The Standard Requirement Self Assessment is more than just a book, it’s a complete package to perform a Self Assessment in your organisation (or your client’s organisation). To get the most out of your Self Assessment purchase it’s important that you also have access to the Spreadsheet and additional resources.
When you purchase the Self Assessment from our online store you receive a package that looks like this:

Sample content of Standard Requirements Self Assessment Guide for Availability Management
The complete package has 2 spreadsheets (the full version of the tool and a sample file) , 2 PDF files (the full version of the book and a sample file) and a folder with Implementation resources.
The best way to get the spreadsheet is to follow the instruction in the front of the book. There is an email address mentioned. Send your proof of purchase to that email address and you will receive the resources via return email.
What is proof of purchase?
Firstly – let me tell you what it is NOT… a photo of the front cover of your book is not a proof of purchase. That’s a proof of posession 😉 Slight difference but important distinction.
A proof of purchase is your email receipt from your online book store purchase or the receipt from the till when you’ve purchased the book in a physical store.
Unsure about how to use the Self Assessment in your specific situation? Feel free to contact us for additional support and to answer any of your questions.
For more information on the Self Assessments and a full overview of the available topics, go to