes?

#What are your key performance measures or indicators and in-process measures for the control and improvement of your Information System processes?

Complex system Critical Criteria:

#Who will be responsible for making the decisions to include or exclude requested changes once Information System is underway?

Principia Cybernetica Critical Criteria:

Systems ecology Critical Criteria:

#Which Information System goals are the most important?

Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems Critical Criteria:

#Can we do Information System without complex (expensive) analysis?

Political system Critical Criteria:

Dynamical system Critical Criteria:

#What may be the consequences for the performance of an organization if all stakeholders are not consulted regarding Information System?

#What is the total cost related to deploying Information System, including any consulting or professional services?

#How do mission and objectives affect the Information System processes of our organization?

Data warehouses Critical Criteria:

#What is the purpose of data warehouses and data marts?

Data architect Critical Criteria:

#Can we describe the data architecture and relationship between key variables. for example, are data stored in a spreadsheet with one row for each person/entity, a relational database, or some other format?

#Does your bi software work well with both centralized and decentralized data architectures and vendors?

#Do we need an enterprise data warehouse, a Data Lake, or both as part of our overall data architecture?

Semantic translation Critical Criteria:

#Are there Information System Models?

Information processor Critical Criteria:

#Who needs to know about Information System ?


This quick readiness checklist is a selected resource to help you move forward. Learn more about how to achieve comprehensive insights with the Information Systems Self Assessment:

Author: Gerard Blokdijk

CEO at The Art of Service

Gerard is the CEO at The Art of Service. He has been providing information technology insights, talks, tools and products to organizations in a wide range of industries for over 25 years. Gerard is a widely recognized and respected information expert. Gerard founded The Art of Service consulting business in 2000. Gerard has authored numerous published books to date.

External links:

To address the criteria in this checklist, these selected resources are provided for sources of further research and information:

Information System External links:

The Ideal Laboratory Information System


information system |

Environmental Modeling Center External links:

Environmental Modeling Center – Modeling Center&item_type=topic

EMC – Environmental Modeling Center | AcronymFinder

Environmental Modeling Center – Modeling Center

Physical system External links:

Cyber-Physical Systems | NIST

Cyber-Physical Systems Security | Udacity–ud279

Enterprise Architecture External links:

Critical Success Factors for Enterprise Architecture



Multi-agent system External links:

When to Use a Multi-Agent System? | SpringerLink

Requirements Engineering for Large-Scale Multi-agent Systems

C. West Churchman External links:

An Appreciation of C. West Churchman – start [ProjectsISSS]

C. West Churchman – West Churchman&item_type=topic


Software development External links:


41 Criteria for selection of software development

Situational Factors in Safety Critical Software Development

Chief operating officer External links:

4 Common Traits of the Best Chief Operating Officers


Vice President & Chief Operating Officer –

Data processing system External links:

What is Distributed Data Processing System?

Planetary system External links:

Planetary system | Etsy

Planetary System. – Home | Facebook

Predictive Model Markup Language External links:

An Extended Predictive Model Markup Language for Data Mining

An extended predictive model markup language for data mining

PMML (Predictive Model Markup Language) – IBM

Anatol Rapoport External links:

Remarks on Anatol Rapoport’s Paper –


Anatol Rapoport is dead — Crooked Timber

Sensory system External links:


Sensory system – ScienceDaily

Sensory systems in fish – Revolvy systems in fish

Global information system External links:

Requirements Capture Workflow in Global Information Systems

Global Information System –

International Conference on Information Systems External links:

International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS)

National Diet Library External links:

National Diet Library

Classification / Subject Headings | National Diet Library

National Diet Library | library, Tokyo, Japan |

Chief information officer External links:


CHIEF INFORMATION OFFICER – Department of Commerce


Data modeling External links:

Advantages of Dimensional Data Modeling

The Difference Between Data Analysis and Data Modeling

Why Data Modeling is Now Critical to SOA Success › ER/Studio

Electronic commerce External links:

Electronic Commerce: Review of Critical Research Issues

MSIS 491 — Electronic Commerce

Transaction processing system External links:

Transaction Processing System – System Analysis and Design

The evolution of a transaction processing system

Transaction Processing System | Database Transaction | Acid

Ludwig von Bertalanffy External links:

Ludwig von Bertalanffy (1901–1972) – ISSS

Quotes by Ludwig von Bertalanffy @ Like Success

Ludwig Von Bertalanffy (Author of General System Theory)

Conceptual system External links:

conceptual System Design | Product Lifecycle | Logistics

Conceptual Systems Theory and Teaching – ASCD


Decision support systems External links:

Decision Support Systems – Journal – Elsevier

Chapter 53. Clinical Decision Support Systems

A critical analysis of decision support systems research

Information management External links:

