Six Sigma universities can be found on the Internet.  They offer trainings and online courses designed to help management professionals grasp the principles of Six Sigma.  However, so-called Six Sigma universities are not formal higher education institutions one would expect with a similar name.  These universities are virtual training centers and education resources for management professionals.  These institutions are very important in developing the capabilities of professionals in facing the challenges of business process management.  Virtual Six Sigma universities are also responsible in popularizing this business process methodology.

Six Sigma institutions especially those sponsored by big companies offer free courses to the public.  Courses are divided into several modules and can be easily downloaded.  The modules are designed for study at home professionals and are generally treated as added book of knowledge.  However, those wishing to get a formal accreditation as a Six Sigma practitioner should enroll in formal Six Sigma trainings.  These trainings can be full online or a mix of online and traditional learning methods.  Be very sure however that the training institution is accredited by certifying organizations and professional institutions. 

After Six Sigma training, there will be a qualifying exam in order to get a Six Sigma belt.  Belts signify the level of expertise of a practitioner.  Green Belts can be considered novices or basic Six Sigma practitioners.  Black Belts or higher categories are experts in the field.  Trainings can be rigorous but the knowledge and skills learned from it could really help advance the career and experience of every management professional.


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