What is involved in Product Portfolio and Program Management PPM
Find out what the related areas are that Product Portfolio and Program Management PPM connects with, associates with, correlates with or affects, and which require thought, deliberation, analysis, review and discussion. This unique checklist stands out in a sense that it is not per-se designed to give answers, but to engage the reader and lay out a Product Portfolio and Program Management PPM thinking-frame.
How far is your company on its Product Portfolio and Program Management PPM journey?
Take this short survey to gauge your organization’s progress toward Product Portfolio and Program Management PPM leadership. Learn your strongest and weakest areas, and what you can do now to create a strategy that delivers results.
To address the criteria in this checklist for your organization, extensive selected resources are provided for sources of further research and information.
Start the Checklist
Below you will find a quick checklist designed to help you think about which Product Portfolio and Program Management PPM related domains to cover and 145 essential critical questions to check off in that domain.
The following domains are covered:
Product Portfolio and Program Management PPM, Project portfolio management, Aggregate project plan, Change control, Comparison of project-management software, Contract management software, Estimation, Project funding, Project management, Project management office, Project management simulation, Project management software, Project manager, Resource, Resource management, Risk Management, Schedule, SimulTrain, Single version of the truth:
Product Portfolio and Program Management PPM Critical Criteria:
Investigate Product Portfolio and Program Management PPM outcomes and report on developing an effective Product Portfolio and Program Management PPM strategy.
– In the case of a Product Portfolio and Program Management PPM project, the criteria for the audit derive from implementation objectives. an audit of a Product Portfolio and Program Management PPM project involves assessing whether the recommendations outlined for implementation have been met. in other words, can we track that any Product Portfolio and Program Management PPM project is implemented as planned, and is it working?
– How can you negotiate Product Portfolio and Program Management PPM successfully with a stubborn boss, an irate client, or a deceitful coworker?
– Is Product Portfolio and Program Management PPM Required?
Project portfolio management Critical Criteria:
Adapt Project portfolio management visions and get answers.
– What other organizational variables, such as reward systems or communication systems, affect the performance of this Product Portfolio and Program Management PPM process?
– Do we aggressively reward and promote the people who have the biggest impact on creating excellent Product Portfolio and Program Management PPM services/products?
– What vendors make products that address the Product Portfolio and Program Management PPM needs?
– What is project portfolio management?
Aggregate project plan Critical Criteria:
Systematize Aggregate project plan risks and overcome Aggregate project plan skills and management ineffectiveness.
– What are our best practices for minimizing Product Portfolio and Program Management PPM project risk, while demonstrating incremental value and quick wins throughout the Product Portfolio and Program Management PPM project lifecycle?
– What potential environmental factors impact the Product Portfolio and Program Management PPM effort?
– What are the short and long-term Product Portfolio and Program Management PPM goals?
Change control Critical Criteria:
Consolidate Change control goals and transcribe Change control as tomorrows backbone for success.
– What other jobs or tasks affect the performance of the steps in the Product Portfolio and Program Management PPM process?
– Have the types of risks that may impact Product Portfolio and Program Management PPM been identified and analyzed?
– Why are Product Portfolio and Program Management PPM skills important?
– Why is change control necessary?
Comparison of project-management software Critical Criteria:
Dissect Comparison of project-management software risks and change contexts.
– Who are the people involved in developing and implementing Product Portfolio and Program Management PPM?
– Can Management personnel recognize the monetary benefit of Product Portfolio and Program Management PPM?
– Is Supporting Product Portfolio and Program Management PPM documentation required?
Contract management software Critical Criteria:
Confer re Contract management software strategies and point out improvements in Contract management software.
– Do we cover the five essential competencies-Communication, Collaboration,Innovation, Adaptability, and Leadership that improve an organizations ability to leverage the new Product Portfolio and Program Management PPM in a volatile global economy?
– Who is the main stakeholder, with ultimate responsibility for driving Product Portfolio and Program Management PPM forward?
– How does the organization define, manage, and improve its Product Portfolio and Program Management PPM processes?
Estimation Critical Criteria:
Systematize Estimation tactics and find the essential reading for Estimation researchers.