Brochure – Digital Records & Information Management

Information Management: Guidance for Anaesthetists

Management Science External links:

Applied Management Science: –

Weighting Multiple Criteria | Management Science

Australasian Conference on Information Systems External links:

The 25th Australasian Conference on Information Systems

unisa – Australasian Conference on Information Systems 2015

27th Australasian Conference on Information Systems

Energy system External links:

Systems thinking External links:

Systems Thinking for Sustainability –

Overview of Systems Thinking

Systems Thinking – Tool/Concept/Definition –

Association for Computing Machinery External links:

Education – Association for Computing Machinery

FAQ/Guidelines – Association for Computing Machinery

Association for Computing Machinery – ACM Digital Library

Data processing External links:

The DHS Program – Data Processing

Outsource Data Processing Services – Flatworld Solutions

data processing | computer science |

Formal language External links:

Formal and Informal Language – Primary Resources

Formal language – Monash University

Formal vs Informal Language – YouTube

Enterprise systems External links:

An Assessment Model for Security-Critical Enterprise Systems

Börje Langefors External links:

Börje Langefors Best Doctoral Dissertation Award –örje_Langefors_Best_Doctoral_Dissertation_Award

Qian Xuesen External links:

Qian Xuesen –

Qian Xuesen | Chinese scientist |

Qian Xuesen Receives Life Achievement Award

Computer Science External links:

Bristol University | Department of Computer Science

Computer Science IA – Frankfurt International School

IB Computer Science HL – International

Learning management system External links:

How to Choose the Right Learning Management System

Learning Management System (LMS) | Traliant

LMS selection for learning management system software

Information Systems Journal External links:

The Index of Information Systems Journals :: Welcome

Operating system External links:

Operating Systems Sample Exam Questions


operating system – Critical section – Stack Overflow

Expert system External links:

expert system | computer science |

Selection criteria for expert system shells –

Expert System Design Shells: A Critical Analysis

Systems neuroscience External links:

Systems Neuroscience | GDBBS | Emory University

Ringvorlesung Systems Neuroscience –

Center for Systems Neuroscience (CSN) – Boston University

Systems biology External links:

Department of Systems Biology | Harvard Medical School

Bridging the gaps in systems biology | SpringerLink

Systems biology · Microbiology · Biotechnology
10.1186/1752-0509-7-4 – BMC Systems Biology | Home page

Complex systems External links:

Workshop on Critical Transitions in Complex Systems

Towards a critical complex systems approach to public health

Stability of Complex Systems in Critical Cases

M. Lynne Markus External links:

M. Lynne Markus – Google Scholar Citations

Search M. Lynne Markus – Harvard Business Review Lynne Markus

M. Lynne Markus – Revolvy Lynne Markus&item_type=topic

Database management system External links:

Selection for Database Management System – Bradley


DBMS – database management system – Webopedia

Sociotechnical system External links:

Sociotechnical systems – Revolvy systems&item_type=topic

Sociotechnical Systems –

Living systems External links:

The Living Systems Theory – ISSS

Living Systems Theory –

Living Systems Theory – P2P Foundation

Complex system External links:

AURTTA4021 Carry out diagnosis of complex system faults

Stability of Complex Systems in Critical Cases

Characteristics of a “Complex System”

Principia Cybernetica External links:

Principia Cybernetica | Emergence | Science

Principia Cybernetica Mailing-List Archive: Humanity 3000

Principia Cybernetica Web (1992) What is Systems Theory?

Systems ecology External links:

Systems ecology | weADAPT

SYSTEMS ECOLOGY (SE) – College of Forestry

systems ecology |

Political system External links:

Indian Political System – University of Kashmir


political system |

Dynamical system External links:

Theory of non-linear dynamical systems

Dynamical Systems: Vol 32, No 3 –

Two-dimensional Autonomous Dynamical Systems

Data architect External links:

What is the Role of a Data Architect – Database Answers

Western Union Jobs – Data Architect Jobs in California

Hiring kit: Data architect – Tech Pro Research

Semantic translation External links:

semantic translation – German translation – Linguee

Semantic Translation for Rule-Based Knowledge in Data Mining

The Fundamental Supply Chain Management Checklist

236 Things You Need To Know About Supply Chain Management and the Supply Chain Management Domain, covering: Supply Chain Management, Supply chain management, Accountability, Accounting, Best practice, Board of directors, Business, Business continuity, Business intelligence, Business model, Capacity management, Capital budgeting, Change management, Channel partner, Commerce, Contract, Control, Corporate social responsibility, Corporation, Cost reduction, Customer relationship management, Customer service, Customers, Disaster, Finance, Financial institution, Human resources, INFORMS, Impact assessment, Incident management, Information technology, Infrastructure, Insurance, Inventory, Knowledge management, Leadership, Logistics, Management style, Marketing research, Organization, Organizational culture, Organizational structure, Outsourcing, Performance indicator, Performance measurement, Problem management, Product, Product development, Program management, Project management, Public relations, Quality assurance, Quality management, Senior management, Service management, Shipping, Social responsibility, Stakeholder, Suppliers, Supply Chain Management, Supply chain, Systems engineering, Theory of constraints, Warehouse, Warehousing and Workflow

Supply Chain Management professionals that thrive excel in their Supply Chain Management understanding. This checklist will provide you with the 236 fundamental things you need to know. For practitioners and their organizations, making sure that all Supply Chain Management essentials are covered, from every angle, is a challenge.

