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This IT Service Support Management Tools report evaluates technologies and applications in terms of their business impact, adoption rate and maturity level to help users decide where and when to invest.

To better support the business IandO managers often turn to IT service support management tools. The vendors offer integrated products that address functionality from a combined perspective of people processes and tooling

The Predictive Analytics Scores below – ordered on Forecasted Future Needs and Demand from High to Low – shows you IT Service Support Management Tools’s Predictive Analysis. The link takes you to a corresponding product in The Art of Service’s store to get started.

The Art of Service’s predictive model results enable businesses to discover and apply the most profitable technologies and applications, attracting the most profitable customers, and therefore helping maximize value from their investments. The Predictive Analytics algorithm evaluates and scores technologies and applications.

The platform monitors over six thousand technologies and applications for months, looking for interest swings in a topic, concept, technology or application, not just a count of mentions. It then makes forecasts about the velocity of the interest over time, with peaks representing it breaking into the mainstream. Data sources include trend data, employment data, employee skills data, and signals like advertising spent, advertisers, search-counts, youtube activity, patents, and books published.

Predictive Analytics Scores:

005278 – ServiceNow
000309 – HP Service Anywhere
000086 – Cherwell Service Management
000079 – Novell Service Desk
000079 – ALVAO
000074 – ProactivaNET
000047 – HP Service Manager
000027 – SysAid
000019 – LANDesk Service Desk
000015 – HelpPeople
000005 – Axios assyst
000003 – Easy Vista
000001 – Hornbill Supportworks

Evaluation Criteria Definitions:

Interest and Popularity:


098 – ServiceNow
051 – Cherwell Service Management
050 – HP Service Manager

Google Trends data for gauging mindshare and awareness, the numbers are relative to their maximum (100), meaning number 100 has maximum interest right now and number 50 has half the interest it had from its peak of 100.

Employment Demand:


002711 – ServiceNow
000188 – HP Service Manager
000029 – SysAid

Open employment opportunities on the date of this report for the subject. Indicator of the need of employers for this specific skill set and therefore their organization’s application of it in relation to the other subjects.

Active Practitioners:


00020095 – HP Service Manager
00005034 – ServiceNow
00004142 – SysAid

Number of practitioners and professionals which have the subject skill set and experience. Indicator of the need of employers (and availability of employees) for this specific skill set and therefore their organization’s application of it in relation to the other subjects.

Monthly Searches:


033100 – ServiceNow
009900 – SysAid
004410 – HP Service Manager

How often a month a search is performed for the keyword/phrase: and indicator of interest in the subject.

Cost per Click:


006.91 – HP Service Manager
005.63 – SysAid
000.87 – ServiceNow

CPC: The average amount advertisers pay Google anytime someone clicks their own ad for this keyword. Indicator of the advertising being spent on the topic ergo investments being made to attract clients.

Active Advertisers:


010 – ServiceNow
010 – Cherwell Service Management
006 – SysAid

This shows how many unique advertisers have appeared on this subject in the last 12 months. Indicator of the advertising being spent on the topic ergo investments being made to attract clients.



00000200 – ServiceNow
00000012 – SysAid
00000001 – Hornbill Supportworks

Patents issued for the specific subject. Indicator of R&D investments and innovation in the specific subject.

Books in print:


00000014 – HP Service Manager
00000012 – ALVAO
00000011 – ServiceNow

Number of in-print books that cover the subject. Indicator of the need for knowledge sharing and its availability.

Youtube content:


00017600 – ServiceNow
00005230 – SysAid
00002440 – HP Service Manager

Number of youtube content videos that cover the subject. Indicator of the need for knowledge sharing and its availability.

