3 IaaS platforms you should know about

A few Cloud computing providers that can add a world of possibilities (and value) to your business


Whittling down a list of the top 3 IaaS cloud providers is a tricky task because there really are quite a number of excellent vendors out there. Likewise, many of these companies are vying for position and jumping on top of any emerging technologies as soon as they drop (which makes this area of the industry very competitive). Nevertheless, there are some providers who are worth mentioning ahead of most others. Perhaps it’s because of specific benefits offered or how visible they are (which translates directly into the ability to attract outside investments); regardless, the following IaaS vendors are certainly deserving of any attention they receive.  Cloud Computing 3 IaaS platforms

Rackspace – www.rackspace.com/
When it comes to meteoric rises to fame and fortune, you’d be hard-pressed to find a better example of the phenomenon than Rackspace. For example, since the organization began being traded in a public capacity (2008), they have added millions in profits to their coffers. Moreover, Rackspace has experienced bona-fide “exponential growth” with each passing year and aren’t showing any signs of slowing down either.

Many users feel that Rackspace’s IaaS is very easy to use compared with offerings from other institutions, and as far as costs are concerned, “the price is (definitely) right”. Rackspace represents a true cloud computing success story (which started from the bottom as essentially rose to the top of the heap). Not only does Rackspace symbolize accomplishment, they’re also apparently very serious and accommodating, as evidenced by their world-class customer service.

OpenStack – www.openstack.com/
Unlike other types of IaaS / cloud computing approaches out there, OpenStack is actually a sort of “vagabond”, or “transferable” type of platform.  OpenStack was designed to be used by the consumer to construct their infrastructure via an open-source approach. Then, once you have your core elements in place, your platform can be deployed via a provider’s resources. It’s actually a unique, user-friendly approach to cloud computing that more people should be aware of.

NASA is actually responsible for helping the OpenStack project to get off the ground, along with Rackspace (small world). Although OpenStack is less than 3 years old, it already commands a great deal of respect in the cloud computing community and boasts support from over 150 companies. However, the awesome thing about OpenStack is that it isn’t tied to any specific provider(s), which is really great news for businesses who still might not have their priorities and/or logistics completely nailed down yet.

Amazon Web Services – aws.amazon.com/

No list of the best or most influential IaaS providers would be complete without including AWS (Amazon Web Services). Basically, AWS has two big things going for it right now:

  1. It is capable of running an enormous library of cloud services; many of which are highly useable / functional for a variety of business-related purposes and tasks.
  2. It is far-and-away, the most immediately visible and powerful cloud computing service provider in the world.

When most people think “cloud computing” these days, they almost immediately visualize Amazon web services. But there’s a good reason for Amazon’s global dominance, it is one of the only organizations that’s actually taken the time to make sure that it’s in alignment with existing international security compliances. Furthermore, AWS data centers are spread out across the surface of Earth in such a manner as to make other companies envious. Security is also an important issue among Amazon’s cloud computing operation(s), and they are known to invest heavily in this area as well.

Interestingly enough, as more and more cloud vendors try to find ways to offer reduced service capabilities and expand their pricing models, Amazon’s AWS appears to be continually dropping their overall costs of usage.


Is your IT department suffering from a lack of Cloud Computing / IaaS training and certification? Do you fear that your business isn’t as well prepared for a cloud computing transition as it could be? Not to worry, internet-based e-learning is the answer you’ve been looking for. Not only is e-learning affordable, it is also very thorough and accommodating (for professionals who maintain busy work schedules). Group rate discounts are available as well, so purchase a package and save a bundle.

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