A Self Assessment is a helpful tool for professionals to get a project started and/or audited. At The Art of Service we develop Self Assessments that help professionals to do just that.

The Supply Chain Management Self Assessment covers numerous criteria related to a successful Supply Chain Management project, read more at

In the Supply Chain Management Self Assessments, we find that the following questions are the most frequently addressed. Here are their criteria:

Supply chain management Critical Criteria:

How do supply chain management systems coordinate planning, production, and logistics with suppliers?

What makes cloud computing well suited for supply chain management applications?

What is TESCM tax efficient supply chain management?

Accountability Critical Criteria:

Does the practice systematically track and analyze outcomes related for accountability and quality improvement?

Does Supply Chain Management systematically track and analyze outcomes for accountability and quality improvement?

How do you maintain accountability for actions performed by the account?

Consumers protection requires accountability, who is responsible under what law?

Are accountability and ownership for Supply Chain Management clearly defined?

Accounting Critical Criteria:

What types of status accounting reports are to be generated?

Will all of your accounting be restored?

Best practice Critical Criteria:

Achieving service management excellence is an on-going process. Just as an organization can never have enough sales, so they can never stop paying attention to service assurance. With service management and assurance having such a critical role for CSPs, how can they both achieve optimal service assurance delivery and implement supporting processes to ensure that best practice continues to be observed?

Is the software and application development process based on an industry best practice and is information security included throughout the software development life cycle (sdlc) process?

what are our best practices for minimizing Supply Chain Management project risk, while demonstrating incremental value and quick wins throughout the Supply Chain Management project lifecycle?

What standards, guidelines, best practices, and tools are organizations using to understand, measure, and manage risk at the management, operational, and technical levels?

What ITIL best practices, security and data protection standards and guidelines are in use by the cloud service provider?

What are the best practices for software quality assurance when using agile development methodologies?

Aare there recommended best practices to help us decide whether they should move to the cloud?

Are we proactively using the most effective means, the best practices and maximizing our opportunities?

Does your organization have a company-wide policy regarding best practices for cyber?

What best practices in knowledge management for Service management do we use?

What are some best practices for implementing an air gap in a our setting?

What best practices are relevant to your service management initiative?

Are there any best practices or standards for the use of Big Data solutions?

What are the best practices for Risk Management in Social Media?

What is a best practice for selecting drives for a thin pool?

What best practices are relevant to your itsm initiative?

What best practices are relevant to your ITSM initiative?

Which rules constitute best practices?

Board of directors Critical Criteria:

What key measures should we include in our annual report to our Board of Directors?

Business Critical Criteria:

do we have processes for managing Human Resources across the business. (eg. staffing skills and numbers are known and predictions are made of future needs? new staff are inducted and trained to suit needs? succession planning is catered for?

Key capabilities can focus your starting point, but why strive to transform your iam program to higher maturity levels? how can it help drive business value?

Business continuity Critical Criteria:

Has the organization established an enterprise-wide business continuity/disaster recovery program that is consistent with requirements, policy, and applicable guidelines?

Does our business continuity and/or disaster recovery plan (bcp/drp) address the timely recovery of its it functions in the event of a disaster?

Do our business continuity andor disaster recovery plan (bcp/drp) address the timely recovery of our it functions in the event of a disaster?

How does our business continuity plan differ from a disaster recovery plan?

Is there a business continuity/disaster recovery plan in place?

Business intelligence Critical Criteria:

Research reveals that more than half of business intelligence projects hit a low degree of acceptance or fail. What factors influence the implementation negative or positive?

What information can be provided in regards to a sites usage and business intelligence usage within the intranet environment?

Business model Critical Criteria:

How can we create a secure environment to protect our data, especially when new business models like cloud computing and mobility leave us with little control over it?

How can we take rapid and informed action given the dramatic changes the IoT will make to our traditional business models?

What applications will first become mainstream and under which business model will they operate?

How well does the product fit our current and planned business model(s)?

What potential megatrends could make our business model obsolete?

Capacity management Critical Criteria:

Application sizing is a technique used by capacity management. why is application sizing important?

Capital budgeting Critical Criteria:

What is capital budgeting?

