Year of the Cloud: Will 2012 be the year for over 50% cloud adoption? cloud computing adoption

Are we going to see a majority of businesses using some form of cloud computing this year?

One of the biggest areas of growth in the technological sector continues to be cloud computing. In fact, cloud technologies seem to be fusing and diverging in ways that virtually no one could have anticipated. Right now, there are cloud-based services, apps, and products available for anything and anyone. In other words, whether you are a business owner or individual, tech specialist or layman, an entertainment consumer or a media content producer…there are cloud-based technologies out there for you. Moreover, there are cloud computing-driven products and services which can help you to more efficiently complete your duties, distribute your ideas/media, and access vastly powerful resources. This is especially true for businesses, which have everything to gain from exploring what cloud computing has to offer.

According to a study* conducted by TBR, today’s businesses are definitely buying into cloud computing in a big way. Cloud adoption in most international markets is increasing and cloud-deployed applications are becoming increasingly sought after by businesses and consumers alike. The question is, when are we going to see the tides turning toward a full-scale worldwide cloud adoption, right? The moment when over 50% of businesses are employing some form of cloud computing could be interpreted as the “event horizon” moment. This is to say that when we finally have a majority of businesses which are using (and are reliant on) cloud computing you can anticipate more rapid growth and adoption of cloud-based technologies. Some individuals are even claiming that we’ve already passed the 50% markthat we’re already on the other side of a global cloud computing takeover. Regardless of what the actual rate of adoption is, it’s certainly true that businesses are buying into cloud computing in a very big way right now.

There are basically three reasons why business owners and managers should be very concerned about this over 50% cloud adoption figure.

  1. Increased numbers of businesses utilizing cloud computing means that competitors are going to begin leveraging this technology as well.
  2. Higher adoption rates could also mean more cloud service providers will emerge; which also translates into increased affordability via supply and demand (further reduced cost of cloud-based services due to competition).
  3. As cloud computing becomes a “de facto” method (or component) of IT, it will require more businesses to update / upgrade / rethink their own IT assets and resources.

While cloud computing can certainly add a number of perks or benefits to any size, shape, or style of business, we must also keep in mind that it can do the same thing for our competitors. So, as increasing numbers of businesses worldwide begin transitioning to cloud computing, it is likely that competition will also rise. This is of course, a natural occurrence; but it’s also important for businesses to understand that failure to adopt cloud computing could very well give one’s competitors the upper hand, so to speak.

Additionally, when we see a definite majority of the world’s businesses using and relying on cloud computing we will probably also see more and more cloud service providers and vendors spring up. As demand for cloud computing increases, the supply of it must also increase. A potential side-effect of this would likely be that more stringent competition will arise between the cloud vendors / providers themselves, which will in turn drive down the prices of individual services and packages.

Then of course you have one of the most pertinent and immediate problems facing most businesses today, which is IT preparedness. Or in other words; is your IT department ready for or certified in cloud computing? While it is true that there are specific types of cloud service packages that include completely managed IT services, most businesses are still going to want (and perhaps need to) maintain on-site IT personnel. Not only is it a bit dangerous to relegate all of one’s IT stability and security to an outside party, it could severely limit one’s ability to fully capitalize on emerging opportunities. However, before you can begin contemplating the many ways of using cloud computing to the benefit of your business you’ll need to get your IT department certified and/or trained in one of several cloud computing disciplines. E-learning for cloud computing certification has become an industry standard due to its efficiency and affordability. One of the major perks associated with e-learning for professional development is that it allows for adequate training without interfering with busy work schedules.  

As the total number of businesses which are utilizing cloud computing continues to grow it is arguably only a matter of time until we see cloud computing dominating and replacing traditional IT entirely. Not only does cloud computing offer a number of incentives over current IT models, it is also much more economically (and environmentally) sound. Whether or not 2012 will be the year in which cloud computing is formally adopted by over 50% of the businesses out there remains to be seen. However, it is extremely likely that we will continue to see a steady increase in the total number of businesses (and individuals) adopting (and using) cloud computing this year.


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