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Business Continuity Management and IT Disaster Recovery Management Top 20 Predictive analytics Scores

This Business Continuity Management and IT Disaster Recovery Management report evaluates technologies and applications in terms of their business impact, adoption rate and maturity level to help users decide where and when to invest.

The increase in and growing impact of business disruptions is changing the continuity conversation from recovery to resilience, and are making crisis management standard operating procedure. Business continuity professionals should use this predictive analytics to target solutions that can fulfill this need.

The Predictive Analytics Scores below – ordered on Forecasted Future Needs and Demand from High to Low – shows you Business Continuity Management and IT Disaster Recovery Management’s Predictive Analysis. The link takes you to a corresponding product in The Art of Service’s store to get started.

The Art of Service’s predictive model results enable businesses to discover and apply the most profitable technologies and applications, attracting the most profitable customers, and therefore helping maximize value from their investments. The Predictive Analytics algorithm evaluates and scores technologies and applications.

The platform monitors over six thousand technologies and applications for months, looking for interest swings in a topic, concept, technology or application, not just a count of mentions. It then makes forecasts about the velocity of the interest over time, with peaks representing it breaking into the mainstream. Data sources include trend data, employment data, employee skills data, and signals like advertising spent, advertisers, search-counts, Instruction and courseware available activity, patents, and books published.

Predictive Analytics Scores:

000923 – Public Cloud Storage
000433 – Hosted Virtual Desktops
000304 – Cloud Migration Tools
000200 – Command Center
000117 – Contingency Plan
000093 – Cloud Storage Gateway
000069 – Data Deduplication
000068 – Disaster Recovery as a Service
000059 – Backup site
000058 – Business Interruption
000049 – Data recovery
000048 – Business Impact Analysis
000038 – Cost-benefit analysis
000037 – Copy Data Management
000030 – Disaster recovery plan
000029 – Crisis management
000028 – Impact event
000023 – Hot site
000020 – Load Forecasting
000015 – IT service continuity
000015 – Disaster recovery
000011 – Disaster Accountability Project
000006 – Disaster risk reduction
000005 – Corporate Governance
000004 – Consortium Agreement
000000 – Continuous Operations

Evaluation Criteria Definitions:

Interest and Popularity:


076 – Disaster risk reduction
073 – Command Center
073 – Cloud Migration Tools

Google Trends data for gauging mindshare and awareness, the numbers are relative to their maximum (100), meaning number 100 has maximum interest right now and number 50 has half the interest it had from its peak of 100.

Employment Demand:


012682 – Disaster recovery
005096 – Crisis management
002754 – Cost-benefit analysis

Open employment opportunities on the date of this report for the subject. Indicator of the need of employers for this specific skill set and therefore their organization’s application of it in relation to the other subjects.

Active Practitioners:


01177480 – Disaster recovery
00555435 – Corporate Governance
00492986 – Crisis management

Number of practitioners and professionals which have the subject skill set and experience. Indicator of the need of employers (and availability of employees) for this specific skill set and therefore their organization’s application of it in relation to the other subjects.

Monthly Searches:


060500 – Data recovery
060500 – Corporate Governance
033100 – Contingency Plan

How often a month a search is performed for the keyword/phrase: and indicator of interest in the subject.

Cost per Click:


015.71 – Disaster Recovery as a Service
014.70 – Public Cloud Storage
014.68 – Disaster recovery

CPC: The average amount advertisers pay Google anytime someone clicks their own ad for this keyword. Indicator of the advertising being spent on the topic ergo investments being made to attract clients.

Active Advertisers:


073 – Disaster recovery plan
064 – Data recovery
059 – Disaster recovery

This shows how many unique advertisers have appeared on this subject in the last 12 months. Indicator of the advertising being spent on the topic ergo investments being made to attract clients.



00059100 – Data recovery
00022600 – Disaster recovery
00011500 – Command Center

Patents issued for the specific subject. Indicator of R&D investments and innovation in the specific subject.

Books in print:


00027477 – Cost-benefit analysis
00010445 – Crisis management
00009246 – Command Center

Number of in-print books that cover the subject. Indicator of the need for knowledge sharing and its availability.

