It never ceases to amaze me that for an organization that espouses processes and promotes best practice, APMG certainly has a lot to answer for…  allow me to explain…


When ITIL® V3 was introduced, there were discrepancies with the exam answers – ok it was new and is open to subjectiveness while people get their heads around it, but now – 6 months after its introduction, they are again revising what should be assessed at the foundation level – changes are being made to the syllabus, and in turn reflected in the exams… for those who battled in the beginning – you seemed to be the guinea pigs, apparently paving the way for the rest to follow… more easily.


Another example – the Service Manager program – for all those who had to struggle and complete those in course assessments  – stress les, because now they are not part of the assessment requirements… but why???? Was the syllabus too demanding??  Do they not want the same standard as in the past? – do they not see the value in these in course assessments? – because we do!


The in course assessments allowed the participant to extend their learning, be challenged and apply the theory to real world examples.  It was integral to making the course real.

For those thinking of doing the Service Manager program – ask yourself what are your goals from this program – do you want to be able to take the theory and apply it to your workplace?  Do you thrive on practical experience which better helps you to be prepared to face the business? – if the answer is yes, then you are on the same page as us… We believe that these practical activities (note – activities, not assessments now) are crucial to the success of any Service Manager.


Come on APMG, practise what you preach – do the testing and validation before releasing it to the masses…


Till next time Cheers from the ITIL® Australia Team at The Art of Service



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