What is involved in Greenfield project

Find out what the related areas are that Greenfield project connects with, associates with, correlates with or affects, and which require thought, deliberation, analysis, review and discussion. This unique checklist stands out in a sense that it is not per-se designed to give answers, but to engage the reader and lay out a Greenfield project thinking-frame.

How far is your company on its Greenfield project journey?

Take this short survey to gauge your organization’s progress toward Greenfield project leadership. Learn your strongest and weakest areas, and what you can do now to create a strategy that delivers results.

To address the criteria in this checklist for your organization, extensive selected resources are provided for sources of further research and information.

Start the Checklist

Below you will find a quick checklist designed to help you think about which Greenfield project related domains to cover and 94 essential critical questions to check off in that domain.

The following domains are covered:

Greenfield project, Agile software development, Base station, Brownfield, Brownfield land, Greenfield, Greenfield agreement, Greenfield land, Greyfield land, Legacy system, Radio spectrum, Software development, Wireless engineering:

Greenfield project Critical Criteria:

Be responsible for Greenfield project management and budget for Greenfield project challenges.

– What are your results for key measures or indicators of the accomplishment of your Greenfield project strategy and action plans, including building and strengthening core competencies?

– Will IT be a partner, driving business value, building an IoT architecture and collaborating on greenfield projects?

– How do we go about Comparing Greenfield project approaches/solutions?

– How much does Greenfield project help?

Agile software development Critical Criteria:

Be responsible for Agile software development issues and give examples utilizing a core of simple Agile software development skills.

– As corporate ventures usually go to new business areas and work with new technologies, they are most likely unable to utilize existing commercial or parent corporations in-house development methods. Could Agile Manifesto and agile methods be a good starting point for the corporate venture to start their development effort towards their own, efficient agile in-house software development method?

– At what point will vulnerability assessments be performed once Greenfield project is put into production (e.g., ongoing Risk Management after implementation)?

– How can the balance between tacit and explicit knowledge and their diffusion be found in agile software development when there are several parties involved?

– How can agile software development be utilized when the development is done in several different locations instead of one site?

– How do you take an approach like CMM that is heavily about management control and measurement and make it light on its feet?

– How can we fix actual and perceived problems uncovered in ethnographic investigations of Agile software development teams?

– Can you afford to lock your business into a rigid long-term project where the cost of change grows exponentially?

– How do agile methods support the principles of Agile Manifesto when using in-house software development methods?

– Can research really be relegated to a series of steps that when performed in sequence result in a new product?

– Are meetings viewed as ways for managers to micromanage their teams: what have you done in the last 24 hours?

– How do scaling issues affect the manner in which you fulfill your goal of identifying your initial scope?

– Is it important to have a very detailed specification and design before moving to implementation?

– Who would benefit from the framework(s) and how could it (they) be utilized?

– How do you scale Agile to large (500-5000 person) teams?

– Regulated Backward Compatibility and Version Numbering?

– From Waterfall to Agile How does a QA Team Transition?

– What is and why Disciplined Agile Delivery (DAD)?

– What challenges do teams face when scaling agile?

– How do Agile projects prioritize work?

– When should we not use it?

Base station Critical Criteria:

Ventilate your thoughts about Base station tactics and visualize why should people listen to you regarding Base station.

– Record-keeping requirements flow from the records needed as inputs, outputs, controls and for transformation of a Greenfield project process. ask yourself: are the records needed as inputs to the Greenfield project process available?

– Who will be responsible for deciding whether Greenfield project goes ahead or not after the initial investigations?

– Can we do Greenfield project without complex (expensive) analysis?

Brownfield Critical Criteria:

Think about Brownfield visions and create Brownfield explanations for all managers.

– For your Greenfield project project, identify and describe the business environment. is there more than one layer to the business environment?

– What business benefits will Greenfield project goals deliver if achieved?

– Do we have past Greenfield project Successes?

Brownfield land Critical Criteria:

Powwow over Brownfield land strategies and point out improvements in Brownfield land.

– Do several people in different organizational units assist with the Greenfield project process?

– Who will be responsible for documenting the Greenfield project requirements in detail?

Greenfield Critical Criteria:

Understand Greenfield tactics and revise understanding of Greenfield architectures.

– What knowledge, skills and characteristics mark a good Greenfield project project manager?

Greenfield agreement Critical Criteria:

Have a session on Greenfield agreement goals and triple focus on important concepts of Greenfield agreement relationship management.

– How do senior leaders actions reflect a commitment to the organizations Greenfield project values?

Greenfield land Critical Criteria:

Adapt Greenfield land tasks and interpret which customers can’t participate in Greenfield land because they lack skills.

– Are there any easy-to-implement alternatives to Greenfield project? Sometimes other solutions are available that do not require the cost implications of a full-blown project?

– What management system can we use to leverage the Greenfield project experience, ideas, and concerns of the people closest to the work to be done?

– Are accountability and ownership for Greenfield project clearly defined?

Greyfield land Critical Criteria:

Be responsible for Greyfield land strategies and look at the big picture.

– What are your current levels and trends in key measures or indicators of Greenfield project product and process performance that are important to and directly serve your customers? how do these results compare with the performance of your competitors and other organizations with similar offerings?

– Do you monitor the effectiveness of your Greenfield project activities?

– Have all basic functions of Greenfield project been defined?

