Information systems auditor is a hit to many companies due to the increasing demand for professionals who can analyze IT problems and create solutions to them. That is why many are now willing to take courses on Information Systems and Management to answer this big demand. However, aside from taking this famous course, it is also valuable for companies and different individuals aiming for this career to be a Certified Information Systems Auditor.
A Certified Information Systems Auditor is a professional auditor that was already certified for the field. There are a lot of benefits being a Certified Information Systems Auditor and among these is being a real professional in the field and acquiring better opportunities and higher salary. However, before being a Certified Information Systems Auditor, one should first pass an examination for the certification which includes the six Context Areas. These are the IS Audit Process, which covers 10 percent of the entire examination; IT Governance, 15 percent; Systems and Infrastructure Lifecycle Management, 16 percent; IT Service Delivery and Support, 14 percent; Protection of Information Assets, 31 percent; and Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery, 14 percent.
There are also requirements needed before taking the exam to become a Certified Information Systems Auditor. The candidate should have at most one year experience in information systems or financial/operational auditing. If he or she has completed at least 60 to 120 college semester credit hours on related field, this can also be substituted to the one-year experience required. A two-year experience as a full-time university instruction in computer science, information systems auditing, accounting, and other related fields can also substitute the one-year experience needed.
These prerequisites are the stepping stones for anyone dreaming to have a better career in being a Certified Information Systems Auditor.
Procedures, people, and technologies can be collectively called as the Information System. This single group is highly essential for many organizations in order to create, maintain, and manage a vast number of information. This process is called the Management Information System. If the Information System is only a plain group of people, hardware, and software, then the Management Information System is a concept or discipline that aims in managing them all to achieve a certain goal. Among the many Management Information Systems available now are the Distributed Information Systems.
Distributed Information Systems involve the process of distributing or sharing the Information Systems in a certain network in order to achieve a common goal. These systems are split up into many parts. Each part should have the ability to run simultaneously using multiple computers that are communicating over a single network. This network can be as small as a local area network or it can also be as vast as the wide area network.
Although various parts are equally distributed to different computers using the Distributed Information Systems, these processes often involve the use of different environments, varying network links, and unpredictable network failure. With this kind of system, one part of the Distributed Information Systems may be working well in one computer while other parts are not working well on some computers.
The Distributed Information Systems can be designed depending on the organization’s needs and the real challenge of professionals is to achieve their specific goal using the best of the Distributed Information Systems capabilities. But the common goal of many professionals working with these systems is to connect resources and users in an open, transparent, and very scalable manner. When this is done, one can say that he has overcome the real challenge of Distributed Information Systems.