Change management Critical Criteria:

Workforce Change Management How do you prepare your workforce for changing capability and capacity needs? How do you manage your workforce, its needs, and your needs to ensure continuity, prevent workforce reductions, and minimize the impact of workforce reductions, if they do become necessary? How do you prepare for and manage periods of workforce growth?

Has the team ensured that key cultural barriers (e.g., training and skills required for new jobs, entrenched culture, incompatible support structures, fear of downsizing) are addressed in its Change Management strategy?

In terms of change focus, leaders will examine the success of past strategic initiatives and the concrete Change Management that accompanied them. is the overall strategy sound?

What steps have executives included in the Change Management plan to identify and address customers and stakeholders concerns about the specific process to be reengineered?

Have all the major Change Management issues associated with the preferred alternative been identified and discussed?

Channel partner Critical Criteria:

Are you achieving the sales revenue per channel partner that you expect?

How effectively do you train your channel partners?

Commerce Critical Criteria:

What are 3rd party licenses integrated with the current CRM, for example Email Marketing, Travel Planner, e-newsletter, search engine, surveys, reporting/trend analysis, e-Commerce, etc.?

How you manage your Shipment Tracking in eCommerce through the SAP Business One SAP B1?

How does B2B eCommerce affect our selection of the right type of relationship?

Is the security of electronic commerce services and their secure use ensured?

What ERP software has B2B B2C eCommerce WebStore Integration?

What erp systems are ecommerce companies using?

Contract Critical Criteria:

While it seems technically very likely that smart contracts can be programmed to execute the lifecycle events of a financial asset, and that those assets can be legally enshrined in computer code as a smart asset, how are they governed by law?

Are breaches of any criminal or civil law and statutory, regulatory or contractual obligations and of any security requirements avoided?

Does the ISMS policy take into account business, legal, regulatory requirements and contractual security obligations?

Are relevant legal or regulatory requirements and contractual obligations taken into account for control of records?

Identify and address legal and regulatory requirements and contractual security obligations?

Control Critical Criteria:

Where is the locus of control? Within a Centralized Authority or Decentralized Authority?

Do we have sufficient processes in place to enforce security controls and standards?

What about quality control? Defects?

Corporate social responsibility Critical Criteria:

What is the different in meaning if any between the terms Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility?

What if your company publishes an environmental or corporate social responsibility report?

Corporation Critical Criteria:

As corporate ventures usually go to new business areas and work with new technologies, they are most likely unable to utilise existing commercial or parent corporations in-house development methods. Could Agile Manifesto and agile methods be a good starting point for the corporate venture to start their development effort towards their own, efficient agile in-house software development method?

Why might a corporation want to consider registering issuances and transfers of shares in blockchain form?

Cost reduction Critical Criteria:

In addition, CSPs are often challenged to reduce their overheads and operational costs. Cost reduction initiatives can be difficult to manage and it is essential to target the right areas. Where can costs reasonably be reduced or margins improved without any service disruption or without affecting service levels?

We are are often challenged to reduce our overheads and operational costs. Cost reduction initiatives can be difficult to manage and it is essential to target the right areas. Where can costs reasonably be reduced or margins improved without any service disruption or without affecting service levels?

What is your spending on genuine new products versus product renewals (improvements and replacements), or product extensions, or product maintenance, or cost reductions and process improvements?

Can low gross margin % products be improved by price increases or cost reductions?

Customer relationship management Critical Criteria:

How do customer relationship management systems help us achieve customer intimacy?

How do customer relationship management systems provide value for businesses?

Is there an iphone app for mobile scrm or customer relationship management?

Customer service Critical Criteria:

Its important to reach your customers. Every business, if wise, will have a promotion and advertising plan. You need to consider the image you want to project to your customers about your business. Will your business stand out because you are a proven a leader in the service or product industry by providing innovative services or products, or you provide customer confidence by providing high quality Customer Service?

do we Make sure to ask about our vendors customer satisfaction rating and references in our particular industry. If the vendor does not know its own rating, it may be a red flag that youre dealing with a company that does not put Customer Service at the forefront. How would a company know what to improve if it had no idea what areas customers felt were lacking?

Who will be responsible for leading the various bcp teams (e.g., crisis/emergency, recovery, technology, communications, facilities, Human Resources, business units and processes, Customer Service)?

Have senior executives clearly identified and explained concerns regarding Customer Service issues and other change drivers, and emphasized that major improvements are imperative?

Do we obtain it performance reports illustrating the value of it from a business driver perspective (Customer Service, cost, agility, quality, etc.)?

Has it re-engineered or redesigned processes, and leveraged technologies to improve responsiveness, Customer Service and customer satisfaction?

why would potential clients outsource their business to us if they can perform the same level of Customer Service in house?