Instruction and courseware available content:


00148000 – Data recovery
00137000 – Command Center
00093500 – Disaster recovery

Number of instruction and courseware available content that covers the subject. Indicator of the need for knowledge sharing and its availability.

Complete Overview:

Interest and Popularity

076 – Disaster risk reduction
073 – Command Center
073 – Cloud Migration Tools
064 – Public Cloud Storage
064 – Cloud Storage Gateway
061 – Impact event
055 – Backup site
048 – Hot site
047 – Data Deduplication
045 – Data recovery
042 – Contingency Plan
040 – Consortium Agreement
039 – Business Impact Analysis
035 – Business Interruption
034 – Disaster Recovery as a Service
028 – Crisis management
021 – Corporate Governance
020 – Load Forecasting
017 – Disaster recovery plan
017 – Copy Data Management
015 – IT service continuity
015 – Disaster Accountability Project
014 – Disaster recovery
014 – Cost-benefit analysis
013 – Hosted Virtual Desktops
000 – Continuous Operations

Employment Demand:

012682 – Disaster recovery
005096 – Crisis management
002754 – Cost-benefit analysis
001390 – Corporate Governance
001194 – Command Center
000699 – Disaster recovery plan
000680 – Data recovery
000540 – Contingency Plan
000235 – Business Impact Analysis
000233 – Business Interruption
000231 – Continuous Operations
000039 – Load Forecasting
000037 – IT service continuity
000030 – Public Cloud Storage
000030 – Data Deduplication
000017 – Disaster risk reduction
000017 – Backup site
000016 – Disaster Recovery as a Service
000015 – Hot site
000008 – Impact event
000005 – Copy Data Management
000001 – Hosted Virtual Desktops
000001 – Consortium Agreement
000000 – Disaster Accountability Project
000000 – Cloud Storage Gateway
000000 – Cloud Migration Tools

Active Practitioners:

01177480 – Disaster recovery
00555435 – Corporate Governance
00492986 – Crisis management
00100764 – Cost-benefit analysis
00062158 – Data recovery
00043555 – Command Center
00039917 – Disaster recovery plan
00021509 – Disaster risk reduction
00019443 – Contingency Plan
00019027 – Business Impact Analysis
00013955 – Business Interruption
00003948 – Load Forecasting
00003779 – IT service continuity
00003099 – Hot site
00002050 – Data Deduplication
00001744 – Impact event
00001597 – Backup site
00000916 – Consortium Agreement
00000804 – Disaster Recovery as a Service
00000227 – Copy Data Management
00000208 – Public Cloud Storage
00000141 – Disaster Accountability Project
00000069 – Cloud Storage Gateway
00000024 – Cloud Migration Tools
00000003 – Hosted Virtual Desktops
– Continuous Operations

Monthly Searches:

060500 – Data recovery
060500 – Corporate Governance
033100 – Contingency Plan
014800 – Disaster recovery
014800 – Crisis management
012100 – Disaster recovery plan
008100 – Command Center
003600 – Hot site
003600 – Business Impact Analysis
001590 – Data Deduplication
001590 – Consortium Agreement
000720 – Load Forecasting
000720 – Business Interruption
000390 – Disaster Recovery as a Service
000270 – Backup site
000210 – IT service continuity
000120 – Public Cloud Storage
000090 – Hosted Virtual Desktops
000000 – Impact event
000000 – Disaster risk reduction
000000 – Disaster Accountability Project
000000 – Cost-benefit analysis
000000 – Copy Data Management
000000 – Continuous Operations
000000 – Cloud Storage Gateway
000000 – Cloud Migration Tools

Cost per Click:

