Microsoft seeks to further establish Cloud Computing technology in China


According to recent stats and declarations in various tech publications, Asia is lagging behind North America where cloud computing is concerned. Aside from budgetary reasons, there are a number of cloud-specific issues that seem to be slowing down growth in this area (for the East). A lack of shared established regulations and compliance literature across the region has, for example, made it harder to set up clouds that can function in multiple Asian countries. Likewise, some governments might also see the cloud as some form of threat to the sovereignty of their data, because they lack understanding when it comes to cloud security.  Microsoft and Cloud Computing

Regardless of the current situation, Microsoft is stepping up and seeking to firmly establish cloud computing in China. It only makes sense for a behemoth organization like Microsoft to push the cloud in China, as it is fast becoming the world’s largest market on multiple fronts. Also, many economists are predicting that China might very well soon be the holder of the world’s reserve currency. At any rate, the Red Dragon of the East is a major player on the world stage and represents an enormous potential where cloud computing markets are concerned.

Microsoft is basically trying to capitalize on China’s growing markets, and they’re doing this in several different ways. For starters, they’re planning on adding around 1000 new regional workers who will perform support, enterprise and research duties (adding to the 4000+ employees who are already there). Additionally, the overall amount of capital that MS is going to invest directly in China-based research is poised to increase by around 15% as well. Many different cities are being targeted for expansion as well, comprising around 20 urban areas and 15 provinces.

Around 75%-80% of the research currently being carried out by Microsoft in China is actually destined for international applications. This is to say that the more immediate Chinese markets that are closer geographically, aren’t really being serviced at all. Needless to say, these recent moves are seeking to change that.

This is essentially Microsoft’s attempt at both helping China while at the same time setting up a means to capture emerging tech markets and sell/promote their products. Just what is MS seeking to sell, exactly? Well, aside from the groundbreaking Windows Server 2012, there is also Office 365, Windows 8 and Windows Azure. All of these products feature or utilize cloud-based technologies and cover a very wide range of potential uses as well. Moreover, Office 2013 is going to be released soon, which could change the way cloud computing is perceived (and used) on a daily basis….perhaps.

One of the reasons that cloud computing services might fare well for Microsoft in China has to do with software piracy. It has been extremely difficult for MS to capitalize on Chinese markets over the years due to the rampant theft of software; which happens to be more commonplace than in other parts of the world. Well, one of the great things about cloud computing is that it is essentially a metered service, this is to say that ownership of software is generally transferred to (or withheld by) vendors. Cloud computing basically rewrites the rules when it comes to software piracy, and if it takes hold in China, Microsoft could very well see their profits expand and grow far beyond their expectations. Of those businesses or enterprises in china that already use some form of cloud service, it has been estimated that up to around 40% of them are already using Microsoft-based software for private clouds.  

On the Window’s OS front, China has more or less fully embraced Windows 8, and was one of the first-tier countries to gain access to the beta preview. Once you realize that Windows 8 is a cloud powerhouse which contains several stand-alone cloud products/services, it’s clear that there is great potential for capturing additional sales there. Furthermore, virtually all of Microsoft’s future ventures like the Windows Phone 8 (and others) will utilize cloud technologies. Basically, MS is setting things up so that they can (monopolize on and) merge the Chinese markets for Windows products, cloud computing and corresponding devices. If they play their cards right, it will be a very profitable venture indeed.


From Cloud Computing to IaaS and beyond, E-learning and Certification are Very Smart Investments when it comes to IT
At this point in the ongoing development of cloud computing it is becoming increasingly obvious that it is going to replace traditional approaches to IT (if not personal computing as well). Businesses across the globe are tuning into this reality and starting to look at their current operations in greater detail, seeking to find out if they’re really prepared for cloud computing adoption. Aside from budgetary and technical considerations, cloud certification and education for IT employees should be your top priority if you’re transitioning to the cloud. Simply put, there is no substitution for employees that know how cloud computing works and are able to utilize its technologies. If you’re looking for a place to start, IaaS specialist certification is an excellent choice, due to the growing popularity and importance of IaaS (Infrastructure-as-a-Service).

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