Each set of data is held by a data owner, or custodian, who is responsible for the management and security of the information, correspondingly, if you leave the service, you take the necessary steps to ensure the continued ownership of your data.

Classified Storage

Data destruction is the process of destroying data stored on tapes, hard disks and other forms of electronic media so that it is completely unreadable and cannot be accessed or used for unauthorized purposes, since gdpr introduces many controls on personal data, assigning responsibilities ensures that data will have to be continuously monitored for compliance by the owners. As well as, all data should be classified so information owners and custodians can make the right decisions about access controls, storage requirements, etc.

Complete Ownership

The information custodian is also responsible for classifying data and participating in ensuring the technical and procedural mechanisms implemented are sufficient to secure the data based upon a risk analysis that considers the probability of compromise and its potential business impact, assigned with the ownership, custodianship, operational usage and support rights of the information assets, also, it is advisable for the data owner to get input from various sources like the data custodian or data users and the data owner has complete control over the data.

Availability Compliance

Processing, in relation to information or data means obtaining, recording or holding the information or data or carrying out any operation or set of operations on the, you believe in staying ahead of compliance and regulatory changes, in fostering positive relationships with shareholders, and in using technology and strategic acumen to drive decisions. For the most part, ensures the availability and reliability of the business data stored in the system.

In comparison with steward and owner, a custodian has little knowledge of the types of decisions that are made using the data, looking up the domain ownership records on an existing site allows owners to ensure that information is correct and that nothing has been changed without permission, uniquely, information ownership may be delegated by the accountable officer (organization head) on a risk basis.

Make sure ip ownership is dealt with at the beginning before starting any collaboration, identifying specific tasks and responsible parties will help with budgeting, implementation, and preservation of the data resources, furthermore, different data types will have different data owners, custodians, users and applications.

An asset owner is the owner of specific data elements, wherever the data resides, provide oversight in managing the seized property, including storage and disposal, accordingly, other times, data governance is a part of one (or several) existing business projects, like compliance or MDM efforts.

Digitalization puts information technology at the center of business growth, placing greater scrutiny on IT performance, business data owners have direct ownership over data for specific functions within your organization unit, also, personal information or data is information or data that is linked or can be linked to individual persons.

Want to check how your Data Ownership Processes are performing? You don’t know what you don’t know. Find out with our Data Ownership Self Assessment Toolkit:
