Product Architecture

Be accountable for reviewing and evaluating designs for alignment with overall Product Architecture; recommending and implementing changes to designs and technology to improve product quality and overall interactive and interface design. More Uses of the Product Architecture Toolkit: Pull off review Product Architectures for security design gaps and vulnerabilities and Read more…


It analytics customer support and metrics analysis; troubleshooting and issue resolution; ITIL service support process mapping and process improvement; communication and interaction with multiple levels of your organization. More Uses of the ITIL Toolkit: Ensure you present; lead a team of technical professionals (analysts, administrators, and engineers) working to develop Read more…

Cyber Deception

Develop and scope tasks to support cyber operations to achieve red, blue, and purple missions. More Uses of the Cyber Deception Toolkit: Guide: insurance sales associate. Ensure you conceptualize; lead cyber threat intelligence analysis. Ensure you integrate; stand up, accelerate, and evolve cyber threat intelligence teams to increase effectiveness. Orchestrate: Read more…

Data Strategies

Work with owners and users/analysts across the customer operations to modify or implement new repeatable and reliable businesses processes to improve and sustain effective data governance resulting in improved quality and consistency of data used to drive key business decisions. More Uses of the Data Strategies Toolkit: Make sure that Read more…

Privacy Risk

Confirm your organization works with privacy steward, legal counsel and management to ensure your organization has and maintains appropriate security, privacy, and confidentiality consent, authorization forms, and information notices and materials reflecting current organization and legal practices and requirements. More Uses of the Privacy Risk Toolkit: Methodize: work cross functionally Read more…