Working with TOGAF and the Zachman Framework has always been said to be comparable to the Periodic Table. This is because like the atoms that can be found in a periodic table, the same atoms are also the building blocks of the cells which can be found in the Zachman Framework – only this time, the building blocks are used in supporting enterprises. In the framework, one will find many columns that really do have no logical order of importance.

Instead, they serve as somewhat unique abstractions of the actual enterprise itself. This is done in order to reduce what complexity there may be in the different models that are built around it. The cell models, or the primitive models, are present such that there can only be one variable. John Zachman says that these primitive models are highly important in order for the reusability of the enterprise itself. Also, the commonalities which can be found in the enterprise are such that the primitive models can also be considered as one of the elements of architecture.

The astounding detail that is involved in the Zachman Framework is very impressive. Not a single cell becomes the sole property of one detail or one row, as all work to make things highly functional. The great thing about this is that it gets to ensure the alignment of the different intentions of all owners of the enterprise, which can then be best represented by the second row of such a framework and everything that was implemented as a requirement to building the enterprise itself.

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