Do the functional areas need business process integration (e.g., order entl. billing, or Customer Service)?

how does our company use its web-site for Customer Service and / or customer relationship building?

What specific functionality is our Customer Service Management system required to provide?

What are the anticipated hours of operation for live Customer Service support?

How did we get to the point that we need a Customer Service program?

What needs to be in place to make Customer Service work?

What does good Customer Service actually mean?

How do you plan to address Customer Service?

Do we offer Superior Customer Service?

Customers Critical Criteria:

Do you collaborate with customers for product development and/or innovation?

Do you collaborate with customers for product development andor innovation?

How do you select new suppliers and screen potential new customers?

How would you describe the relationship you have with customers?

Disaster Critical Criteria:

The goal of a disaster recovery plan is to minimize the costs resulting from losses of, or damages to, the resources or capabilities of your IT facilities. The success of any disaster recovery plan depends a great deal on being able to determine the risks associated with data loss. What is the impact to our business if the data is lost?

How do you ensure work system and workplace preparedness for disasters or emergencies? how does your disaster and emergency preparedness system consider prevention, management, continuity of operations, and recovery?

We should have adequate and well-tested disaster recovery and business resumption plans for all major systems and have remote facilities to limit the effect of disruptive events. Do we comply?

Disaster recovery planning, also called contingency planning, is the process of preparing your organizations assets and operations in case of a disaster. but what do we define as a disaster?

Has the organization established an enterprise-wide business continuity/disaster recovery program that is consistent with requirements, policy, and applicable guidelines?

Does our business continuity and/or disaster recovery plan (bcp/drp) address the timely recovery of its it functions in the event of a disaster?

Do our business continuity andor disaster recovery plan (bcp/drp) address the timely recovery of our it functions in the event of a disaster?

Are interruptions to business activities counteracted and critical business processes protected from the effects of major failures or disasters?

How will management prepare employees for a disaster, reduce the overall risks, and shorten the recovery window?

What are our disaster recovery goal prioritazations? Do we want to get the system up as quickly as possible?

Do we know what we have specified in continuity of operations plans and disaster recovery plans?

Recoverability: how will the service provider respond to disasters and ensure continued service?

Do we plan a Disaster recovery plan test and a full interruption disaster recovery plan test?

Are the disaster recovery plan (DRP) and the business contingency plan (BCP) tested annually?

how many virtual machines are to be protected by the disaster recovery solution?

Is the priority of system restores documented in the disaster recovery plan?

How does our business continuity plan differ from a disaster recovery plan?

What are the fault tolerance, failover, and disaster recovery plans?

Is a disaster/back-up recovery system in place for each system?

Is there a business continuity/disaster recovery plan in place?

Are damage assessment and disaster recovery plans in place?

who should be called in case of Disaster Recovery?

Have we ever invoked our disaster recovery plan?

Do you have a tested IT disaster recovery plan?

Do we employ a hot site for disaster recovery?

Finance Critical Criteria:

How do we engage divisions, operating units, operations, internal audit, risk management, compliance, finance, technology, and human resources in adopting the updated framework?

Are the organizations current procurement rules and culture set-up to approve and finance fluctuating costs, i.e. pay-per-use over fixed price services?

Does the committee responsible for risk have direct communication with the finance function and with staff who have time to ask what if?

How often do we hold meaningful conversations at the operating level among sales, finance, operations, IT, and human resources?

What finance, procurement and Human Resources business processes should be included in the scope of a erp solution?

Adequate resources (staff, finances, etc.) to bring the business up to normal operating levels?

How will the finance function within business change over the next five years?

Is Business Intelligence a more natural fit within Finance or IT?

Financial institution Critical Criteria:

Data segregation: will the financial institutions data share resources with data from other cloud clients?

Has or will any financial institution extend you a line of credit?

Why are financial institutions interested in DLTs?

Human resources Critical Criteria:

A dramatic step toward becoming a learning organization is to appoint a chief training officer (CTO) or a chief learning officer (CLO). Many organizations claim to value Human Resources, but how many have a Human Resources representative involved in discussions about research and development commercialization, new product development, the strategic vision of the company, or increasing shareholder value?

Rapidly increasing specialization of skill and knowledge presents a major management challenge. How does an organization maintain a work environment that supports specialization without compromising its ability to marshal its full range of Human Resources and turn on a dime to implement strategic imperatives?

Does the information security function actively engage with other critical functions, such as it, Human Resources, legal, and the privacy officer, to develop and enforce compliance with information security and privacy policies and practices?

do we have processes for managing Human Resources across the business. (eg. staffing skills and numbers are known and predictions are made of future needs? new staff are inducted and trained to suit needs? succession planning is catered for?

Who will be responsible for leading the various bcp teams (e.g., crisis/emergency, recovery, technology, communications, facilities, Human Resources, business units and processes, Customer Service)?

