Free CRM (Customer Relationship Management) is basically a software product developed for CRM and offered for free. Evidently, these free CRM software as commonly user-friendly and simplifies the ways which a company performs its various functions and business processes.
Moreover, Free CRM offers help in organizing and keeping track of all the stages of sales a company has. Free CRM software is capable to keep track of business contacts/customers, leads, future or potential customers, producing sales, product deliveries, customer satisfaction, and forecasting. And apart from making business functions and processes much easier for the company, free CRM solution tools also help by speeding up the whole process of searching customer, product selling to customers, delivering purchased product, and ensuring that the customer buys again in the future.
There are however, some features and capabilities that Free CRM software does not include, which are training, customer support, and others more. The company would need to purchase these additional features separately since Free CRM does not cost at all. It is simply among the disadvantages of free or open source CRM.
Nevertheless, free CRM offers both desirable and practical features and capabilities. It is rather a very helpful tool that does not require license nor subscription fees for its use. Moreover, this free software is readily available and can be downloaded at any time. This simply means that companies can use it right away.
Lastly, though there are better or more advanced CRM products available on the market, none of them can be even less expensive compared to open source CRM. While free CRM software enables unlimited number of user privilege, it is evidently capable of improving a company’s CRM strategy with no initial cost required.