If you’re interested in ITIL, don’t forget about these options…
While it’s certainly true that ITIL has become one of the top certifications for aspiring IT professionals and seasoned veterans alike, many might not realize just how many options they have at their disposal. Sure, there are individual categories of ITIL training products which detail specific tiers of the discipline (Service Transition, Service Operation, etc…just to name a couple), but there are also specific items which can drastically improve your learning experience as well.
If you’re planning on making ITIL a focus in your career you’re probably going to want to invest in a comprehensive ITIL certification package. Such a collection should include not only your study materials and an interactive portion, but perhaps an exam voucher and maybe even a practice test. Although these packages certainly help to prepare professionals for certification, they might not be a good fit for everyone. For those who find complete cert courses to be too pricey, why not give a foundation e-learning bundle a shot?
Here’s a common predicament that some ITIL learners encounter:
Let’s say you’re a very busy professional; with a full-time job and a hectic social schedule. You’ve been adamantly training for your ITIL exam, but haven’t been able to devote quite as much time as you would like (or need) in order to truly absorb the materials. What do you do in this type of situation, go ahead and try to pass the exam anyway? For anyone experiencing this sort of problem, I have three words for you, extend your enrollment. That’s right; there are ultra-affordable enrollment extension packages available for those who need a little more time to prepare for their exam(s). Likewise, they come in several different formats; there’s the 90-day extension, the 60-day ext and the 30-day ext.
A great number of prospective ITIL candidates are perfectly apt to seek out ITIL V3 instead of the more recent ITIL 2011. This is perfectly understandable considering that the 2011 edition isn’t so much a completely new edition as it is a minor overhaul of V3. But who says you can’t, or shouldn’t certify in ITIL 2011 anyway? This package offers you a pathway toward certification in the latest ITIL release (2011) and includes a digital copy of the textbook, 3 months of access to e-learning, and 3 months of access to online exam preparation. Moreover, since this is a digital cert package, it comes at a significantly reduced price and is arguably the most conveniently accessible.
Finally, we come to our last selection, which is an ITIL cert package that’s been specifically designed for iPad users. However, this course isn’t solely accessible by those with iPads; regular PC, Mac, tablet and smartphone users can also deploy this course. These browser-based learning / training programs are becoming increasingly prevalent these days; and for good reason, they’re affordable, mobile, thorough, and can be deployed on nearly any type of browser.
Hopefully your progress in ITIL is coming along as expected, but if it isn’t you shouldn’t hesitate to check out some additional products. Sometimes all it takes to embolden your educational approach is some new learning materials, other times; an entirely new approach may be warranted. For some, being able to learn-on-the-go in a highly mobile manner provides them with the edge they need in order to be able to absorb a new subject. Others however might find that there is no substitute for physical copies of texts and a little solitude. Regardless of what type of student you are, there are plenty of course options and products available here which can greatly enhance the time you spend studying ITIL
If you’re looking for online ITIL learning, then look no further…Click Here Now.