Imagine you work in the Human Resources department of a company considering a policy to protect its data on employees mobile devices. in advising on this policy, what rights should be considered?

Describe your views on the value of human assets in helping an organization achieve its goals. how important is it for organizations to train and develop their Human Resources?

Are Human Resources subject to screening, and do they have terms and conditions of employment defining their information security responsibilities?

Do the response plans address damage assessment, site restoration, payroll, Human Resources, information technology, and administrative support?

Have we adopted and promoted the companys culture of integrity management, including ethics, business practices and Human Resources evaluations?

What finance, procurement and Human Resources business processes should be included in the scope of a erp solution?

Available personnel – what are the available Human Resources within the organization?

How important is it for organizations to train and develop their Human Resources?

Is business intelligence set to play a key role in the future of Human Resources?

Is the crisis management team comprised of members from Human Resources?

What are the Human Resources we can bring to establishing new business?

do you have Human Resources available to support your policies?

What will be your Human Resources needs for the first year?

Do you need to develop a Human Resources manual?

Is our company developing its Human Resources?

Why study Human Resources management (hrm)?

INFORMS Critical Criteria:

Do you have a process for looking at consequences of cyber incidents that informs your risk management process?

Impact assessment Critical Criteria:

Have the it security cost for the any investment/project been integrated in to the overall cost including (c&a/re-accreditation, system security plan, risk assessment, privacy impact assessment, configuration/patch management, security control testing and evaluation, and contingency planning/testing)?

Do I have to do a Data Protection Impact Assessment under the GDPR?

Incident management Critical Criteria:

Which processes other than incident management are involved in achieving a structural solution ?

In which cases can CMDB be usefull in incident management?

What is a primary goal of incident management?

Information technology Critical Criteria:

Do the response plans address damage assessment, site restoration, payroll, Human Resources, information technology, and administrative support?

If a survey was done with asking organizations; Is there a line between your information technology department and your information security department?

The difference between data/information and information technology (it)?

When do you ask for help from Information Technology (IT)?

Infrastructure Critical Criteria:

The way blockchains are developed will shape the future landscape and the role of todays capital market participants. Is an application being introduced by existing participants, or is a new entrant looking to displace incumbents? Is the new infrastructure replacing existing processes, or is it creating a rival system?

What role(s) do or should national/international standards and organizations that develop national/international standards play in critical infrastructure Cybersecurity conformity assessment?

What changes should be made to the design of future applications software, infrastructure software, and hardware to match the needs and opportunities of cloud computing?

Does the software let users work with the existing data infrastructure already in place, freeing your IT team from creating more cubes, universes, and standalone marts?

What do organizations see as the greatest challenges in developing a cross-sector standards-based Framework for critical infrastructure?

Does the organization have an infrastructure in place in order to provide timely, honest communication with employees?

Which of these practices do commenters see as being the most critical for the secure operation of critical infrastructure?

What do organizations see as the greatest challenges in improving Cybersecurity practices across critical infrastructure?

What do we see as the greatest challenges in improving Cybersecurity practices across critical infrastructure?

Are the protection of information in networks and the protection of the supporting infrastructure ensured?

What types of infrastructure are necessary to support post-disaster re-development?

Whats the difference between an application service and an infrastructure service?

Are these practices widely used throughout critical infrastructure and industry?

Insurance Critical Criteria:

If the liability portion of a Cybersecurity insurance policy is a claims-made policy, is an extended reporting endorsement (tail coverage) offered?

What is your insurance agent telling you about your policy and what will be covered and what wont be covered?

Do you require that sub contractors submit proof of insurance separate from the primary?

Do you require sub-contractors to carry E&O insurance?

Do you need any special (e.g., flood) insurance now?

Insurance covering equipment replacement needs?

Is Cybersecurity Insurance coverage a must?

Insurance coverage?

Inventory Critical Criteria:

Is an asset management process(es) in place to inventory and manage this new asset (investment) from a property management perspective, to provide Configuration Management support, and to monitor system performance?

How to determine what is yo be included in an inventory and how, when, how often, and by whom it should be updated?

Does the organization have a current inventory of all computer equipment,software,and data files?

Does the source-code inventory report list the products to be delivered to the customer?

Perform inventory (expensive), or use proxy (track complaints). audit samples?

Do design documents match inventory reports?

Postpone purchasing supplies/ inventory?

Postpone purchasing supplies inventory?

Knowledge management Critical Criteria:

When is Knowledge Management Measured?

How is Knowledge Management Measured?

Leadership Critical Criteria:

Do entities have sufficient internal security leadership to implement programs?

Logistics Critical Criteria:

What type of logistics are required?

Management style Critical Criteria:

There is lots of discussion about the role of a project manager; whether a project manager is needed in the agile world or not. How much and which way a traditional project manager has to change his/her management style or way of working in order to be an agile project manager?

