For people who are looking for a cloud testing tool that’s cheap and easy-to-use, QTest is probably one of the better options out there
QTest was created by QAsymphony, a company that specializes in testing products which are generally aimed at the software development crowd. They’ve apparently been at it for around 20 years too, so they do have some experience in such matters. One of their more recently visible products, QTest, is a fully-functional cloud testing tool that was designed to challenge much more expensive systems while retaining a more basic design / interface. In other words, great effort was made to ensure that this tool was affordable as well as really powerful and easy-to-use.
When you think quality control in IT and/or software development, expensive systems which must be purchased and constantly upgraded usually come to mind. This is because prior to the advent of things like cloud-based testing, you had to purchase complete systems and/or software which would allow you to design your own testing apparatus within your IT department. Thanks to cloud testing however, virtually any individual or business can do some pretty amazing things with a scant little investment.
QTest is a great example of a cloud testing service which smacks of features and usability, yet carries a paltry little price tag ($20 a month!). Needless to say, this is really good news for all different types of businesses, particularly those who are already headlong into cloud computing. Likewise, if you’re just discovering the cloud or planning on upgrading your IT department in the coming months (or years), cloud testing can serve as an excellent introduction to cloud computing itself.
So what kinds of features does QTest offer? First off, it apparently features a minimal amount of time to actually set up. For most people or groups, this will be around 5-10 minutes. QTest also allows businesses to establish smarter methods for their basic test management procedures as well. One of the ways this is accomplished is through allowing users to reuse previously logged test cases. Actually, this could be a very useful feature for some types of businesses, particularly those that have lots of Excel spreadsheets at their disposal or other types of data which is contained within separate test management tools.
Similarly, you can also save your environment settings as well as specific testing configurations (which is a huge time saver for companies that have a high volume of tests to deal with). It’s also possible to do some pretty advanced test scheduling as well, which is not only extremely handy, but can also help prevent risks due to lapses. There’s also the notion of being able to run tests across multiple types of releases (including customer environments) which means QTest is very agile and flexible.
In terms of actually deploying QTest, users will find that it’s extremely “fast”. In short, this is a cloud testing platform that let’s you do a number of awesome things without having to “leave” the target application. In other words, you can alter virtually every aspect of your ongoing tests, logging and setup without having to interrupt any ongoing procedures or terminate the application. Additionally, there’s a lot of emphasis on tracking too, which is pretty critical when it comes to performing extensive and thorough testing. Moreover, you can also keep records of who’s interfacing with the service as well as what they’re doing / changing. Needless to say, this type of logging is also very useful, especially when you have a large number of people who have access to tests and test data.
However, the biggest reason to give QTest a shot is its amazingly low price tag – $20 per month. You can actually try it out for free as well, which means that you really don’t have anything to lose, except time, that is.
For the IT Professional:
Cloud testing is quickly becoming a major force in the IT world and companies all across the globe are waking up to the inherent potential which it possesses. Likewise, because cloud testing is much more cost-effective than many other methods, it’s very possible that it will continue growing until it completely eclipses all other forms (of testing). Ergo, if you’re an IT professional, this should be seen as a great opportunity to get in on the ground floor, so to speak. Let’s face the facts, even though many of these businesses might be moving toward more and more cloud-based services they’re still going to need some high-trained personnel on hand who can actually use the technology or even repair and maintain it as required. How would you get yourself into such a position, you ask? If you possess certification or experience in cloud testing, employers are going to be much more eager to bring you into their fold. In other words, start your complete certification course in cloud testing now!
Cloud Testing Certification – Click Here!