Did you know that the CISSP certification is recognized worldwide?


We are living in a global marketplace that’s teeming with opportunities; however, there are problems to contend with before the advantages can be extracted. For IT personnel, one of the biggest challenges on the international level is accreditation. This is to say that a lot of the most popular training programs and certifications don’t necessarily apply on a broad scale. Simply put, if you’re a globetrotting IT professional, you’re going to need some qualifications that recognized on a ‘worldwide’ scale.

You’d be hard-pressed to find a more accepted certification than CISSP (Certified Information Systems Security Professional), which boasts members in at least 140 different countries. CISSP was created by the ISC (International Information Systems Security Certification Consortium) and as its name implies, it deals with all manner of security issues falling under the IT heading. Among those who formally recognize and promote CISSP are the US Department of Defense, ANSI ISO/IEC, and the NSA.  

All of the information collected and assessed by CISSP becomes part of what is known as the “CBK”, or “Common Body of Knowledge”. Likewise, as you might expect, this CBK covers a large amount of (informational) territory:


Business continuity / disaster recovery planning

Legal, regulations, investigations and compliance

Telecommunications / network security


Software development security

Access control

Security architecture / design

Operations security

Physical security (of the environment)

Information security governance / risk management


Each area covered by the cert is basically an independent analysis of specific problems and concerns which are common to every respective category. Likewise, as any IT worker can tell you, each division deals with common problems which organizations across the globe are dealing with on a daily basis.

What is it that makes CISSP such a powerful tool? For one thing, CISSP is “vendor-neutral”, which means that has the ability to apply to a much broader set of situations and is not tied to one specific company or organization. This independence from certain controlling forces has allowed the certification to address the concerns of a much larger pool of candidates, which has in turn, has allowed its practitioners to deal with perhaps a wider array of security issues than expected. What makes CISSP so dynamic and versatile is the fact that it is taxonomical, or seeks to collect security issues and solutions wherever they might crop up. This inclusive approach toward virtually all IT security problem solving is what has allowed CISSP to become so widely accepted.  

Perhaps the only real downside to the CISSP certification is the imposed 3-year limit. CISSP has instituted a policy not unlike many others out there, whereby practitioners must keep coming back for restorations and renewals. While some might be apt to say that this is simply a means collect additional fees, the truth is that it allows the organization to stay afloat and imbues its members with the latest information, technology and solutions available.

Actually attaining the CISSP certification will require an individual to meet certain stipulations, familiarity with IT security being one of them. The standard requirement dictates that a person needs 5-6 years of hands-on experience in order to qualify for certification. Moreover, a person’s history and background are also examined; those with criminal histories might find it difficult or impossible to get their CISSP. Endorsements are also encouraged; those who have the support and backing of a CISSP member who is in good standing are ‘well-positioned’ indeed. It has been touted that CISSP certification holders generally possess salaries which are in excess of $20k higher than those lacking this nearly crucial qualification!  

If you plan on exercising your ability to find work in foreign countries or just want to make sure that you’re well-prepared for any problems you might face in terms of IT security, a CISSP certification is the way to go. Given that it’s becoming increasingly necessary to seek out individuals with particular skills, IT managers can also use CISSP as a sort of benchmark for their hires, especially if they’re from “out of town”. For individuals that are seeking employment in IT however, a CISSP certification can function a bit like a “business passport”, assuming that you’ve got the drive to attain it and the desire to work on an international level, of course.

CISSP Certified Information Systems Security Professional certification

Do you want to easily pass the CISSP exam on the first try?  

Click here for more information

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