How much and which way a traditional project manager has to change his/her management style or way of working in order to be an agile project manager?

Marketing research Critical Criteria:

In what way(s) did marketing research help shape CRM?

Organization Critical Criteria:

How easy will it be to shift the hearts and minds of the people working on projects? Some organizations by their very nature are conservative, whilst others are quite radical. Incorrectly identifying the prevailing attitudes towards agile will result in poor take-up or even rejection of any new practices.

Are risk incidents frequent within similar organizations?

Are patches relevant to the organization?

Organizational culture Critical Criteria:

How is the way you as the leader think and process information affecting your organizational culture?

Organizational structure Critical Criteria:

do you have a clearly defined organizational structure at organization level in order to sustain the risk management process?

How will the existing culture and organizational structure be impacted by agile project management?

How to manage workflows and projects, that are inherently distributed outside the organizational structure?

What Organizational Structure is Required?

Outsourcing Critical Criteria:

Have you fully developed a Risk Management plan for any outsourcing agreement from inception to termination – for whatever reason?

Have you evaluated potential legal concerns associated with outsourcing Data Management to a cloud provider?

Does the it security services guide recommend outsourcing it security services?

What are the pros and cons of outsourcing business intelligence?

What are the pros and cons of outsourcing Customer Service?

What are your organisations reasons for outsourcing DevOps services?

Performance indicator Critical Criteria:

Choosing good key performance indicators (KPI Key Performance Indicators) did we start from the question How do you measure a companys success?

What is the availability of and cost of internal Quality Assurance manpower necessary to monitor each performance indicator?

To what extent did the results indicate that the program goals, objectives and performance indicators had been achieved?

Kpi key performance indicators opportunities. are there opportunities to use the field/table to measure performance?

Which are the key performance indicators for Customer Service?

What are valid performance indicators for the service desk?

What are your performance indicators?

Performance measurement Critical Criteria:

Performance measurement system design: Should process based approaches be adopted?

The performance measurement revolution: why now and what next?

Problem management Critical Criteria:

What is a key activity in problem management?

Product Critical Criteria:

Are there any threats or vulnerabilities in the environment? Has anything changed in production?

Who needs this feature and how does it contribute to the value of the product?

Do you collaborate with customers for product development and/or innovation?

Do you collaborate with customers for product development andor innovation?

What does a Product Backlog look like?

Product development Critical Criteria:

A dramatic step toward becoming a learning organization is to appoint a chief training officer (CTO) or a chief learning officer (CLO). Many organizations claim to value Human Resources, but how many have a Human Resources representative involved in discussions about research and development commercialization, new product development, the strategic vision of the company, or increasing shareholder value?

The owner of the product development processes in one of the companies stated: there are no product managers named in the company, what should they do?

What can we do to ensure that all the necessary product development steps are adequately followed under the pressure of being first to market?

Compare sequential product development and simultaneous product development. what are the advantages and disadvantages of each approach?

Project type: what percent of resources should go to new product developments?

What are we trying to do whilst progressing a product development lifecycle ?

How should you most effectively invest your product development resources?

Which step in new product development you think is the most important?

Do you collaborate with customers for product development and/or innovation?

Do you collaborate with customers for product development andor innovation?

What are the steps in the new product development process?

How can new product development be sped up?

Program management Critical Criteria:

Is project/Program Management methodology being followed correctly?

Project management Critical Criteria:

Can Agility Work With a Waterfall Project Management Process in our Setting?

Agile Project Management and PRINCE2 – one or the other, or both?

What project management associations are you a member of?

What project management certifications do you hold?

How familiar are we with Agile project management?

Public relations Critical Criteria:

If the single biggest influence in shaping consumers attitudes is community organizations, what are they and how can public relations help?

What are your public relations problems and opportunities based on the product/program and consumer lifecycles?

What are the problems, opportunities and anticipated issues that public relations can address?

What do public relations professionals need to do to become excellent leaders?

Quality assurance Critical Criteria:

Is the Quality Assurance function recognized to be different from implicit and continuous quality control during fabrication, in that it is discrete, explicit following production, and ignores the sequence or nature of the fabrication steps or processes?

Are there any circumstances/cases for which dissolution and/or disintegration testing may no longer be needed/provide any additional values to product Quality Assurance at release?

What is your Quality Assurance process to ensure that the large volumes of data gathered in the monitoring process are handled efficiently?

Are software Quality Assurance tests a part of the general hardware acceptance test on the customers machine before it leaves the factory?

Do software Quality Assurance test programs undergo the same production cycle and method (except q/a) as the software they test?

Do software Quality Assurance test programs undergo the same production cycle and method (except qa) as the software they test?

