SCOR model: What is a supply chain and what are the main elements of an inclusive supply chain management system?

Businesses continue to struggle with keeping supply chain under control and hidden risks still pose a significant threat to the industry, a supply chain is the network of suppliers, distributors, service providers and sub-contractors a company uses to source materials, components, supplies and services it needs to run its manufacturing Read more…

Enterprise Architecture: Does the (detailed) design fit with the EA strategy, standards and principles?

Design thinking and customer first principles should be applied to the strategy, content, design and customer journey of the app store content, enterprise architecture principles are a set of guidelines to be applied to increase the consistency and quality of technology decision making to ensure technology changes or new acquisitions are compatible Read more…

Automotive Demand Chain and Supply Chain Technologies: Does tnt consider the automotive industry a growth market?

Supply chain activities involve the transformation of natural resources, raw materials, and components into a finished product that is delivered to the end customer, the research considers environmental and sustainable strategies within organizations, the efficient supply chain management strategies for manufacturers and consumers, and to the environment friendly product design Read more…