Complete Overview:

Interest and Popularity

098 – ServiceNow
051 – Cherwell Service Management
050 – HP Service Manager
050 – ALVAO
043 – HP Service Anywhere
039 – SysAid
029 – LANDesk Service Desk
025 – ProactivaNET
015 – Novell Service Desk
012 – HelpPeople
011 – Axios assyst
005 – Easy Vista
004 – Hornbill Supportworks

Employment Demand:

002711 – ServiceNow
000188 – HP Service Manager
000029 – SysAid
000014 – HP Service Anywhere
000011 – Cherwell Service Management
000004 – LANDesk Service Desk
000003 – Axios assyst
000002 – Easy Vista
000000 – ProactivaNET
000000 – Novell Service Desk
000000 – Hornbill Supportworks
000000 – HelpPeople
000000 – ALVAO

Active Practitioners:

00020095 – HP Service Manager
00005034 – ServiceNow
00004142 – SysAid
00000655 – Cherwell Service Management
00000622 – LANDesk Service Desk
00000613 – Axios assyst
00000379 – Easy Vista
00000341 – Hornbill Supportworks
00000195 – HP Service Anywhere
00000079 – HelpPeople
00000063 – ALVAO
00000034 – ProactivaNET
00000019 – Novell Service Desk

Monthly Searches:

033100 – ServiceNow
009900 – SysAid
004410 – HP Service Manager
000000 – ProactivaNET
000000 – Novell Service Desk
000000 – LANDesk Service Desk
000000 – HP Service Anywhere
000000 – Hornbill Supportworks
000000 – HelpPeople
000000 – Easy Vista
000000 – Cherwell Service Management
000000 – Axios assyst
000000 – ALVAO

Cost per Click:

006.91 – HP Service Manager
005.63 – SysAid
000.87 – ServiceNow
000.00 – ProactivaNET
000.00 – Novell Service Desk
000.00 – LANDesk Service Desk
000.00 – HP Service Anywhere
000.00 – Hornbill Supportworks
000.00 – HelpPeople
000.00 – Easy Vista
000.00 – Cherwell Service Management
000.00 – Axios assyst
000.00 – ALVAO

Active Advertisers

010 – ServiceNow
010 – Cherwell Service Management
006 – SysAid
004 – HP Service Manager
003 – HP Service Anywhere
000 – ProactivaNET
000 – Novell Service Desk
000 – LANDesk Service Desk
000 – Hornbill Supportworks
000 – HelpPeople
000 – Easy Vista
000 – Axios assyst
000 – ALVAO


00000200 – ServiceNow
00000012 – SysAid
00000001 – Hornbill Supportworks
00000000 – ProactivaNET
00000000 – Novell Service Desk
00000000 – LANDesk Service Desk
00000000 – HP Service Manager
00000000 – HP Service Anywhere
00000000 – HelpPeople
00000000 – Easy Vista
00000000 – Cherwell Service Management
00000000 – Axios assyst
00000000 – ALVAO

Books in print:

00000014 – HP Service Manager
00000012 – ALVAO
00000011 – ServiceNow
00000002 – Easy Vista
00000000 – SysAid
00000000 – ProactivaNET
00000000 – Novell Service Desk
00000000 – LANDesk Service Desk
00000000 – HP Service Anywhere
00000000 – Hornbill Supportworks
00000000 – HelpPeople
00000000 – Cherwell Service Management
00000000 – Axios assyst

Youtube content:

00017600 – ServiceNow
00005230 – SysAid
00002440 – HP Service Manager
00002160 – ALVAO
00001830 – ProactivaNET
00001180 – HP Service Anywhere
00000680 – LANDesk Service Desk
00000459 – Cherwell Service Management
00000438 – HelpPeople
00000403 – Novell Service Desk
00000272 – Easy Vista
00000060 – Axios assyst
00000008 – Hornbill Supportworks

Start with ServiceNow, HP Service Anywhere, Cherwell Service Management, and make the above top Predictive Analytics results happen:

Access all the IT Service Support Management Tools Prescriptive Analytics ServiceNow, HP Service Anywhere, Cherwell Service Management, blueprints, presentations and templates and much more in The Art of Service LAB Sign up for 7 days free today.