– How do risk analysis and Risk Management inform your organizations decisionmaking processes for long-range system planning, major project description and cost estimation, priority programming, and project development?
– What sources do you use to gather information for a Product Portfolio and Program Management PPM study?
– For estimation problems, how do you develop an estimation statement?
– Should managers do the estimation of Product Backlog Items?
Project funding Critical Criteria:
Debate over Project funding quality and finalize specific methods for Project funding acceptance.
– Is Product Portfolio and Program Management PPM Realistic, or are you setting yourself up for failure?
– How can you measure Product Portfolio and Program Management PPM in a systematic way?
Project management Critical Criteria:
Model after Project management results and explain and analyze the challenges of Project management.
– How do you merge agile, lightweight processes with standard industrial processes without either killing agility or undermining the years youve spent defining and refining your systems and software process assets?
– From an organizational perspective, what are the trade-offs involved in shifting all project management to an agile approach, versus maintaining a mixed portfolio of agile and traditional development?
– How can a company arrange a new project if the management does not know when they will finish the current projects and when the employees will be free to take on a new project?
– Are there contextual conditions, such as the size of the project or nature of the task, that signal a better fit for agile versus traditional project management approaches?
– Does the software Quality Assurance function have a management reporting channel separate from the software development project management?
– What of the risk of rework if initial architecture work overlooks what turns out to be critical? what is the probability of this happening?
– What additional schedule (and cost) would be required if they continued at historical or any other lower burn rates?
– How can an agile project manager balance team level autonomy and individual level autonomy in agile software teams?
– A heuristic, a decision support system, or new practices to improve current project management?
– How could a new product or service be developed in this century without Agile Project Management?
– What type of certificate will be awarded and by whom?
– What is the meaning of success in this context?
– How do we deal with change when it happens?
– Are we ready to execute an agile project?
– How familiar are we with Agile project management?
– How do we minimize impact and cost?
– What is agile project management?
– Agile Management an oxymoron?
– What is Project Management?
– What is scrum?
Project management office Critical Criteria:
Do a round table on Project management office failures and interpret which customers can’t participate in Project management office because they lack skills.
– What are the key considerations and decisions that must be made to ensure your project management office is appropriate for your organization?
– Just what is a project management office, and how can it help you address the unique project management challenges in your organization?
– How do we ensure that implementations of Product Portfolio and Program Management PPM products are done in a way that ensures safety?
– How can skill-level changes improve Product Portfolio and Program Management PPM?
– Does your organization have a Project Management Office (PMO)?
– Does your organization have a Project Management Office?
Project management simulation Critical Criteria:
Bootstrap Project management simulation planning and clarify ways to gain access to competitive Project management simulation services.
– How do senior leaders actions reflect a commitment to the organizations Product Portfolio and Program Management PPM values?
– Are accountability and ownership for Product Portfolio and Program Management PPM clearly defined?
– How do we maintain Product Portfolio and Program Management PPMs Integrity?
Project management software Critical Criteria:
Nurse Project management software failures and look in other fields.
– Does Product Portfolio and Program Management PPM analysis show the relationships among important Product Portfolio and Program Management PPM factors?
– Risk factors: what are the characteristics of Product Portfolio and Program Management PPM that make it risky?
– How do we Improve Product Portfolio and Program Management PPM service perception, and satisfaction?
Project manager Critical Criteria:
Deliberate Project manager results and secure Project manager creativity.
– There is lots of discussion about the role of a project manager; whether a project manager is needed in the agile world or not. How much and which way a traditional project manager has to change his/her management style or way of working in order to be an agile project manager?
– With agile processes promoting the concept of self-directed teams, is there room for the conventional project manager or does this role also need to evolve to suit the principles of the new paradigm?
– How much and which way a traditional project manager has to change his/her management style or way of working in order to be an agile project manager?
– Do we have these warning signs: This project is not that big and everyone knows what they are doing -why do we need a project manager?
– What knowledge, skills and characteristics mark a good Product Portfolio and Program Management PPM project manager?
– How can an agile project manager balance team level autonomy and individual level autonomy in agile software teams?
– Meeting the challenge: are missed Product Portfolio and Program Management PPM opportunities costing us money?
– What should the project manager(s) do differently next time your organization undergoes a change process?
