You also have validated processes for project-based secure storage and reuse of salts and keys used to hash across data sets, participate in data governance and data stewardship activities and ensure data quality policies are applied, furthermore, data dictionaries are for sharing for groups of people working with similar data, having a shared data dictionary facilitates standardization by documenting common data structures and providing the precise vocabulary needed for discussing specific data elements.

Given Implementation

Demands for data and data reuse highlight the need for a new set of topographic data standards, proactively considering data as part of strategy development, program planning and technological implementation, therefore, all data management disciplines themselves are subject to challenges relating to data at various stages of relativity to a given point in time now.

Appropriate Stewardship

Any data sharing model should be based on the concept of data stewardship rather than data ownership, barriers to access and re-use of data can hamper innovation and consequently growth in the Digital Single Market. For the most part, assigning responsibilities to data management ensures data is appropriately identified and managed throughout its lifecycle and is accessible to appropriate stakeholders.

Personal Quality

File formats and file naming according to standards will ensure that your data can be uniquely identified and made accessible for future uses, it often provides added value to data through quality assurance and metadata enhancement, and has an operational model based on data harmonization into a common schema, furthermore, from compliance to stewardship consumers are increasingly uneasy about sharing financial, familial, locational, or use-based personal data.

Legal Solutions

The responsible conduct of research includes within its scope the appropriate generation, collection, access, use, analysis, disclosure, storage, retention, disposal, sharing and re-use of data and information, if necessary, the data can be further protected by administrative and technical data security solutions. In addition to this, manage, appropriately share, and make decisions about data based on business cases and legal requirements.

Want to check how your Data Stewardship Processes are performing? You don’t know what you don’t know. Find out with our Data Stewardship Self Assessment Toolkit: