
Cutout: While the TOGAF/DoDAF working group initially set out simply to compare the two frameworks, its efforts recognized that the frameworks were complimentary, meaning architects today can immediately use the TOGAF ADM to build DoDAF architectures, and leverage a more robust, comprehensive, and complete enterprise architecture development method designed with Read more…

Togaf 8 Adm

What Does Reconciliation Mean? Reconciliation A reconciling or being reconciled Reconcile To bring together again in love or friendship To induce to accept something disagreeable To reach a compromise agreement about To make or show to be consistent We’ ll focus on 4 today -we think that TOGAF and TBI Read more…

Dod Architecture Framework Overview

DoD Architecture Framework Overview Alessio Mosto May, 2004 Outline DODAF Definitions and Purpose DODAF Products DODAF Documents Overview Future Evolution of DODAF Q&A DoD Architecture Framework 1.0 The Department of Defense (DoD) Architecture Framework (DODAF) Defines a common approach for describing, presenting, and comparing DoD enterprise architectures Facilitates the use Read more…


Numerous architecture framework standards have been developed and matured over the past decade. Some of these standards overlap in their focus areas, and others address completely different aspects of the architecting process. In this latter case, a natural synergy can sometimes be identified and leveraged between frameworks. An industry working Read more…