– What processes do project managers and content strategists use to collect content for client websites?
– So, if the project no longer needs a detailed master project plan, why does it need a project manager?
– What are the most important skills practitioners consider make an effective people project manager?
– So, if the project no longer needs a detailed master project plan, why does it need a project manager?
– What project management qualifications does the Project Manager have?
– How do we go about Securing Product Portfolio and Program Management PPM?
– Can project managers measure project status at any point in time?
– What is the duty of a Project Manager?
– What was the project manager best at?
– Who are the project managers?
Resource Critical Criteria:
Infer Resource planning and oversee implementation of Resource.
– Are Human Resources subject to screening, and do they have terms and conditions of employment defining their information security responsibilities?
– Who is responsible for ensuring appropriate resources (time, people and money) are allocated to Product Portfolio and Program Management PPM?
– How often do we hold meaningful conversations at the operating level among sales, finance, operations, IT, and human resources?
– Are insurmountable gaps forming between the resources required to achieve the objectives and those available?
– Which management activity ensures adequate availability of resources based on a service level objective?
– How do you prove data provenance in a cloud computing scenario when you are using shared resources?
– Are the strategies and resources being implemented undergoing any form of process evaluation?
– Should pay levels and differences reflect what workers are used to in their own countries?
– Do the expected outcomes justify the level of resources required to run the program?
– How important is it for organizations to train and develop their Human Resources?
– What types of resources/skills set will be needed to carry out the assignment?
– Which Customers just take up resources and should be considered competitors?
– What decisions can you envision making with this type of information?
– Are you a manager interested in increasing your effectiveness?
– May an employee make an anonymous complaint?
– What are the data sources and data mix?
– Has AGILE managed the staff and resources well?
– Who has access to what resource?
– What is Resource Planning?
Resource management Critical Criteria:
Extrapolate Resource management failures and arbitrate Resource management techniques that enhance teamwork and productivity.
– Imagine you work in the Human Resources department of a company considering a policy to protect its data on employees mobile devices. in advising on this policy, what rights should be considered?
– Do those selected for the Product Portfolio and Program Management PPM team have a good general understanding of what Product Portfolio and Program Management PPM is all about?
– What prevents me from making the changes I know will make me a more effective Product Portfolio and Program Management PPM leader?
– Can we reuse our existing resource management and configuration tools?
– Why study Human Resources management (hrm)?
Risk Management Critical Criteria:
Align Risk Management planning and stake your claim.
– Has management conducted a comprehensive evaluation of the entirety of enterprise Risk Management at least once every three years or sooner if a major strategy or management change occurs, a program is added or deleted, changes in economic or political conditions exist, or changes in operations or methods of processing information have occurred?
– Vrm programs run the gamut from the collection of a few documents to advanced Risk Management software tools. what is appropriate for our organization?
– Nearly all managers believe that their risks are the most important in the enterprise (or at least they say so) but whose risks really matter most?
– What programs/projects/departments/groups have some or all responsibility for business continuity/Risk Management/organizational resilience?
– How do you determine which systems, components and functions get priority in regard to implementation of new Cybersecurity measures?
– What performance goals do we adopt to ensure our ability to provide essential services while managing Cybersecurity risk?
– Is our organization doing any form of outreach or education on Cybersecurity Risk Management?
– Does your organization have a company-wide policy regarding best practices for cyber?
– What is our approach to Risk Management in the specific area of social media?
– Where do we locate our Cybersecurity Risk Management program/office?
– With risk analysis do we answer the question how big is the risk?
– How important is the system to the user organizations mission?
– Who is in charge of ensuring that the repair is made?
– Do you use any homegrown IT system for risk assessments?
– What is your process/plan for managing risk?
– How do you demonstrate due care?
– What is a risk?
Schedule Critical Criteria:
Distinguish Schedule management and shift your focus.
– The pp and the semp define the tasks and schedule for the project and the processes that will be followed to produce the deliverables. once the project is underway, how can you track progress against the plan?
– Are items returned for calibration as scheduled and/or when found to have broken calibration seals, damaged, or malfunctioning?
– If an introductory phase is called for, is the weight scheduled sufficient to break through to the consumer?
