Requirements for transition to an IPv6 network.
Steps towards migration to an IPv6 network.
Requirements for transition to an IPv6 network
The IPv6 network should perform just as well as the IPv4 network. (ex. Enough memory)
Network Management tools for IPv6 network. (ex. Cisco Works)
No disruption in service. (ex. Enough CPU)
Address allocation.
Steps Towards IPv6 migration
Steps Towards IPv6 Migration
In IPv4 we would use variable length subnet masks to provide a hierarchical way of assigning addresses
In IPv6 we are not restricted as much and can assign one sized mask to all sites.
Steps Towards IPv6 Migration
Must be able to provide a way to monitor IPv6 enabled network with IPv6 enabled mangement tools.
Example of one such tool is Cisco Works
Steps Towards IPv6 Migration
Simple IPv4 Network for Medium to Large networks
Steps Towards IPv6 Migration
6to4 tunnel
Tunnel Broker
Layer 2 VPN
Steps Towards IPv6 Migration
Future protocol 6VPE
Steps Towards IPv6 Migration
ISIS for IPv6
RIPng (don’ t use this!)
Steps Towards IPv6 Migration
WinXP & Win2k are IPv6 compatible. Enable all endpoints of single site after upgrade of routers.
Make sure you plan and test how this upgrade would occur.