The business problem
3 years since we combined eight legacy councils into one Auckland Council -time to look at processes and assess whether they are ultimately the best, most efficient or right for customers and our people.

The business drivers for the Programme
What does it include?
Who does it involve and impact?
Processes in scope
Technical landscape for iSMART
Programme iSMART purpose:
Business ownership at each stage .
Approach to embedding and sustaining changes in IS

Overall changes (UPDATE)

Some Service Management benefits & targets

Benefit delivery lessons and suggestions
Take delivery of benefits seriously:
make it compulsory to integrate into each key Methodology document
make it part of criteria to proceed through each gate
build into KPIs for benefit realisation owners
hold people accountable (even those who may inherit this)
be specific
don’ t discount the non-bankable benefits (they help create the bankable ones)

Engage the people who are close to the work -early (in scoping and planning work)

Check on risks/barriers to embedding and uptake before closing out (not just delivery of outputs, time to unlearn)

Benefit delivery lessons and suggestions
Choose the right members for the Steering Committee and for operational governance groups
to help clear the path and support achievement of outcomes.
be clear on what is expected of them and hold them to this

Recognise that nowadays projects are as much part of normal business operations as non-project work
Outcomes have a key dependency on having effective people-resources at the right times

Include usability testing to reduce solution adoption risks


Thank You

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