015.71 – Disaster Recovery as a Service
014.70 – Public Cloud Storage
014.68 – Disaster recovery
014.13 – IT service continuity
013.14 – Data recovery
011.15 – Disaster recovery plan
010.71 – Hosted Virtual Desktops
009.95 – Data Deduplication
008.11 – Contingency Plan
005.08 – Load Forecasting
004.03 – Crisis management
003.97 – Corporate Governance
003.71 – Business Interruption
002.80 – Consortium Agreement
002.22 – Backup site
000.70 – Business Impact Analysis
000.23 – Command Center
000.03 – Hot site
000.00 – Impact event
000.00 – Disaster risk reduction
000.00 – Disaster Accountability Project
000.00 – Cost-benefit analysis
000.00 – Copy Data Management
000.00 – Continuous Operations
000.00 – Cloud Storage Gateway
000.00 – Cloud Migration Tools

Active Advertisers

073 – Disaster recovery plan
064 – Data recovery
059 – Disaster recovery
051 – Disaster Recovery as a Service
050 – Public Cloud Storage
047 – Hosted Virtual Desktops
027 – Crisis management
026 – Backup site
024 – Cloud Storage Gateway
016 – Business Impact Analysis
014 – Data Deduplication
007 – IT service continuity
006 – Corporate Governance
006 – Copy Data Management
006 – Business Interruption
004 – Contingency Plan
003 – Command Center
001 – Hot site
000 – Load Forecasting
000 – Impact event
000 – Disaster risk reduction
000 – Disaster Accountability Project
000 – Cost-benefit analysis
000 – Continuous Operations
000 – Consortium Agreement
000 – Cloud Migration Tools


00059100 – Data recovery
00022600 – Disaster recovery
00011500 – Command Center
00004820 – Cost-benefit analysis
00004660 – Impact event
00004290 – Data Deduplication
00002790 – Business Interruption
00002760 – Copy Data Management
00002350 – Load Forecasting
00001800 – Corporate Governance
00001240 – Public Cloud Storage
00001210 – Crisis management
00000967 – Backup site
00000880 – Disaster recovery plan
00000734 – Contingency Plan
00000723 – Continuous Operations
00000493 – Disaster Recovery as a Service
00000479 – Business Impact Analysis
00000267 – Hot site
00000183 – Hosted Virtual Desktops
00000147 – Cloud Storage Gateway
00000053 – IT service continuity
00000040 – Consortium Agreement
00000021 – Disaster risk reduction
00000000 – Disaster Accountability Project
00000000 – Cloud Migration Tools

Books in print:

00027477 – Cost-benefit analysis
00010445 – Crisis management
00009246 – Command Center
00008625 – Contingency Plan
00002838 – Disaster recovery plan
00001837 – Data recovery
00001515 – Impact event
00001399 – Continuous Operations
00001228 – Disaster risk reduction
00000990 – Business Interruption
00000968 – Business Impact Analysis
00000520 – Hot site
00000419 – IT service continuity
00000339 – Load Forecasting
00000245 – Disaster Recovery as a Service
00000202 – Backup site
00000102 – Data Deduplication
00000073 – Consortium Agreement
00000039 – Hosted Virtual Desktops
00000032 – Public Cloud Storage
00000015 – Disaster Accountability Project
00000003 – Copy Data Management
00000000 – Disaster recovery
00000000 – Corporate Governance
00000000 – Cloud Storage Gateway
00000000 – Cloud Migration Tools

Instruction and courseware available content:

00148000 – Data recovery
00137000 – Command Center
00093500 – Disaster recovery
00069300 – Corporate Governance
00044800 – Crisis management
00027800 – Disaster risk reduction
00016900 – Cost-benefit analysis
00015800 – Contingency Plan
00013300 – Impact event
00008910 – Disaster recovery plan
00003850 – Disaster Recovery as a Service
00003400 – Business Interruption
00002760 – Hot site
00002450 – Data Deduplication
00002040 – Business Impact Analysis
00001230 – Public Cloud Storage
00000981 – Load Forecasting
00000720 – Backup site
00000507 – Hosted Virtual Desktops
00000468 – Continuous Operations
00000388 – IT service continuity
00000295 – Cloud Storage Gateway
00000168 – Copy Data Management
00000038 – Consortium Agreement
00000031 – Disaster Accountability Project
00000002 – Cloud Migration Tools

Start with Public Cloud Storage, Hosted Virtual Desktops, Cloud Migration Tools, and make the above top Predictive Analytics results happen:

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