ITIL, Note: the questions asked are indicators of good ITIL processes
ITIL : Rationale of the assessment scoring system The scoring system used in the assessment spreadsheet provides you with an indication of how each of the process areas rate in the IT organisation.
Note: the questions asked are indicators of good ITIL processes.
There are many more questions/indicators – however, the listed questions are a good cross sample.
You can analyze individual responses to questions to determine the areas that need to be improved on in order to achieve a higher mark.
Alternatively, you can analyze the data to locate key staff members that may benefit from some training or assistance.
Process Score Comment Less than 1.4 The process is non-existent or severely underdeveloped.
A low process score may be an indication that increased communication is required.
1.5 to 2.4 At this level there is a need for some process re-design.
While there are some signs of process activity, what is in place is somewhat under-developed.
2.5 to 3.4 While a score in this area rates the process area as below good practice/industry standard, it indicates that there is a firm basis on which improvements can be made.
3.5 to 4.4 Process scores in this range indicate that the particular process is very close to what can be considered as good practice.
Many of the characteristics of the process are in place.
4.5+ A high score indicates that nearly all participants feel that the process is very well defined, with clear benefits and reflects industry best practice in this area.
Read more about ITIL:
Accredited IITL Foundation, Intermediate and Expert Certifications