What is the availability of and cost of internal Quality Assurance manpower necessary to monitor each performance indicator?

Is software Quality Assurance done by an independently reporting agency representing the interests of the eventual user?

Has the board demonstrated a willingness to provide appropriate resources to Quality Assurance programs?

Is at least one person engaged in software Quality Assurance for every ten engaged in its fabrication?

Quality management Critical Criteria:

What is the future of Data Quality management?

Quality management -are clients satisfied?

Senior management Critical Criteria:

Can we describe our organizations policies and procedures governing risk generally and Cybersecurity risk specifically. How does senior management communicate and oversee these policies and procedures?

Describe your organizations policies and procedures governing risk generally and Cybersecurity risk specifically. How does senior management communicate and oversee these policies and procedures?

Senior management, the mission owners, knowing the potential risks and recommended controls, may ask, when and under what circumstances should I take action, do we have the answers?

When was the last time you or senior management told or showed your staff how proud you are of what they have achieved?

Should we provide Scrum training to senior management, including the people in the Program Management office?

If your plan to influence senior management is working how can you ensure that it continues?

Does Senior Management take action to address IT risk indicators identified and reported?

How can middle or senior management support for sustaining the program be achieved?

Why is it important to have senior management support for a Supply Chain Management project?

How does senior management communicate and oversee these policies and procedures?

Is senior management in your organisation involved in big data-related projects?

Does senior management understand the importance of GDPR?

Is senior management involved/sponsoring?

Service management Critical Criteria:

What specific functionality is our Customer Service Management system required to provide?

WHAT IS Service Management?

Shipping Critical Criteria:

Can visitors/customers easily find all relevant information about your products (e.g., prices, options, technical specifications, quantities, shipping information, order status) on your website?

When shipping a product, do you send tracking information to the customer?

Who will be responsible for shipping and delivery, including costs?

Social responsibility Critical Criteria:

What is the different in meaning if any between the terms Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility?

What if your company publishes an environmental or corporate social responsibility report?

Stakeholder Critical Criteria:

How will we involve stakeholders?

Suppliers Critical Criteria:

How would you describe the relationship you have with your suppliers?

How do you select new suppliers and screen potential new customers?

Supply Chain Management Critical Criteria:

How do supply chain management systems coordinate planning, production, and logistics with suppliers?

What makes cloud computing well suited for supply chain management applications?

What is TESCM tax efficient supply chain management?

Supply chain Critical Criteria:

Do your supply chain relationships tend to be longeror shorter-term?

Systems engineering Critical Criteria:

When we try to quantify Systems Engineering in terms of capturing productivity (i.e., size/effort) data to incorporate into a parametric model, what size measure captures the amount of intellectual work performed by the systems engineer?

Theory of constraints Critical Criteria:

What notable similarities and differences exist among systems thinking lean thinking and the theory of constraints?

What is this thing called theory of constraints and how should it be implemented?

Warehouse Critical Criteria:

What tier data server has been identified for the storage of decision support data contained in a data warehouse?

Do we need an enterprise data warehouse, a Data Lake, or both as part of our overall data architecture?

What does a typical data warehouse and business intelligence organizational structure look like?

Does big data threaten the traditional data warehouse business intelligence model stack?

Is data warehouseing necessary for our business intelligence service?

Is Data Warehouseing necessary for a business intelligence service?

What is the purpose of data warehouses and data marts?

What are alternatives to building a data warehouse?

Do we offer a good introduction to data warehouse?

Data Warehouse versus Data Lake (Data Swamp)?

Do you still need a data warehouse?

Centralized data warehouse?

Warehousing Critical Criteria:

What is the difference between Enterprise Information Management and Data Warehousing?

Workflow Critical Criteria:

Have you captured the workflow (which conceptualizes the data inputs, transformations, and analytical steps to achieve the final data output)?

Process support: how can a project better institutionalize workflow support without adding a bureaucratic burden to the developers?

How to manage workflows and projects, that are inherently distributed outside the organizational structure?

To create parallel systems or custom workflows?

Next, read more and get started with the Supply Chain Management Self Assessment:

The Supply Chain Management Self-Assessment Excel Dashboard shows what needs to be covered to organize the business/project activities and processes so that Supply Chain Management outcomes are achieved.

The Self-Assessment provides its value in understanding how to ensure that the outcome of any efforts in Supply Chain Management are maximized.

It does this by securing that responsibilities for Supply Chain Management criteria get automatically prioritized and assigned; uncovering where progress can be made now.

Gerard Blokdijk
CEO at The Art of Service

Gerard is the CEO at The Art of Service. He has been providing information technology insights, talks, tools and products to organizations in a wide range of industries for over 25 years. Gerard is a widely recognized and respected information expert. Gerard founded The Art of Service consulting business in 2000. Gerard has authored numerous published books to date.