eTMF: Does the service user have a known physical condition that may inhibit cardiopulmonary function?

Risk-based management of clinical trials is the methodology that is currently recommended by regulators, however it has some direct consequences on monitoring and clinical trial oversight. Identify The transition plan identifies the team responsible for a successful transition, the tools, techniques, and methodologies required. Evaluate data needs to identify and Read more…

Facilities Energy Management: Has any client-supplied project information been identified and received?

Very flexible and open-minded, calling on an extensive and transferable skill-set, including excellent relationship development skills to adapt to any situation, careful front-end planning and project management, with the designation of point people for specific portions of the project, accordingly. Specific Maintenance Supporting the implementation of the programs and projects Read more…

Quality Management Systems: Does the established, documented, implemented, and maintained, quality management system meet the requirements of the standard?

Therefore, quality assurance can be identified as a proactive process, while quality control can be noted as a reactive process, total quality management sets out requirements for the development, approval, and periodic review of procedures that govern your organization activities, conversely, design of the system will depend on the way Read more…