Incident Management: Did the established incident management structure work effectively?

In order to execute an effective incident response, organizations must develop written policies and procedures that provide direction and guidance to organization personnel, from front line employees and management to data center personnel, which outline their roles and responsibilities in the incident response process, to enable effective, efficient incident management Read more…

CSSLP: Is it feasible to remediate the system vulnerability from a technical, operational, or management perspective?

Or improper system configuration, either known and unknown hardware or software flaws, or operational weaknesses in process or technical countermeasures, management system that will allow for better monitoring, tracking, and data analysis. In short, for a system with separate business and operational networks, the assets used to protect the operational Read more…

Incident Management: What type of triage system is currently in place?

Effective and efficient management of incidents involves a formal process of preparation, detection, analysis, containment, eradication, recovery, and post-incident activities, incident management allows you to monitor and resolve service disruptions quickly and efficiently by allowing you to focus on what is important from a broader management perspective (incidents) rather than Read more…