There are four perspectives (“4P’s”) or attributes to explain the concept of ITSM.

• Partners/Suppliers Perspective:
Takes into account the importance of Partner and External Supplier relationships and how they contribute to Service Delivery.
• People Perspective:
Concerned with the “soft” side of ITSM. This includes IT staff, customers and other stakeholders. E.g. Do staff have the correct skills and knowledge to perform their roles?
• Products/Technology Perspective:
Takes into account IT services, hardware & software, budgets, tools.
• Process Perspective:
Relates the end to end delivery of service based on process flows.

Quality IT Service Management ensures that all of these four perspectives are taken into account as part of the continual improvement of the IT organization. It is the same when designing new or modified Services themselves, in that these four perspectives need to be considered and catered for in order to enable success in its design, transition and eventual adoption by customers.

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