To gain qualification in IT if you are in the United Kingdom is to pass the European Computer Driving License (ECDL) exam. The ECDL certification confirms the holder of his knowledge in the use of computer and skills in handling computer applications. You may not be eligible to work in companies in the UK if you have not passed the ECDL. Most employers would find passing the ECDL as a requirement in filling up vacancies. The ECDL helps you to be more efficient and confident in your present job; it develops your IT skills and increases your career prospects.
The ECDL is a certification applied to European countries like the United Kingdom. However, the ECDL is internationally recognized by over 148 countries that adapt the ECDL program. ECDDL in countries outside Europe is known as International Computer Driving License (ICDL). The ECDL UK has seven modules, which are the following:
– Module 1 – Basic Concepts of IT
– Module 2 – Using the Computer and Managing Files
– Module 3 – Word Processing
– Module 4 – Spreadsheets
– Module 5 – Databases
– Module 6 – Presentations
– Module 7 – Electronic Communication
In the UK the standard ECDL syllabus is observed, however minor changes are put in place to make the ECDL specifically designed based on occupational grouping. Thus, in the UK they have ECDL for NHS, ECDL for Educators, ECDL for IT etc.
The UK ECDL is managed by the British Computer Society (BCS). They are responsible for awarding the qualification to passers of the ECDL exam. They also award the auditing test centers on yearly basis.