– Schedule feasibility -can the solution be designed and implemented within an acceptable time?
– Have extra media been scheduled during particularly strong sales periods during the year?
– Are any problems that cause schedule slips identified as risks prior to their occurrence?
– Is the project on schedule, on budget, and meeting specifications?
– What is a formalized approach for developing a project schedule?
– Is there an impact to schedule performance and to what level?
– Has the time for updating the information been scheduled?
– When will regularly scheduled maintenance be performed?
– Schedule & Phases – How long will this take?
– How important is the original schedule?
– Do you have an up-to-date schedule?
– Do you keep 50% of your time unscheduled?
– Is the schedule too aggressive?
SimulTrain Critical Criteria:
Recall SimulTrain results and diversify disclosure of information – dealing with confidential SimulTrain information.
– Does the Product Portfolio and Program Management PPM task fit the clients priorities?
Single version of the truth Critical Criteria:
Audit Single version of the truth failures and secure Single version of the truth creativity.
– At what point will vulnerability assessments be performed once Product Portfolio and Program Management PPM is put into production (e.g., ongoing Risk Management after implementation)?
– To what extent does management recognize Product Portfolio and Program Management PPM as a tool to increase the results?
– What are specific Product Portfolio and Program Management PPM Rules to follow?
This quick readiness checklist is a selected resource to help you move forward. Learn more about how to achieve comprehensive insights with the Product Portfolio and Program Management PPM Self Assessment:
Author: Gerard Blokdijk
CEO at The Art of Service | theartofservice.com
Gerard is the CEO at The Art of Service. He has been providing information technology insights, talks, tools and products to organizations in a wide range of industries for over 25 years. Gerard is a widely recognized and respected information expert. Gerard founded The Art of Service consulting business in 2000. Gerard has authored numerous published books to date.
External links:
To address the criteria in this checklist, these selected resources are provided for sources of further research and information:
Product Portfolio and Program Management PPM External links:
Product Portfolio and Program Management Ppm …
Project portfolio management External links:
Eclipse Project Portfolio Management – Login
Project Portfolio Management Software | Deltek PPM
Primavera Enterprise Project Portfolio Management …
Aggregate project plan External links:
Aggregate Project Plan – mgmtblog.com
Aggregate Project Plan (APP) – explained – YouTube
Aggregate project plan Flashcards | Quizlet
Change control External links:
[DOC]Change Control Procedure – European Commission
[PDF]Change Control Procedure – University of North …
Contract management software External links:
Contract Management Software = CMx
Contract Management Software | ContractWorks
Contract Management Software | Contract Insight
Estimation External links:
Construction Bidding and Estimation Software | On …
Project Management for Construction: Cost Estimation
Unbiased Estimation | STAT 414 / 415
Project funding External links:
Water Project Funding Interest
Project Funding – Idea Development – Commodities
Project Funding/SBLC/BG/United Investors Co.Ltd/London
Project management External links:
Certifications | Project Management Institute
CCRS | Project Management Institute
Project management office External links:
DET Project Management Office
About PPM – Project Management Office – Purdue University
Project Management Office Job Description | Chron.com
Project management simulation External links:
Project Management Simulation – Versatile Company
Project Management Simulation* | Olympic College
Project Management Simulation | Management Concepts
Project management software External links:
Project management software, online collaboration: Basecamp
Project manager External links:
Project Manager job description template | Workable
What is a Project Manager? – CEG
Project Manager Resume Sample & Writing Guide | RG
Resource External links:
Our Company | The Title Resource Network
Title Resources is a national title insurance underwriter
First American – Title Resource Database
Resource management External links:
Cloud ERP, Resource Management, Business …
DHRM | Utah Department of Human Resource Management
Resource Management Inc.
Risk Management External links:
Risk Management Job Titles | Enlighten Jobs
Celgene Risk Management
Global Supply Chain Risk Management Solutions | Avetta
Schedule External links:
Major League Baseball Schedule | MLB.com
ABC TV Show Schedule – ABC.com
NFL 2017 Playoff Schedule – NFL.com
SimulTrain External links:
SimulTrain – Home | Facebook
SimulTrain (@SimulTrain) | Twitter
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