Apple’s latest El Capitan beta for developers has a few Easter eggs hidden in its codes, which hint at possible new products on the way. 9to5Mac has unearthed some very telling references to future hardware, including one that adds support for an Apple-made 4,096 x 2,304 resolution display. Seeing as there’s already a 27-inch 5K iMac, that line of code might be meant for a 21.5-inch Retina iMac. Further references to Intel’s new Broadwell Iris graphics processor and four new AMD Radeon processors support that possibility, so cross your fingers if that’s the desktop computer you’ve always wanted.
There’s also a new file within the beta platform called “AppleBluetoothRemote.kext,” which, if it’s not glaringly obvious, suggests Cupertino is working on a Bluetooth remote control. According to 9to5Mac, the file’s contents indicate that the hardware will have a Bluetooth chip with Multi-touch trackpad support that can also connect to devices via infrared. Unfortunately, there’s nothing in the file that can confirm what the remote is for, but we’ll bet it’s the upcoming Apple TV’s companion. After all, The New York Times reported back in May that the company’s streaming device might come with a bigger, touchpad-integrated remote.
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