Legacy system Critical Criteria:

Merge Legacy system goals and get answers.

– If the path forward waits until a new generation of devices essentially replaces an old generation of devices which could be somewhere between 5 and 15 years, what does the path forward look like for the legacy devices and their software maintenance?

– Is a credible migration plan (for data, applications, and legacy system phase-out) from the existing to the proposed environment presented?

– How long will the manufacturer support applications and what is the manufacturers history of support for legacy appliances?

– What about all the existing Legacy Software that we have to continue to develop and maintain?

– What are some strategies for integrating legacy equipment into a robust, modernized grid?

– Do different parts of the organization use different processes for the same function?

– How is it possible to deliver real time self service BI with a legacy RDBMS source?

– What are the main practical motivations behind legacy migrations to the cloud?

– How do I make my organization comply with yet another new model?

– Why are project management models not used in maintenance?

– How do we integrate the legacy system with the new system?

– Where is Your Project In the Modernization Market?

– What is the best definition of System of Systems?

– How much will it cost and how will it be funded?

– Are there recognized Greenfield project problems?

– What executive guidance do we have?

– Who or what is doing the managing?

– How does it all fit together?

– Why is the management done?

– What works well now?

Radio spectrum Critical Criteria:

Confer over Radio spectrum goals and assess what counts with Radio spectrum that we are not counting.

– Will new equipment/products be required to facilitate Greenfield project delivery for example is new software needed?

– What threat is Greenfield project addressing?

– What are our Greenfield project Processes?

Software development Critical Criteria:

Air ideas re Software development governance and cater for concise Software development education.

– Management buy-in is a concern. Many program managers are worried that upper-level management would ask for progress reports and productivity metrics that would be hard to gather in an Agile work environment. Management ignorance of Agile methodologies is also a worry. Will Agile advantages be able to overcome the well-known existing problems in software development?

– The sprint backlog is the list of work the team must address during the next sprint. The list is derived by selecting stories/features from the top of the product backlog until the team feels they have enough work to fill the sprint. Is this done by the team asking, Can we also do this?

– What is the difference, if any, in customer satisfaction between the use and results of agile-driven software development methods and the use and results of plan-driven software development software development methods?

– Could Agile Manifesto and agile methods be a good starting point for the corporate venture to start their development effort towards their own, efficient agile in-house software development method?

– Does the software Quality Assurance function have a management reporting channel separate from the software development project management?

– Is open source software development faster, better, and cheaper than software engineering?

– What are some keys to successfully conquering ever changing business requirements?

– How do you know when the software will be finished if theres no up-front plan?

– Do we know the difference between lean and agile software development?

– What technologies are available to support system development?

– Has Your Organization Adopted One or More Agile Techniques?

– How could principles be more precisely measured or valued?


– Is Internet-speed software development different?

– Does your team use Agile Methodology?

– What is the expected system lifetime?

– Is the scope of Greenfield project defined?

– Heritage of traditional methods?

– What Is Exploratory Testing?

Wireless engineering Critical Criteria:

Canvass Wireless engineering issues and oversee Wireless engineering requirements.

– Will Greenfield project have an impact on current business continuity, disaster recovery processes and/or infrastructure?

– Among the Greenfield project product and service cost to be estimated, which is considered hardest to estimate?

– Meeting the challenge: are missed Greenfield project opportunities costing us money?


This quick readiness checklist is a selected resource to help you move forward. Learn more about how to achieve comprehensive insights with the Greenfield project Self Assessment:


Author: Gerard Blokdijk

CEO at The Art of Service | theartofservice.com

[email protected]


Gerard is the CEO at The Art of Service. He has been providing information technology insights, talks, tools and products to organizations in a wide range of industries for over 25 years. Gerard is a widely recognized and respected information expert. Gerard founded The Art of Service consulting business in 2000. Gerard has authored numerous published books to date.

External links:

To address the criteria in this checklist, these selected resources are provided for sources of further research and information:

Greenfield project External links:

Pepsi Greenfield Project | U.S. Green Building Council

Greenfield project – YouTube

Greenfield Project – Yanks Air Museum

Base station External links:

Base Station | URC

A50 PS4 Wireless Headset + Base Station | ASTRO Gaming

Mast Data – Mobile Telephone Mast Base Station Locations

Brownfield External links:

Brownfield Listings | The Redevelopment Marketplace

Brownfields | US EPA

Brownfield Car Title Loans | USA Car Title Loans

Greenfield External links:

Title I – greenfield.k12.oh.us

Greenfield Savings – Official Site

[title] | Greenfield, Iowa

Greenfield land External links:

Greenfield Land Services – Home | Facebook

Greenfield Land For Sale on LoopNet.com


Legacy system External links:

Legacy System – Spectrum—Payroll | TLM | HR | Benefits

Radio spectrum External links:

Radio spectrum
The radio spectrum is the part of the electromagnetic spectrum from 3 Hz to 3000 GHz (3 THz) allocated to some 40 Radiocommunication services in line to the Radio Regulations (RR) of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). The transmission, emission and/or reception of radio waves for specific telecommunication purposes of radio waves is strictly regulated by the national administration.

Software development External links:

Download .NET Framework 2.0 Software Development Kit …

Sparkol – Software Development Company

Wireless engineering External links:

Wireless Engineering | UCSD Extension

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