When you purchase the Standard requirement Self Assessment you receive a portfolio of tools:
- Your book with all the questions, separated in their various sections. This book can be a PDF version when you purchase it directly from The Art of Service online website, or it can be a physical book when you purchase from your favourite book seller.
- The second component to the Self Assessment is an Excel spreadsheet with all the questions and the automation included to create a snapshot overview of your current situation plus a RACI diagram with the most important activities to start on to achieve the most value in the next 60 – 90 days.
- The third component is a series of specific implementation resources to help you achieve the goals set in the action plan that is one of the results of the Self Assessment.
In addition you also receive a PDF and an Excel spreadsheet with a pre-filled example to guide you through the process of completing the Standard Requirement Self Assessments.

Sample content of Standard Requirements Self Assessment Guide for Availability Management
Step 1: Once you’ve received your full package we recommend you read through the example files. This will give you a great understanding of the type of questions and how the results are shown in the spreadsheets and graphs.
Step 2:
a) Go through the spreadsheet and answer as many of the questions you can. Skip the questions that don’t make sense, or do not apply to your situation.
b) Invite up to 10 team members for a 4 hour workshop. This is a perfect opportunity to go through the questionnaire and build awareness and buy-in from the stakeholders at the same time. You can use this time to also discuss the way forward and the priorities for the implementation projects.
Step 3: Initiate the necessary projects to start implementing the deliverables that came out of the Self Assessment process.
And of course – feel free to contact us for additional support and to answer any of your questions.
For more information on the Self Assessments and a full overview of the available topics, go to store.theartofservice.com/self-assessments/