Ready to use prioritized Change Management Process requirements, to:

Work with other architects, Project Management Office and Change Management to ensure integrations are appropriately prioritized and support the business and IT strategic plan. .


    • What Change Management strategy does your organization have to foster acceptance of the need to improve the performance of key business practices?
    • What are the key challenges from a Change Management perspective, both within the IT organization and the business being served?
    • How does your organization know when changes are made by service providers outside of the agreed upon Change Management process?
    • Does your organization have formalized processes for IT support services, problem management, Change Management and configuration management?
    • Does your organization have a structured Change Management process to govern how IT projects are prioritized, managed, and implemented?
    • Do you have a documented Change Management process and supporting procedures in place to control all changes to computing and network resources?
    • Does the Change Management team have a role in the design of the solution and under what circumstances would the Change Management team make suggestions to influence the solution design?
    • What steps have executives included in the Change Management plan to identify and address customers and stakeholders concerns about the specific process to be reengineered?
    • Are Change Management procedures clear for the changes to the functional scope and work scope that may have impact on direction of systemization?
    • Does your organization have written Change Management procedures that address management approval, scheduled upgrades, notification to staff and/or members, testing, and implementation?

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